1. 初识Pygame
PyGame是跨平台Python模块,专为电子游戏设计,包含图像、声音等,创建在SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)基础上,允许实时电子游戏研发而不会被低级语言,如C语言或是更低级的汇编语言束缚。基于这样一个设想,所有需要的游戏功能和理念(主要是图像方面)都完全简化为游戏逻辑本身,所有的资源结构都可以由高级语言(如Python)提供。
1. 安装Pygame
pip install pygame
import pygame
pygame. ver
2. Pygame常用模块
Pygame做游戏开发的优势在于不需要过多地考虑底层相关的内容,可以把工作中心放在游戏逻辑上。例如,PyGame中集成了很多和底层相关的模块,如访问显示设备、管理事件、使用字体等。 Pygame常用模块如下:
模块名 功能 pygame.cdrom 访问光驱。 pygame.cursors 加载光标。 pygame.display 访问显示设备。 pygame.draw 绘制形状、线和点。 pygame.event 管理事件。 pygame.font 使用字体。 pygame.image 加载和存储图片。 pygame.joystick 使用游戏手柄或类似的东西。 pygame.key 读取键盘按键。 pygame.mixer 声音。 pygame.mouse 鼠标。 播放视频。 播放音乐。 pygame.overlay 访问高级视频叠加。 pygame.rect 管理矩形区域。 pygame.sndarray 操作声音数据。 pygame.sprite 操作移动图像。 pygame.surface 管理图像和屏幕。 pygame.surfarray 管理点阵图像数据。 pygame.time 管理时间和帧信息。 pygame.transform 缩放和移动图像。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys # 导入sys模块
import pygame # 导入pygame模块pygame.init() # 初始化pygame
size = width, height = 320, 240 # 设置窗口尺寸
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) # 显示窗口# 执行死循环,确保窗口一直显示
while True:# 检查事件for event in pygame.event.get(): # 遍历所有事件if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # 如果单击关闭窗口,则退出sys.exit()
pygame.quit() # 退出pygame
2. 制作一个跳跃的小球游戏(Pygame基本使用)
创建一个游戏窗口,然后在窗口内创建一个小球。以一定速度移动小球,当小球碰到游戏窗口的边缘时,小球弹回,继续移动。 (1)创建一个游戏窗口,宽高设置640*480:
import sys
import pygame pygame. init( )
size = width, height= 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
上述代码中,首先导入pygame模块,然后调用init()方法初始化pygame模块。接下来设置窗口的宽和高,最后使用display模块显示窗体。 display模块的常用方法:
方法名 功能 pygame.display.init 初始化display模块。 pygame.display.quit 结束display模块。 pygame.display.get_init 如果display模块已经被初始化,则返回True。 pygame.display.set_mode 初始化一个准备显示的界面。 pygame.display.get_surface 获取当前的Surface对象。 pygame.display.flip 更新整个待显示的Surface对象到屏幕上。 pygame.display.update 更新部分内容显示到屏幕上,如果没有参数则与flip功能相同。 (2)运行上述代码,会出现一个一闪而过的黑色窗口,这是因为程序执行完成后会自动关闭。如果让窗口一直显示,需要使用while True让程序一直执行,此外,还需要设置关闭按钮。代码具体如下:
import sys
import pygame pygame. init( )
size = width, height = 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
while True : for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( )
pygame. quit( )
上述代码中,添加了轮询事件检测。pygame.event.get()能够获取事件队列,使用for…in遍历事件,然后根据type属性判断事件类型。这里的事件处理方式与GUI类似,如event.type等于pygame.GUIT表示检测到关闭pygame窗口事件,pygame.KEYDOWN表示键盘按下事件 ,pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN表示鼠标按下事件 等。 (3)在窗口中添加小球。我们先准备好一张ball.png图片,然后加载该图片,最后将图片显示在窗口中:
import sys
import pygame pygame. init( )
size = width, height = 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ball = pygame. image. load( "ball.png" )
ballrect = ball. get_rect( )
while True : for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) screen. fill( color) screen. blit( ball, ballrect) pygame. display. flip( )
pygame. quit( )
上述代码使用image模块的load()方法加载图片,返回值ball是一个Surface对象。Surface是用来代表图片的pygame对象,可以对一个Surface对象进行涂画、变形、复制等各种操作。事实上,屏幕也只是一个surface,pygame.display.set_mode就返回一个屏幕Surface对象。如果将ball这个Surface对象画到screen.Surface对象,需要使用blit()方法,最后使用display模块的flip方法更新整个待显示的Surface对象到屏幕上。 运行结果如下: Surface对象的常用方法如下:
方法名 功能 pygame.Surface.blit 将一个图像画到另一个图像上。 pygame.Surface.convert 转换图像的像素格式。 pygame.Surface.convert_alpha 转换图像的像素格式,包含alpha通道的转换。 pygame.Surface.fill 使用颜色填充Surface pygame.Surface.get_rect 获取Surface的矩形区域。
import sys
import pygamepygame. init( )
size = width, height = 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ball = pygame. image. load( "ball.png" )
ballrect = ball. get_rect( ) speed = [ 5 , 5 ]
while True : for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) ballrect = ballrect. move( speed) screen. fill( color) screen. blit( ball, ballrect) pygame. display. flip( )
pygame. quit( )
import sys
import pygame pygame. init( )
size = width, height = 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ball = pygame. image. load( "ball.png" )
ballrect = ball. get_rect( ) speed = [ 1 , 1 ]
while True : for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) ballrect = ballrect. move( speed) if ballrect. left < 0 or ballrect. right > width: speed[ 0 ] = - speed[ 0 ] if ballrect. top < 0 or ballrect. bottom > height: speed[ 1 ] = - speed[ 1 ] screen. fill( color) screen. blit( ball, ballrect) pygame. display. flip( ) pygame. quit( )
上述代码中,添加了碰撞检测功能。如果球碰到左右边缘,则更改X轴数据为负数;如果碰到上下边缘,则改Y轴数据为负数。 运行结果如下: (6)运行上述代码发现好像有多个小球在飞快移动,这是因为运行上述代码的时间非常短,导致肉眼错觉,因此需要添加一个“时钟”来控制程序运行时间。用pygame的time模块控制。使用pygame时钟前,必须先创建一个Clock对象的一个实例,然后在while循环中设置多长时间运行一次。代码如下:
import sys
import pygame pygame. init( )
size = width, height = 640 , 480
screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size)
color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ball = pygame. image. load( "ball.png" )
ballrect = ball. get_rect( ) speed = [ 5 , 5 ]
clock = pygame. time. Clock( )
while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) ballrect = ballrect. move( speed) if ballrect. left < 0 or ballrect. right > width: speed[ 0 ] = - speed[ 0 ] if ballrect. top < 0 or ballrect. bottom > height: speed[ 1 ] = - speed[ 1 ] screen. fill( color) screen. blit( ball, ballrect) screen. blit( ball, ballrect) pygame. display. flip( )
pygame. quit( )
至此,就完成了跳跃的小球游戏。 运行效果如下:
3. 开发Flappy Bird游戏
游戏的素材可以从该网站上找自己喜欢的: 也可以使用我下载的:
1. 游戏简介
Flappy Bird是一款鸟类飞行游戏,由越南河内独立游戏开发者阮哈东(DongNguyen)开发。在Flappy Bird这款游戏中,玩家只需要用一根手指来操控,单击触摸手机屏幕,小鸟就会往上飞,不断地单击就会不断地往高处飞。放松手指,则会快速下降。所以玩家要控制小鸟一直向前飞行,然后注意躲避途中高低不平的管子。如果小鸟碰到了障碍物,游戏就会结束。每当小鸟飞过一组管道,玩家就会获得一分。
2. 游戏分析
在Flappy Bird中,主要有两个对象:小鸟和管道。可以创建Bird类和Pineline类来分别表示这两个对象。小鸟可以通过上下移动来躲避管道,所以在Bird类中创建一个birdUpdate()方法,实现小鸟的上下移动。为了体现小鸟向前飞行的特征,可以让管道一直向左侧移动,这样在窗口中就好像小鸟在向前飞行。所以,在Pineline类中也创建了一个updatePipline()方法,实现管道的向左移动。此外,还创建了3个函数:createMap()函数用于绘制地图;checkDead()函数用于判断小鸟的生命状态;getResult()函数用于获取最终分数。最后在主逻辑中实例化类并调用相关方法,实现相应功能。
3. 搭建主框架
通过前面分析,我们可以搭建起Flappy Bird游戏的主框架。Flappy Bird游戏有两个对象:小鸟和管道。先来创建这两个类,类中的具体方法可以先使用pass语句替代。然后创建一个绘制地图的函数createMap()。最后,在主逻辑中绘制背景图片。关键代码如下:
import pygame
import sys
import randomclass Bird ( object ) : """定义一个鸟类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" pass def birdUpdate ( self) : pass class Pipeline ( object ) : """定义一个管道类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" pass def updatePipeline ( self) : """水平移动""" pass def createMap ( screen, background) : """定义创建地图的方法""" screen. fill( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) screen. blit( background, ( 0 , 0 ) ) pygame. display. update( ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """主程序""" pygame. init( ) size = width, height = 400 , 720 screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size) clock = pygame. time. Clock( ) Pipeline = Pipeline( ) Bird = Bird( ) while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) background = pygame. image. load( "assets/background.png" ) createMap( screen, background) pygame. quit( )
4. 创建小鸟类
import pygame
import sys
import random
class Bird ( object ) : """定义一个鸟类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. birdRect = pygame. Rect( 65 , 50 , 50 , 50 ) self. birdStatus = [ pygame. image. load( "assets/1.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/2.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/dead.png" ) ] self. status = 0 self. birdX = 120 self. birdY = 350 self. jump = False self. jumpSpeed = 10 self. gravity = 5 self. dead = False def birdUpdate ( self) : if self. jump: self. jumpSpeed -= 1 self. birdY -= self. jumpSpeed else : self. gravity += 0.2 self. birdY += self. gravity self. birdRect[ 1 ] = self. birdY class Pipeline ( object ) : """定义一个管道类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" pass def updatePipeline ( self) : """水平移动""" pass def createMap ( screen, background) : """定义创建地图的方法""" screen. fill( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) screen. blit( background, ( 0 , 0 ) ) if Bird. dead: Bird. status = 2 elif Bird. jump: Bird. status = 1 screen. blit( Bird. birdStatus[ Bird. status] , ( Bird. birdX, Bird. birdY) ) Bird. birdUpdate( ) pygame. display. update( ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """主程序""" pygame. init( ) size = width, height = 400 , 720 screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size) clock = pygame. time. Clock( ) Pipeline = Pipeline( ) Bird = Bird( ) while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) if ( event. type == pygame. KEYDOWN or event. type == pygame. MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not Bird. dead: Bird. jump = True Bird. gravity = 5 Bird. jumpSpeed = 10 background = pygame. image. load( "assets/background.png" ) createMap( screen, background) pygame. quit( )
5. 创建管道类
创建完鸟类之后,我们来创建管道类。同样,在_init_ ()方法中初始化各种参数,包括设置管道的坐标,加载上下管道图片等。然后在updatePipline()方法中,定义管道向左移动的速度,并且当管道移出屏幕时重新绘制下一组管道。最后,在createMap()函数中显示管道。关键代码如下:
import pygame
import sys
import random
class Bird ( object ) : """定义一个鸟类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. birdRect = pygame. Rect( 65 , 50 , 50 , 50 ) self. birdStatus = [ pygame. image. load( "assets/1.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/2.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/dead.png" ) ] self. status = 0 self. birdX = 120 self. birdY = 350 self. jump = False self. jumpSpeed = 10 self. gravity = 5 self. dead = False def birdUpdate ( self) : if self. jump: self. jumpSpeed -= 1 self. birdY -= self. jumpSpeed else : self. gravity += 0.2 self. birdY += self. gravity self. birdRect[ 1 ] = self. birdY class Pipeline ( object ) : """定义一个管道类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. wallx = 400 self. pineUp = pygame. image. load( "assets/top.png" ) self. pineDown = pygame. image. load( "assets/bottom.png" ) def updatePipeline ( self) : """管道水平移动方法""" self. wallx -= 5 if self. wallx < - 80 : self. wallx = 400 def createMap ( screen, background) : """定义创建地图的方法""" screen. fill( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) screen. blit( background, ( 0 , 0 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineUp, ( Pipeline. wallx, - 300 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineDown, ( Pipeline. wallx, 500 ) ) Pipeline. updatePipeline( ) if Bird. dead: Bird. status = 2 elif Bird. jump: Bird. status = 1 screen. blit( Bird. birdStatus[ Bird. status] , ( Bird. birdX, Bird. birdY) ) Bird. birdUpdate( ) pygame. display. update( ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """主程序""" pygame. init( ) size = width, height = 400 , 720 screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size) clock = pygame. time. Clock( ) Pipeline = Pipeline( ) Bird = Bird( ) while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) if ( event. type == pygame. KEYDOWN or event. type == pygame. MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not Bird. dead: Bird. jump = True Bird. gravity = 5 Bird. jumpSpeed = 10 background = pygame. image. load( "assets/background.png" ) createMap( screen, background) pygame. quit( )
6. 计算得分
import pygame
import sys
import random
class Bird ( object ) : """定义一个鸟类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. birdRect = pygame. Rect( 65 , 50 , 50 , 50 ) self. birdStatus = [ pygame. image. load( "assets/1.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/2.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/dead.png" ) ] self. status = 0 self. birdX = 120 self. birdY = 350 self. jump = False self. jumpSpeed = 10 self. gravity = 5 self. dead = False def birdUpdate ( self) : if self. jump: self. jumpSpeed -= 1 self. birdY -= self. jumpSpeed else : self. gravity += 0.2 self. birdY += self. gravity self. birdRect[ 1 ] = self. birdY class Pipeline ( object ) : """定义一个管道类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. wallx = 400 self. pineUp = pygame. image. load( "assets/top.png" ) self. pineDown = pygame. image. load( "assets/bottom.png" ) def updatePipeline ( self) : """管道水平移动方法""" self. wallx -= 5 if self. wallx < - 80 : global scorescore += 1 self. wallx = 400 def createMap ( screen, background, font) : """定义创建地图的方法""" screen. fill( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) screen. blit( background, ( 0 , 0 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineUp, ( Pipeline. wallx, - 100 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineDown, ( Pipeline. wallx, 500 ) ) Pipeline. updatePipeline( ) if Bird. dead: Bird. status = 2 elif Bird. jump: Bird. status = 1 screen. blit( Bird. birdStatus[ Bird. status] , ( Bird. birdX, Bird. birdY) ) Bird. birdUpdate( ) screen. blit( font. render( "score: " + str ( score) , - 1 , ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) , ( 230 , 20 ) ) pygame. display. update( ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """主程序""" pygame. init( ) pygame. font. init( ) font = pygame. font. SysFont( None , 50 ) size = width, height = 400 , 680 screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size) clock = pygame. time. Clock( ) Pipeline = Pipeline( ) Bird = Bird( ) score = 0 while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) if ( event. type == pygame. KEYDOWN or event. type == pygame. MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not Bird. dead: Bird. jump = True Bird. gravity = 5 Bird. jumpSpeed = 10 background = pygame. image. load( "assets/background.png" ) createMap( screen, background, font) pygame. quit( )
7. 碰撞检测
import pygame
import sys
import random
class Bird ( object ) : """定义一个鸟类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. birdRect = pygame. Rect( 65 , 50 , 50 , 50 ) self. birdStatus = [ pygame. image. load( "assets/1.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/2.png" ) , pygame. image. load( "assets/dead.png" ) ] self. status = 0 self. birdX = 120 self. birdY = 350 self. jump = False self. jumpSpeed = 10 self. gravity = 5 self. dead = False def birdUpdate ( self) : if self. jump: self. jumpSpeed -= 1 self. birdY -= self. jumpSpeed else : self. gravity += 0.2 self. birdY += self. gravity self. birdRect[ 1 ] = self. birdY class Pipeline ( object ) : """定义一个管道类""" def __init__ ( self) : """定义初始化方法""" self. wallx = 400 self. pineUp = pygame. image. load( "assets/top.png" ) self. pineDown = pygame. image. load( "assets/bottom.png" ) def updatePipeline ( self) : """管道水平移动方法""" self. wallx -= 5 if self. wallx < - 80 : global scorescore += 1 self. wallx = 400 def createMap ( screen, background, font) : """定义创建地图的方法""" screen. fill( ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) screen. blit( background, ( 0 , 0 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineUp, ( Pipeline. wallx, - 100 ) ) screen. blit( Pipeline. pineDown, ( Pipeline. wallx, 500 ) ) Pipeline. updatePipeline( ) if Bird. dead: Bird. status = 2 elif Bird. jump: Bird. status = 1 screen. blit( Bird. birdStatus[ Bird. status] , ( Bird. birdX, Bird. birdY) ) Bird. birdUpdate( ) screen. blit( font. render( "score: " + str ( score) , - 1 , ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) , ( 230 , 20 ) ) pygame. display. update( ) def checkDead ( ) : upRect = pygame. Rect( Pipeline. wallx, - 100 , Pipeline. pineUp. get_width( ) - 10 , Pipeline. pineUp. get_height( ) ) downRect = pygame. Rect( Pipeline. wallx, 500 , Pipeline. pineDown. get_width( ) - 10 , Pipeline. pineDown. get_height( ) ) if upRect. colliderect( Bird. birdRect) or downRect. colliderect( Bird. birdRect) : Bird. dead = True return True else : return False def getResult ( ) : final_text1 = "Game over" final_text2 = "Your final score is: " + str ( score) ft1_font = pygame. font. SysFont( "Arial" , 70 ) ft1_surf = ft1_font. render( final_text1, 1 , ( 242 , 3 , 36 ) ) ft2_font = pygame. font. SysFont( "Arial" , 50 ) ft2_surf = ft2_font. render( final_text2, 1 , ( 253 , 177 , 6 ) ) screen. blit( ft1_surf, [ screen. get_width( ) / 2 - ft1_surf. get_width( ) / 2 , 100 ] ) screen. blit( ft2_surf, [ screen. get_width( ) / 2 - ft2_surf. get_width( ) / 2 , 200 ] ) pygame. display. flip( ) if __name__ == "__main__" : """主程序""" pygame. init( ) pygame. font. init( ) font = pygame. font. SysFont( None , 50 ) size = width, height = 400 , 680 screen = pygame. display. set_mode( size) clock = pygame. time. Clock( ) Pipeline = Pipeline( ) Bird = Bird( ) score = 0 while True : clock. tick( 60 ) for event in pygame. event. get( ) : if event. type == pygame. QUIT: sys. exit( ) if ( event. type == pygame. KEYDOWN or event. type == pygame. MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not Bird. dead: Bird. jump = True Bird. gravity = 5 Bird. jumpSpeed = 10 background = pygame. image. load( "assets/background.png" ) if checkDead( ) : getResult( ) else : createMap( screen, background, font) pygame. quit( )
本实例已经实现了Flappy Bird的基本功能,但还有很多需要完善的地方,如设置游戏的难度,包括设置管道的高度、小鸟的飞行速度等。
4. 小结
主要讲解了如何使用Pygame开发游戏。首先通过一个跳跃的小球游戏来了解Pygame的基本使用方法,然后利用Python逐步开发一个知名游戏Flappy Bird。通过本章的学习,可以掌握Pygame的基础知识,并使用Python面向对象的思维方式开发一个Python小游戏,进一步体会Python编程的乐趣。