The sunshine in my life--Sun Yingsha

news/2025/3/17 22:59:23/文章来源:

Have you ever been stuck in the mud, unable to move? I was once that person until Sun Yingsha’s story illuminated my path.
During the epidemic period, exposed to various electronic devices, I was addicted to online games. Time slipped through my fingers and my precious study time vanished unnoticed. On arriving school, the examination’s scores hit me in head with a brick. My math scores plummeted from 90 to 62 in three months. I knew I had to made some changes. However, it’s so difficult for me to get back to textbooks that I swiped the screen again.
The awakening point came when I searched for suggestions and then a documentary about Sun Yingsha flashed across my screen. Her eyes blazing with determination. The documentary showed even though sweat had drenched her clothes and her arms were trembling, she still persisted in arm strength training. As the camera focused on her hands, I was stunned to find that thick calluses covered every inch of her palms, looking nothing like what one would expect from a girl barely out of her teens.
Deeply moved by Sun Yingsha, I determined to delete my beloved apps. Since there was nothing that could distract me, I immersed myself in study from dusk till midnight. Eyes became bloodshot and the smell of coffee permeated my whole bed room. Gone was the red-inked mistakes, replaced by triumphant ticks. Two months later, my math scores soared to 93! Unprecedented excitement surged through me. Out of triumph, I skipped and shouted as if I were a bird who had just learnt how to fly!
I owe my growth to Sun Yingsha, the sunshine in my life, who has not only plucks me out of the mud, but also enlightens me that “the darkest soil is where the strongest roots grow”.




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