
Building semantic search with SentenceTransformers on AMD — ROCm Blogs

这篇博客解释了如何在Sentence Compression数据集上训练SentenceTransformers模型来执行语义搜索。使用BERT基础模型(不区分大小写)作为基础的变换器,并应用Hugging Face的PyTorch库。




基于AMD GPU的实现

案例在Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS系统ROCm 6.0.2和PyTorch 2.3.0版本进行。

$ python
Python 3.12.1 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Jan 19 2024, 15:51:05) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import torch
>>> torch.__version__


pip install datasets ipywidgets -U transformers sentence-transformers

从HF-Mirror - Huggingface 镜像站下载Sentence Compression 数据集:

./hfd.sh embedding-data/sentence-compression --dataset --tool aria2c -x 4

句子压缩(Sentence Compression)数据集包含18万对等价句子。这些句子对演示了如何把较长的句子压缩成较短的句子,同时保持相同的含义。


from datasets import load_dataset  # 从datasets库中导入load_dataset方法  
from sentence_transformers import InputExample, util  # 从sentence_transformers库中导入InputExample和util模块  
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader  # 从torch库中导入DataLoader类  
from torch import nn  # 从torch库中导入神经网络相关模块  
from sentence_transformers import losses  # 从sentence_transformers库中导入losses模块  
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, models  # 从sentence_transformers库中导入SentenceTransformer和models模块


dataset_id = "./sentence-compression"
dataset = load_dataset(dataset_id)


# 查看一个样本
['Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig will be speaking at St. Norbert College next month.',
'Bud Selig to speak at St. Norbert College']



# 转换数据集为所需格式
train_examples = []
train_data = dataset['train']['set']n_examples = dataset['train'].num_rows // 2  # 选择一半的数据集进行训练for example in train_data[:n_examples]:original_sentence = example[0]compressed_sentence = example[1]input_example = InputExample(texts=[original_sentence, compressed_sentence])train_examples.append(input_example)


# 使用训练样本实例化DataLoader
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_examples, shuffle=True, batch_size=16)


在句子转换器模型中,目的是将不定长的输入句子映射为一个固定大小的向量。首先,将输入句子传递给一个转换模型。在这个例子中,使用了BERT基础模型(不区分大小写版本)作为基础转换模型,它会输出输入句子中每个词的上下文化嵌入向量。获取到每个词的嵌入向量后,使用汇聚层(Pooling layer)来将这些向量整合为一个单独的句子嵌入向量。最后,通过添加一个全连接层(具有双曲正切激活函数的dense层)进行额外的变换。这个层的作用是降低汇聚后的句子嵌入向量的维度,同时使用非线性激活函数让模型能够捕捉数据中更复杂的模式。

# 创建一个自定义模型
# 使用一个已存在的嵌入模型
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer('bert-base-uncased', max_seq_length=256)# 对token嵌入向量使用汇聚函数
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension())# 全连接层
dense_model = models.Dense(in_features=pooling_model.get_sentence_embedding_dimension(), out_features=256, activation_function=nn.Tanh())# 定义整体模型
model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model, dense_model])



# 鉴于有等效句子对的数据集,选择MultipleNegativesRankingLoss
train_loss = losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss(model = model)
model.fit(train_objectives=[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], epochs = 5)



# 从 sentence_transformers 导入 SentenceTransformer 和 util
import torch# 待编码的句子们(文档/语料库)
sentences = ['Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France','The capital of France is Paris','Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food',"""Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival,which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled,much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country""","""Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere."""
]# 编码句子
sentences_embeddings = model.encode(sentences, convert_to_tensor=True)# 查询句子:
queries = ['Is Paris located in France?', 'Tell me something about Australia','music festival proceeding despite heavy rains','what is the process that some organisms use to transform light into chemical energy?']# 使用余弦相似度为每个查询寻找语料库中最接近的句子
for query in queries:# 编码当前查询query_embedding = model.encode(query, convert_to_tensor=True)# 余弦相似度及查询最接近的文档cos_scores = util.cos_sim(query_embedding, sentences_embeddings)[0] # 计算相似度得分top_results = torch.argsort(cos_scores, descending = True) # 得分降序排列print("\n\n======================\n\n")print("Query:", query)print("\nSimilar sentences in corpus:") # 输出语料库中相似的句子# 遍历输出与查询最相似的句子及其得分for idx in top_results:print(sentences[idx], "(Score: {:.4f})".format(cos_scores[idx]))


======================Query: Is Paris located in France?Similar sentences in corpus:
The capital of France is Paris (Score: 0.7907)
Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France (Score: 0.7081)Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.(Score: 0.0657)
Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food (Score: 0.0162)Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival,which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled,much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country(Score: -0.0934)======================Query: Tell me something about AustraliaSimilar sentences in corpus:
Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food (Score: 0.6730)
Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France (Score: 0.1489)
The capital of France is Paris (Score: 0.1146)Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival, which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled, much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country(Score: 0.0694)Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.(Score: -0.0241)======================Query: music festival proceeding despite heavy rainsSimilar sentences in corpus:Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival,which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled,much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country(Score: 0.7855)
Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France (Score: 0.0700)Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.(Score: 0.0351)
The capital of France is Paris (Score: 0.0037)
Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food (Score: -0.0552)======================Query: what is the process that some organisms use to transform light into chemical energy?Similar sentences in corpus:Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere.(Score: 0.6085)Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival,which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled,much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country(Score: 0.1370)
Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France (Score: 0.0141)
Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food (Score: 0.0102)
The capital of France is Paris (Score: -0.0128)


from datasets import load_dataset
from sentence_transformers import InputExample, util
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch import nn
from sentence_transformers import losses
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, modelsdataset_id = "./sentence-compression"
dataset = load_dataset(dataset_id)# 探索一个样本
train_examples = [] # 创建训练样本列表
train_data = dataset['train']['set'] # 获取训练数据集n_examples = dataset['train'].num_rows//2 # 选择数据集的一半进行训练# 遍历选定的样本并创建输入示例
for example in train_data[:n_examples]:original_sentence = example[0] # 原始句子compressed_sentence = example[1] # 压缩后的句子input_example = InputExample(texts = [original_sentence, compressed_sentence]) # 创建输入示例train_examples.append(input_example) # 将输入示例添加到列表中# 使用训练示例实例化数据加载器
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_examples, shuffle = True, batch_size = 16) # 初始化数据加载器# 创建自定义模型
# 使用现有的嵌入模型
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer('bert-base-uncased', max_seq_length=256) # 初始化词嵌入模型# 对令牌嵌入应用池化函数
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension()) # 初始化池化模型# 密集函数
dense_model = models.Dense(in_features=pooling_model.get_sentence_embedding_dimension(), out_features=256, activation_function=nn.Tanh()) # 初始化密集层模型# 定义整体模型
model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model, dense_model]) # 组装模型各层组件# 给定等效句子数据集,选择MultipleNegativesRankingLoss作为训练损失
train_loss = losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss(model = model) # 初始化训练损失
model.fit(train_objectives=[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], epochs = 5) # 训练模型# from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
import torch# 待编码的句子们(文档/语料库)
sentences = ['Paris, which is a city in Europe with traditions and remarkable food, is the capital of France','The capital of France is Paris','Australia is known for its traditions and remarkable food',"""Despite the heavy rains that lasted for most of the week, the outdoor music festival,which featured several renowned international artists, was able to proceed as scheduled,much to the delight of fans who had traveled from all over the country""","""Photosynthesis, a process used by plans and other organisms to convert light intochemical energy, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of oxygen and carbondioxide in the Earth's atmosphere."""
]# 编码句子
sentences_embeddings = model.encode(sentences, convert_to_tensor=True)# 查询句子:
queries = ['Is Paris located in France?', 'Tell me something about Australia','music festival proceeding despite heavy rains','what is the process that some organisms use to transform light into chemical energy?']# 使用余弦相似度为每个查询寻找语料库中最接近的句子
for query in queries:# 编码当前查询query_embedding = model.encode(query, convert_to_tensor=True)# 余弦相似度及查询最接近的文档cos_scores = util.cos_sim(query_embedding, sentences_embeddings)[0] # 计算相似度得分top_results = torch.argsort(cos_scores, descending = True) # 得分降序排列print("\n\n======================\n\n")print("Query:", query)print("\nSimilar sentences in corpus:") # 输出语料库中相似的句子# 遍历输出与查询最相似的句子及其得分for idx in top_results:print(sentences[idx], "(Score: {:.4f})".format(cos_scores[idx]))




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