Intel IGCL规格指南和示例代码
IGCL 旨在成为用于硬件(主要是图形)所有控制方面的高级 API 的集合。它取代了传统的英特尔 CUISDK,后者过去仅发布给 OEM 和选定的客户。 IGCL 允许对显示、媒体和 3D 功能进行全局控制和调整。
相关官网地址为: IGCL Specification1.1-Introduction
相关控制API在线文档地址为:Control API Specification - Version 1
源代码示例地址Intel官方已经托管到了Github仓库上, 具体地址为:
示例程序为例,我们可以执行cmake.exe -B <output_folder> -S <cmake_source_folder> -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64
目录,然后运行cmake.exe -B build -S . -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64
,当然前提是你自己安装了Visual Studio 2022
CTL_RESULT_ERROR_LOAD = 0x40000026, ///< Library load failure
/// @brief Defines Return/Error codes.
/// All generic error (bit30) codes are between 0x40000000-0x4000FFFF.
/// All 3D (bit 29) specific error codes are between 0x60000000-0x6000FFFF.
/// All media (bit 28) specific error codes are between 0x50000000-0x5000FFFF.
/// All display (bit 27) specific error codes are between 0x48000000-0x4800FFFF
/// All core (bit 26) specific error codes are between 0x44000000-0x4400FFFF
/// Success result code with additional info are between 0x00000001-0x0000FFFF.
typedef enum _ctl_result_t
{CTL_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0x00000000, ///< successCTL_RESULT_SUCCESS_STILL_OPEN_BY_ANOTHER_CALLER = 0x00000001, ///< success but still open by another callerCTL_RESULT_ERROR_SUCCESS_END = 0x0000FFFF, ///< "Success group error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_START = 0x40000000, ///< Generic error code starting value, not to be usedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = 0x40000001, ///< Result not initializedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 0x40000002, ///< Already initializedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST = 0x40000003, ///< Device hung, reset, was removed, or driver update occurredCTL_RESULT_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY = 0x40000004, ///< Insufficient host memory to satisfy callCTL_RESULT_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY = 0x40000005, ///< Insufficient device memory to satisfy callCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS = 0x40000006, ///< Access denied due to permission levelCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x40000007, ///< Resource was removedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED = 0x40000008, ///< Library not initializedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 0x40000009, ///< Generic error code for unsupported versionsCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = 0x4000000a, ///< Generic error code for unsupported featuresCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 0x4000000b, ///< Generic error code for invalid argumentsCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_API_HANDLE = 0x4000000c, ///< API handle in invalidCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE = 0x4000000d, ///< Handle argument is not validCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER = 0x4000000e, ///< Pointer argument may not be nullptrCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE = 0x4000000f, ///< Size argument is invalid (e.g., must not be zero)CTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SIZE = 0x40000010, ///< Size argument is not supported by the device (e.g., too large)CTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT = 0x40000011, ///< Image format is not supported by the deviceCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DATA_READ = 0x40000012, ///< Data read errorCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DATA_WRITE = 0x40000013, ///< Data write errorCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND = 0x40000014, ///< Data not found errorCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0x40000015, ///< Function not implementedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_OS_CALL = 0x40000016, ///< Operating system call failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_KMD_CALL = 0x40000017, ///< Kernel mode driver call failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNLOAD = 0x40000018, ///< Library unload failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_ZE_LOADER = 0x40000019, ///< Level0 loader not foundCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE = 0x4000001a, ///< Invalid operation typeCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NULL_OS_INTERFACE = 0x4000001b,///< Null OS interfaceCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NULL_OS_ADAPATER_HANDLE = 0x4000001c, ///< Null OS adapter handleCTL_RESULT_ERROR_NULL_OS_DISPLAY_OUTPUT_HANDLE = 0x4000001d,///< Null display output handleCTL_RESULT_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x4000001e, ///< Timeout in Wait functionCTL_RESULT_ERROR_PERSISTANCE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x4000001f,///< Persistance not supportedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x40000020, ///< Platform not supportedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_UID = 0x40000021, ///< Unknown Appplicaion UID in Initialization call CTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ENUMERATION = 0x40000022, ///< The enum is not validCTL_RESULT_ERROR_FILE_DELETE = 0x40000023, ///< Error in file delete operationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_RESET_DEVICE_REQUIRED = 0x40000024,///< The device requires a reset.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_FULL_REBOOT_REQUIRED = 0x40000025, ///< The device requires a full reboot.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_LOAD = 0x40000026, ///< Library load failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0x4000FFFF, ///< Unknown or internal errorCTL_RESULT_ERROR_RETRY_OPERATION = 0x40010000, ///< Operation failed, retry previous operation againCTL_RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_END = 0x4000FFFF, ///< "Generic error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_START = 0x44000000, ///< Core error code starting value, not to be usedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x44000001, ///< The Overclock is not supported.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_VOLTAGE_OUTSIDE_RANGE = 0x44000002, ///< The Voltage exceeds the acceptable min/max.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_FREQUENCY_OUTSIDE_RANGE = 0x44000003, ///< The Frequency exceeds the acceptable min/max.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_POWER_OUTSIDE_RANGE = 0x44000004, ///< The Power exceeds the acceptable min/max.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_TEMPERATURE_OUTSIDE_RANGE = 0x44000005, ///< The Power exceeds the acceptable min/max.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_IN_VOLTAGE_LOCKED_MODE = 0x44000006,///< The Overclock is in voltage locked mode.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_RESET_REQUIRED = 0x44000007,///< It indicates that the requested change will not be applied until the///< device is reset.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_OVERCLOCK_WAIVER_NOT_SET = 0x44000008,///< The $OverclockWaiverSet function has not been called.CTL_RESULT_ERROR_CORE_END = 0x0440FFFF, ///< "Core error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_ERROR_3D_START = 0x60000000, ///< 3D error code starting value, not to be usedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3D_END = 0x6000FFFF, ///< "3D error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_ERROR_MEDIA_START = 0x50000000, ///< Media error code starting value, not to be usedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_MEDIA_END = 0x5000FFFF, ///< "Media error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_ERROR_DISPLAY_START = 0x48000000, ///< Display error code starting value, not to be usedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_AUX_ACCESS_FLAG = 0x48000001, ///< Invalid flag for Aux accessCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_SHARPNESS_FILTER_FLAG = 0x48000002,///< Invalid flag for SharpnessCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DISPLAY_NOT_ATTACHED = 0x48000003, ///< Error for Display not attachedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DISPLAY_NOT_ACTIVE = 0x48000004, ///< Error for display attached but not activeCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_POWERFEATURE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG = 0x48000005, ///< Error for invalid power optimization flagCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_POWERSOURCE_TYPE_FOR_DPST = 0x48000006,///< DPST is supported only in DC ModeCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PIXTX_GET_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE = 0x48000007, ///< Invalid query type for pixel transformation get configurationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PIXTX_SET_CONFIG_OPERATION_TYPE = 0x48000008, ///< Invalid operation type for pixel transformation set configurationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_SET_CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES = 0x48000009, ///< Invalid number of samples for pixel transformation set configurationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PIXTX_BLOCK_ID = 0x4800000a, ///< Invalid block id for pixel transformationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PIXTX_BLOCK_TYPE = 0x4800000b, ///< Invalid block type for pixel transformationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_PIXTX_BLOCK_NUMBER = 0x4800000c, ///< Invalid block number for pixel transformationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PIXTX_BLOCK_CONFIG_MEMORY = 0x4800000d, ///< Insufficient memery allocated for BlockConfigsCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3DLUT_INVALID_PIPE = 0x4800000e, ///< Invalid pipe for 3dlutCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3DLUT_INVALID_DATA = 0x4800000f, ///< Invalid 3dlut dataCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3DLUT_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_HDR = 0x48000010, ///< 3dlut not supported in HDRCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3DLUT_INVALID_OPERATION = 0x48000011, ///< Invalid 3dlut operationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_3DLUT_UNSUCCESSFUL = 0x48000012, ///< 3dlut call unsuccessfulCTL_RESULT_ERROR_AUX_DEFER = 0x48000013, ///< AUX defer failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_AUX_TIMEOUT = 0x48000014, ///< AUX timeout failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_AUX_INCOMPLETE_WRITE = 0x48000015, ///< AUX incomplete write failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_I2C_AUX_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0x48000016, ///< I2C/AUX unkonown failureCTL_RESULT_ERROR_I2C_AUX_UNSUCCESSFUL = 0x48000017, ///< I2C/AUX unsuccessfulCTL_RESULT_ERROR_LACE_INVALID_DATA_ARGUMENT_PASSED = 0x48000018,///< Lace Incorrrect AggressivePercent data or LuxVsAggressive Map data///< passed by userCTL_RESULT_ERROR_EXTERNAL_DISPLAY_ATTACHED = 0x48000019,///< External Display is Attached hence fail the Display SwitchCTL_RESULT_ERROR_CUSTOM_MODE_STANDARD_CUSTOM_MODE_EXISTS = 0x4800001a, ///< Standard custom mode existsCTL_RESULT_ERROR_CUSTOM_MODE_NON_CUSTOM_MATCHING_MODE_EXISTS = 0x4800001b, ///< Non custom matching mode existsCTL_RESULT_ERROR_CUSTOM_MODE_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = 0x4800001c, ///< Custom mode insufficent memoryCTL_RESULT_ERROR_ADAPTER_ALREADY_LINKED = 0x4800001d, ///< Adapter is already linkedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_ADAPTER_NOT_IDENTICAL = 0x4800001e,///< Adapter is not identical for linkingCTL_RESULT_ERROR_ADAPTER_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_LDA_SECONDARY = 0x4800001f, ///< Adapter is LDA Secondary, so not supporting requested operationCTL_RESULT_ERROR_SET_FBC_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x48000020,///< Set FBC Feature not supportedCTL_RESULT_ERROR_DISPLAY_END = 0x4800FFFF, ///< "Display error code end value, not to be used///< "CTL_RESULT_MAX} ctl_result_t;