

搜索:focussend.com ,还有更多营销好文供您阅览,从渠道获客、线索整合管理、内容社交裂变、潜客自动培育到市场成效追踪



1. 掌握客户不下单的原因

1.1 观望和犹豫


1.2 价格因素


1.3 供应商比选


1.4 对产品品质存在疑虑


2. 销冠年底工作安排

2.1 春节前4周工作计划

第1周: 市场分析与客户沟通

第2周: 订单处理与生产协调

第3周: 物流与支持服务

第4周: 内部协作与文档准备

2.2 春节前最后几天工作安排




2.3 春节期间工作安排




1. 提醒客户即将而至的节假日

“Chinese New Year is around the corner, and since the factory is closed during the holiday, we’d like to help you plan the time in advance if your order is urgent.”

2. 工厂生产需要排单

“Busy production is approaching. Kindly inform you that our factory is working at full capacity. The earlier you place the order, the sooner we can schedule the production plan.”

3. 公司促销推广活动

“We wish if we can spare you a few minutes. Here is our super Spring Festival sale. The discount is even up to 30% off.”

4. 公司清仓/清库存活动

“We would like to announce that we will be having a Spring Festival Clearance Sale. We will be offering up to 30% discount on all the items of the attached list starting from [开始日期] to [结束日期]. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis.”

5. 物流旺季需要排仓

“Because of the busy production season, we need to queue for the available shipping space. Please make your decision as soon as possible to avoid further delay.”


邮件示例 1:

Subject: Secure Your Order Before the Spring Festival Rush - Act Now!
Dear [客户名称],
I hope this message finds you well. With the Spring Festival on the horizon, I wanted to reach out and ensure that your inventory is well prepared for the upcoming seasonal demand. Our production schedule is filling up rapidly as we approach the holiday season, and we anticipate a significant increase in order volume in the coming weeks. To ensure that your orders are processed and delivered without delay, we kindly encourage you to place your orders before [具体的截止日期].
Placing your order now will not only secure your inventory but also provide you with a competitive edge in your market. With the pre-holiday rush, freight carriers may also experience delays, and by ordering early, we can work together to ensure timely delivery. Our team is ready to support you in finalizing your requirements and answer any questions you may have. We value our partnership and look forward to helping you maintain a smooth and successful operation during this busy period. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any assistance with your ordering process. We are here to ensure that your needs are met with the highest level of service.

Warm regards,

邮件示例 2:

Subject: Final Reminder: Place Your Orders Now to Avoid Spring Festival Delays
Dear [客户名称],
As we rapidly approach our national Spring Festival holiday, I am writing to you with a gentle reminder about the upcoming production deadline. The festival period will commence from [具体假期开始日期],
during which our manufacturing facilities will be closed. We are committed to delivering your products on time, but to do so, we must receive your confirmed orders by [最后下单日期].
To facilitate a smooth transition and avoid any potential disruptions in supply, we encourage you to review your current stock levels and upcoming requirements. Your foresight in placing orders now will help ensure continuous availability of products for your valued customers. We understand that planning ahead can be challenging, but our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Please let us know if there are any projects or orders we can expedite on your behalf before our holiday shutdown. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and we appreciate your understanding. We look forward to your orders and are excited to continue our fruitful cooperation in the coming year.

Best regards,



· 邮件营销自动化,提升邮件精细化运营的打开率和转化率。

· 根据用户全生命周期制定连续的营销策略,多渠道联动,实现企业的降本增效。

· 利用标签、分组、评分系统形成用户360°画像,实现个性化的精准邮件营销。

· 监测邮件触达后的用户轨迹,接入智能表单,打通邮件与社交媒体和微信生态,优化客户全生命周期的邮件运营策略。



感谢您读到这里,期望能通过我的分享给到您一些营销推广上的思路与帮助。 如果您对我们非常感兴趣,欢迎进入:focussend.com
或拨打电话:4006 687 697





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