文献速递:肿瘤分割---- ALA-Net:用于3D结直肠肿瘤分割的自适应病变感知注意力网络

文献速递:肿瘤分割---- ALA-Net:用于3D结直肠肿瘤分割的自适应病变感知注意力网络






ALA-Net: Adaptive Lesion-Aware Attention Network for 3D Colorectal Tumor Segmentation




Accurate and reliable segmentation of colorectal tumors and surrounding colorectal tissues on 3D magnetic resonance images has critical importance in preoperative prediction, staging, and radiotherapy. Previous works simply combine multilevel features without aggregating representative semantic information and without compensating for the loss of spatial information caused by down-sampling. Therefore, they are vulnerable to noise from complex backgrounds and suffer from misclassification and target incompleteness-related failures. In this paper, we address these limitations with a novel adaptive lesion-aware attention network (ALA-Net) which explicitly integrates useful contextual information with spatial details and captures richer feature dependencies based on 3D attention mechanisms. The model comprises two parallel encoding paths. One of these is designed to explore global contextual features and enlarge the receptive field using a recurrent strategy. The other captures sharper object boundaries and the details of small objects that are lost in repeated down-sampling layers. Our lesion-aware attention module adaptively captures long-range semantic dependencies and highlights the most discriminative features, improving semantic consistency and completeness. Furthermore, we introduce a prediction aggregation module to combine multiscale feature maps and to further filter out irrelevant information for precise voxel-wise prediction.




The architecture of our ALA-Net is illustrated in Fig. 1. We first feed input into a GCE, which captures rich context information at four different resolution stages. To compensate for the inevitable loss of spatial information caused by down-sampling operations in the GCE, we also feed input into a DSRP which probes spatial features to recover details of local features. We concatenate feature maps from GCE and DSRP at each resolution stage and perform trilinear interpolation followed by convolution operations to accomplish feature refinement. This refinement processing is conducive to enhancing the network’s ability to handle small objects and reconstruct lost boundary details. We denote up-sampled features at multiple scales as Fs, where s indicates the resolution stage in the architecture. Subsequently, Fs from all scales are concatenated to form FM L , which encodes low-level fine-grained features from shallow layers and high-level semantics fromdeeper layers. We combine FM L with each Fs and feed them into the proposed LAMs to generate attentive features. Finally, we fuse the multiple attentive feature maps by a PAM to obtain segmentation results. The following subsections present the details of each network component and elaborate on the motivations behind them.

我们的ALA-Net架构如图1所示。我们首先将输入送入GCE,该GCE在四个不同的分辨率阶段捕获丰富的上下文信息。为了弥补GCE中下采样操作不可避免地造成的空间信息丢失,我们还将输入送入DSRP,该DSRP探测空间特征以恢复局部特征的细节。我们在每个分辨率阶段将GCE和DSRP的特征图进行串联,并执行三线性插值,随后进行卷积操作以完成特征细化。这种细化处理有助于增强网络处理小物体和重构丢失边界细节的能力。我们将架构中各分辨率阶段的上采样特征表示为Fs,其中s表示分辨率阶段。随后,所有尺度的Fs被串联形成FM L ,它从浅层编码低级细腻特征和从深层编码高级语义。我们将FM L 与每个Fs结合,并将它们送入所提出的LAMs以生成注意力特征。最后,我们通过PAM融合多个注意力特征图以获得分割结果。以下小节将介绍每个网络组件的细节,并阐述其背后的动机。



We proposed ALA-Net, a novel architecture based on the attention mechanism for fully automatic, whole volume colorectal tumor segmentation. Our approach yields an effective and efficient scheme which leverages multiscale contextual information and recovers fine-grained spatial information lost in down-sampling layers in order to refine the learned feature representation. Our key idea is to allow the network to concentrate on semantically salient regions and to select features beneficial to the recovery of lesions by using the attention mechanism. Experimental results on a large quantity of challenging pelvic volumes show that ALA-Net outperforms 2D, 3D, and hybrid 2D-3D state-of-the-art methods. We also conducted extensive ablation experiments to evaluate the impact of the individual network components and further motivate our design choices. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in providing precise and reliable automatic segmentation of colorectal tumors and surrounding normal tissues. The segmentation results of tumors and of surrounding colorectal tissues reveal how deeply the primary tumor has grown into the bowel lining, providing oncologists with accurate information to help determine the tumor stage. In our future work, we will work on reliable, efficient, weakly supervised deep learning models for colorectal tumor segmentation, as the delineation procedure is laborious and timeconsuming. Furthermore, we will explore the postprocessing module using GANs to refine the outputs.




Fig. 1. Schematic of ALA-Net. GCE: global context encoder; WRRB: wide recurrent residual block; RM: reduction module; DSRP: dense spatial refinement path; WSB: weighted dense block; TL: transition layer; H3DC: hybrid 3D dilated convolution; Fs: up-sampled features from multiple resolution stages; FML: combined features from multiple layers; LAM: lesion-aware attention module; PAM: prediction aggregation module. AFs: attentive features from four LAMs. 2×up and 4×up denote trilinear up-sampling by a factor of two and four, respectively.



Fig. 2. Structure of WRRB and reduction module. (a) Components in a WRRB, consisting of three branches. (b) Unfolded RCL for T = 2. The effective receptive field of an RCL unit expands when the iteration number t increases. © Components in a reduction module

图2。WRRB和降维模块的结构。(a) WRRB中的组件,由三个分支组成。(b) 当T = 2时展开的RCL。当迭代次数t增加时,RCL单元的有效接收场会扩大。© 降维模块中的组件。


Fig. 3. Illustration of hybrid 3D dilated convolution strategy. r denotes the dilatedrate, representing inserting r − 1 zeros between two consecutive filter values along each spatial dimension. The first H3DC adopts r = 1, 2, 3, whereas the second adopts r = 3, 4, 5. In each H3DC, the applied dilation rates do not have a common factor relationship according to [25]

图3。混合3D膨胀卷积策略的示意图。r表示膨胀率,代表在每个空间维度上两个连续滤波器值之间插入r − 1个零。第一个H3DC采用r = 1, 2, 3,而第二个采用r = 3, 4, 5。在每个H3DC中,根据[25]的说法,应用的膨胀率没有公因数关系。


Fig. 4. Weighted dense block. αl denotes the attention score for each direct connection starting from lth layer. F · denotes the combination of instance normalization (IN), rectified linear units (ReLU) and 3D convolution. At the end of each WSB, we apply a dropout layer with the dropout rate of 0.2 to avoid overfitting.

图4。加权密集块。αl表示从第l层开始的每个直接连接的注意力得分。F · 代表实例归一化(IN)、整流线性单元(ReLU)和3D卷积的组合。在每个WSB的末端,我们应用一个dropout率为0.2的dropout层以避免过拟合。


Fig. 5. Lesion-aware attention module. E: input feature maps; O: output feature maps; R: spatial attention map; X: channel attention map.



Fig. 6. Prediction aggregation module. AF0, AF1, AF2, and AF3 are the multilevel attentive features from four LAMs. After 1 × 1 × 1 convolution, these feature maps are combined by element-wise sum operation, generating AFl . AFmax l and AFavg l denote average-pooled features and max-pooled features, respectively. To reduce parameter overhead, we reduce the channel numbers of Fmax l and F avg l to a quarter of the original size. Ml denotes the attention map that generates the weights along the channel dimension.

图6。预测聚合模块。AF0,AF1,AF2和AF3是来自四个LAM的多级注意力特征。经过1×1×1卷积后,这些特征图通过元素级求和操作结合起来,生成AFl。AFmax l 和AFavg l分别表示平均池化特征和最大池化特征。为了减少参数开销,我们将Fmax l 和Favg l的通道数减少到原来大小的四分之一。Ml表示沿通道维度生成权重的注意力图。


Fig. 7. Qualitative results. Colorectal tumor (red); Surrounding normal colorectal tissues (green)



Fig. 8. Visualization results of the feature maps. For each row, we show an input image, the corresponding feature maps from the outputs of GCE, DSRP, and LAM at the fourth resolution stage, and feature maps from the outputs of PAM and the ground truth.



Fig. 9. Variants of DSRP. The difference between these three options is the number of transition layers (TL) and the ratio of the final output feature map size to the original input size



Fig. 10. Qualitative results on public datasets. The first and second rows show results on the lung segmentation dataset. The third to fifth rows show results on the LiTS challenge, where the liver is depicted in green and the tumors are depicted in red. Our method consistently performs well on the two public datasets.




table 1 ablation study on indixidual contribution of different modules in the ten-foldcross-validation process(MEAN ± S.D.)

表I 十折交叉验证过程中不同模块单独贡献的消融研究(均值 ± 标准差)


TABLE II comparison between modules and their close alterna tives in the ten-fold cross-validation process(MEAN ± S.D.)

表II 十折交叉验证过程中模块及其近似替代品的比较(均值 ± 标准差)


TABLE III comparison to other state-of-the-art architectures(MEAN ± S.D.)

表III 与其他最先进架构的比较(均值 ± 标准差)


TABLE IVevaluations of using different numbers of transition layers(TL).we use 2 transition layers in dsrp throughout all experiments forementioned in the paper because this turns out to be the best compromise between accuracy and efficiency.note that the configuration of none transition layer is ignored due to the memory limitation.ratio=(OUTPUT SIZE / ORIGINAL INPUT)

表IV 使用不同数量过渡层(TL)的评估。在本文中提到的所有实验中,我们在DSRP中使用2个过渡层,因为这被证明是在准确性和效率之间的最佳折衷。请注意,由于内存限制,没有过渡层的配置被忽略。比率 =(输出尺寸 / 原始输入)


TABLE V evaluations of using different numbers of dense spatial refinent paths (DSRPS). we use 1 dsrp throughout all experiments forementioned in the paper because this turns out to be the best choice

表V 使用不同数量密集空间细化路径(DSRPs)的评估。在本文中提到的所有实验中,我们使用1个DSRP,因为这被证明是最佳选择。


TABLE VI comparison to other state-of-the-art Architectures on independent test set

表VI 在独立测试集上与其他最先进架构的比较


TABLE VII segmentation results on lung segmentation dataset

表VII 肺部分割数据集上的分割结果


TABLE VIII segmentation results on lits dataset

表VIII LiTS数据集上的分割结果


TABLE IX evaluations of model complexity,showing the parameters of different models

表IX 模型复杂度评估,展示了不同模型的参数情况




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