



本期视频我们介绍了如何通过模板快速开始MemFire Cloud项目,简单了解了模板代码内置的功能,同时演示了一下如何配置并运行我们的模板代码。


注册登录MemFire Cloud平台,创建一个应用;


npx create-react-app --template memfire-react-template <your_project_name>


vue create --preset memfire-cloud/memfire-vue-tempalte <your_project_name>


-- 创建用户信息表
CREATE TABLE "public"."profile" ( "id" uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,"created_at" timestamp default now() ,"email" TEXT,"user_name" TEXT,"avatar" VARCHAR,"introduction" VARCHAR
-- 创建todo表
CREATE TABLE "public"."todo_list" ( "id" SERIAL,"created_at" timestamp default now() ,"user_id" uuid references public.profile not null,"todo" VARCHAR NOT NULL"completed" BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
-- 创建实时聊天记录表
CREATE TABLE "public"."messages" ( "id" SERIAL,"user_id" uuid references public.profile not null,"created_at" timestamp default now() ,"message" TEXT NOT NULL,"user_name" TEXT NOT NULL,"avatar" VARCHAR NOT NULL
-- Set up Row Level Security (RLS)
alter table todo_list enable row level security;-- 用户只能删改查自己的todo
create policy "Users can select their own todo_list."on todo_list for selectusing ( auth.uid() = user_id );create policy "Users can insert their own todo_list."on todo_list for insertwith check ( auth.uid() = user_id );create policy "Users can update own todo_list."on todo_list for updateusing ( auth.uid() = user_id );create policy "Users can delete own todo_list."on todo_list for deleteusing ( auth.uid() = user_id );-- 人员信息列表每个人都可以访问
alter table accountenable row level security;create policy "Public account are viewable by everyone." on accountfor select using (true);create policy "Users can insert their own account." on accountfor insert with check (true);create policy "Users can select their own account." on accountfor update using (true);create policy "Users can delete their own account." on accountfor delete using (true);-- 聊天信息表每个人都可以查询数据;只有用户自己才能发送消息。alter table messagesenable row level security;create policy "Public messages are viewable by everyone." on messagesfor select using (true);create policy "Users can insert their own messages." on messagesfor insert with check (auth.uid() = user_id);/*** REALTIME SUBSCRIPTIONS* 只允许在公共表进行实时监听。*/begin;-- remove the realtime publicationdrop publication if exists supabase_realtime;-- re-create the publication but don't enable it for any tablescreate publication supabase_realtime;
commit;-- add tables to the publication
alter publication supabase_realtime add table public.messages;-- 创建存储桶
insert into storage.buckets (id, name)values ('avatars', 'avatars');insert into storage.buckets (id, name)
values ('files', 'files');-- Set up access controls for storage.
create policy "files images are publicly accessible." on storage.objectsfor select using ( true );create policy "Own can upload an files." on storage.objectsfor insert with check (true);create policy "Own can update their own files." on storage.objectsfor update using ( true );create policy "Own can delete their own files." on storage.objectsfor delete using ( true);





langchain agent 使用外部工具示例

示例1 室外计算机器与天气搜索引擎&#xff0c;但在使用天气查询的时候好像不可以用了 提示词模版&#xff1a;LangSmith import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from langchain_community.llms import Tongyi load_dotenv(key.env) # 指定加载 env 文件 key os.geten…

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吴恩达机器学习-实践实验室:协同过滤推荐系统(Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems)

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谷歌推出适用于安卓设备的“Find My Device”网络,功能类似苹果Find My

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Vue 移动端(H5)项目怎么实现页面缓存(即列表页面进入详情返回后列表页面缓存且还原页面滚动条位置)keep-alive缓存及清除keep-alive缓存

一、需求 产品要求&#xff1a;Vue移动端项目进入列表页&#xff0c;列表页需要刷新&#xff0c;而从详情页返回列表页&#xff0c;列表页则需要缓存并且还原页面滚动条位置 二、实现思路 1、使用Vue中的keep-alive组件&#xff0c;keep-alive提供了路由缓存功能 2、因为我项…


这是办公室里平常的一天。你刚刚发送完几封邮件&#xff0c;决定看一眼网站的最新指标。但当你读完数据后&#xff0c;眼睛瞪得大大的。"哦&#xff0c;不&#xff0c;"你大声说。"我的网站流量正在下降。 也许你的情况并非如此。即便如此&#xff0c;你也可能…


&#x1f31f;文章目录 &#x1f31f;AIGC简介&#x1f31f; AIGC的相关技术与特点&#x1f31f;AIGC有哪些应用场景&#xff1f;&#x1f31f;AIGC对其他行业影响&#x1f31f;面临的挑战与问题&#x1f31f;AIGC未来发展 &#x1f31f;AIGC十大热门网站推荐&#xff1a; 文心…


1、安装jupyter lab pip install jupyterlab # 启动 建议在指定的项目文件夹下 开启cmd窗口并执行 jupyter lab 启动后会自动打开浏览器访问 2、安装依赖 pip install matplotlib pip install xlrd pip install pandas 3、读取excel import pandas as pddf pd.read_excel(hi…


优质博文&#xff1a;IT-BLOG-CN 数据处理的基本目的是从多量的、可能是杂乱无章的、难以理解的数据中抽取并推导出有价值、有意义的数据。特别是金融数据&#xff0c;存在数据缺失&#xff0c;不完整以及极端异常值等问题&#xff0c;对于我们的分析和建模影响很多。 对于我…


PbootCMS官方在2023年4月21日的版本更新中&#xff08;对应V3.2.5版本&#xff09;&#xff0c;对URL参数添加了如下判断 if(stripos(URL,?) ! false && stripos(URL,/?tag) false && stripos(URL,/?page) false && stripos(URL,/?ext_) false…


1、变量定义 2、程序监控1 2、 程序监控2 3、程序监控3 机器人输送料和机构的动作安全尤为重要&#xff0c;下面我们讨论下安全联锁控制逻辑 4、相机拍照触发信号 5、相机拍照触发时序