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1. C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition
C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition
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C++ Primer Plus 第 6 版 中文版
2. C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition (PDF)
3. Table of Contents
C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition
Table of Contents
C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition
New C++11 CoverageChapter 1: Getting Started with C++Learning C++: What Lies Before YouThe Origins of C++: A Little HistoryPortability and StandardsThe Mechanics of Creating a ProgramChapter 2: Setting Out to C++C++ InitiationC++ StatementsMore C++ StatementsFunctionsChapter 3: Dealing with DataSimple VariablesThe const QualifierFloating-Point NumbersC++ Arithmetic OperatorsChapter 4: Compound TypesIntroducing ArraysStringsIntroducing the string ClassIntroducing StructuresUnionsEnumerationsPointers and the Free StorePointers, Arrays, and Pointer ArithmeticCombinations of TypesArray AlternativesChapter 5: Loops and Relational ExpressionsIntroducing for LoopsThe while LoopThe do while LoopThe Range-Based for Loop (C++11)Loops and Text InputNested Loops and Two-Dimensional ArraysChapter 6: Branching Statements and Logical OperatorsThe if StatementLogical ExpressionsThe cctype Library of Character FunctionsThe ?: OperatorThe switch StatementThe break and continue StatementsNumber-Reading LoopsSimple File Input/OutputChapter 7: Functions: C++’s Programming ModulesFunction ReviewFunction Arguments and Passing by ValueFunctions and ArraysFunctions and Two-Dimensional ArraysFunctions and C-Style StringsFunctions and StructuresFunctions and string Class ObjectsFunctions and array ObjectsRecursionPointers to FunctionsChapter 8: Adventures in FunctionsC++ Inline FunctionsReference VariablesDefault ArgumentsFunction OverloadingFunction TemplatesChapter 9: Memory Models and NamespacesSeparate CompilationStorage Duration, Scope, and LinkageNamespacesChapter 10: Objects and ClassesProcedural and Object-Oriented ProgrammingAbstraction and ClassesClass Constructors and DestructorsKnowing Your Objects: The this PointerAn Array of ObjectsClass ScopeAbstract Data TypesChapter 11: Working with ClassesOperator OverloadingTime on Our Hands: Developing an Operator Overloading ExampleIntroducing FriendsOverloaded Operators: Member Versus Nonmember FunctionsMore Overloading: A Vector ClassAutomatic Conversions and Type Casts for ClassesChapter 12: Classes and Dynamic Memory AllocationDynamic Memory and ClassesThe New, Improved String ClassThings to Remember When Using new in ConstructorsObservations About Returning ObjectsUsing Pointers to ObjectsReviewing TechniquesA Queue SimulationChapter 13: Class InheritanceBeginning with a Simple Base ClassInheritance: An Is-a RelationshipPolymorphic Public InheritanceStatic and Dynamic BindingAccess Control: protectedAbstract Base ClassesInheritance and Dynamic Memory AllocationClass Design ReviewChapter 14: Reusing Code in C++Classes with Object MembersPrivate InheritanceMultiple InheritanceClass TemplatesChapter 15: Friends, Exceptions, and MoreFriendsNested ClassesExceptionsRuntime Type IdentificationType Cast OperatorsChapter 16: The string Class and the Standard Template LibraryThe string ClassSmart Pointer Template ClassesThe Standard Template LibraryGeneric ProgrammingFunction Objects (a.k.a. Functors)AlgorithmsOther LibrariesChapter 17: Input, Output, and FilesAn Overview of C++ Input and OutputOutput with coutInput with cinFile Input and OutputIncore FormattingChapter 18: Visiting with the New C++ StandardC++11 Features RevisitedMove Semantics and the Rvalue ReferenceNew Class FeaturesLambda FunctionsWrappersVariadic TemplatesMore C++11 FeaturesLanguage ChangeWhat Now?AppendixesA Number BasesB C++ Reserved WordsC The ASCII Character SetD Operator PrecedenceE Other OperatorsF The stringTemplate ClassG The Standard Template Library Methods and FunctionsH Selected Readings and Internet ResourcesI Converting to ISO Standard C++J Answers to Chapter Reviews
[1] Yongqiang Cheng, https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/
[2] C++ Primer Plus 第 6 版 中文版, https://shenjun4cplusplus.github.io/cplusplushtml/
[3] C++ Primer Plus 第六版中文版原书代码和习题解答, https://github.com/ShujiaHuang/Cpp-Primer-Plus-6th