使用 SSH 秘钥生成时产生疑惑,它的 randomart image 是如何生成的?下面进行了探索和研究
生成位数为 4096 位的 rsa 公私钥
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:zUAZt7Ydw2s0LQqupcMjvB1KtniGX344tnxl2CE3zUg root@ArchLinux
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
| oo. |
| ...Eo . |
| o.o+B . |
| ..*==o* |
| S==o+ |
| . . +. +. |
| .= O. o |
| .+oX++o |
| .+=.== |
醉酒的主教(drunken bishop)
定义场地宽为 17 个字符,高为 9 个字符,起点位于场地中心 (8, 4)
01234567890123456+-----------------+ x
0| |
1| |
2| |
3| |
4| S |
5| |
6| |
7| |
8| |+-----------------+y
以上面的秘钥指纹为例 SHA256:zUAZt7Ydw2s0LQqupcMjvB1KtniGX344tnxl2CE3zUg
首先通过 Base64 编码转换成 16进制 CD4019B7B61DC36B342D0AAEA5C323BC1D4AB678865F7E38B67C65D82137CD48
Hex | C D | 4 0 | 1 9 | B 7 | ...
Bits |11 00 11 01|01 00 00 00|00 01 10 01|10 11 01 11| ...
Steps | 4 3 2 1| 8 7 6 5|12 11 10 9|16 15 14 13| ...
得到数组 ['01', '11', '00', '11', '00', '00', '00', '01', '01', '10', '01', '00', '11', '01', '11', '10', ...]
定义移动方向 00 ↖
01 ↗
10 ↙
11 ↘
( 00 左上
01 右上
10 左下
11 右下
起点(start) : S
终点(end) : E
次数: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
字符: . o + = * B O X @ % & # / ^ S E
#!/usr/bin/env python# NOTE: Requires Python 3+
# usage: [-h] [--mode {md5,sha256}] fingerprint
# Generate randomart from fingerprint
# positional arguments:
# fingerprint
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --mode {md5,sha256}, -m {md5,sha256}import argparse
import base64def simulate_bishop_stumbles(steps):field = [[0] * 17 for _ in range(9)]start_position = (4, 8)direction_map = {"00": (-1, -1),"01": (-1, 1),"10": (1, -1),"11": (1, 1),}def clip_at_walls(x, y):return min(max(x, 0), 8), min(max(y, 0), 16)pos = start_positionfor step in steps:x, y = posfield[x][y] += 1dx, dy = direction_map[step]pos = clip_at_walls(x + dx, y + dy)x, y = start_positionfield[x][y] = 15x, y = posfield[x][y] = 16return fielddef get_steps(fingerprint_bytes):return ["{:02b}".format(b >> s & 3) for b in fingerprint_bytes for s in (0, 2, 4, 6)]def print_randomart(atrium, hash_mode):# Symbols for the number of times a position is visited by the bishop# White space means that the position was never visited# S and E are the start and end positionsvalue_symbols = " .o+=*BOX@%&#/^SE"print("+---[ n/a ]----+")for row in atrium:symbolic_row = [value_symbols[visits] for visits in row]print("|" + "".join(symbolic_row) + "|")print("+" + ("[" + hash_mode.upper() + "]").center(17, "-") + "+")def get_bytes(fingerprint, hash_mode):if hash_mode == "md5":return [int(i, 16) for i in fingerprint.split(":")]elif hash_mode == "sha256":missing_padding = 4 - (len(fingerprint) % 4)fingerprint += "=" * missing_paddingreturn base64.b64decode(fingerprint)raise RuntimeError("Unsupported hashing mode: {}".format(hash_mode))def get_argparser():parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate randomart from fingerprint")parser.add_argument("--mode", "-m", choices=["md5", "sha256"], default="sha256")parser.add_argument("fingerprint", type=str)return parserdef drunken_bishop(fingerprint, hash_mode):fingerprint_bytes = get_bytes(fingerprint, hash_mode)steps = get_steps(fingerprint_bytes)atrium_state = simulate_bishop_stumbles(steps)print_randomart(atrium_state, hash_mode)if __name__ == "__main__":parser = get_argparser()args = parser.parse_args()drunken_bishop(args.fingerprint, args.mode)
python --mode sha256 zUAZt7Ydw2s0LQqupcMjvB1KtniGX344tnxl2CE3zUg
+---[ n/a ]----+
| oo. |
| ...Eo . |
| o.o+B . |
| ..*==o* |
| S==o+ |
| . . +. +. |
| .= O. o |
| .+oX++o |
| .+=.== |
引用 OpenSSH 5.1 更新日志
Making art with SSH key randomart GIF图片引用,算法解析
The drunken bishop: An analysis of the OpenSSH fingerprint visualization algorithm 算法解析,马尔科夫分析
A command to display a a key's randomart image from a fingerprint? - Stack Overflow 代码引用