文章链接:FedAT: A Communication-Efficient Federated Learning Method with Asynchronous Tiers under Non-IID Data
发表会议: SC’21 (International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis) 高性能计算,体…
用户态虚拟空间里面有几类数据,例如代码、全局变量、堆、栈、内存映射区等。在 struct mm_struct 里面,有下面这些变量定义了这些区域的统计信息和位置。
unsigned long mmap_base; /* base of mmap area */
unsigned long total_vm; /* Total page…
一、user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
[已解决]user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.(简单不容易出错的方式)-CSDN博客
简单解释下就是: 0、你的root需要设置好密码
sudo …
设备树: 头文件:
#ifndef __HEAD_H__
#define __HEAD_H__
typedef struct
{unsigned int MODER;unsigned int OTYPER;unsigned int OSPEEDR;unsigned int PUPDR;unsigned int IDR;unsigned int OD…