PXE导致bootargs未生效-stm32mp157 uboot

news/2025/3/3 18:23:46/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/yuewusayuri/p/18748942

PXE导致bootargs未生效-stm32mp157 uboot


stm32mp157c-100ask-512d-v1_extlinux.conf 这个extlinux的配置文件内容修改了我的bootargs导致我自己设定的内核参数并未成功生效

经过一番查找,发现原因在STM32MP157在启动时使用PXE(预启动执行环境)从SD卡启动,而像i.MX6ULL这样的处理器却没有使用PXE。PXE的全称是Preboot Execution Environment,PXE通常用于网络引导,允许计算机通过网络下载启动镜像,而不是从本地存储设备启动。


 329 /*330  * Boot according to the contents of a pxe_label.331  *332  * If we can't boot for any reason, we return.  A successful boot never333  * returns.334  *335  * The kernel will be stored in the location given by the 'kernel_addr_r'336  * environment variable.337  *338  * If the label specifies an initrd file, it will be stored in the location339  * given by the 'ramdisk_addr_r' environment variable.340  *341  * If the label specifies an 'append' line, its contents will overwrite that342  * of the 'bootargs' environment variable.343  */344 static int label_boot(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, struct pxe_label *label)345 {346     char *bootm_argv[] = { "bootm", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };347     char initrd_str[28];348     char mac_str[29] = "";349     char ip_str[68] = "";350     char *fit_addr = NULL;351     int bootm_argc = 2;352     int len = 0;353     ulong kernel_addr;354     void *buf;...


If the label specifies an 'append' line, its contents will overwrite that of the 'bootargs' environment variable.


 597 /*598  * Keywords recognized.599  */600 static const struct token keywords[] = {601     {"menu", T_MENU},602     {"title", T_TITLE},603     {"timeout", T_TIMEOUT},604     {"default", T_DEFAULT},605     {"prompt", T_PROMPT},606     {"label", T_LABEL},607     {"kernel", T_KERNEL},608     {"linux", T_LINUX},609     {"localboot", T_LOCALBOOT},610     {"append", T_APPEND},611     {"initrd", T_INITRD},612     {"include", T_INCLUDE},613     {"devicetree", T_FDT},614     {"fdt", T_FDT},615     {"devicetreedir", T_FDTDIR},616     {"fdtdir", T_FDTDIR},617     {"ontimeout", T_ONTIMEOUT,},618     {"ipappend", T_IPAPPEND,},619     {"background", T_BACKGROUND,},620     {NULL, T_INVALID}621 };


 719 /*720  * Get the next token.  We have to keep track of which state we're in to know721  * if we're looking to get a string literal or a keyword.722  *723  * *p is updated to point at the first character after the current token.724  */725 static void get_token(char **p, struct token *t, enum lex_state state)726 {727     char *c = *p;728729     t->type = T_INVALID;730731     /* eat non EOL whitespace */732     while (isblank(*c))733         c++;734735     /*736      * eat comments. note that string literals can't begin with #, but737      * can contain a # after their first character.738      */739     if (*c == '#') {740         while (*c && *c != '\n')741             c++;742     }743744     if (*c == '\n') {745         t->type = T_EOL;746         c++;747     } else if (*c == '\0') {748         t->type = T_EOF;749         c++;750     } else if (state == L_SLITERAL) {751         get_string(&c, t, '\n', 0);752     } else if (state == L_KEYWORD) {753         /*754          * when we expect a keyword, we first get the next string755          * token delimited by whitespace, and then check if it756          * matches a keyword in our keyword list. if it does, it's757          * converted to a keyword token of the appropriate type, and758          * if not, it remains a string token.759          */760         get_string(&c, t, ' ', 1);761         get_keyword(t);762     }763764     *p = c;765 }


  634 /*635  * get_string retrieves a string from *p and stores it as a token in636  * *t.637  *638  * get_string used for scanning both string literals and keywords.639  *640  * Characters from *p are copied into t-val until a character equal to641  * delim is found, or a NUL byte is reached. If delim has the special value of642  * ' ', any whitespace character will be used as a delimiter.643  *644  * If lower is unequal to 0, uppercase characters will be converted to645  * lowercase in the result. This is useful to make keywords case646  * insensitive.647  *648  * The location of *p is updated to point to the first character after the end649  * of the token - the ending delimiter.650  *651  * On success, the new value of t->val is returned. Memory for t->val is652  * allocated using malloc and must be free()'d to reclaim it.  If insufficient653  * memory is available, NULL is returned.654  */655 static char *get_string(char **p, struct token *t, char delim, int lower)656 {657     char *b, *e;658     size_t len, i;659660     /*661      * b and e both start at the beginning of the input stream.662      *663      * e is incremented until we find the ending delimiter, or a NUL byte664      * is reached. Then, we take e - b to find the length of the token.665      */666     b = *p;667     e = *p;668669     while (*e) {670         if ((delim == ' ' && isspace(*e)) || delim == *e)671             break;672         e++;673     }674675     len = e - b;676677     /*678      * Allocate memory to hold the string, and copy it in, converting679      * characters to lowercase if lower is != 0.680      */681     t->val = malloc(len + 1);682     if (!t->val)683         return NULL;684685     for (i = 0; i < len; i++, b++) {686         if (lower)687             t->val[i] = tolower(*b);688         else689             t->val[i] = *b;690     }691692     t->val[len] = '\0';693694     /*695      * Update *p so the caller knows where to continue scanning.696      */697     *p = e;698699     t->type = T_STRING;700701     return t->val;702 }

可以看到当lower参数为1,也就是解析L_KEYWORD 关键字的时候(例如APPEND KERNEL)会转换为小写,若解析L_SLITERAL ,输入的字符串(如 /uImage/UIMAGE)保留原始大小写,区分大小写。






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