


1.1 ir.ui.view.custom

查询数据库这个表是空的,从名字看和数据库表结构看, 这个表应该是view和user的三方表,可以根据用户自定义view, 但是案例呢?

class ViewCustom(models.Model):_name = 'ir.ui.view.custom'_description = 'Custom View'_order = 'create_date desc'  # search(limit=1) should return the last customization_rec_name = 'user_id'ref_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Original View', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', index=True, required=True, ondelete='cascade')arch = fields.Text(string='View Architecture', required=True)def _auto_init(self):res = super(ViewCustom, self)._auto_init()tools.create_index(self._cr, 'ir_ui_view_custom_user_id_ref_id',self._table, ['user_id', 'ref_id'])return res

1.2 ir.ui.view

截取一部分字段, view的字典表,保存从xml中解析的view信息。

class View(models.Model):_name = 'ir.ui.view'_description = 'View'_order = "priority,name,id"name = fields.Char(string='View Name', required=True)model = fields.Char(index=True)key = fields.Char(index='btree_not_null')priority = fields.Integer(string='Sequence', default=16, required=True)type = fields.Selection([('tree', 'Tree'),('form', 'Form'),('graph', 'Graph'),('pivot', 'Pivot'),('calendar', 'Calendar'),('gantt', 'Gantt'),('kanban', 'Kanban'),('search', 'Search'),('qweb', 'QWeb')], string='View Type')arch = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch', inverse='_inverse_arch', string='View Architecture',help="""This field should be used when accessing view arch. It will use translation.Note that it will read `arch_db` or `arch_fs` if in dev-xml mode.""")arch_base = fields.Text(compute='_compute_arch_base', inverse='_inverse_arch_base', string='Base View Architecture',help="This field is the same as `arch` field without translations")arch_db = fields.Text(string='Arch Blob', translate=xml_translate,help="This field stores the view arch.")arch_fs = fields.Char(string='Arch Filename', help="""File from where the view originates.Useful to (hard) reset broken views or to read arch from file in dev-xml mode.""")

1.3 Model


class Model(models.AbstractModel):_inherit = 'base'_date_name = 'date'         #: field to use for default calendar view


# IMPORTANT: this must be the first model declared in the module
class Base(models.AbstractModel):""" The base model, which is implicitly inherited by all models. """_name = 'base'_description = 'Base'


    @api.modeldef get_views(self, views, options=None):""" Returns the fields_views of given views, along with the fields ofthe current model, and optionally its filters for the given action.The return of the method can only depend on the requested view types,access rights (views or other records), view access rules, options,context lang and TYPE_view_ref (other context values cannot be used).Python expressions contained in views or representing domains (onpython fields) will be evaluated by the client with all the contextvalues as well as the record values it has.:param views: list of [view_id, view_type]:param dict options: a dict optional boolean flags, set to enable:``toolbar``includes contextual actions when loading fields_views``load_filters``returns the model's filters``action_id``id of the action to get the filters, otherwise loads the globalfilters or the model:return: dictionary with fields_views, fields and optionally filters"""

get_views => get_view => _get_view_cache => _get_view
重点看一下 _get_view这个私有函数:

 @api.modeldef _get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):"""Get the model view combined architecture (the view along all its inheriting views).:param int view_id: id of the view or None:param str view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'tree', ...):param dict options: bool options to return additional features:- bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view(to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields):return: architecture of the view as an etree node, and the browse record of the view used:rtype: tuple:raise AttributeError:if no view exists for that model, and no method `_get_default_[view_type]_view` exists for the view type"""View = self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()# try to find a view_id if none providedif not view_id:# <view_type>_view_ref in context can be used to override the default viewview_ref_key = view_type + '_view_ref'view_ref = self._context.get(view_ref_key)if view_ref:if '.' in view_ref:module, view_ref = view_ref.split('.', 1)query = "SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE model='ir.ui.view' AND module=%s AND name=%s"self._cr.execute(query, (module, view_ref))view_ref_res = self._cr.fetchone()if view_ref_res:view_id = view_ref_res[0]else:_logger.warning('%r requires a fully-qualified external id (got: %r for model %s). ''Please use the complete `module.view_id` form instead.', view_ref_key, view_ref,self._name)if not view_id:# otherwise try to find the lowest priority matching ir.ui.viewview_id = View.default_view(self._name, view_type)if view_id:# read the view with inherited views appliedview = View.browse(view_id)arch = view._get_combined_arch()else:# fallback on default views methods if no ir.ui.view could be foundview = View.browse()try:arch = getattr(self, '_get_default_%s_view' % view_type)()except AttributeError:raise UserError(_("No default view of type '%s' could be found!", view_type))return arch, view

如果没有传入view_id, 那么就去上下文中查找_view_ref, 这给了我们一种思路,那就是可以在上下文中指定视图。
如果获取到了view_id, view返回该条记录,而arch返回处理好继承关系之后的结构

            view = View.browse(view_id)arch = view._get_combined_arch()

如果view_id 还是没有获取到,那么还是做了最后的尝试

arch = getattr(self, '_get_default_%s_view' % view_type)()

调用了视图类型对应的函数,以form为例,调用_get_default_form_view返回arch,如果没有这个函数,那就抛出异常。 odoo: 我已经尽了我最大的努力了。。。

1.4 view_ref 应用的案例

<page string="Analytic Lines" name="analytic_lines" groups="analytic.group_analytic_accounting"><field name="date" invisible="1"/><field name="analytic_line_ids" context="{'tree_view_ref':'analytic.view_account_analytic_line_tree', 'default_general_account_id':account_id, 'default_name': name, 'default_date':date, 'amount': (debit or 0.0)-(credit or 0.0)}"/>

随便找了 一个例子,这是一个x2many字段,在context中指定了 tree_view_ref,那么系统在打开的时候就会调用这里指定的tree视图,而不是默认的tree视图。


1.5 _get_default_form_view


@api.modeldef _get_default_form_view(self):""" Generates a default single-line form view using all fieldsof the current model.:returns: a form view as an lxml document:rtype: etree._Element"""sheet = E.sheet(string=self._description)main_group = E.group()left_group = E.group()right_group = E.group()for fname, field in self._fields.items():if field.automatic:continueelif field.type in ('one2many', 'many2many', 'text', 'html'):# append to sheet left and right group if neededif len(left_group) > 0:main_group.append(left_group)left_group = E.group()if len(right_group) > 0:main_group.append(right_group)right_group = E.group()if len(main_group) > 0:sheet.append(main_group)main_group = E.group()# add an oneline group for field type 'one2many', 'many2many', 'text', 'html'sheet.append(E.group(E.field(name=fname)))else:if len(left_group) > len(right_group):right_group.append(E.field(name=fname))else:left_group.append(E.field(name=fname))if len(left_group) > 0:main_group.append(left_group)if len(right_group) > 0:main_group.append(right_group)sheet.append(main_group)sheet.append(E.group(E.separator()))return E.form(sheet)





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