中考阅读理解深入逻辑分析-005 A Tale of Bears and Belonging 熊的故事与归属感

news/2025/3/13 3:37:35/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/myeln/p/18631212

Dear Mr. Henshaw,

​ I finished Beggar Bears in two nights. It is a really good book. At first, I was surprised because it wasn’t funny like your other books, but then I got to thinking (you said readers should think) and decided a book doesn’t have to be funny to be good, although it often helps. This book did not need to be funny.

​ In the first Chapter I thought it was going to be funny. I guess I expected it because of your other books and the mother bear was teaching her cubs to beg from tourists in Yellowstone Park. Then when the mother died because a stupid tourist fed her a cupcake in a plastic bag and she ate the bag, too, 1 knew this was going to be a sad book. Winter was coming on, tourists were leaving the park and the little bears didn’t know how to look for food for themselves. When they hibernated (冬眠)and then woke up in the middle of winter because they had eaten all the wrong things and hadn’t stored up enough fat, I almost cried. I sure was relieved when the nice ranger (护林员)and his boy found the young bears and fed them and the next summer taught them to hunt for the right things to cat.

​ I wonder what happens to the fathers of bears. Do they just go away?

​ Sometimes I lie awake listening to the gas station ‘‘pingping’’, and I am upset because I am afraid something might happen to Mom. She is so little compared to most moms, and she works so hard. 1 don’t think Dad is much interested in me. He didn’t phone when he said he would. I hope that________.


Leigh Botts


88 Who is the author of the book Beggar Bears?

89 What is a good book like, to Leigh’s mind?

90 Is the book Beggar Bears mainly about the life of a mother bear and her children?

91 How did Leigh feel when he was reading the book?

92 Why did Leigh sometimes fail to go to sleep during the night?

93 What can be filled in the blank at the end of the letter?


这封信是一个名叫Leigh Botts的读者写给作者Mr. Henshaw的。Leigh表达了对Henshaw的书《乞丐熊》的感想。最初,Leigh期待这本书会像Henshaw的其他书一样有趣,但很快意识到一本书不必非得是有趣的才能被认为是好的。Leigh被书中的故事所感动,尤其是当熊妈妈意外死亡,留下小熊们不知道如何为自己寻找食物时。Leigh还表达了对母亲安全的担忧,并提到了对父亲的失望。












88 Who is the author of the book Beggar Bears?
回答:The author of the book Beggar Bears is Mr. Henshaw.
依据:Dear Mr. Henshaw, I finished Beggar Bears in two nights.

89 What is a good book like, to Leigh’s mind?
回答:To Leigh, a good book doesn't have to be funny to be good, although it often helps.
依据:At first, I was surprised because it wasn’t funny like your other books, but then I got to thinking and decided a book doesn’t have to be funny to be good, although it often helps.

90 Is the book Beggar Bears mainly about the life of a mother bear and her children?
回答:Yes, the book Beggar Bears is mainly about the life of a mother bear and her children.
依据:In the first Chapter I thought it was going to be funny. I guess I expected it because of your other books and the mother bear was teaching her cubs to beg from tourists in Yellowstone Park.

91 How did Leigh feel when he was reading the book?
回答:Leigh felt sad and almost cried when the mother bear died and the little bears didn't know how to find food for themselves.
依据:When the mother died because a stupid tourist fed her a cupcake in a plastic bag and she ate the bag, too, I knew this was going to be a sad book. Winter was coming on, tourists were leaving the park and the little bears didn’t know how to look for food for themselves. When they hibernated and then woke up in the middle of winter because they had eaten all the wrong things and hadn’t stored up enough fat, I almost cried.

92 Why did Leigh sometimes fail to go to sleep during the night?
回答:Leigh sometimes failed to go to sleep during the night because he was upset about his mom's hard work and afraid something might happen to her.
依据:Sometimes I lie awake listening to the gas station ‘‘pingping’’, and I am upset because I am afraid something might happen to Mom. She is so little compared to most moms, and she works so hard.

93 What can be filled in the blank at the end of the letter?
回答:I hope that my dad will become more interested in me and our family.
依据:I don’t think Dad is much interested in me. He didn’t phone when he said he would.





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