PublishFolderCleaner – Github
.Net 8
Program.cs 代码
// System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;// 名称, 不用写 .exe
var exeName = "AbpDemo";
// 目录
var publishFolder = "D:\\Work\\CSharpProject\\AbpDemo\\AbpDemo\\bin\\Debug\\net8.0";const string libFolderName = "lib";
var libFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(publishFolder, libFolderName));
var tempFolder = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(publishFolder, @"..", Path.GetRandomFileName()));
Directory.Move(publishFolder, tempFolder);
Directory.Move(tempFolder, libFolder);var appHostFilePath = Path.Combine(libFolder, exeName + ".exe");
var newAppHostFilePath = Path.Combine(publishFolder, exeName + ".exe");File.Move(appHostFilePath, newAppHostFilePath);Patch(newAppHostFilePath, Path.Combine("lib", exeName + ".dll"));/// <summary>
/// 这里有 1024 个 byte 空间用来决定加载路径
/// 详细请看 dotnet runtime\src\installer\corehost\corehost.cpp 的注释
/// </summary>
const int MaxPathBytes = 1024;int Patch(string appHostExe, string newPath)
{try{var origPath = Path.GetFileName(ChangeExecutableExtension(appHostExe));if (!File.Exists(appHostExe)){Console.WriteLine($"AppHost '{appHostExe}' does not exist");return 1;}if (origPath == string.Empty){Console.WriteLine("Original path is empty");return 1;}var origPathBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(origPath + "\0");Debug.Assert(origPathBytes.Length > 0);var newPathBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newPath + "\0");if (origPathBytes.Length > MaxPathBytes){Console.WriteLine($"Original path is too long");return 1;}if (newPathBytes.Length > MaxPathBytes){Console.WriteLine($"New path is too long");return 1;}var appHostExeBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(appHostExe);int offset = GetOffset(appHostExeBytes, origPathBytes);if (offset < 0){Console.WriteLine($"Could not find original path '{origPath}'");return 1;}if (offset + newPathBytes.Length > appHostExeBytes.Length){Console.WriteLine($"New path is too long: {newPath}");return 1;}for (int i = 0; i < newPathBytes.Length; i++)appHostExeBytes[offset + i] = newPathBytes[i];File.WriteAllBytes(appHostExe, appHostExeBytes);return 0;}catch (Exception ex){Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());return 1;}
}string ChangeExecutableExtension(string apphostExe) =>// Windows apphosts have an .exe extension. Don't call Path.ChangeExtension() unless it's guaranteed// to have an .exe extension, eg. 'some.file' => 'some.file.dll', not 'some.dll'apphostExe.EndsWith(".exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? Path.ChangeExtension(apphostExe, ".dll") : apphostExe + ".dll";int GetOffset(byte[] bytes, byte[] pattern)
{int si = 0;var b = pattern[0];while (si < bytes.Length){si = Array.IndexOf(bytes, b, si);if (si < 0)break;if (Match(bytes, si, pattern))return si;si++;}return -1;
}bool Match(byte[] bytes, int index, byte[] pattern)
{if (index + pattern.Length > bytes.Length)return false;for (int i = 0; i < pattern.Length; i++){if (bytes[index + i] != pattern[i])return false;}return true;