L2 领导力

L2 领导力







Human beings are driven by various needs. Man is an animal that pursues complete satisfaction of needs.

Managing the design to activate human resources - our colleagues - to achieve the set goals is accomplished by manipulating human behavior through meeting various human needs.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory states that some needs are more fundamental than others, and only when the basic needs are met will the secondary needs become important.

Next, we will conduct a certain degree of analysis by combining the following hierarchy of needs diagram and my impression of what Cristal said in class, etc.


  1. 生理需求:级别最低、最急迫的需求,生命、饮食、睡眠。

    • 特征(该层级需求没有得到满足的特征):什么都不想,只想让自己活下去,思考能力、道德观变得脆弱。
    • 管理(没有满足该层级需求的管理手法):这一层级的管理假设人为报酬而工作,以生理需求来激励下属。
  2. 安全需求:也是较低层的需求,包括人身安全、生活稳定、身体健康和财产安全等。

    • 特征:感到身边的事物对自己充满威胁,觉得世界是不公平的或危险的,变得紧张、彷徨不安。
      (丰川清告 台长,说的就是你)
    • 管理:这一层级的管理让下属没有安全感,例如以裁员相威胁,指令混乱,缺乏规章制度和职业保障等。
    • 注意,层级1和2是一个公司想招到人并稳定运转的最最基本的需求,管理者绝不应当停留在这两层。没人想在连这两个基本需求都不能满足的垃圾公司工作的。
  3. 归属感:又称为社交需求,指人对友谊、爱情、隶属关系等的需求。

    • 特征:由于没有感受到身边人的关怀,而认为自己没有价值活着。
    • 管理:孤立同事,例如要求某人干很多杂活,不允许接触部门主要业务(不被重视);不通报部门进展(排除在外),部门聚会不邀请(剥夺社交机会)等。
  4. 尊严(esteem):包括自己对成就和自我价值的感觉、他人对自己的认可和尊重,如成就、名声、地位、晋升机会等。

    • 特征:很爱面子,很积极地用行动让他人认同自己,很容易被虚荣吸引等。
      (anon tokyo)
    • 管理:忽视员工贡献(不肯定具体员工的付出)、公开批评、不提供晋升机会等。
  5. 自我实现:在前四项需求得到满足后,产生的衍生性需求,包括针对真、善、美等至高的人生境界获得的需求,如自我实现、发挥潜能。

    • 特征:觉得自己的生活被空虚感给推动着,要自己去做一些身为一个“人”应该在这世上做的事,需要有让他能更充实自己的事物、尤其是让一个人深刻的体验到自己没有白活在这世界上的事物;

    • 管理:为满足这一阶段需求,可以让员工参与有难度的工作(如新一代产品研发,并给予员工充分的自主权),创造开放的工作环境(如定期举办创意研讨会,营造支持创新的文化),支持工作和生活平衡(如远程工作/弹性工作,帮助员工实现个人和职业目标的和谐)...

  6. Physiological Needs: The most basic and urgent level of needs, such as survival, food, and sleep.

    • Characteristics (when this level of need is unmet): A person doesn't care about anything else, only wants to survive. Cognitive ability and sense of morality become fragile.
      Examples: Concentration camps, slavery, civilians barely surviving during wartime.
    • Management (when this need is unmet): This level of management assumes people work for rewards and uses physiological needs to motivate subordinates.
      To meet this level of need, one should increase salaries, improve working conditions, and provide more time and space for rest.
  7. Safety Needs: Also a lower-level need, including personal safety, life stability, health, and property security.

    • Characteristics: Feeling threatened by everything around, perceiving the world as unfair or dangerous, becoming anxious and uneasy.
      Examples: A bullied student at school who becomes afraid to express themselves or socialize to protect their safety;
      or an adult struggling at work, unable to support a family with a meager salary, becoming self-destructive, drinking daily for short-term comfort.
    • Management: At this level, poor management leads to a lack of safety, such as threats of layoffs, chaotic instructions, lack of rules and job security.
      To meet this need, emphasize rules and regulations, career security, benefits, provide medical insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement plans, and protect employees from unemployment.
    • Note: Levels 1 and 2 are the bare minimum requirements for a company to recruit and operate stably. Managers must not stop at these two levels. No one wants to work for a garbage company that can't even meet these basic needs.
  8. Belongingness: Also called social needs, referring to the desire for friendship, love, affiliation, etc.

    • Characteristics: Feeling unloved and therefore believing one's life has no value.
      For example, a teenager not receiving parental care believes they are worthless in the family, so they seek friendship at school, ignoring morality and reason.
      A simple example is teens becoming servile, mimicking others' smoking or joining in pranks just to fit into a social group.
      (Saki-chan Saki-chan Saki-chan Saki-chan Saki-chan)
      (Please! Without Saki-chan and you all, I...)
    • Management: Isolating colleagues—for example, assigning someone trivial tasks only and preventing them from engaging in key business (being undervalued); not informing them of department updates (excluded); not inviting them to team gatherings (depriving social opportunities), etc.
      To meet this level of need, offer more social opportunities among colleagues, support employees in building warm, harmonious relationships, organize sports, team events, and build a strong sense of group cohesion and participation.
  9. Esteem: Includes a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, as well as recognition and respect from others—such as achievements, reputation, status, and opportunities for promotion.

    • Characteristics: Very concerned with saving face, actively seeking recognition through actions, easily drawn to vanity.
      (Anon tokyo)
    • Management: Ignoring employee contributions (not acknowledging specific efforts), public criticism, lack of promotion opportunities, etc.
      To satisfy this level of need, publicly reward and praise employee contributions, respect and listen to employees’ opinions, and support their growth and development through promotions or learning opportunities.
  10. Self-Actualization: A derivative need that arises after the first four are satisfied, including the pursuit of higher ideals like truth, goodness, and beauty—self-realization and potential fulfillment.

    • Characteristics: Feeling a void in life that pushes one to do something meaningful as a human being. Needing something to enrich oneself—especially something that makes one feel that they didn’t live in vain.
      One begins to believe that values and morality outweigh money, love, respect, and societal prejudice.

      "...We all need to learn from his spirit of complete selflessness. Starting from there, one can become a person truly beneficial to the people.  
      A person may have limited ability, but with this spirit, they are a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, one who transcends vulgar interests, and a person who is beneficial to the people."  
      — "In Memory of Norman Bethune"
    • Management: To meet this level of need, assign employees to challenging work (such as new product development) and give them autonomy. Create an open work environment (such as regular creative workshops and a culture that supports innovation), support work-life balance (e.g., remote/flexible work), and help employees harmonize personal and professional goals.
      The goal is to unleash employees’ inner potential so they experience growth and value realization through their work, thereby meeting self-actualization needs.




  1. Pushing(胁迫,威压,强迫/coercion)

    • 管理特征:对具体的人,期望快速、明确的响应,高压,“使灭活”(de-activating),应当适量使用。
    • 典型表现:某领导说“小X,你今天必须把这个任务赶完,晚9点之前报我”。
    • 需求分析:抓生理需求和安全需求,通过给予外部压力进行。
  2. Pulling(提供激励/providing incentive)

    • 管理特征:对具体的人,允许自我调节的响应(不急,这事来日方长),低压力,“激活”,适合所有人。
    • 典型表现:仔细倾听受影响人的期望;确定目标;商定激励措施;适合所有人;最好结合教练(coaching)辅导。
    • 需求分析:满足员工的社交、尊重和自我实现需求。
  3. Context-shaping(环境塑造)

    • 管理特征:不针对具体的人/针对整个团体,基于规则,借助“自然而然”的力量;
    • 典型表现:制定规则并保持它们不变(“自然之力“);通过他人/客观地,甚至自动地执行它们;可与推动/拉动相结合。
      还有一种是,设定一个配额(set quota),然后告诉某人,其他所有员工都能执行这个配额,但你稍微有点落后了。




For Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the higher the level on the pyramid, the harder it becomes for us to directly control. (It’s easy to exploit students, but it’s hard to make them feel self-fulfilled.)

Thus, several methods or models for management are proposed, which can be used independently or in combination:

  1. Pushing (Coercion, Pressuring, Forcing)

    • Management Characteristics: For specific individuals, expecting a quick, clear response, high pressure, "de-activating," should be used sparingly.
    • Typical Example: A leader says, "X, you must finish this task today, report to me before 9 PM."
    • Needs Analysis: Addresses physiological needs and safety needs by applying external pressure.
      (Another method is economic incentives, such as piece-rate wages, which is also a form of pushing.)
  2. Pulling (Providing Incentives)

    • Management Characteristics: For specific individuals, allowing self-regulated responses (not urgent, there’s time for this), low pressure, "activating," suitable for everyone.
    • Typical Example: Carefully listening to the affected person's expectations; defining goals; agreeing on incentives; suitable for everyone; best combined with coaching.
      For example, a company leader encourages employees to come up with new ideas, participate in innovation projects, provides autonomy and resources, and offers guidance for personal career development.
    • Needs Analysis: Meets employees' social, esteem, and self-actualization needs.
  3. Context-shaping (Shaping the Environment)

    • Management Characteristics: Not targeting specific individuals but a whole group, based on rules, leveraging the power of "naturally occurring" forces;
      self-regulated responses, self-applied pressure, self-activation.
    • Typical Example: Creating rules and keeping them consistent ("natural forces"); executing them through others/objectively, even automatically; can be combined with pushing/pulling.
      For example, announcing that, according to a superior's requirement, a rule is set that employees must clock in and out every day.
      Another example: setting a quota, then telling someone, "All other employees are meeting this quota, but you’re a little behind."

Here, one additional point should be added: In the two supporting measures available for pulling, coaching (also referred to as guidance) stimulates employees' intrinsic growth motivation through questioning, feedback, and guidance, with the goal of gradually enhancing their self-activation abilities. This is typically a one-on-one or small group interaction.

For example, a manager regularly communicates with employees to help them analyze work-related issues and encourages them to find their own solutions.

The other option is training, such as learning new software or industry skills. (Do you like my 3DExperience? Do you like my SolidWorks?)



  1. 基于表现——基于事实:

  2. 变化潜力:

  3. 数量 vs 质量:

    • 数量可以直接被测量,上绩效评估表,搞量化评分、排名。
      它的好处在于更公平、目标导向 (客服祥子今天打了多少电话) 、激发员工短期积极性。
      但是它不见得能反映员工工作的全貌/长期价值 (打这么多电话,客户真的满意吗?) ,而且过度追求数量会导致工作质量下降。
    • 质量通常与管理者的期望、组织的长期愿景一致,例如服务的个性化程度、产品设计的用户体验等。
    • 工作质量的评估有点主观、“感性”,它依赖于管理者自己的经验、想法、主观偏好。
      也可以通过动态结合(客服团队:通话数量(数量)+ 问题解决率 / 客户评分(质量)、管理干预来进行平衡。

The handout lists three ways to evaluate professional performance:

  1. Performance-Based – Based on Facts:
    When evaluating a person's work performance, look at what they have actually done and the results they have achieved, rather than relying on guesses or subjective feelings.
    For example, instead of saying "He seems not to be trying very hard," it is better to say "He submitted two assignments late this month." The latter is a fact and more convincing.

  2. Potential for Change:
    Evaluation should not only focus on a person's current performance, but also on their potential to improve in the future. Focusing on potential for change can help create development plans.
    For example, a studentmight not be doing well in writing academic reports at the moment, but if he is willing to learn, you can suggest that he practice more or find resources to improve;
    an employee who is currently inefficient might, through proactive participation in training and coaching, become a key team member in the future.

  3. Quantity vs Quality:

    • Quantity can be directly measured on performance evaluation forms, with quantitative ratings and rankings.
      The advantage is that it is fairer, goal-oriented (How many calls did customer service employee Sakiko make today?), and motivates employees in the short term.
      However, it may not fully reflect the overall work or long-term value of employees (Does making so many calls really ensure customer satisfaction?), and an overemphasis on quantity can lead to a decline in work quality.
    • Quality is usually aligned with the expectations of the manager and the organization's long-term vision, such as the personalization of services or the user experience in product design.
      For roles like research and development or strategic consulting, which involve innovative and non-repetitive work, the evaluation period is longer and may place more emphasis on quality.
      It’s best to use management interventions, such as regular communication and employee feedback, or 360-degree assessments, to indirectly evaluate the quality of work.
    • Quality of work evaluation can be somewhat subjective and "sensory." It depends on the manager's own experience, ideas, and subjective preferences.
      To make quality evaluation more objective, it inevitably requires the introduction of data and quantification.
      Therefore, a balance must be struck between the two. The applicable method varies across different companies, job types, and contexts.
      For example, the customer service role and the R&D role; or a startup that needs to scale to survive — versus a large company that needs to ensure product quality, etc.
      It can also be dynamically combined (customer service team: call volume (quantity) + problem-solving rate / customer ratings (quality), with management interventions to balance the two).

接下来,对一轮员工工作表现评估的周期(或者叫“发展周期”,development cycle)进行解释:

  1. 年度流程:帮助管理者和员工共同检视工作进展,并评估是否达到了预定目标,评估周期为未来的发展和调整提供了依据。

    • 规划/协议(planning/agreement):员工和管理者共同设定目标、明确期望,并就具体行动达成协议。
    • 执行(execution):员工按照规划和协议开展工作,完成既定任务。
    • 报告/自我评估(reporting/self-assesment):员工对自己过去一年的工作进行总结和反思,帮助个人和上级了解工作情况与挑战。
  2. 通常是书面的,但也不一定。

  3. 不仅讨论绩效结果(performance outcome),还讨论能力(competencies):

  4. 自我反思和评估至关重要:

  5. 为教练/培训/个人发展规划奠定基础:

  6. 职业晋升和期望管理:


Next, an explanation of the cycle of employee performance evaluation (or "development cycle"):

  1. Annual Process: Helps managers and employees jointly review work progress and assess whether predefined goals have been met. The evaluation cycle provides a basis for future development and adjustments.

    • Planning/Agreement: Employees and managers set goals together, clarify expectations, and reach an agreement on specific actions.
    • Execution: Employees carry out work according to the plan and agreement, completing established tasks.
      At this stage, continuous communication and feedback help keep the work on track.
    • Reporting/Self-Assessment: Employees summarize and reflect on their work over the past year, helping both themselves and their supervisors understand the work situation and challenges.
  2. Usually written, but not necessarily:
    Written records can help track progress and maintain transparency, but in some cases, videos, photos, recordings, or other forms of documentation can also be used.

  3. Not only performance outcomes but also competencies are discussed:
    Evaluation is not just a simple measurement of results but also includes an assessment of the competencies and skills demonstrated during the execution process, such as innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.
    As mentioned earlier with work quantity vs work quality, these competencies, which are not always quantifiable, significantly affect performance. Through competency evaluation, employees can better identify their strengths and weaknesses, promoting personal growth.

  4. Self-reflection and evaluation are crucial:
    Employees are required to provide a detailed summary of their work over the past year and also have the courage to acknowledge their shortcomings;
    identifying strengths and weaknesses helps employees adjust their working methods, enhances their sense of responsibility and initiative, and prepares them for personal development.

  5. Foundation for coaching/training/personal development planning:
    Managers identify employees' weaknesses and development needs based on evaluation results, setting personalized development goals and learning plans for employees, such as providing software training or arranging mentoring.

  6. Career advancement and expectation management:
    The evaluation cycle provides a platform for managing expectations between employees and managers.
    Based on performance, employees may receive advice, improvement opportunities, postponed promotions (if performance does not meet expectations), or promotion and career development opportunities (if performance is outstanding).
    Clear expectation management helps reduce uncertainty in work and provides employees with a clear career development path.

The following chart illustrates a method of categorizing employees into four types based on performance and work quality.


  1. 横轴表示员工的生产力,即日常工作的工作量和成果;

  2. 员工分类:

    • ‘Star’ :高生产力、高质量、低管理需求,团队领导、高效能员工,具备晋升潜力
    • ‘Backbone’ :低生产力、稳定的质量、低管理需求,老油条,适合做日常任务
    • ‘Problem child’ :高生产力、低质量、高管理需求,新晋员工,需要改进
    • ‘Iceberg’ :低生产力、低质量、高管理需求,需要绩效改进或考虑岗位调整
  3. The horizontal axis represents employee productivity, i.e., the amount of work and results from daily tasks;
    the vertical axis represents work quality and the level of effort required for management (degree of management and guidance needed).

  4. Employee categories:

    • ‘Star’ : High productivity, high quality, low management needs, team leader, high-performing employee, with promotion potential.
    • ‘Backbone’ : Low productivity, stable quality, low management needs, seasoned employee, suitable for routine tasks.
    • ‘Problem child’ : High productivity, low quality, high management needs, new employee, needs improvement.
    • ‘Iceberg’ : Low productivity, low quality, high management needs, needs performance improvement or job reassignment.









  • 优点:成熟、自信。分清轻重缓急。鼓励别人。
  • 允许的缺点:可能要求别人做他们应该自己做的事情。

The most prominent feature of coordinators is their ability to unite the team's efforts toward a common goal.

Mature, trustworthy, and confident are all synonyms for them.

In interpersonal relationships, they are quick to identify others' strengths and use this knowledge to achieve team objectives.

Although coordinators do not need to be the smartest member of the team, they have foresight and can earn the respect of team members.

  • Strengths: Mature, confident. Able to prioritize tasks. Encourages others.
  • Allowed weaknesses: May ask others to do things they should do themselves.


  1. 提供目的:为团队设定清晰的目标和方向。
  2. 建设明星团队,而不是由明星组成的团队(Build a star team, not a team of stars):不要让团队成员各自为战,然后依靠个人能力,而是通过平衡成员能力,打造团结协作的团队。
  3. 建立共同责任感(shared ownership of the results):每个团队成员都对团队成果负责,建立共享成败的氛围。
  4. 开发团队成员的最大潜力,提供成长和发展的机会。
  5. 使工作有趣且引人入胜(interesting and engaging)。
  6. 发展自我管理的团队,使其能独立处理任务,减少对管理者的依赖。
  7. 激励和鼓舞(motivate and inspire)团队成员,保持成员积极性和工作热情。
  8. 引导和促进(lead and facilitate)建设性沟通,确保团队成员有效地交换意见和信息。
  9. 监控,但不微观管理(micromanage),了解团队进展,但给团队成员足够的自主权,不过度干涉每个细节。
  10. 与外部利益相关者进行有效沟通,包括管理层,确保当前团队目标和整个组织的期望一致。


  1. Provide purpose: Set clear goals and direction for the team.
  2. Build a star team, not a team of stars: Don't let team members fight individually and rely on personal abilities. Instead, create a collaborative team by balancing the abilities of members.
  3. Establish shared ownership of the results: Every team member is responsible for the team’s outcomes, fostering an atmosphere of shared success and failure.
  4. Develop the maximum potential of team members, providing opportunities for growth and development.
  5. Make work interesting and engaging.
  6. Develop self-managed teams that can handle tasks independently, reducing dependency on the manager.
  7. Motivate and inspire team members, keeping them engaged and passionate about their work.
  8. Lead and facilitate constructive communication, ensuring team members exchange opinions and information effectively.
  9. Monitor, but do not micromanage: Understand the team’s progress while giving members enough autonomy without interfering with every detail.
    (Move the machine gun position five meters to the left)
  10. Communicate effectively with external stakeholders, including management, ensuring that the current team goals align with the overall organizational expectations.

In general, leaders align with the "co-ordinator" role in the Belbin test.



  • 领导力在组件过程中自然而然地显现。
  • 领导者越能管理这个团队动态发展的过程,让团队成员能克服冲突、形成有效协作,他的领导力就越能被团队接受。


  • 没有万能的风格,应根据具体情况和个体性格调整;
  • 总体而言,应保持谦逊、容易接近,以便于建立信任,维持和团队成员的关系;
  • 需要合理解决冲突,并能利用冲突促进团队成长和创新。


  • 建立在每个人的优点上,认识并利用团队成员和自己的优势;
  • 不一定依赖正式权威,可以通过个人影响力引导团队;
  • 较强的自我意识、组织敏感性、情商,能够理解和应对团队成员的情绪与需求;
  • 对他人和自己保持尊重与善意;
  • 问题归属感,对团队和工作中的问题负责,并具有远见,面对下一个责任层级时,通过对未来的前瞻性思考与规划,预见、掌握局面;
  • 清晰表达自己的观点,并鼓励团队成员提出不同看法。

Evolution of Leadership:

  • Leadership naturally emerges during the process of team development.
    Tuckman Model: Forming stage, Storming stage, Norming stage, Performing stage.
    The team gradually builds initial relationships in the "forming" stage, faces internal and external challenges in the "storming" stage, adjusts through the "norming" stage, and ultimately reaches the "performing" stage.
  • The more a leader can manage this dynamic team development process, helping team members overcome conflicts and form effective collaboration, the more his or her leadership will be accepted by the team.

Leadership Styles:

  • There is no universal style; it should be adjusted based on the specific situation and individual personalities.
  • In general, maintain humility and approachability to build trust and maintain relationships with team members.
  • Conflicts need to be reasonably addressed and used to promote team growth and innovation.

Effective Leadership:

  • Built on the strengths of each individual, recognizing and utilizing the strengths of team members and oneself.
  • Does not necessarily rely on formal authority; can guide the team through personal influence.
  • Strong self-awareness, organizational sensitivity, and emotional intelligence, able to understand and address the emotions and needs of team members.
  • Maintains respect and goodwill for others and oneself.
  • Problem ownership, taking responsibility for problems in the team and work, with foresight. When facing the next level of responsibility, using future-oriented thinking and planning to foresee and manage the situation.
  • Clearly expresses one's own views and encourages team members to offer different perspectives.





想做这样的一篇密码学总结的文章的想法主要来自于https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45728976/article/details/109219997 这篇文章,对于这篇文章里面已经涉及到的内容的基础点不再进行繁琐的讲论。 接下来总结的主要是各种各样的crypto的魔改或者容易忘却的思路 1.unencode加密:…


树链剖分——重链剖分,我学的第一个蓝色算法树链剖分-重链剖分 前置知识 树形结构,链式前向星,线段树,DFS序,LCA 定义 树链剖分(树剖):将树分解为一条条不相交的,从祖先到孙子的链。 第零部分:建树与基本概念 建树:给定\(n\)个节点用链式前向星(或邻接表)建树 基本…


redis基本入门 入门略过https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TP411v7v6?spm_id_from=333.788.videopod.episodes&vd_source=93f5f50fb9ce34ddae7abba08c6ea064&p=62 50-62级 记了感觉也不会看每次使用redis时需要先启动服务 在redis目录下,进入cmd窗口,输入以下命令启…


堆为什么进行分代设计老年代的担保机制 为什么Eden:S0:S1 是8:1:1 对象的创建以及分配过程方法区与元数据区以及持久代到底是什么关系? Full GC = young GC + Old GC + Meta Space GC 规范:方法区 实现: JDK1.7之前 永久代 持久代 Perm Space 类的总数 常量池大小 方法的…


双引号是对标识符、密码定义和使用的扩展。使用双引号时,标识符、密码定义将支持特殊字符、数字,并且区分字母大小写。 双引号的使用位置(是否可出现在SELECT,FROM和WHERE后)和使用场景规则,以及双引号内字符串的长度限制,由双引号限定的标识符和密码本身决定,与是否加…


YashanDB检测到异常故障时,防止扩散影响,会将数据库的状态置为ABNORMAL,数据库处于故障只读状态,可以查询,不能执行写的业务。 当数据库为ABNORMAL状态时,可以查看V$DIAG_INCIDENT视图或告警日志明确故障原因。 --故障发生时,数据库状态为ABNORMAL SELECT STATUS FROM V…



安利一个求职刷题小妙招、变身 offer 收割机 | 《趣玩》第 2 期

通义灵码目前支持的模型已经全面升级,包括 qwen 2.5、qwen 2.5-max,以及通过强化学习优化的增强版推理模型 qwq-plus。作者:王二 在AI技术狂飙突进的今天,程序员如何借力 AI 突破职业瓶颈?阿里云推出的通义灵码插件给出了答案!这款智能编码助手近期完成升级,支持多个业内…


一.对象传递 使用Intent传递对象的时候需要注意到,被传递的对象必须是实现了Serialzable接口的对象,即被传递的对象必须要是可序列化的public class Student implements Serializable {private String id;private String name;public void setId(String id) {this.id = id;}p…


系统:Win10 GPU :NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design 禁用GPU 在环境变量中添加 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES 并设为空值。 使用 ollama ps 命令可以看到全部用的CPUCUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES 是一个环境变量,主要用于控制 NVIDIA CUDA 程序(如基于 CUDA 的应用程序或框架,例…

No.69 Vue---实践--我的网站

一、避坑指南 1.关于路径问题 也不要使用绝对路径 <template><div class="home"><!-- 开始部分 --><div class="signature"><div class="signature-text"><h4 id="hometitle1">在地图上绘制每一次…