如何使用 Google 的 Gemini

Google Gemini介绍

Google Gemini是谷歌发布的人工智能大模型,能够在从数据中心到移动设备等不同平台上运行。


  • Gemini Ultra是最大、功能最强大的类别,被定位为GPT-4的竞争对手;
  • Gemini Pro是一款中端型号,能够击败GPT-3.5,可扩展多种任务;
  • Gemini Nano用于特定任务和移动设备。


2023年12月6日,Gemini 的初始版本已在Bard中提供,开发人员版本将于12月13日通过 Google Cloud的API提供。

Google Gemini Demo Video

  • Google Gemini_Demo Vidoe
  • Google Gemini英文版测试报告

Google Gemini测试结果部分截图,根据官方的测试报告内容,各项测试数据都超过GPT-4V了,值得大家期待。


如何使用Google Gemini

Gemini 是 Google Bard 的一个模型,要使用它很简单:

  1. 需要可以用国外的网络节点上网。
  2. 注册一个Google账号,目前国内手机number也是可以注册的。注册没有问题。
  3. 打开Google bard网址:https://bard.google.com/chat 并用注册的Google账号注册。目前Bard还是免费的,可以使用
  4. 使用Bard时,如果提问是中文,也是可以使用的。但是如果要使用到Gemini模型,则当前只支持英文提问

Google Gemini初体验

Can you help me analyze what is happening in this picture?


The image shows a rock formation in the shape of a heart in the middle of the ocean. The rocks are arranged in a way that looks like a heart,which is a symbol of love and affection. The rocks are also surrounded by clear blue water, which adds to the beauty of the scene.

Here are some possible interpretations of the image:

  • The image could be a symbol of love and romance. The heart shape is often associated with love, and the fact that the rock formation is
    located in the middle of the ocean could suggest that it is a place
    where couples can go to express their love for each other.
  • The image could also be a symbol of hope and resilience. The heart shape is also associated with hope and the ability to overcome
    challenges. The fact that the rock formation has survived in the
    middle of the ocean, despite the harsh conditions, could suggest that
    it is a symbol of hope and resilience.
  • The image could also be a symbol of the beauty and wonder of nature. The rock formation is a natural wonder, and the fact that it
    is located in such a beautiful setting suggests that it is a place
    where people can go to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Additional details about the image:

  • The rock formation is located in Penghu, Taiwan. It is a popular tourist destination, and people often come to take pictures of the
    heart-shaped rock.
  • The rock formation is made of limestone, which is a type of sedimentary rock. Limestone is formed from the accumulation of the
    shells and skeletons of marine organisms.
  • The rock formation is thought to be millions of years old. It was created by the erosion of the limestone cliffs over time.

Overall, the image of the heart-shaped rock formation in Penghu is a beautiful and evocative image that can be interpreted in many
different ways.







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