


The Rhapsody of Loops and the Melody of Love


In a bright and sunny Java programming class, our protagonist Lin Haoran, a sophomore deeply immersed in the world of code logic and algorithm puzzles, found himself facing a challenging task. The leading lady, Yang Lingyun, renowned as the “programmer fairy” for her agile thinking and ability to tackle complex loop problems, entered the scene.


One day, Lin Haoran encountered a tricky problem – he needed to write a piece of code that would automatically judge whether a student passed based on the input grades. The catch was that he had to create a loop structure that continuously prompted the user to “keep studying” until the condition for passing was met. This wasn’t a simple counting loop; it was a conditional loop challenge where the loop would only terminate when the grades met the required standard.


Scratching his head in contemplation, Lin Haoran’s expression formed a capital “Infinite Loop.” At that moment, Yang Lingyun gracefully floated by, casting a glance at the code on his screen. “Oh, our dear Haoran is also entangled in the loop, huh?”


“Lingyun Goddess, you have no idea; this loop of mine is like an incessant music box. It only stops playing when it hears the melody of a passing grade,” Lin Haoran replied with a hint of humor.


Chuckling, Yang Lingyun picked up the keyboard and began her magical performance: “Let’s add some rhythm to this loop, make it like a complete composition.” With that, she skillfully crafted a do-while loop structure on the screen, incorporating a clever counter to ensure the loop would exit after a certain number of review sessions or when the grades met the standard.


“There you go, now your loop not only motivates studying but also gently says ‘Congratulations’ at the right moment!” Yang Lingyun proudly showcased the modified code.


Watching the loop structure that resembled a poetic masterpiece, Lin Haoran’s admiration for Yang Lingyun deepened like a recursively unfolding function. They debugged the code together, laughter echoing through the process, resembling two programmers composing a unique love song with the binary notes of 0 and 1 – a perpetual cycle with ever-renewed creativity.


From then on, amidst countless days and nights of programming exercises, the love story of Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun blossomed within the interweaving loops. Each iteration brought them closer, and with every new loop, their feelings reached the perfect termination condition – mutual love.





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