1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | proc m4ZQu {password LZQjH} { set ::maui::util::H6VeX "" set ::maui::util::EL0BW [string repeat \\ 0 32 ] package require tcltwofish package require sha256 if {[string length $LZQjH] = = 0 } { error "Unable to initialize encryption - missing essential data" } / / 1. 展开payload 获取相关参数 if {[binary scan $LZQjH Ia16a32a64a32a * times iv passwordKey encryptedKey payloadIVsHash encryptedPayloadIVs] < 6 } { error "Unable to initialize encryption - header missing or corrupt" } / / 2. 使用输入的密码计算sha256,然后根据迭代次数times加密passwordkey,最后计算结果的sha256 set iHcWR [a64bL $password $passwordKey $iv $times] / / 3. 取上一步中的后 32 字节 set BJvoG [string range [tcltwofish::decrypt $iHcWR $encryptedKey] 32 63 ] / / 4. 使用上一步中的结果作为key 循环times / 64 次 解密encryptedPayloadIVs / / 这一步没有指定iv 实际过程为 16 个字节的 0x00 for { set i 0 } {$i < $times} {incr i 64 } { set encryptedPayloadIVs [tcltwofish::decrypt $BJvoG $encryptedPayloadIVs] } / / 5. 获取 32 字节后的数据 set ZQpQw [string range $encryptedPayloadIVs 32 end] / / 6. 计算上一步结果的sha256,和预置的 hash 比对,一致则密码正确 if {[sha2::sha256 - bin $ZQpQw] ! = $payloadIVsHash} { maui::d_RUj "Invalid payload password" } / / 7. 使用第五步中的结果作为后续选取iv的数据 set ::maui::util::H6VeX $ZQpQw / / 8. 使用第三步中的结果作为密钥 set ::maui::util::EL0BW $BJvoG } |
破密行動: 以不尋常的角度破解 IDA Pro 偽隨機數 | DEVCORE 戴夫寇爾
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | / / 根据输入密码生成payload proc yOZ7q {password {times 16000 }} { set ::maui::util::H6VeX "" set ::maui::util::EL0BW [string repeat \\ 0 32 ] package require tcltwofish package require sha256 set BJvoG [qA4kM 32 ] set passwordKey [qA4kM 32 ] set ZQpQw [qA4kM [expr { 16 * 256 }]] set payloadIVsHash [sha2::sha256 - bin $ZQpQw] set encryptedPayloadIVs "[qA4kM 32]$ZQpQw" for { set i 0 } {$i < $times} {incr i 64 } { set encryptedPayloadIVs [tcltwofish::encrypt $BJvoG $encryptedPayloadIVs] } set iv [qA4kM 16 ] set iHcWR [a64bL $password $passwordKey $iv $times] set encryptedKey [tcltwofish::encrypt $iHcWR "[qA4kM 32]$BJvoG" ] set LZQjH [binary format Ia16a32a64a32a * $times $iv $passwordKey $encryptedKey $payloadIVsHash $encryptedPayloadIVs] set ::maui::util::H6VeX $ZQpQw set ::maui::util::EL0BW $BJvoG return $LZQjH } / / 生成随机数据 proc qA4kM {length} { set YKL8w "" if {[RLPut unix]} { foreach xML4B { / dev / urandom / dev / random} { if {[catch { set WyLEv [ open $xML4B r] fconfigure $WyLEv - translation binary set YKL8w [read $WyLEv $length] close $WyLEv }]} { catch {close $WyLEv} } else { break } } } else { } if {[string length $YKL8w] ! = $length} { incr length - [string length $YKL8w] while {$length > = 2 } { append YKL8w [binary format S [expr { int ([maui::util::rand] * 0x10000 )}]] incr length - 2 } if {$length > 0 } { append YKL8w [binary format c [expr { int ([maui::util::rand] * 0x100 )}]] } } return $YKL8w } proc rand {} { if {[maui::util::RLPut "windows" ] && [info commands ::bitrock::secure::rand_s] ! = ""} { if {[catch { set r [::bitrock::secure::rand_s] } V77Ls]} { maui::util::debug "failed to call rand_s: $V77Ls" set r [expr {rand()}] } } else { set r [expr {rand()}] } return $r } |
rand_s | Microsoft Learn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | proc MmyBM {compressionAlgorithm command data} { if {[catch { / / 1. 压缩数据 if {($compressionAlgorithm = = "lzma" ) || ($compressionAlgorithm = = "lzma-ultra" ) || ($compressionAlgorithm = = "lzham" ) || ($compressionAlgorithm = = "lzham-ultra" )} { set data [ eval [concat $command [ list $data]]] } else { set data [vfs:: zip - mode compress - nowrap 1 $data] } / / 2.1 前面添加四个字节的长度,然后末尾补全 32 的倍数 / / 2.2 前面添加 32 字节的随机数据 set data [qA4kM 32 ][UOijU $data 32 ] / / 3. 在H6VeX中截取 16 字节的iv set PG2JA [expr { int ([maui::util::rand] * 0x100 )}] set iv [string range $::maui::util::H6VeX [expr {$PG2JA * 16 }] [expr {$PG2JA * 16 + 15 }]] / / 4. 计算crc32 set hbA8n [ format 0x % 08x [expr {[zlib crc32 $data] & 0xffffffff }]] / / 5. 使用EL0BW中的数据作为key 加密 set data [tcltwofish::encrypt $::maui::util::EL0BW $data iv] / / 6. 前面填充四个字节的crc32以及选取iv的位置,共加了五个字节 set YKL8w [binary format Ica * $hbA8n $PG2JA $data] } V77Ls]} { set ykaki $::errorCode set qXoNi $::errorInfo maui::util::debug "encryptPayload: error encrypting: $V77Ls" error $V77Ls $qXoNi $ykaki } return $YKL8w } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | proc UOijU {data DeSRF} { / / 1. 将四字节的长度添加在数据前 set data [binary format Ia * [string length $data] $data] / / 2. 计算末尾添加padding的长度 set add [expr {($DeSRF - ([string length $data] % $DeSRF)) % $DeSRF}] / / 3. 生成随机padding并附加在末尾 append data [qA4kM $add] return $data } |
再看看文件数据的加密流程。从上面的脚本中,可以看到加密前的数据结果为 32字节随机数据+4字节数据+$data+最后补全32字节的padding

比如sqlite3数据库的前16字节固定为SQLite format 3\x00
00 0x xx xx
另外,ida安装脚本中的twofish算法来源于GitHub - rageworx/libtwofish: TwoFish encryption library for modern C++ (dev.in progress)