Proj CJI Paper Reading: Detecting language model attacks with perplexity

news/2025/2/8 1:46:44/文章来源:


  • Tool: PPL
  • Findings:
    1. queries with adversarial suffixes have a higher perplexity, 可以利用这一点检测
    2. 仅仅使用perplexity filter对mix of prompt types不合适,会带来很高的假阳率
  • Method: 使用Light-GDB根据perplexity和token length filter带有adversarial suffixes的prompts
  • base model: GPT-2
  • Metric for detection: Perplexity
    • \(PPL(x) = exp{-\frac{1}{t}\sum_{i=1}^t{logp(x_i|x_{<i})}}\)
    • the exponential of the average negative log-likelihood of the sequence
  • Use Metric: \(F_{\beta}\) to assess detection performance
    • \(F_{\beta} = (1+\beta^2) \times \frac{precision x recall}{\beta^2 \times precision + recall}\)
    • beta = 2
      • how to choose beta
        • The cost of failing to respond to legitimate inquiries versus the cost of releasing forbidden responses.
          • failing to respond to legitimate inquires: false positive
          • releasing forbidden responses: false negative
        • The expected distribution of different types of prompts, such as English, multilingual, or prompts containing symbols and math.
        • The effectiveness of the LLM's built-in defenses or other defensive measures.

4. Data

4.2 Adversarial prompt clusters

4.4 Non-adversarial prompts

  • non-adversarial prompts
    • 6994 prompts from humans with GPT-4. (see Appendix B.5).
    • 998 prompts from the DocRED dataset (see Appendix B.1).
    • 3270 prompts from the SuperGLUE (boolq) dataset (see Appendix B.2).
    • 11873 prompts from the SQuAD-v2 dataset (see Appendix B.3).
    • 24926 prompts with instructions from the Platypus dataset, which were used to train the Platypus models (see Appendix B.4).
    • 116862 prompts derived from the “Tapir” dataset by concatenating instructions and input (see Appendix B.6).
    • 10000 instructional code search prompts extracted from the instructional code-search-net python dataset (see Appendix B.7).
  • adversarial prompts
    • 1407 prompts generated from GCG + Vicuna-7b-1.5
    • 79 human-designed prompts to break GPT-4
      • rubend18/ChatGPT-Jailbreak-Prompts





作者QQ: 396068801,加Q分享交流通达信红中探底指标。 红中探底条件: # 更新日志:# 2025-2-7 改为红中创10天新低,25日均线向上,尾盘进。# 止盈操作:涨停不卖, 每涨8%就卖一半,直到浮盈达到3倍清仓;高点跌8%清仓。# 止损: 买入后只要跌超6%就清仓止损。# 卖票时间: …


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