STM32 利用FlashDB库实现在线扇区数据管理不丢失
- 📍FalshDB地址:
- 🌿FlashDB库,目前包含STM32F1、F4的相关Keil MDK demo现成的工程例程,可以直接测试使用,可以移植到STM32其他型号单片机上使用。目前是支持STM32和esp8266的。
- 🧨移植指南:
- 🔖个人使用的是STM32F427进行demo测试,测试结果和说明文档内容相符。
- 🥕以下内容是该项目作者的对其的相关内容的介绍:
- 🎉如今,物联网产品种类越来越多,运行时产生的数据种类及总量及也在不断变大。FlashDB 提供了多样化的数据存储方案,不仅资源占用小,并且存储容量大,非常适合用于物联网产品。下面是主要应用场景:
- 键值数据库 :
- 产品参数存储
- 用户配置信息存储
- 小文件管理
- 时序数据库 :
存储动态产生的结构化数据:如 温湿度传感器采集的环境监测信息,智能手环实时记录的人体健康信息等
KVDB 键值数据库介绍
- 🌿KVDB 的基础功能的使用:
void kvdb_basic_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb)
{struct fdb_blob blob;int boot_count = 0;FDB_INFO("==================== kvdb_basic_sample ====================\n");{ /* GET the KV value *//* get the "boot_count" KV value */fdb_kv_get_blob(kvdb, "boot_count", fdb_blob_make(&blob, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count)));/* the blob.saved.len is more than 0 when get the value successful */if (blob.saved.len > 0) {FDB_INFO("get the 'boot_count' value is %d\n", boot_count);} else {FDB_INFO("get the 'boot_count' failed\n");}}{ /* CHANGE the KV value *//* increase the boot count */boot_count ++;/* change the "boot_count" KV's value */fdb_kv_set_blob(kvdb, "boot_count", fdb_blob_make(&blob, &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count)));FDB_INFO("set the 'boot_count' value to %d\n", boot_count);}FDB_INFO("===========================================================\n");
- 🌿字符串类型 KV
字符串 KV 的相关功能,字符串 KV 作为一个特殊的 KV 类型,其 Key 与 Value 均为字符串,常被用于参数存储、命令存储等可读性要求较高的场景。
void kvdb_type_string_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb)
{FDB_INFO("==================== kvdb_type_string_sample ====================\n");{ /* CREATE new Key-Value */char temp_data[10] = "36C";/* It will create new KV node when "temp" KV not in database. */fdb_kv_set(kvdb, "temp", temp_data);FDB_INFO("create the 'temp' string KV, value is: %s\n", temp_data);}{ /* GET the KV value */char *return_value, temp_data[10] = { 0 };/* Get the "temp" KV value.* NOTE: The return value saved in fdb_kv_get's buffer. Please copy away as soon as possible.*/return_value = fdb_kv_get(kvdb, "temp");/* the return value is NULL when get the value failed */if (return_value != NULL) {strncpy(temp_data, return_value, sizeof(temp_data));FDB_INFO("get the 'temp' value is: %s\n", temp_data);}}{ /* CHANGE the KV value */char temp_data[10] = "38C";/* change the "temp" KV's value to "38C" */fdb_kv_set(kvdb, "temp", temp_data);FDB_INFO("set 'temp' value to %s\n", temp_data);}{ /* DELETE the KV by name */fdb_kv_del(kvdb, "temp");FDB_INFO("delete the 'temp' finish\n");}FDB_INFO("===========================================================\n");
- 遍历所有 KV
遍历 KVDB 中的所有 KV ,用户可以在遍历 KV 时增加自己的处理动作。
- 首先初始化了 KVDB 的迭代器,然后使用迭代器 API ,将 KVDB 的所有 KV 逐一遍历出来。
遍历出来的 KV 对象含有 KV 的一些属性,包括:key name, value saved addr, value length 等,用户通过fdb_blob_read
void kvdb_tarversal_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb)
{struct fdb_kv_iterator iterator;fdb_kv_t cur_kv;struct fdb_blob blob;size_t data_size;uint8_t *data_buf;fdb_kv_iterator_init(kvdb, &iterator);while (fdb_kv_iterate(kvdb, &iterator)) {cur_kv = &(iterator.curr_kv);data_size = (size_t) cur_kv->value_len;data_buf = (uint8_t *) malloc(data_size);if (data_buf == NULL) {FDB_INFO("Error: malloc failed.\n");break;}fdb_blob_read((fdb_db_t) kvdb, fdb_kv_to_blob(cur_kv, fdb_blob_make(&blob, data_buf, data_size)));/** balabala do what ever you like with blob...*/free(data_buf);}
- 二进制大对象 (BLOB)
- TSDB 基础示例,具体介绍:
- 该示例主要演示了 TSDB 的基础功能,包括 TSL(时序记录)的追加、查询及状态修改功能。
samples/tsdb_sample.c ,包含追加、查询及状态修改这几个过程,大致代码如下:
void tsdb_sample(fdb_tsdb_t tsdb)
{struct fdb_blob blob;FDB_INFO("==================== tsdb_sample ====================\n");{ /* APPEND new TSL (time series log) */struct env_status status;/* append new log to TSDB */status.temp = 36;status.humi = 85;fdb_tsl_append(tsdb, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status)));FDB_INFO("append the new status.temp (%d) and status.humi (%d)\n", status.temp, status.humi);status.temp = 38;status.humi = 90;fdb_tsl_append(tsdb, fdb_blob_make(&blob, &status, sizeof(status)));FDB_INFO("append the new status.temp (%d) and status.humi (%d)\n", status.temp, status.humi);}{ /* QUERY the TSDB *//* query all TSL in TSDB by iterator */fdb_tsl_iter(tsdb, query_cb, tsdb);}{ /* QUERY the TSDB by time *//* prepare query time (from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to 2020-05-05 00:00:00) */struct tm tm_from = { .tm_year = 1970 - 1900, .tm_mon = 0, .tm_mday = 1, .tm_hour = 0, .tm_min = 0, .tm_sec = 0 };struct tm tm_to = { .tm_year = 2020 - 1900, .tm_mon = 4, .tm_mday = 5, .tm_hour = 0, .tm_min = 0, .tm_sec = 0 };time_t from_time = mktime(&tm_from), to_time = mktime(&tm_to);size_t count;/* query all TSL in TSDB by time */fdb_tsl_iter_by_time(tsdb, from_time, to_time, query_by_time_cb, tsdb);/* query all FDB_TSL_WRITE status TSL's count in TSDB by time */count = fdb_tsl_query_count(tsdb, from_time, to_time, FDB_TSL_WRITE);FDB_INFO("query count is: %u\n", count);}{ /* SET the TSL status *//* Change the TSL status by iterator or time iterator* set_status_cb: the change operation will in this callback** NOTE: The actions to modify the state must be in orderC.* like: FDB_TSL_WRITE -> FDB_TSL_USER_STATUS1 -> FDB_TSL_DELETED -> FDB_TSL_USER_STATUS2* The intermediate states can also be ignored.* such as: FDB_TSL_WRITE -> FDB_TSL_DELETED*/fdb_tsl_iter(tsdb, set_status_cb, tsdb);}FDB_INFO("===========================================================\n");