Hikori’s Change

news/2024/12/17 1:20:44/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/BaiShun09/p/18611384

Today, my friend – Hikori (Don’t ask me why his name is Japanese because he created this name by himself) in Japan told me that he succeeded in getting the offer from the University of Tokyo. At the moment, let us talk about his whole living experience in Japan.

Nowadays, many people are going to other countries to live. He is one of them. Hikori went to Japan to study and live hard at first. When he first arrived in Tokyo, language problems were the major. Even though he already had N1 Certification (The highest level of Foreign Japanese Education), Japanese is still a large problem for him. Additionally, he had no sufficient money to keep the basic living. The worst thing is that he had no friends in Tokyo. 

Fortunately, his teacher is very friendly and enthusiastic, willing to help him with any problem. So as to solve these problems, his teacher finds some friends for him and lets them keep in touch with each other. Consequently, the teacher taught him all the conventions and discipline he had to obey, so that he has the ability to earn some money by working on weekends.

As time went by, Hikori and his friends became more familiar. At the moment, he can speak fluent Japanese and communicate with the native speakers without any problem. Just a month ago, he sent an amount of money to his family – about 110000 yen (1000 Singapore dollars). Hikori is literally a hard-working and communicative person now. With his persistence, he finally gets to his ideal university and has a better life.






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