atsec at the PCI Community Meeting 2023

atsec participated in the PCI (Payment Card Industry) Security Standards Council 2023 Asia-Pacific Community Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 15 and 16 November and hosted a booth.

atsec’s principal consultant Di Li provided a presentation on “Our 'Key' Experience in PIN Security / P2PE / FIPS 140-3.”

A short summary of the presentation is as follows:
Regarding key generation, the paper discusses the generation requirements and methods defined in each of the three standards, compares the differences, and provides a rationale for why each standard requires a different approach. The section on key distribution and key establishment explores the different methods of securely transferring a key from one party to another. The paper defines each of these methods and provides common scenarios where they apply. The paper also provides several methods for key destruction, such as physical destruction, and logical cryptographic zeroization.





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