时序分解 | Matlab实现RLMD鲁棒性局部均值分解
- 时序分解 | Matlab实现RLMD鲁棒性局部均值分解
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Matlab实现RLMD鲁棒性局部均值分解,可直接替换 Matlab语言
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鲁棒性局部均值分解(Robust Locally Mean Decomposition,简称RLMD)是一种信号处理方法,用于对复杂信号进行分解和分析。它是局部均值分解(Locally Mean Decomposition,简称LMD)的改进版本,旨在提高对噪声和干扰的鲁棒性。
- 完整源码和数据获取方式资源处下载Matlab实现RLMD鲁棒性局部均值分解。
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function [pfs, ams, fms, ort, fvs, iterNum] = lmd_public(x,varargin)
switch ma_iter_mode case 'fixed' % stick stepcntr = 0; % count times of moving averagemax_c = ceil(smax/span)*15; % theoretic% max_c = ceil(smax/(span-1));% nm = length(x);k = (span+1)/2;kmax = nm - (span-1)/2;while (k < kmax) && (cntr < max_c) % find flat stepif x(k) == x(k+1);x = smooth(x, span);cntr = cntr+1;k = k-1;endk = k+1;end% while ~isempty(find(diff(x)==0)) && (cntr < max_c)% % find(diff(x)==0)% x = smooth(x, span);% cntr = cntr+1;% endotherwiseerror('No specifications for ma_iter_mode.');end
end% Extend original data to refrain end effect
% ** Modified on emd by G.Rilling and P.Flandrin
% ** http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/patrick.flandrin/emd.html
function [ext_indmin, ext_indmax, ext_x, cut_index] = extend(x, indmin,...indmax, extd_r)
if extd_r == 0 % do not extend xext_indmin = indmin;ext_indmax = indmax;ext_x = x;cut_index = [1,length(x)];return
nbsym = ceil(extd_r*length(indmax)); % number of extrema in extending endif x(1) < x(indmax(1)) % first point < first maximumlmax = fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym)));lmin = fliplr(indmin(2:min(end,nbsym+1)));lsym = indmin(1);else % first point > first minimumlmax = [fliplr(indmax(1:min(end,nbsym-1))),1];lmin = fliplr(indmin(1:min(end,nbsym)));lsym = 1;end
end% right end extension
if indmax(end) < indmin(end) % last extremum is minimumif x(end) < x(indmax(end)) % last point < last maximumrmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end));rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym,1):end-1));rsym = indmin(end);else % last point > last maximumrmax = [xlen, fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+2,1):end))];rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end));rsym = xlen;end
else % last extremum is maximumif x(end) > x(indmin(end)) % last point > last minimumrmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym,1):end-1));rmin = fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end));rsym = indmax(end);else % last point < last minimumrmax = fliplr(indmax(max(end-nbsym+1,1):end));rmin = [xlen, fliplr(indmin(max(end-nbsym+2,1):end))];rsym = xlen;end
end% when two or more successive points have the same value we consider only
% one extremum in the middle of the constant area (only works if the signal
% is uniformly sampled)if any(d==0)imax = [];imin = [];bad = (d==0);dd = diff([0 bad 0]);debs = find(dd == 1);fins = find(dd == -1);if debs(1) == 1if length(debs) > 1debs = debs(2:end);fins = fins(2:end);elsedebs = [];fins = [];endendif ~isempty(debs)if fins(end) == mif length(debs) > 1debs = debs(1:(end-1));fins = fins(1:(end-1));elsedebs = [];fins = [];endendendlc = length(debs);if lc > 0for k = 1:lcif d(debs(k)-1) > 0if d(fins(k)) < 0% imax = [imax round((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)];endelseif d(fins(k)) > 0% imin = [imin round((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)];endendendendif ~isempty(imax)indmax = sort([indmax imax]);endif ~isempty(imin)indmin = sort([indmin imin]);endend
end% Compute the index of orthogonality
% ** Copied from emd toolbox by G.Rilling and P.Flandrin
% ** http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/patrick.flandrin/emd.html
function ort = io(x,pfs)
% ort = IO(x,pfs) computes the index of orthogonality
% inputs : - x : analyzed signal
% - pfs : production functionn = size(pfs,1);s = 0;for i = 1:nfor j =1:nif i~=js = s + abs(sum(pfs(i,:).*conj(pfs(j,:)))/sum(x.^2));endend
endort = 0.5*s;
end% Plot PF, Amplititude Signal and FM Signal
function lmdplot(pfs, ams, fms, smooth_mode)
t = 1:size(pfs,2);
pfn = size(pfs,1);
for pfi = 1:pfnsubplot(pfn,1,pfi);plot(t,pfs(pfi,:));if pfi < pfntitle(['PF',num2str(pfi),' (',smooth_mode,')']);elsetitle(['Residual',' (',smooth_mode,')']);end
for ai = 1:pfn-1subplot(pfn-1,1,ai);plot(t,ams(ai,:));title(['Amplititude Signal',num2str(ai),' (',smooth_mode,')']);
for fsi = 1:pfn-1subplot(pfn-1,1,fsi);plot(t,fms(fsi,:));title(['FM Signal',num2str(fsi),' (',smooth_mode,')']);
[1] https://blog.csdn.net/kjm13182345320/article/details/129215161
[2] https://blog.csdn.net/kjm13182345320/article/details/128105718