在Ubuntu 24上安装 Houdini

  • 安装


rambo@ub24-3:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources
Types: deb
URIs: http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
Suites: noble noble-updates noble-backports
Components: main restricted universe multiverse
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpgTypes: deb
URIs: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/
Suites: noble-security
Components: main restricted universe multiverse
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpgrambo@ub24-3:~$ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y curl gnupg build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev# 安装Ruby(假设Houdini支持的版本):
rambo@ub24-3:~$ sudo apt install -y ruby-full# 安装Rails
rambo@ub24-3:~$ gem install rails# 安装Houdini
rambo@ub24-3:~$ tar -zxvf houdini-20.5.445-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2.tar.gz
rambo@ub24-3:~$ cd houdini-20.5.445-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2/
rambo@ub24-3:~/houdini-20.5.445-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2$ sudo bash houdini.installSIDE EFFECTS SOFTWARE HOUDINI 20.5.445 INSTALLATIONThe installer is not being run as root.  You may not be able toinstall the desired features unless the installer is run as root.Re-run installer as root (y or n) ==> n         # 输入n,不适用root
(*) For greater certainty, SideFX reserves the right to decline
to consent to any relocation of the License from the dedicated
Computer or License Server beyond the number expressly permitted
above, in its sole and absolute discretion.
Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] yes        # 输入yes
........HOUDINI 20.5.445 INSTALLATIONEnter a number to toggle an item to be installed.INSTALL=======1. Houdini                                      (6123.7Mb)  yes2. Desktop Menus for Houdini                                yes3. Symlinks in /usr/local/bin                                no4. Symlink /opt/hfs20.5 to install directory                yes5. License Server                                 (46.5Mb)   no6. Avahi (Third-party)                           (~52.6Mb)   no7. SideFX Labs                                   (257.3Mb)   no8. Houdini Engine for Maya                       (152.8Mb)   no9. Houdini Engine for Unity                        (7.6Mb)   no10. Houdini Engine for Unreal                      (30.5Mb)   no11. HQueue Server                                 (417.8Mb)   no12. HQueue Client                                    (.1Mb)   noD. Change installation directory (/opt/hfs20.5.445)F. Finished selections, proceed to next stepQ. Quit (no installation will be attempted)Note that the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) is installed as partof the full Houdini installation (selection 1 above).Current total space requirement: 6271 MbWhat is your selection (1-12,D,F,Q) [F] ==>        # 直接回车
........Here are the choices you have made so far:Modules chosen to install:symlink in /opt/hfs20.5Location for installation:/opt/hfs20.5.445Disk Space Required for installation:6271 MbytesChoose yes to proceed with the installation.Otherwise you may return to the choice menu to change your selections.Would you like to start the installation? (y or n) [y] ==>        # 直接回车
Starting sesinetd (via systemctl): sesinetd.service.Please install licenses using the Houdini License Administrator(hkey).  Start hkey by first changing to the directory wherehoudini is installed and then running:source houdini_setuphkeyLicense tools have been installed.Houdini 20.5 Installation completed.Please read /opt/hfs20.5.445/Readme.txtfor instructions on how to run Houdini.We hope you enjoy using Houdini 20.5
Thank you.有时,Houdini 可能还会依赖其他图形相关的库,如 libGLU 和 mesa-utils,可以尝试安装它们:
rambo@ub24-3:~/houdini-20.5.445-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2$ sudo apt install -y libglu1-mesa mesa-utils# 运行以下命令来启动许可证管理工具
ambo@ub24-3:~/houdini-20.5.445-linux_x86_64_gcc11.2$ cd /opt/hfs20.5# 设置环境变量
rambo@ub24-3:/opt/hfs20.5$ source houdini_setup
The Houdini 20.5.445 environment has been initialized.# 安装许可证
rambo@ub24-3:/opt/hfs20.5$ hkey
如果一切正常,hkey应该会成功启动,并且你可继续安装和配置许可证# 运行houdini命令启动软件,确保其正常运行
rambo@ub24-3:/opt/hfs20.5$ which houdini
/opt/hfs20.5/bin/houdinirambo@ub24-3:/opt/hfs20.5$ houdini





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