
参数在方法种具有按“值(by value)”和“引用(by ref)”两种传递方式,这是每个.NET程序员深入骨髓得基本概念。但是我若告诉你,.NET规定的参数传递形式其实是三种,会不会颠覆你的认知。




The CLI supports three kinds of parameter passing, all indicated in metadata as part of the signature of the method. Each parameter to a method has its own passing convention (e.g., the first parameter can be passed by-value while all others are passed byref). Parameters shall be passed in one of the following ways (see detailed descriptions below):

  • By-value – where the value of an object is passed from the caller to the callee.
  • By-reference – where the address of the data is passed from the caller to the callee, and the type of the parameter is therefore a managed or unmanaged pointer.
  • Typed reference – where a runtime representation of the data type is passed along with the address of the data, and the type of the parameter is therefore one specially supplied for this purpose.

It is the responsibility of the CIL generator to follow these conventions. Verification checks that the types of parameters match the types of values passed, but is otherwise unaware of the details of the calling convention.


  • By-value:传递参数的值或者拷贝。这里所谓的值分两种情况,对于值类型,变量的值就是承载目标值的字节,比如参数类型是一个我们自定义的结构体,那么传递的是承载这个结构体内容的所有字节;对于引用类型,变量的值是目标对象的内存地址,所以传递的这个地址(4/8字节)的拷贝;
  • By-Reference: 传递的是变量所在的位置(Location),可能是变量在堆栈上的内存地址,或者数组元素在堆上的内存地址。所以方法不仅仅可以从这个地址读取原始参数当前的值,还可以通过填充字节到此位置改变原始的值。对于值类型,被调用方法可以将原始的值“就地”变成一个新的值;对于引用类型,方法则会原来的引用指向一个新的对象。
  • Typed reference:可以认为强类型的引用,在By-Reference基础上还传递参数的类型;


基于Typed reference的传递时通过如果这个TypedReference结构体实现的,从其定义可以看出它通过字段_value保持值得引用,并利用_type确定其类型。它定义了一系列静态方法完成一些基于TypedReference得基本操作,比如创建一个TypedReference对象,将一个TypedReference对象转换成Object,获取TypedReference对象得目标类型等;

public struct TypedReference
{private readonly ref byte _value;private readonly IntPtr _type;public unsafe static object ToObject(TypedReference value);public unsafe static TypedReference MakeTypedReference(object target, FieldInfo[] flds);public static Type GetTargetType(TypedReference value);public static RuntimeTypeHandle TargetTypeToken(TypedReference value);public static void SetTypedReference(TypedReference target, object value);



  • __makeref:创建一个新的TypedReference对象;
  • __reftype:获取引用的目标类型;
  • __refvalue:获取和设置引用的值;


我们通过如下这个简单的例子来演示上述的三种参数传递方式,它们分别体现在三个对应的方法上。模拟按照Typed reference进行参数传递的PassByTypedReference方法将参数类型定义为TypedReference,它通过断言检验传递参数的类型(通过调用__reftype方法获取),并通过调用__refvalue修改参数的值。

Debug.Assert(value == int.MinValue);PassByReference(ref value);
Debug.Assert(value == int.MaxValue);value = int.MinValue;
Debug.Assert(value == int.MaxValue);static void PassByValue(int v) => v = int.MaxValue;
static void PassByReference(ref int v) => v = int.MaxValue;
static void PassByTypedReference(TypedReference v)
{Debug.Assert(__reftype(v) == typeof(int));__refvalue(v, int) = int.MaxValue;




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