BulingBuling - 《超出α的回报》 [ Better than Alpha ]



作者:Christopher Schelling

Better than Alpha

Three Steps to Capturing Excess Returns in a Changing World

By Christopher Schelling




Better than Alpha (2021) encourages investors to let go of their obsession with alpha – the amount an investment has returned compared to the market index. It explores what really drives returns, so you can build a successful portfolio and meet your investment goals instead of chasing rainbows.


* 希望做出更好的决定并改善其投资组合的投资者

* 对行为金融学有兴趣的人

* 任何想看穿炒作并了解阿尔法真相的人

Who is it for?

* Investors who want to make better decisions and improve their portfolios

* People with an interest in behavioral finance

* Anyone who wants to see through the hype and learn the truth about alpha



About the author

Christopher Schelling is an experienced institutional investor who has allocated $5 billion throughout his 20-year career. He currently serves as Managing Director at Windmuehle Funds in Austin, Texas. He’s also a contributor to publications such as Institutional Investor and the Wall Street Journal.

1, What’s in it for me? An intelligent approach to investing.

[ 本书讲了什么?一种明智的投资方法 ]


Investors tend to be obsessed with finding alpha; they want to maximize returns on their investments and beat the market.But alpha is not always what it seems – a closer analysis of investments often reveals that this so-called alpha is something else entirely.


After years of experience in the world of institutional investing, the author has found an alternative strategy. There’s a smarter way to meet your investment outcomes, and it starts with radically rethinking your ideas about success.


Alpha is not the be-all and end-all – there’s something even better.


    * 对阿尔法的追求往往是注定要失败的。

    * 为什么你不应该总是相信你的直觉;以及

    * 沃伦-巴菲特的成功秘诀之一。

In these blinks you’ll learn

* that the quest for alpha is often doomed to fail;

* why you shouldn’t always trust your intuition; and

* one of the secrets of Warren Buffet’s success.

2, Alpha is enticing – but it's also unreliable and easily manipulated.

[ 阿尔法是诱人的--但它也是不可靠的,容易被操纵的 ]


Alpha. If there’s one thing you share with your fellow investors, it’s probably a fascination with this alluring and elusive target. But, just like a beautiful mirage, alpha seems to disappear on closer inspection.


Before we examine this mystery in more detail, let’s take a moment to define alpha – a term that’s often misused. Alpha is the excess return of an investment relative to the benchmark index. In other words, alpha is basically a measurement of how well an investor is beating the market. By contrast, beta is the index return that’s achieved through passive ownership of securities in a specific market.


As an investor, you want alpha – not beta. However, that’s easier said than done.

这里的关键信息是:阿尔法是诱人的 - 但它也是不可靠的,容易被操纵。

The key message here is: Alpha is enticing – but it's also unreliable and easily manipulated.


Managers can easily distort alpha to suit their own ends. By picking their own index and choosing an easy-to-beat beta, they can present excess returns as alpha. But, as the saying goes, all that glitters is not gold. Close analysis often reveals that this so-called alpha is actually beta. This is why it’s so important for managers to use effective benchmarks before making the investment.


Alpha is frustratingly random and unreliable. It comes and goes. This trend is apparent in public markets, private equity, and hedge funds. The latter originally appeared to be an alpha success story, with hedge fund superstars like Warren Buffett and Barton Biggs making breathtaking returns.

但数据显示,自2005年以来,对冲基金的α值一直在下降。作者举了一个对冲基金的例子,它吹嘘的历史回报是 "100%的纯阿尔法"--但仅仅几年后就崩溃了。

But the data shows that since 2005, hedge fund alpha has been in decline. The author gives the example of one hedge fund that boasted historical returns of “100% pure alpha” – only to collapse just a few years later.


The erratic nature of alpha poses a particular problem for large asset owners, who may suddenly have to rethink their allocations of billions or trillions of dollars in capital. When you’re dealing with such a vast pool of capital, it’s a little like piloting a huge aircraft. It takes awhile to get up to speed, and you can’t suddenly change direction.


Individual investors also need to be cautious. As alternative investments like private equity and hedge funds become available for individuals, more people risk being misled by the alpha mirage.


It’s easy to fall for the hype or get confused by acronyms and buzzwords. In the next blink, we’ll take a closer look at the true nature of alpha – without the jargon.

3, True alpha is in decline because of the boom in market factors and data.

[ 由于市场的各种因素和数据的快速发展,真正的阿尔法正在下降 ]


We often make the mistake of viewing alpha in simplistic terms, when it’s actually much more nuanced. Alpha isn't absolute; it exists along a spectrum.


First, there’s true alpha. This is the generation of excess returns only through selecting securities that differ from the market. This kind of alpha is truly beating the market without tilts like sector bets or dividends.


Manufactured alpha, on the other hand, involves the creation of value through changes. For instance, if a manager buys a run-down apartment with plans to renovate it and increase its value, that’s a kind of manufactured alpha.


Transitional alpha is temporary and unpredictable. This kind of alpha can be generated by holding an asset for a period of time until prices normalize.


Most investors are hoping to find true alpha, which is idiosyncratic, and increasingly hard to come by.


Here’s the key message: True alpha is in decline because of the boom in market factors and data.


Searching for true alpha is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And unfortunately, the needle is getting smaller, while the haystack is getting bigger. Studies show an accelerated decline in true alpha, which is rapidly disappearing and turning into beta.


One explanation is the dramatic increase in factors – the elements that drive returns, such as market capitalization or volatility. Alpha is a residual, so it’s inevitably had a corresponding decline. If there are more factors, there’s less left over for alpha.


Another part of the problem is the data explosion. The Library of Congress has more than 32 million books – a collection acquired over 200 years. Now, in a single day, the world creates an amount of new data equivalent to 250 Libraries of Congress. That’s right: every single day.


We simply can’t keep up with the amount of information that exists.


Clearly, the techniques that worked in the past are no longer applicable. To find alpha and improve portfolio outcomes, we’ll have to do things differently. And we can’t simply rely on technology – human intelligence and creativity are still required for complex investment decisions.


One option is to look for alpha in different places; opportunities exist in areas where there’s a short supply of capital and information. Another option is to manufacture alpha, which is easier than finding true alpha. It could be argued, however, that our priorities are misplaced. Alpha aside, if we want to make successful investment decisions, we’ll have to change the way we think.

4, We’re often led astray by cognitive biases – so don’t blindly trust your intuition.

[ 我们经常被认知偏见带入歧途--所以不要盲目地相信你的直觉 ]


Imagine the following experiment, conducted by a primitive human. A man drops a few rocks into a river, followed by some logs. He notices a pattern: the rocks always sink, while the logs always float. He concludes that rocks are inherently heavier than logs.

但他错了。这种推理是被称为 "固有启发式 "的认知偏见的一个例子。我们有一种识别模式的倾向--然后把它变成一种解释性的叙述。这是一种肤浅的思维方式,但我们一直在这样做,因为这比分析性思考更容易。

But he’s wrong. This kind of reasoning is an example of the cognitive bias known as the inherence heuristic. We have a tendency to identify a pattern – and then turn it into an explanatory narrative. It’s a superficial way of thinking, but we do it all the time because it’s easier than thinking analytically.

这里有一个关键的信息: 我们经常被认知偏差引入歧途--所以不要盲目相信你的直觉。

Here’s the key message: We’re often led astray by cognitive biases – so don’t blindly trust your intuition.


Investors are misled by the inherence heuristic too. The illiquidity premium, or the extra return an investor could receive on bonds that aren’t traded heavily, is one example. Historically, certain publicly traded assets have outperformed. But we can’t assume that outperformance is a permanent or inherent feature of these assets. Returns depend on all kinds of factors, such as dividend yield– how much a company pays to its shareholders each year relative to its stock price.


So let’s not jump to the conclusion that certain assets are guaranteed to perform well. If you think like that, you’re making the same mistake as the primitive man!


Without realizing it, we’re constantly being influenced by cognitive biases. For instance, we’re swayed by the confirmation bias – a preference for information that aligns with our existing beliefs. Or, in our eagerness to avoid loss, we get trapped by the sunk cost fallacy and hold on when we should let go.


To a certain degree, these biases are inevitable – we’re wired to think this way. But when it comes to complex financial decisions, our primitive brains struggle with making quick, accurate assessments.


So, with that in mind, should you really trust your intuition? Probably not. No one has a magical ability to beat the market, no matter how confident they might feel.


Going back to the rock experiment, we can see what really matters – knowledge. Through research, we now understand that it’s the density of atoms in an object that determines whether or not it floats. It’s not about any inherent qualities in a rock. Similarly, there’s probably another explanation for the apparent success of certain assets; we just need to look a little deeper.


To combat your natural limitations, keep learning. Warren Buffett reads for up to eight hours a day. Yes, it’s a high bar – but if you’re serious about success, you need to aim high!

5, Slow, analytical thinking should be reserved for big, impactful decisions.

[ 缓慢的、分析性的思考应该保留给重大的、有影响的决定 ]


So, our gut instincts are often wrong. Presumably, then, we should avoid making quick decisions and really think things through – right? Actually, it depends. Different kinds of thinking are useful in different situations.

让我们看看心理学家丹尼尔-卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)在《Thinking, Fast and Slow》中概述的模型。快速、直观的思维被称为系统1;相反,系统2包括较慢的、分析性的思维。系统2的思考通常会导致更准确的结果,但它也很累人。我们的精神能量是有限的。

Let’s look at the model outlined by the psychologist Daniel Kahneman in Thinking, Fast and Slow. Quick, intuitive thinking is called System 1; conversely, System 2 consists of slower, analytical thinking. System 2 thinking generally leads to more accurate outcomes, but it’s also exhausting. Our mental energy is finite.

例如,2011年一项关于以色列假释听证会的研究表明,听证会在上午举行的囚犯有65%的机会获得假释。对于在一天结束时举行听证会的囚犯,这一机会几乎降至零。法官们心力交瘁,所以他们开始依赖系统1的思维--自动对假释说 "不"。

For example, a 2011 study on Israeli parole hearings showed that inmates whose hearings took place in the morning had a 65 percent chance of being granted parole. For the inmates who had their hearings at the end of the day, that chance dropped to almost zero. Judges were worn out, so they started to rely on System 1 thinking – automatically saying “no” to parole.


It just goes to show that nobody has the stamina for System 2 thinking all day.

这里有一个关键信息: 缓慢的、分析性的思考应该保留给重大的、有影响的决定。

Here’s the key message: Slow, analytical thinking should be reserved for big, impactful decisions.


The average worker makes up to 40,000 decisions every day. Instead of spending time and energy on lots of little, insignificant decisions, we should aim to make fewer and bigger decisions – and make sure we get them right. That means relying on System 1 most of the time; we need to conserve our mental energy and only use System 2 for really important judgment calls.


What are the most important decision-making phases in the investment process? According to the author, we should reserve our System 2 thinking for the initial stages – setting policies and selecting asset allocation.


Let’s start by improving the first stage, policy setting. Decision-making should take place in an informal environment, so everyone with relevant knowledge is able to contribute. That way, you’re more likely to elicit the best ideas.


The first step of policy setting should include a detailed discussion of goals and a clear articulation of how success should be measured. The group also needs to define risk and decide on a timeline. Then, allow plenty of time for thorough research and careful deliberation of the policy and investment objectives.


Only then should you make the final decision. Once everything has been documented, produce a comprehensive investment policy statement; this will support your future decision-making. Use a similarly careful and methodical approach for asset allocation, and you’ll be well on your way to investment success.

6, Use the 5P framework during the due diligence process to improve your investment performance.

[ 在前期评估过程中使用5P框架来提高你的投资业绩 ]


We've discussed how to approach the initial stages of the investment process with in-depth, System 2 thinking. Most of the time, though, we have to depend on quick, unreliable System 1 thinking. How can we optimize good decision-making in these instances?


Let's look at the due diligence stage of the investment process; this involves a thorough investigation of a potential investment, including risk assessment and the evaluation of past performance. Compared to policy setting, due diligence is less strategic. You don’t need System 2 thinking here, but a framework can help you meet your objectives.


Here’s the key message: Use the 5P framework during the due diligence process to improve your investment performance.


This framework is based on five key factors, and they all begin with the letter P – performance, people, philosophy, process, and portfolio.


Two of these factors, performance and people, are about manager selection. When you’re choosing a manager, analyze their past performance so you can set realistic expectations for results. You should also look for a manager who embodies the qualities of intelligence, integrity, and intensity. In other words, you want an expert who is passionate about their work – and who you can trust completely.


You also need to consider the investment team’s work philosophy; their common goal should be accountability and empowerment. The team needs to be collaborative, share values, and have complementary skills.


Following the correct process is important too. For the best results, the manager needs to follow a consistent, predetermined process. As part of this process, analyze the portfolio in depth. Continue to actively monitor and manage the portfolio – ideally through tactical asset allocation and rebalancing.


Getting the due diligence right is crucial; research shows that it can make a significant impact on performance. For example, one study looked at angel investments on the startup platform Fundify. Investments in early startups can be risky – but according to the study’s findings, the deals that performed best were those where investors did at least 40 hours of due diligence.


Careful due diligence may or may not lead to alpha. But remember, your goal should be getting higher returns. If you take your time and follow the 5P framework, you’re a lot more likely to succeed.


So far, we’ve looked at how to improve decision-making and processes. Next, we’ll examine the final piece of the puzzle: governance.

7, For investment success, choose a leader who is experienced and charismatic.

[ 为了投资成功,选择一个有经验和有魅力的领导人 ]


When the wrong person ends up in charge, the results can be disastrous. One organization, the Dallas Fire and Police Pension, found itself in a very precarious financial position as a result of poorly judged real-estate investments. The chief administrator behind these investments lacked relevant experience. His professional background involved running a fast-food restaurant – and his idea of due diligence was taking luxurious vacations in places with potential investment opportunities.


Poor governance doesn’t always lead to financial disaster, but it’s bound to have a negative impact on investment performance. Many research studies on investment governance structures come to the same conclusion: choosing the wrong manager is one of the main predictors of poor investment outcomes.


Here’s the key message: For investment success, choose a leader who is experienced and charismatic.


It’s clear that picking a good leader should be a priority. However, a person who seems qualified on paper may not be the best choice for your organization. For instance, some experts might make reasonably competent leaders. But without inherent charisma, they’ll struggle to motivate their team.


Think of a leader like Donald Trump, for example. Whatever your political beliefs, there’s no denying Trump’s strong charisma and his ability to influence and motivate people. Investment leaders need to be charismatic too.


Experience is another essential leadership quality. An experienced professional is usually better at evaluating risks and making decisions. The connection between experience and decision-making was demonstrated in a 2001 study published in the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. Like investors, nurses often have to make assessments about the future based on a wide variety of inputs – and often without perfect knowledge. Experienced nurses are able to make more accurate diagnoses. Similarly, a professional who has seen 2,000 hedge funds is likely to make better decisions than a manager who’s only seen a few.


So, to sum up, the ideal leader is powerful, motivational, and competent – an experienced expert. And remember, to get results, this leader needs to be in the right place. The most effective organizations put charismatic experts in positions of hierarchical authority. If you can’t put experts in hierarchical positions, push the actual authority to those that are most qualified, regardless of their title.


With the right people in charge, you can eliminate inefficiency and make it much easier to meet your investment objectives. And unlike alpha, the choice of manager is something you can control.

8, Instead of chasing alpha, use proven strategies to shift the odds in your favor.

[ 与其追逐阿尔法,不如使用经过验证的策略,将胜算转移到你身上 ]


The myth of the investor with a Midas touch is just that – a myth. Despite all the hype, alpha mostly remains out of reach. Does that mean it’s time to give up on alpha once and for all?


Essentially, the answer is yes. As we’ve seen, alpha is elusive and enigmatic. Once you start looking at the data for public markets, it’s clear that most excess returns were never alpha to begin with. In hindsight, it was probably a result of factors – or pure luck. So if you’re working in public markets, you’re better off forgetting alpha. Instead, direct your efforts toward getting indexes and factor exposures at the lowest possible prices.


It’s a similar story in private markets, where alpha is becoming harder and harder to find. If you want excess returns, you’ll have to be innovative – and know where to look. To increase your chances for success, work with smaller, more nimble managers. The recommendation of expert investor Larry Siegel is to look for someone who can actually teach you something new.


Here’s the key message: Instead of chasing alpha, use proven strategies to shift the odds in your favor.


What’s the point in worrying about alpha and beating a benchmark if the returns are good? Ultimately, what really matters is the total net return. If you meet your objectives – even if it requires a bit of volatility or illiquidity – that’s true success.


The State of Wisconsin Investment Board is a good example. This organization uses smart governance strategies and sustainable, rules-based processes. They also have a highly knowledgeable expert presiding over the investments. Year after year, they consistently outperform their policy benchmark.


Thanks to sensible investment processes and decision-making, the Board improved its chances of success and got fantastic results. It even achieved alpha!


Any investor can learn from this wise approach. Going forward, adopt a more intelligent, scientific approach to investing – and keep an open mind. Of course, there’s always going to be an element of chance, and you’ll probably make some small mistakes along the way. But the key is to treat everything as a learning experience.


So, as you plan your next investment, forget about alpha and the Midas touch. It's up to you and your organization to create the gold.

9, Final summary [ 最后的总结 ]



The key message in these blinks:

In the pursuit of alpha, investors often end up on a wild-goose chase. Finding alpha has always been rather hit-or-miss; these days, it’s even more difficult – so don’t waste your time and energy! Instead, focus on improving your decision-making, following a solid framework, and establishing strong governance. You’ll have a much higher chance of getting good returns – and, at the end of the day, that’s so much better than alpha.



Actionable advice:

If something works well, systemize it.


Make the investment process more efficient and accurate by automating certain steps. For example, create checklists to find the best managers. Think of it as a preventative measure against future errors – those inevitable shortcomings caused by System 1 thinking!







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