
news/2024/9/22 9:54:51/文章来源:

  • 1. 实验内容及目的 Contents & Objectives for Lab
  • 2. Git 的简要介绍 Brief Introduction for Git
  • 3. Git的安装 Installation for Git
  • 4. Git的一些基本软件命令操作介绍 Basic Operation Commands for Git
    • 4.1 克隆已有仓库 Clone Existing Repository
    • 4.2 打开现有项目 Open Existing Projects
      • 4.2.1 **进入项目目录 ** Entering the Project Directory
      • 4.2.2 初始化Git仓库 Initializing a Git Repository
      • 4.2.3 添加文件到版本控制 Adding Files to Version Control
      • 4.2.4 **提交初次版本 ** Committing the Initial Version
      • 4.2.5 **连接远程仓库 ** Connecting to a Remote Repository
  • 5. 操作中的问题与解决 Problems & Solutions
  • 6. 实验总结思考点
      • 6.1 Git的实用性
      • 6.2 Git在项目中的作用
      • 6.3 Git学习和实践中的挑战
      • 6.4 总结与展望
  • 7.学习参考资料 Reference Materials for Learning
      • 7.1 官方文档 Official Documentation
      • 7.2 视频课程 Video Courses

1. 实验内容及目的 Contents & Objectives for Lab

a. 了解Git软件的作用,以及其在多人项目管理中所起到的重要作用

b. 学会并掌握Git软件的安装以及配置工作

c. 掌握一些基本的Git命令的操作,例如如何从如GitHub这类的网站上拉取项目,以及如何自己通过Git来创建一个多人管理项目并更新

a. Understand the role of Git software and its importance in managing collaborative projects.

b. Learn and master the installation and configuration of Git software.

c. Master some basic Git commands, such as how to pull projects from websites like GitHub and how to create and update a collaborative project using Git.

2. Git 的简要介绍 Brief Introduction for Git


在主要功能上,git是用于Linux内核开发的版本控制工具。与CVS、Subversion一类的集中式版本控制工具不同,它采用了分布式版本库的作法,不需要服务器端软件,就可以运作版本控制,使得源代码的发布和交流极其方便。git的速度很快,这对于诸如Linux内核这样的大项目来说自然很重要。git最为出色的是它的合并追踪(merge tracing)能力。


作为开源自由原教旨主义项目,git没有对版本库的浏览和修改做任何的权限限制,通过其他工具也可以达到有限的权限控制,比如:gitosis、CodeBeamer MR。原本git的使用范围只适用于Linux/Unix平台,但在Windows平台下的使用也日渐成熟,这主要归功于Cygwin、msysgit环境,以及TortoiseGit这样易用的GUI工具。git的源代码中也已经加入了对Cygwin与MinGW编译环境的支持且逐渐完善,为Windows用户带来福音。


git更像一个文件系统,直接在本地上获取资料,不必连线到主机端获取资料。 每个开发者都可有全部开发历史的本地副本,changes从这种本地repository复制给其他开发者。这些changes作为新增的开发分支被导入,可以与本地开发分支合并。

Git is an open-source distributed version control software system that allows users to manage projects of various sizes more efficiently and quickly. It was originally created by Linus Torvalds and released in 2005 under the GPL license.

In terms of functionality, Git is a version control tool used for Linux kernel development. Unlike centralized version control tools such as CVS and Subversion, Git uses a distributed repository approach, which means it can operate without server-side software, making source code distribution and collaboration extremely convenient. Git is also very fast, which is important for large projects like the Linux kernel. One of Git's most outstanding features is its merge tracking capability.

When the Linux kernel development team decided to start developing and using Git as the version control system for kernel development, there was a lot of opposition from the open-source community, with the main reason being that Git was too complex and difficult to understand. From Git's internal working mechanism, this criticism was indeed valid. However, as development progressed, Git's usage was facilitated by friendly commands, making it much more user-friendly. Nowadays, many well-known projects, such as Wine and U-Boot, use Git to manage their development.

As a project rooted in open-source freedom principles, Git does not impose any permission restrictions on repository browsing and modifications. However, limited permission control can be achieved through other tools such as gitosis and CodeBeamer MR. Originally, Git was only used on Linux/Unix platforms, but its usage on Windows has also become increasingly mature, thanks to environments like Cygwin, msysgit, and user-friendly GUI tools like TortoiseGit. Git's source code now includes support for Cygwin and MinGW compilation environments, which have gradually improved, bringing benefits to Windows users.

Similarly, in terms of implementation, Git differs significantly from other version control systems such as CVS. Git focuses on whether the integrity of a file has changed, while most version control systems, like CVS or Subversion, are concerned with the differences in file content. Git does not maintain a version history for each file. Therefore, viewing the history of a file requires traversing each history snapshot; Git implicitly handles file renaming by assuming that a file with the same name is its predecessor. If there is no file with the same name, it searches for files with similar content in the previous version.

Git functions more like a file system, retrieving data locally without needing to connect to a remote server. Each developer can have a complete local copy of the development history, and changes can be copied from this local repository to other developers. These changes are imported as new development branches, which can then be merged with local development branches.

图1: Git标志

3. Git的安装 Installation for Git

注意:由于本人的电脑已经安装有Git,故为演示操作,本安装操作均在 WIndows 8 虚拟机系统下进行

首先,我们登录Git的官方网站,并且通过其 下载页面以下载对应系统版本的Git软件。在这里,我们以Windows系统为例。

Note: Since Git is already installed on my computer, for demonstration purposes, this installation will be performed on a Windows 8 virtual machine.

First, we log in to Git's official website and download the appropriate version of Git for your system through its download page. Here, we will take the Windows system as an example.

图2: Git下载界面

点击Windows版本下载,并且以管理员身份运行对应的 exe 文件,开始会展示对应的Info信息,点击Next,来到选择对应安装组件的界面(如下图所示),在这里我们可以选择如是否添加图标、是否在右键添加Git操作选项以及是否与对应文件相关联、检查更新等操作。我们按照自己的需求勾选对应选项,点击Next进入下一步。

Click to download the Windows version, and run the corresponding exe file as an administrator. The installation will begin by displaying the relevant Info information. Click "Next" to proceed to the component selection screen (as shown in the image below). Here, you can choose options such as adding icons, adding Git options to the right-click context menu, associating Git with corresponding files, and checking for updates. Select the options according to your needs, then click "Next" to proceed to the next step.

图3: Git Select Components组件安装选择界面

接下来需要我们注意的便是对于默认Editor的选择问题,Vim编辑器由于历史遗留以及不够直观等问题,已经不再推荐使用,这里使用Nano Editor进行安装:

Next, we need to pay attention to the selection of the default editor. Due to historical issues and lack of intuitiveness, the Vim editor is no longer recommended. Here, we will select Nano Editor for installation:

图4: Git Default editor默认编辑器选择界面


The subsequent operations can be performed with the default settings. Simply continue clicking "Next." Once you see the green installation progress bar and the final installation success screen, it confirms that Git version control software has been successfully installed on your system.

图5: Git 安装以及完成界面

4. Git的一些基本软件命令操作介绍 Basic Operation Commands for Git


With Git, we can primarily use it to clone, push, create repositories, and open corresponding local projects. Next, we will introduce our workflow through a few simple examples.

4.1 克隆已有仓库 Clone Existing Repository


When we see an open source project on GitHub that we are interested in and want to copy it locally for the next step in our research, we usually use the Git software's Clone command to copy the project locally, and in general, the main organization of the Clone command is roughly as follows:



Where GIT_URL is the connection address given in the website Repository, and YOUR_DESTINATION is the local target location that the project is cloned to. Take one of my projects on GitHub as an example, on the website, we can see the corresponding clone address, I want to copy it to the local desktop, so open the CMD command line window of Git, enter the corresponding commands, and get the results shown in Figure 7 below, that is, it means that the project has been successfully cloned to the corresponding path:

图6: Repository仓库Git的克隆地址寻找

图7: 成功克隆

4.2 打开现有项目 Open Existing Projects


There are several steps to open an existing local project and add it to version control: first, you need to enter the project directory, then you need to initialize the Git repository, and then you need to add the files to version control.

4.2.1 **进入项目目录 ** Entering the Project Directory


cd "C:\Users\Jerry Brown\Desktop\Your_Project"


4.2.2 初始化Git仓库 Initializing a Git Repository


Once in the project directory, run the following command to initialize a new Git repository:

git init

这个命令会在当前目录中创建一个隐藏的 .git 文件夹,Git会在这个文件夹中保存与版本控制相关的信息。

This command will create a hidden .git folder in the current directory, where Git will store information related to version control.

4.2.3 添加文件到版本控制 Adding Files to Version Control


Run the following command to add all files in the current project to Git’s staging area:

git add .

这里的 . 表示将当前目录中的所有文件和文件夹添加到暂存区。你也可以指定某个文件或文件夹来添加。

The . indicates that all files and folders in the current directory should be added to the staging area. You can also specify individual files or folders to add.

4.2.4 **提交初次版本 ** Committing the Initial Version


After adding files to the staging area, you can use the following command to commit the first version:

git commit -m "Initial commit"

-m "Initial commit" 用来添加提交时的备注信息,这条信息描述了这次提交的内容。

​ The -m "Initial commit" option adds a message to the commit, describing the content of this commit.

4.2.5 **连接远程仓库 ** Connecting to a Remote Repository


If you have a remote repository (e.g., on GitHub or GitLab), you can use the following command to link the local repository to the remote one:

git remote add origin


Then push the code to the remote repository:

git push -u origin master


In this way, you can use Git for version control in your local project and optionally push it to a remote repository.

5. 操作中的问题与解决 Problems & Solutions

在Git clone中,我们可能会遇到如下connection error问题:

In Git clone, we might face the connection error problem:

图8: 连接错误问题 Connection Error Problem


First to make sure that the Internet connection is working, we can solve this problem by inputing these two lines of codes respectively:

git config --global http.proxy socks5
git config --global https.proxy socks5

6. 实验总结思考点


6.1 Git的实用性

  • 版本控制的核心工具:Git作为一个分布式版本控制系统,能够有效管理项目中的代码版本。通过Git,开发者可以轻松地追踪代码的历史变化,快速回滚到早期版本,并在团队协作中减少冲突。
    Core Tool for Version Control: As a distributed version control system, Git effectively manages code versions in a project. With Git, developers can easily track changes in code history, quickly revert to earlier versions, and reduce conflicts in team collaboration.

  • 提高开发效率:在多人协作开发中,Git提供了分支功能,使得开发者可以在独立的分支上进行开发,而不会影响主线代码。这种并行开发的方式显著提升了开发效率,并减少了开发过程中出错的风险。
    Improving Development Efficiency: In collaborative development, Git provides branching functionality, allowing developers to work on separate branches without affecting the mainline code. This parallel development approach significantly enhances development efficiency and reduces the risk of errors during development.

6.2 Git在项目中的作用

  • 分布式特点:Git的分布式架构意味着每个开发者都拥有整个项目的完整历史记录,这不仅提高了项目的安全性(防止数据丢失),还增强了开发者的灵活性,即使没有网络连接也能进行操作。
    Distributed Nature: Git's distributed architecture means that every developer has a complete history of the entire project, which not only increases project security (preventing data loss) but also enhances developer flexibility, allowing operations even without network connectivity.

  • 强大的分支管理:Git的分支机制非常强大和灵活,允许开发者创建、合并和删除分支。通过分支,开发者可以轻松实现不同功能的开发、测试、上线,并在必要时进行分支合并,从而确保代码的稳定性。
    Powerful Branch Management: Git's branching mechanism is very powerful and flexible, allowing developers to create, merge, and delete branches. With branching, developers can easily develop, test, and deploy different features, and merge branches when necessary to ensure code stability.

  • 简化协作流程:通过Git,团队可以通过Pull Request或Merge Request等方式进行代码审查,保证代码质量。此外,Git的分布式特性也方便团队在不同地点进行协作开发,避免了中央服务器的单点故障问题。
    Simplified Collaboration: With Git, teams can conduct code reviews through Pull Requests or Merge Requests to ensure code quality. Additionally, Git's distributed nature facilitates collaborative development from different locations, avoiding the single point of failure issue of a central server.

6.3 Git学习和实践中的挑战

  • 命令行工具的学习:虽然Git的命令行工具功能强大,但对于初学者来说,命令的复杂性可能会带来一定的学习曲线。需要通过不断实践和查阅文档,逐步掌握常用命令的使用。
    Learning Command-Line Tools: Although Git's command-line tools are powerful, their complexity can present a learning curve for beginners. Continuous practice and consultation of documentation are required to gradually master the use of common commands.

  • 版本冲突的处理:在多人协作时,版本冲突不可避免,如何有效处理冲突、合理规划分支策略也是实践中需要重点掌握的内容。
    Handling Version Conflicts: In collaborative environments, version conflicts are inevitable. Effectively handling conflicts and planning branch strategies are key aspects that need to be mastered in practice.

6.4 总结与展望

  • 实用性和普及性:Git作为目前最流行的版本控制工具,其应用范围已经超出了软件开发领域,广泛用于文档管理、数据分析、研究项目等各个领域。掌握Git不仅是开发者的基本技能,也对提升项目管理和团队协作能力有显著帮助。
    Practicality and Popularity: As the most popular version control tool today, Git's application extends beyond software development to document management, data analysis, research projects, and more. Mastering Git is not only a fundamental skill for developers but also significantly enhances project management and team collaboration abilities.

  • 未来应用的思考:随着DevOps、CI/CD等现代开发流程的普及,Git在自动化部署、持续集成中的作用越来越突出。未来在使用Git时,可以更深入地结合这些工具,提高项目开发和发布的效率。
    Future Applications: With the rise of modern development processes like DevOps and CI/CD, Git's role in automated deployment and continuous integration is becoming more prominent. In the future, using Git in conjunction with these tools can further enhance project development and release efficiency.

By practicing Git, we have deepened our understanding of its core concepts and provided strong tool support for our future project development.

7.学习参考资料 Reference Materials for Learning

Below are some references for learning Git, including documentation, books, online courses, and community resources, suitable for learners at different levels:

7.1 官方文档 Official Documentation

  • Git 官方文档 (英文)
    Git Official Documentation (English)
    The documentation provided by Git's official website is very detailed, covering all aspects from beginner to advanced usage. It is suitable for learners who need a deep understanding of Git commands and working principles.

  • Pro Git (中文翻译)
    Pro Git (Chinese Translation)
    This book is an officially recommended textbook by Git. It is comprehensive and easy to understand, making it suitable for systematic learning of Git.

7.2 视频课程 Video Courses

  • Coursera 上的 Version Control with Git
    Version Control with Git on Coursera
    The Git course on Coursera, provided by well-known universities and institutions, offers high-quality content and certification options.




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