Matlab: Introduction to Hybrid Beamforming


  • 来源
  • 混合波束赋形的基本概念
  • System Setup
  • 关键函数


doc hybrid beamforming





上图显示,在发射端,TR开关的数量小于天线单元的数量 N T N_T NT。为了提供更大的灵活性,每个天线元件可以连接到一个或多个TR模块。此外,可以在每个TR模块和天线之间插入模拟移相器,以提供一些有限的转向能力。

接收器端的配置类似,如图所示。此系统可以支持的最大数据流数量 N S N_S NS N T R F N_{TRF} NTRF N R R F N_{RRF} NRRF中较小的一个。


System Setup

This section simulates a 64 x 16 MIMO hybrid beamforming system, with a 64-element square array with 4 RF chains on the transmitter side and a 16-element square array with 4 RF chains on the receiver side.

Nt = 64;
NtRF = 4;Nr = 16;
NrRF = 4;

In this simulation, it is assumed that each antenna is connected to all RF chains. Thus, each antenna is connected to 4 phase shifters. Such an array can be modeled by partitioning the array aperture into 4 completely connected subarrays.

c = 3e8;
fc = 28e9;
lambda = c/fc;
txarray = phased.PartitionedArray(...'Array',phased.URA([sqrt(Nt) sqrt(Nt)],lambda/2),...'SubarraySelection',ones(NtRF,Nt),'SubarraySteering','Custom');
rxarray = phased.PartitionedArray(...'Array',phased.URA([sqrt(Nr) sqrt(Nr)],lambda/2),...'SubarraySelection',ones(NrRF,Nr),'SubarraySteering','Custom');

To maximize the spectral efficiency, each RF chain can be used to send an independent data stream. In this case, the system can support up to 4 streams.

Next, assume a scattering environment with 6 scattering clusters randomly distributed in space. Within each cluster, there are 8 closely located scatterers with an angle spread of 5 degrees, for a total of 48 scatterers. The path gain for each scatterer is obtained from a complex circular symmetric Gaussian distribution.

Ncl = 6;
Nray = 8;
Nscatter = Nray*Ncl;
angspread = 5;
% compute randomly placed scatterer clusters
txclang = [rand(1,Ncl)*120-60;rand(1,Ncl)*60-30];
rxclang = [rand(1,Ncl)*120-60;rand(1,Ncl)*60-30];
txang = zeros(2,Nscatter);
rxang = zeros(2,Nscatter);
% compute the rays within each cluster
for m = 1:Ncltxang(:,(m-1)*Nray+(1:Nray)) = randn(2,Nray)*sqrt(angspread)+txclang(:,m);rxang(:,(m-1)*Nray+(1:Nray)) = randn(2,Nray)*sqrt(angspread)+rxclang(:,m);
endg = (randn(1,Nscatter)+1i*randn(1,Nscatter))/sqrt(Nscatter);The channel matrix can be formed as 
txpos = getElementPosition(txarray)/lambda;
rxpos = getElementPosition(rxarray)/lambda;
H = scatteringchanmtx(txpos,rxpos,txang,rxang,g);

Hybrid Weights Computation
In a spatial multiplexing system with all digital beamforming, the signal is modulated by a set of precoding weights, propagated through the channel, and recovered by a set of combining weights. Mathematically, this process can be described by Y = (XFH+N)W where X is an Ns-column matrix whose columns are data streams, F is an Ns Nt matrix representing the precoding weights, W is an Nr Ns matrix representing the combining weights, N is an Nr-column matrix whose columns are the receiver noise at each element, and Y is an Ns-column matrix whose columns are recovered data streams. Since the goal of the system is to achieve better spectral efficiency, obtaining the precoding and combining weights can be considered as an optimization problem where the optimal precoding and combining weights make the product of FHW’ a diagonal matrix so each data stream can be recovered independently.
In a hybrid beamforming system, the signal flow is similar. Both the precoding weights and the combining weights are combinations of baseband digital weights and RF band analog weights. The baseband digital weights convert the incoming data streams to input signals at each RF chain and the analog weights then convert the signal at each RF chain to the signal radiated or collected at each antenna element. Note that the analog weights can only contain phase shifts.
Mathematically, it can be written as F=Fbb
Frf and W=WbbWrf, where Fbb is an Ns NtRF matrix, Frf an NtRF Nt matrix, Wbb an NrRF Ns matrix, and Wrf an Nr NrRF matrix. Since both Frf and Wrf can only be used to modify the signal phase, there are extra constraints in the optimization process to identify the optimal precoding and combining weights. Ideally, the resulting combination of FbbFrf and Wrf*Wbb are close approximations of F and W that are obtained without those constraints.
Unfortunately, optimizing all four matrix variables simultaneously is quite difficult. Therefore, many algorithms are proposed to arrive at suboptimal weights with a reasonable computational load. This example uses the approach proposed in [1] which decouples the optimizations for the precoding and combining weights. It first uses the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm to derive the precoding weights. Once the precoding weights are computed, the result is then used to obtain the corresponding combining weights.
Assuming the channel is known, the unconstrained optimal precoding weights can be obtained by diagonalizing the channel matrix and extracting the first NtRF dominating modes. The transmit beam pattern can be plotted as

F = diagbfweights(H);
F = F(1:NtRF,:);


The response pattern above shows that even in a multipath environment, there are limited number of dominant directions.
The hybrid weights, on the other hand, can be computed as

At = steervec(txpos,txang);
Ar = steervec(rxpos,rxang);Ns = NtRF;
[Fbb,Frf] = omphybweights(H,Ns,NtRF,At);

The beam pattern of the hybrid weights is shown below:



Compared to the beam pattern obtained using the optimal weights, the beam pattern using the hybrid weights is similar, especially for dominant beams. This means that the data streams can be successfully transmitted through those beams using hybrid weights.

Spectral Efficiency Comparison
One of the system level performance metrics of a 5G system is the spectral efficiency. The next section compares the spectral efficiency achieved using the optimal weights with that of the proposed hybrid beamforming weights. The simulation assumes 1 or 2 data streams as outlined in [1]. The transmit antenna array is assumed to be at a base station, with a focused beamwidth of 60 degrees in azimuth and 20 degrees in elevation. The signal can arrive at the receive array from any direction. The resulting spectral efficiency curve is obtained from 50 Monte-Carlo trials for each SNR.

snr_param = -40:5:0;
Nsnr = numel(snr_param);
Ns_param = [1 2];
NNs = numel(Ns_param);NtRF = 4;
NrRF = 4;Ropt = zeros(Nsnr,NNs);
Rhyb = zeros(Nsnr,NNs);
Niter = 50;for m = 1:Nsnrsnr = db2pow(snr_param(m));for n = 1:Niter% Channel realizationtxang = [rand(1,Nscatter)*60-30;rand(1,Nscatter)*20-10];rxang = [rand(1,Nscatter)*180-90;rand(1,Nscatter)*90-45];At = steervec(txpos,txang);Ar = steervec(rxpos,rxang);g = (randn(1,Nscatter)+1i*randn(1,Nscatter))/sqrt(Nscatter);H = scatteringchanmtx(txpos,rxpos,txang,rxang,g);for k = 1:NNsNs = Ns_param(k);% Compute optimal weights and its spectral efficiency[Fopt,Wopt] = helperOptimalHybridWeights(H,Ns,1/snr);Ropt(m,k) = Ropt(m,k)+helperComputeSpectralEfficiency(H,Fopt,Wopt,Ns,snr);% Compute hybrid weights and its spectral efficiency[Fbb,Frf,Wbb,Wrf] = omphybweights(H,Ns,NtRF,At,NrRF,Ar,1/snr);Rhyb(m,k) = Rhyb(m,k)+helperComputeSpectralEfficiency(H,Fbb*Frf,Wrf*Wbb,Ns,snr);endend
Ropt = Ropt/Niter;
Rhyb = Rhyb/Niter;plot(snr_param,Ropt(:,1),'--sr',...snr_param,Ropt(:,2),'--b',...snr_param,Rhyb(:,1),'-sr',...snr_param,Rhyb(:,2),'-b');
xlabel('SNR (dB)');
ylabel('Spectral Efficiency (bits/s/Hz');
legend('Ns=1 optimal','Ns=2 optimal','Ns=1 hybrid', 'Ns=2 hybrid',...'Location','best');
grid on;


This figure shows that the spectral efficiency improves significantly when we increase the number of data streams. In addition, the hybrid beamforming can perform close to what optimal weights can offer using less hardware.

This example introduces the basic concept of hybrid beamforming and shows how to split the precoding and combining weights using orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm. It shows that hybrid beamforming can closely match the performance offered by optimal digital weights.
[1] Omar El Ayach, et al. Spatially Sparse Precoding in Millimeter wave MIMO Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 2014.
Copyright 2017 The MathWorks, Inc.



function [w_pre,w_comb,Pi,G,C] = diagbfweights(Hchann_in,P_in,NpowSubchan_in,Popt_in)
%diagbfweights  MIMO beamforming using diagonalization
%   [WP,WC] = diagbfweights(HCHAN) returns the precoding weights, WP, and
%   combining weights, WC, for the channel matrix, HCHAN. These weights
%   together diagonalize the channel into independent subchannels so that
%   the result of WP*HCHAN*WC has all its off-diagonal elements equal to 0.
%   HCHAN can be either a matrix or a 3-dimensional array. If HCHAN is a
%   matrix, HCHAN has a size of NtxNr where Nt is number of elements in the
%   transmit array and Nr is the number of elements in the receive array.
%   If HCHAN is a 3-dimensional array, its dimension is LxNtxNr where L is
%   the number of subcarriers.
%   If HCHAN is a matrix, WP is an NtxNt matrix and WC has a size of NrxNr.
%   If HCHAN is a 3-dimensional array, WP is an LxNtxNt matrix and WC has a
%   size of LxNrxNr.
%   [WP,WC,P] = diagbfweights(HCHAN) returns the distributed power, P (in
%   linear scale), for each transmit element. If H is a matrix, P is a 1xNt
%   vector. If H is a 3-dimensional array, P is an LxNt vector.
%   [WP,WC,P,G] = diagbfweights(HCHAN) returns the subchannel gains in G.
%   If HCHAN is a matrix, G is a 1xR vector where R is the lessor of Nt and
%   Nr. If HCHAN is a 3-dimensional array, G has a size of LxR. G is
%   measured in linear units.
%   [WP,WC,P,G,C] = diagbfweights(HCHAN) returns the sum of capacity of the
%   channel in C (in bps/Hz). If HCHAN is a matrix, C is a scalar. If HCHAN
%   is a 3-dimensional array, C is an Lx1 vector.
%   [...] = diagbfweights(HCHAN,PT) specifies the total transmit power,
%   PT (in linear units), as a positive scalar or an L-element vector. PT
%   and P has the same units.
%   If PT is a scalar, then all subcarriers have the same transmit power.
%   If PT is a vector, its element specifies the transmit power for the
%   corresponding subcarrier. The total power is distributed evenly across
%   N transmit elements at each subcarrier and the result is included in
%   WP. The default value of PT is 1.
%   [...] = diagbfweights(HCHAN,PT,NPOW) specifies the noise power, NPOW,
%   in each receive antenna element as a scalar. All subcarriers are
%   assumed to have the same noise power. The default value of NPOW is 1.
%   NPOW shares the same unit as PT.
%   [...] = diagbfweights(HCHAN,PT,NPOW,POPTION) specifies how the total
%   transmit power, PT, is distributed among transmit array elements in
%   POPTION as one of 'Uniform' | 'Waterfill', where the default is
%   'Uniform'. If POPTION is 'Uniform', the transmit power is evenly
%   distributed across Nt channels. If POPTION is 'Waterfill', the transmit
%   power is distributed across the Nt channels using a waterfill 
%   algorithm.
%   % Examples:
%   % Example 1:
%   %   Given a channel matrix for a 4x4 MIMO channel, show that
%   %   diagonalization-based precoding and combining weights can achieve
%   %   spatial multiplexing, where the received signal at each element
%   %   matches the signal sent by the corresponding transmit element.
%   %   Assume the noise power of the receive channel is 0.01 watt.
%   Hchan = rand(4,4);
%   x = 1-2.*randi([0 1],[20 4]);
%   [w_pre,w_comb] = diagbfweights(Hchan,4);
%   y = (x*w_pre*Hchan+0.1*randn(20,4))*w_comb;
%   for m = 1:4
%       subplot(4,1,m);
%       stem([x(:,m) y(:,m)]);
%       ylabel('Signal')
%   end
%   xlabel('Samples')
%   legend('Input','Recovered')
%   % Example 2:
%   %   Given a channel matrix for a 4x4 MIMO channel, show that
%   %   diagonalization-based precoding and combining weights can achieve
%   %   spatial multiplexing, where the received signal at each element
%   %   matches the signal sent by the corresponding transmit element.
%   %   Assume the noise power of receive channel is 0.1 watt. Also compare
%   %   the performance between different power allocation strategies.
%   Hchan = rand(4,4);
%   x = 1-2.*randi([0 1],[20 4]);
%   [w_pre1,w_comb1,P1] = diagbfweights(Hchan,4);
%   npow = 0.1;
%   noise = sqrt(npow)*randn(20,4);
%   y1 = ((x.*P1)*w_pre1*Hchan+noise)*w_comb1;
%   [w_pre2,w_comb2,P2] = diagbfweights(Hchan,4,npow,'waterfill');
%   y2 = ((x.*P2)*w_pre2*Hchan+noise)*w_comb2;
%   for m = 1:4
%       subplot(4,1,m);
%       stem([x(:,m) y1(:,m) y2(:,m)]);
%       ylabel('Signal');
%   end
%   xlabel('Samples');
%   legend('Input','Uniform','Waterfill');
%   subplot(4,1,1);
%   title(['P_{uniform} = [',num2str(P1),...
%       '], P_{waterfill} = [',num2str(P2),']'])
%   See also phased, blkdiagbfweights, waterfill.%   Copyright 2016-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.%   Reference
%   [1] David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless
%   Communication, Cambridge, 2005
%   [2] Arogyaswami Paulraj, et al. Introduction to Space-Time Wireless
%   Communications, Cambridge, 2003%#ok<*EMCLS>
validateattributes(Hchann_in,{'double'},{'nonnan','nonempty','finite','3d'},...'diagbfweights','HCHAN');isHmatrix = ismatrix(Hchann_in);if isHmatrixHchann = permute(Hchann_in,[2 1 3]);  % NrxNtchansize = size(Hchann);L = 1;Nt = chansize(2);Nr = chansize(1);
elseHchann = permute(Hchann_in,[3 2 1]);  % NrxNtxLchansize = size(Hchann);L = chansize(3);Nt = chansize(2);Nr = chansize(1);
N_diag = min(Nt,Nr);
G = zeros(L,N_diag);if nargin < 2if isHmatrixP = 1;elseP = ones(L,1);end
elseif isHmatrixsigdatatypes.validatePower(P_in,'diagbfweights','PT',{'scalar'});P = P_in;elseif isscalar(P_in)sigdatatypes.validatePower(P_in,'diagbfweights','PT',{'scalar'});P = P_in*ones(L,1);elsesigdatatypes.validatePower(P_in,'diagbfweights','PT',{'vector','numel',L});P = P_in(:);endend
endif isHmatrix[U,S,V] = svd(Hchann);w_pre = V.';w_comb = conj(U);G(1:N_diag) = abs(diag(S).').^2;Nrk = sum(G>0);
else % 3Dw_pre = zeros(L,Nt,Nt,'like',1+1i);w_comb = zeros(L,Nr,Nr,'like',1+1i);G = zeros(L,min(Nt,Nr));Nrk = zeros(L,1);for m = 1:L[U,S,V] = svd(Hchann(:,:,m));w_pre(m,:,:) = V.';w_comb(m,:,:) = conj(U);G(m,:) = abs(diag(S).').^2;Nrk(m) = sum(G(m,:)>0);end
endif nargin < 3if isHmatrixNpowSubchan = 1;elseNpowSubchan = ones(L,1);end
elsesigdatatypes.validatePower(NpowSubchan_in,'diagbfweights','NPOW',{'scalar'});if isHmatrixNpowSubchan = NpowSubchan_in;elseNpowSubchan = NpowSubchan_in*ones(L,1);end
endif nargin < 4Popt = 'Uniform';
elsePopt = validatestring(Popt_in,{'Uniform','Waterfill'},'diagbfweights','POPTION');Popt = convertStringsToChars(Popt);
endif strcmp(Popt,'Waterfill')if isHmatrix% waterfillNvec = NpowSubchan./G;Nvec(isinf(Nvec)) = realmax;Pi = waterfill(P,Nvec);elseNvec = bsxfun(@rdivide,NpowSubchan,G);Nvec(isinf(Nvec)) = realmax;Pi = waterfill(P,Nvec);end
elseif isHmatrixPi = repmat(P/Nt,1,Nt);elsePi = repmat(P/Nt,1,Nt);endNvec = bsxfun(@rdivide,NpowSubchan,G);
endif isHmatrixNsub_in = min(Nrk,sum(Pi>0));Nsub = Nsub_in(1);C = sum(log2(1+Pi(1:Nsub)./Nvec(1:Nsub)));
elseC = zeros(L,1);for m = 1:LNsub_in = min(Nrk(m),sum(Pi(m,:)>0));Nsub = Nsub_in(1);C(m) = sum(log2(1+Pi(m,1:Nsub)./Nvec(m,1:Nsub)));end





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