【GreatSQL优化器-08】statistics和index dives
GreatSQL的优化器对于查询条件带有范围的情况,需要根据 mm tree 来估计该范围内大概有多少行,然后以此来计算cost。对于等号条件,给出了两种方法来估计对应行数--Statistics
和index dives
设置阈值来决定用哪种方法来估计等号条件的行数。对于一条查询 SQL 如果等号条件太多的时候执行index dives
名称 | 定义 | 说明 |
Statistics | 用统计值来估计等号条件的行数,不精确 | 意味着SKIP_RECORDS_IN_RANGE模式,计算方式: rows = table->key_info[keyno].records_per_key() |
index dives | 精确计算等号条件的行数 | 意味着RECORDS_IN_RANGE,计算方式: rows = this->records_in_range() |
下面用一个简单的例子来说明index dives
greatsql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT PRIMARY KEY, c2 INT,date1 DATETIME);
greatsql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,10,'2021-03-25 16:44:00.123456'),(2,1,'2022-03-26 16:44:00.123456'),(3,4,'2023-03-27 16:44:00.123456'),(5,5,'2024-03-25 16:44:00.123456'),(7,null,'2020-03-25 16:44:00.123456'),(8,10,'2020-10-25 16:44:00.123456'),(11,16,'2023-03-25 16:44:00.123456');
greatsql> CREATE TABLE t2 (cc1 INT PRIMARY KEY, cc2 INT);
greatsql> INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,3),(2,1),(3,2),(4,3),(5,15);
greatsql> CREATE TABLE t3 (ccc1 INT, ccc2 varchar(100));
greatsql> INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,'aa1'),(2,'bb1'),(3,'cc1'),(4,'dd1'),(null,'ee');
greatsql> CREATE INDEX idx1 ON t1(c2);
greatsql> CREATE INDEX idx2 ON t1(c2,date1);
greatsql> CREATE INDEX idx2_1 ON t2(cc2);
greatsql> CREATE INDEX idx3_1 ON t3(ccc1);greatsql> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (c1=4 AND c2<10) OR (c2=4 AND c1<9) OR (c2=10 AND c1<9) OR (c2=12 AND c1=8) OR (c2<8 AND date1<'2023-03-25 16:44:00.123456') OR (c2<15 AND date1<'2023-03-25 16:44:00.123456');"analyzing_range_alternatives": {"range_scan_alternatives": [{"index": "idx1","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": false,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 9, # 这里的值包含c2 = 10和c2 = 12根据index dive估算出来的值"cost": 4.66,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"},{"index": "idx2","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 4","c2 = 4","4 < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": true,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 9, # 这里的值包含c2 = 10和c2 = 12根据index dive估算出来的值"cost": 1.16366,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"}],}}}
idx1索引的结果:count=28<c2<10黑/ \0<c2<8红 c2=10\10<c2<12\c2=12\12<c2<15idx2索引的结果:count=3c2=4黑 / \0<c2<4红 4<c2<8\8<c2<10\c2=10\10<c2<12\c2=12 \12<c2<15
# 注:count表示c2等号条件的数量
范围扫描计算行数和 cost 在test_quick_select
函数实现,用来预估不同范围对应的行数和 cost,最后选取适合的 index 来进行查询。
# 代码流程:make_join_plan --> estimate_rowcount --> get_quick_record_count --> check_skip_records_in_range_qualification -> test_quick_select -> get_key_scans_params -> check_quick_selectint test_quick_select() {if (cond)tree = get_mm_tree(); # 这里创建mm treeif (tree) {Opt_trace_object trace_range_alt(trace, "analyzing_range_alternatives",Opt_trace_context::RANGE_OPTIMIZER);AccessPath *range_path = get_key_scans_params(thd, ¶m, tree, false, true, interesting_order,skip_records_in_range, best_cost, needed_reg);/* Get best 'range' plan and prepare data for making other plans */if (range_path) {best_path = range_path; # 行数信息在这里面best_cost = best_path->cost; # cost信息在这里面}}
}AccessPath *get_key_scans_params() {for (idx = 0; idx < param->keys; idx++) {// 主要计算下面2个参数的值,found_records是找到的行数,另一个就是costha_rows found_records;Cost_estimate cost;found_records = check_quick_select(thd, param, idx, read_index_only, key, update_tbl_stats,order_direction, skip_records_in_range, &mrr_flags, &buf_size, &cost,&is_ror_scan, &is_imerge_scan);}
}ha_rows check_quick_select() {# eq_ranges_exceeds_limit函数统计等号条件的行数,返回countparam->use_index_statistics = eq_ranges_exceeds_limit(tree, &range_count, thd->variables.eq_range_index_dive_limit);# 以下这行代码没用,是冗余代码*bufsize = thd->variables.read_rnd_buff_size;# multi_range_read_info_const函数累加找到的范围内的总行数,并且计算出所有rows对应的costrows = file->multi_range_read_info_const(keynr, &seq_if, (void *)&seq, 0,bufsize, mrr_flags, cost);# 设置quick_condition_rows用于后面best_access_path时候计算costparam->table->quick_condition_rows =min(param->table->quick_condition_rows, rows);
}ha_rows handler::multi_range_read_info_const() {if(SKIP_RECORDS_IN_RANGE)rows = table->key_info[keyno].records_per_key() # 对于SKIP_RECORDS_IN_RANGE模式,用records_per_key估计行数elserows = this->records_in_range() # 对于非SKIP_RECORDS_IN_RANGE模式,用records_in_range估计行数
}# 对于innodb计算范围内行数的时候,如果没有找到值那么就返回1
ha_rows ha_innobase::records_in_range() {if (n_rows == 0) {n_rows = 1;}
表一,skip_records_in_range为true的场景,意味着index dive可以被跳过,改为Statistics估计row和cost
场景 | 条件 |
check_skip_records_in_range_qualification() (右边全都要满足) | 单表查询 |
没有子查询 | |
不涉及Fulltext Index | |
没有ORDER-BY语句 | |
不是EXPLAIN查询语句 | |
param->use_index_statistics | 值为true的时候 |
thd->variables.eq_range_index_dive_limit | use_index_statistics | 说明 |
0 | false | 不用Statistics代替index dives |
1 | true | 用Statistics代替index dives |
其他值(默认200) :count>=limit | true | 用Statistics代替index dives |
其他值(默认200) :count<limit | false | 不用Statistics代替index dives |
注:count 是指mm二叉树里面等号的数量
greatsql> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (c1=4 AND c2<10) OR (c2=4 AND c1<9) OR (c2=10 AND c1<9) OR (c2=12 AND c1=8) OR (c2<8 AND date1<'2023-03-25 16:44:00.123456') OR (c2<15 AND date1<'2023-03-25 16:44:00.123456');
"analyzing_range_alternatives": {"range_scan_alternatives": [{"index": "idx1","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": false,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 9, # 按照上面的范围计算:3+1+2+1+1+1,这里找到的结果是0行的话也会返回1"cost": 4.66,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"},{"index": "idx2","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 4","c2 = 4","4 < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": true,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 9, # 按照上面的范围计算:3+1+2+1+1+1,这里找到的结果是0行的话也会返回1"cost": 1.16366,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"}],}}}
场景二,eq_range_index_dive_limit=3,skip_records_in_range=true or false
greatsql> SET eq_range_index_dive_limit=3;"analyzing_range_alternatives": {"range_scan_alternatives": [{"index": "idx1","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": false,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 9, # 这里等号数量为2个,数量没有超过3个,因此还是用原来的index dive计算方法,公式:3+1+2+1+1+1"cost": 4.66,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"},{"index": "idx2","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 4","c2 = 4","4 < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": false,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": true,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 8, # 这里等号数量为3个,等于eq_range_index_dive_limit,因此用statistics方法来统计行数,公式:3+1+1+1+1+1"cost": 1.0632,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"}],
greatsql> SET eq_range_index_dive_limit=2;"analyzing_range_alternatives": {"range_scan_alternatives": [{"index": "idx1","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": false,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": false,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 8, # 这里等号数量为2个,等于eq_range_index_dive_limit,因此用statistics方法来统计行数,公式:3+1+1+1+1+1"cost": 4.31,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"},{"index": "idx2","ranges": ["NULL < c2 < 4","c2 = 4","4 < c2 < 8","8 <= c2 < 10","c2 = 10","10 < c2 < 12","c2 = 12","12 < c2 < 15"],"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": false,"rowid_ordered": false,"using_mrr": false,"index_only": true,"in_memory": 1,"rows": 8, # 这里等号数量为3个,等于eq_range_index_dive_limit,因此用statistics方法来统计行数,公式:3+1+1+1+1+1"cost": 1.0632,"chosen": false,"cause": "cost"}],
上面结果总结如下,可以看出 index dive 对于等号计算精确,而 statistics 方法计算等号条件是不精确的。也可以看出优化器预估范围行数肯定是比实际值大于或者等于的。
eq_range_index_dive_limit | NULL < c2 < 8 | 8 <= c2 < 10 | c2 = 10 | 10 < c2 < 12 | c2 = 12 | 12 < c2 < 15 | 总计 | |
实际分布 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | |
场景一 | 200 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 |
场景二 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 9 |
场景三 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 |
注:index dive只针对等号条件进行精确计数
Enjoy GreatSQL 😃
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