
1.6 查询语句

语法:select [选项] 列名 [from 表名] [where 条件]  [group by 分组] [order by 排序][having 条件] [limit 限制]

1.6.1 字段表达式

mysql> select '锄禾日当午';
| 锄禾日当午          |
| 锄禾日当午          |
+------------+mysql> select 10*10;
| 10*10 |
|   100 |


mysql>  select '锄禾日当午' as content;
| content    |
| 锄禾日当午          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select 10*10 as result;
| result |
|    100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select 10*10  result;
| result |
|    100 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


create table stu
(stuNo char(6) primary key,stuName varchar(10) not null,stuSex char(2) not null,stuAge tinyint not null ,stuSeat tinyint not null,stuAddress varchar(10) not null,ch tinyint,math tinyint 
);insert into stu values ('s25301','张秋丽','男',18,1,'北京',80,null);
insert into stu values ('s25302','李文才','男',31,3,'上海',77,76);
insert into stu values ('s25303','李斯文','女',22,2,'北京',55,82);
insert into stu values ('s25304','欧阳俊雄','男',28,4,'天津',null,74);
insert into stu values ('s25305','诸葛丽丽','女',23,7,'河南',72,56);
insert into stu values ('s25318','争青小子','男',26,6,'天津',86,92);
insert into stu values ('s25319','梅超风','女',23,5,'河北',74,67);insert into stu values ('s25320','Tom','男',24,8,'北京',65,67);
insert into stu values ('s25321','Tabm','女',23,9,'河北',88,77);/*stuinfo测试数据*/
create table stuinfo
(stuNo char(6) primary key,stuName varchar(10) not null,stuSex char(2) not null,stuAge tinyint not null ,stuSeat tinyint not null,stuAddress varchar(10) not null
);insert into stuinfo values ('s25301','张秋丽','男',18,1,'北京');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25302','李文才','男',31,3,'上海');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25303','李斯文','女',22,2,'北京');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25304','欧阳俊雄','男',28,4,'天津');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25305','诸葛丽丽','女',23,7,'河南');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25318','争青小子','男',26,6,'天津');
insert into stuinfo values ('s25319','梅超风','女',23,5,'河北');/*stuMarks测试数据*/create table stuMarks
examNo char(7) primary key,
stuNo char(6) not null ,
writtenExam int,
labExam int
);insert into stumarks values ('s271811','s25303',80,58);
insert into stumarks values ('s271813','s25302',50,90);
insert into stumarks values ('s271815','s25304',65,50);
insert into stumarks values ('s271816','s25301',77,82);
insert into stumarks values ('s271819','s25318',56,48);
insert into stumarks values ('s271820','s25320',66,77);

1.6.2 from子句



mysql> create table t1(-> id int,-> name varchar(10)-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)mysql> create table t2(-> field1 varchar(10),-> field2 varchar(10)-> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> insert into t1 values (1,'tom'),(2,'berry');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0mysql> insert into t2 values ('333','333'),('444','444');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0


mysql> select * from t1,t2;              # 返回笛卡尔积
| id   | name  | field1 | field2 |
|    1 | tom   | 333    | 333    |
|    2 | berry | 333    | 333    |
|    1 | tom   | 444    | 444    |
|    2 | berry | 444    | 444    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

1.6.3 dual表


mysql> select 10*10 as result from dual;  #dual表是用来保证select语句的完整性。
| result |
|    100 |

1.6.4 where子句



  1. > 大于
  2. <小于
  3. >=
  4. <=
  5. =
  6. !=
  7. and 与
  8. or 或
  9. not 非
mysql> select * from stu where stusex='男';		# 查找性别是男的记录
mysql> select * from stu where stuage>=20;		# 查找年龄不低于20的记录


select * from stu where 1      # 返回所有数据库
select * from stu where 0		#返回空记录


mysql> select * from stu where stuaddress='上海' or stuaddress='北京';
| stuNo  | stuName | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽        | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25302 | 李文才       | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |
| s25303 | 李斯文       | 女      |     22 |       2 | 北京           |   55 |   82 |
| s25320 | Tom     | 男       |     24 |       8 | 北京           |   65 |   67 |

1.6.5 in | not in


mysql> select * from stu where stuaddress in ('北京','上海');



mysql> select * from stu where stuno in ('s25301','s25302','s25303');


mysql> select * from stu where stuage in(18,19,20);


mysql> select * from stu where stuaddress not in ('北京','上海');

1.6.6 between…and|not between…and



mysql> select * from stu where stuage>=18 and stuage<=20;   # 方法一mysql> select * from stu where stuage between 18 and 20;   # 方法二


mysql> select * from stu where stuage<18 or stuage>20;		#方法一mysql> select * from stu where not (stuage>=18 and stuage<=20);mysql> select * from stu where stuage not between 18 and 20;

1.6.7 is null | is not null

脚下留心:查询一个为空的字段不能用等于,必须用is null


mysql> select * from stu where ch is null or math is null; # 查找缺考的人
| stuNo  | stuName  | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽         | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25304 | 欧阳俊雄        | 男       |     28 |       4 | 天津           | NULL |   74 |


mysql> select * from stu where ch is not null and math is not null;

1.6.8 聚合函数

  1. sum() 求和

  2. avg() 求平均值

  3. max() 求最大值

  4. min() 求最小值

  5. count() 求记录数

#求语文总分、语文平均分、语文最高分、语文最低分、总人数mysql> select sum(ch) '语文总分',avg(ch) '语文平均分', max(ch) '语文最高分',min(ch) '语文最低分',count(*) '总人数' from stu;
| 语文总分        | 语文平均分          | 语文最高分          | 语文最低分          | 总人数       |+----------+------------+------------+------------+--------+
|      597 |    74.6250 |         88 |         55 |      9 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

1.6.9 通配符

  1. _ [下划线] 表示任意一个字符

  2. % 表示任意字符



A:Tom B:Toom C:Tam D:Tm E:Tmo

2、满足“T_m_”的有(B、C )

A:Tmom B:Tmmm C:T1m2 D:Tmm E:Tm


A:张三 B:张三丰 C:张牙舞爪 D:张 E:小张


A:诺基亚2100 B:2100诺基亚 C:把我的诺基亚拿过来 D:诺基亚

16.10 模糊查询(like)

# 查找姓张的同学
mysql> select * from stu where stuname like '张%';
| stuNo  | stuName | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽        | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from stu where stuname like 'T_m';
| stuNo  | stuName | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25320 | Tom     | 男       |     24 |       8 | 北京           |   65 |   67 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

1.6.11 order by排序



mysql> select * from stu order by ch desc;		# 语文成绩降序排列mysql> select * from stu order by math asc;     # 数学成绩升序排列mysql> select * from stu order by math;       # 默认升序排列


mysql> select *,(ch+math) as '总分' from stu order by stuage asc,(ch+math) desc;


select * from stu order by stuage desc,ch desc;     #年龄降序,语文降序
select * from stu order by stuage desc,ch asc;		#年龄降序,语文升序
select * from stu order by stuage,ch desc;          #年龄升序、语文降序
select * from stu order by stuage,ch; 				#年龄升序、语文升序

1.6.12 group by 【分组查询】


# 按性别分组,显示每组的平均年龄
mysql> select avg(stuage) as '年龄',stusex from stu group by stusex;
| 年龄        | stusex |
| 22.7500 | 女      |
| 25.4000 | 男       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
# 按地区分组,每个地区的平均年龄
mysql> select avg(stuage) as '年龄',stuaddress from stu group by stuaddress;
| 年龄        | stuaddress |
| 31.0000 | 上海          |
| 21.3333 | 北京           |
| 27.0000 | 天津           |
| 23.0000 | 河北          |
| 23.0000 | 河南           |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select group_concat(stuname),stusex from stu group by stusex;
| group_concat(stuname)               | stusex |
| 李斯文,诸葛丽丽,梅超风,Tabm                           | 女      |
| 张秋丽,李文才,欧阳俊雄,争青小子,Tom                          | 男       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select stuaddress,stusex,avg(stuage) from stu group by stuaddress,stusex;
| stuaddress | stusex | avg(stuage) |
| 上海          | 男       |     31.0000 |
| 北京           | 女      |     22.0000 |
| 北京           | 男       |     21.0000 |
| 天津           | 男       |     27.0000 |
| 河北          | 女      |     23.0000 |
| 河南           | 女      |     23.0000 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

1.6.13 having条件



mysql> select * from stu where stusex='男';   # 从数据库中查找
| stuNo  | stuName  | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽         | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25302 | 李文才        | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |
| s25304 | 欧阳俊雄        | 男       |     28 |       4 | 天津           | NULL |   74 |
| s25318 | 争青小子        | 男       |     26 |       6 | 天津           |   86 |   92 |
| s25320 | Tom      | 男       |     24 |       8 | 北京           |   65 |   67 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from stu having stusex='男';   # 从结果集中查找
| stuNo  | stuName  | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽         | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25302 | 李文才        | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |
| s25304 | 欧阳俊雄        | 男       |     28 |       4 | 天津           | NULL |   74 |
| s25318 | 争青小子        | 男       |     26 |       6 | 天津           |   86 |   92 |
| s25320 | Tom      | 男       |     24 |       8 | 北京           |   65 |   67 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)





1.6.14 limit

语法:limit 起始位置,显示长度

mysql> select * from stu limit 0,2;    # 从0的位置开始,取两条数据
| stuNo  | stuName | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽        | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25302 | 李文才       | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from stu limit 2,2;    # 从2的位置开始,取两条数据
| stuNo  | stuName  | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25303 | 李斯文        | 女      |     22 |       2 | 北京           |   55 |   82 |
| s25304 | 欧阳俊雄        | 男       |     28 |       4 | 天津           | NULL |   74 |


mysql> select * from stu limit 2;
| stuNo  | stuName | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math |
| s25301 | 张秋丽        | 男       |     18 |       1 | 北京           |   80 | NULL |
| s25302 | 李文才       | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select *,(ch+math) total from stu order by total desc limit 0,3;
| stuNo  | stuName  | stuSex | stuAge | stuSeat | stuAddress | ch   | math | total |
| s25318 | 争青小子        | 男       |     26 |       6 | 天津           |   86 |   92 |   178 |
| s25321 | Tabm     | 女      |     23 |       9 | 河北          |   88 |   77 |   165 |
| s25302 | 李文才        | 男       |     31 |       3 | 上海          |   77 |   76 |   153 |


1.6.15 查询语句中的选项


1、 all:显示所有数据 【默认】

2、 distinct:去除结果集中重复的数据

mysql> select distinct stuaddress from stu;
| stuaddress |
| 上海          |
| 天津           |
| 河南           |
| 河北          |
| 北京           |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

1.7 union(联合)


mysql> create table GO1(-> id int primary key,-> name varchar(20));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)mysql> insert into Go1 values (1,'李白'),(2,'张秋丽');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

1.7.1 union的使用


语法:select 语句 union [选项] select 语句 union [选项] select 语句
mysql> select stuno,stuname from stu union select id,name from Go1;
| stuno  | stuname  |
| s25301 | 张秋丽         |
| s25302 | 李文才        |
| s25303 | 李斯文        |
| s25304 | 欧阳俊雄        |
| s25305 | 诸葛丽丽         |
| s25318 | 争青小子        |
| s25319 | 梅超风        |
| s25320 | Tom      |
| s25321 | Tabm     |
| 1      | 李白         |
| 2      | 张秋丽         |


mysql> select stuname,stuaddress,stusex from stu where (stuaddress='上海' and stusex='男') or (stuaddress='北京' and stusex='女');
| stuname | stuaddress | stusex |
| 张秋丽        | 上海          | 男       |
| 梅超风       | 北京           | 女      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select stuname,stuaddress,stusex from stu where stuaddress='上海' and stusex='男' union select stuname,stuaddress,stusex from stu where stuaddress='北京' and stusex='女';
| stuname | stuaddress | stusex |
| 张秋丽        | 上海          | 男       |
| 梅超风       | 北京           | 女      |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

1.7.2 union的选项


1、 all:显示所有数据

2、 distinct:去除重复的数据【默认】

mysql> select name from go1 union select stuname from stu;
| name     |
| 李白         |
| 张秋丽         |
| 李文才        |
| 李斯文        |
| 欧阳俊雄        |
| 诸葛丽丽         |
| 争青小子        |
| 梅超风        |
| Tom      |
| Tabm     |


mysql> select name from go1 union all select stuname from stu;  # all不去重复记录
| name     |
| 李白         |
| 张秋丽         |
| 张秋丽         |
| 李文才        |
| 李斯文        |
| 欧阳俊雄        |
| 诸葛丽丽         |
| 争青小子        |
| 梅超风        |
| Tom      |
| Tabm     |

1.7.3 union的注意事项

1、 union两边的select语句的字段个数必须一致

2、 union两边的select语句的字段名可以不一致,最终按第一个select语句的字段名。

3、 union两边的select语句中的数据类型可以不一致。





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