

Abstract: This article introduces the application of Acrel DC meters in POWERCOM company in Bangladesh. It is mainly used in photovoltaic DC cabinets to measure the output current and voltage of the combiner box , and collect switch signals at the power distribution site. The device has an RS485 interface to upload the measured and collected data and equipment status.


Project Overview


Power Control&Management-POWERCOM is located in Bangladesh and is one of the largest energy companies in the country. Mainly used DC multi-function meter PZ72L-DE/CKJ and shunt, used to measure the output current and voltage of the combiner box, and collect the status of the switch.


 PZ Series DC Programmable Intelligent Electric Meters


产品符合 Q/GDW1825-2013《直流电能表技术规范》、GB/T29318-2012《电动汽车非车载充电电能计量》、Q/GDW364-2009《单相智能电能表技术规范》等标准的相关技术要求。

PZ series intelligent DC energy meter is designed for applications such as DC panels, solar power,telecommunications base stations, and charging posts. This series of instruments can measure voltage, current, power,forward and reverse power in DC system. It can be used for local display, and connected with industrial control

equipment, computers, form a measurement and control system. And it has a variety of external excuse functions for the user to choose: RS485 communication interface, Modbus-RTU protocol, relay alarm output, digital input/output. According to different requirements, through the instrument panel keys, you can set the ratio, communication parameters.

The product meets the relevant technical requirements of the standard Q/GDW1825-2013 DC power meter specification,GB/T29318-2012 Non-vehicle charging electric energy metering for electric vehicles,Q/GDW364-2009 Single-phase energy meter



Model description

Technical features

Product functions


Installation picture


在光伏系统中,发电系统的安全性至关重要,PZ系列仪表作为一种先进的智能化、数字化的前端采集元件,已广泛应用于直流屏、太阳能供电、电信基站、充电桩等场合。可以实现对发电回路的电参量的实时监控,不仅能显示回路发电状况,还具有网络通讯功能,可以与串口服务器、计算机等组成电力监控系统。系统实现对采集数据的分析、处理,实时显示光伏系统的运行状态,为项目解决用电问题提供了真实可靠的依据,取得了较好的企业效益。In photovoltaic systems, the safety of the power generation system is very important. As an advanced intelligent and digital front-end collection component, PZ series meters have been widely used in DC screens, solar power supply, telecommunication base stations, charging piles and other occasions. It can realize real-time monitoring of the electrical parameters of the power generation loop, not only can display the power generation status of the loop, but also has a network communication function, and can form a power monitoring system with a serial server, a computer, etc. The system realizes the analysis and processing of the collected data, displays the operating status of the photovoltaic system in real time, provides a true and reliable basis for the project to solve the electricity problem, and has achieved good corporate benefits.


1. Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system 

安科瑞 缪阳扬





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