#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct tagBmpFileHeader{
unsigned short bfType;
unsigned long bfSize;
unsigned short bfReserved1;
unsigned short bfReserved2;
unsigned long bfOffBits;
typedef struct tagBmpInfoHeader{
unsigned long biSize;
long biWidth;
long biHeight;
unsigned short biPlanes;
unsigned short biBitCount;
unsigned long biCompression;
unsigned long biSizeImage;
long biXPelsPerMeter;
long biYPelsPerMeter;
unsigned long biClrUsed;
unsigned long biClrImportant;
typedef struct tagPalEn{
unsigned char rgbRed;
unsigned char rgbGreen;
unsigned char rgbBlue;
unsigned char rgbFlags;
typedef struct tagPalette{
unsigned short palVersion;
unsigned short palNumEntries;
PALEN palPalEN[1];
#pragma pack()
void OnLoad(char* path, BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, unsigned char** srcBmpData);
void WriteData(char* path, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader, unsigned char* desBmpData);
void RotateBmp(BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader, unsigned char** srcBmpData, /*double dAngle,*/ unsigned char* desBmpData);
void ZoomBmp(BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader,
unsigned char* srcBmpData, unsigned char** desBmpData /*, int zmHeight, int zmWidth, , double dxRate, double dyRate*/);
void start();
//void suofang();
#include "PHOTODEAL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
BMPFILEHEADER srcBmpFileHeader, desBmpFileHeader;
BMPINFOHEADER srcBmpInfoHeader, desBmpInfoHeader;
unsigned char* srcBmpData = NULL;
unsigned char* desBmpData = NULL;
void OnLoad(char* path, BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, unsigned char** srcBmpData){
FILE* pFile;
unsigned char* tempData;//临时存储转换前的源图数据
pFile = fopen(path, "rb");
if (pFile == NULL){
printf("Cann't open the file %s", path);
fread(srcBmpFileHeader, sizeof(BMPFILEHEADER), 1, pFile);
printf("文件类型标识符:0x%x\n", srcBmpFileHeader->bfType);
printf("文件大小:%d_%d(kb)\n", srcBmpFileHeader->bfSize, srcBmpFileHeader->bfSize / 1024);
printf("保留字1:%d\n保留字2:%d\n", srcBmpFileHeader->bfReserved1, srcBmpFileHeader->bfReserved2);
printf("文件头开始到位图实际数据开始位的偏移字节:%d\n", srcBmpFileHeader->bfOffBits);
fread(srcBmpInfoHeader, sizeof(BMPINFOHEADER), 1, pFile);
printf("文件信息头大小:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biSize);
printf("位图宽度,像素:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth);
printf("位图高度,像素:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight);
printf("位图实际数据大小:%d_%d(kb)\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage, srcBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage / 1024);
printf("位图颜色使用的调色板数量:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biPlanes);
printf("位图颜色使用的位(bit): %d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biBitCount);
printf("位图实际使用的颜色数:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biClrUsed);
printf("位图使用的重要颜色数:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biClrImportant);
printf("位图是否压缩:%d\n", srcBmpInfoHeader->biCompression);
tempData = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*srcBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
memset(tempData, 0, srcBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
if (srcBmpInfoHeader->biBitCount == 24){
printf("该图为真彩色图 !\n");
fread(tempData, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(unsigned char)*srcBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage, pFile);//临时存储读取的转换前源图数据
int sizeofbuff = srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * 4;
int externWidth = srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 3;
(externWidth % 4 != 0) ? (externWidth = 4 - externWidth % 4) : (externWidth = 0);
*srcBmpData = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * sizeofbuff);
int k = 0;
for (/*int i = srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight - 1; i >= 0; i--*/int i = 0; i < srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 3; j += 3){
(*srcBmpData)[k] = tempData[i * (srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 3 + externWidth) + j + 0];
(*srcBmpData)[k + 1] = tempData[i * (srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 3 + externWidth) + j + 1];
(*srcBmpData)[k + 2] = tempData[i * (srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 3 + externWidth) + j + 2];
(*srcBmpData)[k + 3] = 255;//第四位填充为255
k += 4;
void WriteData(char* path, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader, unsigned char* desBmpData){
FILE* pFile;
/*char* tempName;
char* newName;
memcpy(tempName, path, strlen(path) - 4);*/
pFile = fopen(path, "wb");
fwrite(desBmpFileHeader, sizeof(BMPFILEHEADER), 1, pFile);
fwrite(desBmpInfoHeader, sizeof(BMPINFOHEADER), 1, pFile);
unsigned int outHeight = desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight;
unsigned int outWidth = desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth;
/*unsigned char** pListData = NULL;
pListData = &desBmpData + ((unsigned long)outHeight - 1) * outWidth * 4;
unsigned char byByteAlign;
if (outWidth % 4 != 0)
byByteAlign = 4 - ((outWidth * 3) % 4);
byByteAlign = 0;
unsigned char byZeroData = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outHeight; i++){
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < outWidth; j++){
fwrite(desBmpData, sizeof(unsigned char), 3, pFile);//写入位图实际数据
desBmpData += 4;//指向下一个像素
for (int k = 0; k < byByteAlign; k++){
fwrite(&byZeroData, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, pFile);
printf("\n文件转换保存成功 !\n");
void RotateBmp(BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader,
unsigned char* srcBmpData, /*double dAngle,*/ unsigned char** desBmpData){
double dAngle;
scanf("%lf", &dAngle);
double PI = 3.141592653;
double dRadian = dAngle * PI / 180.0;
double dSin = sin(dRadian);
double dCos = cos(dRadian);
*desBmpFileHeader = *srcBmpFileHeader;
*desBmpInfoHeader = *srcBmpInfoHeader;
desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight = (int)((abs)(srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * dCos) + (abs)(srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * dSin) + 1);
desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth = (int)((abs)(srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * dSin) + (abs)(srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * dCos) + 1);
printf("desWidth = %d - desHeight = %d\n", desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth, desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight);
//unsigned int desLineBytes = desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * desBmpInfoHeader->biBitCount / 8; 此方式计算结果小于实际需求
unsigned int desLineBytes = desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 4;
printf("\n目标每行字节数:%d\n", desLineBytes);
int mod = desLineBytes % 4;
if (mod != 0)
desLineBytes += 4 - mod;
desBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage = desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * desLineBytes;
printf("\n目标图像数据大小:%d\n", desBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
*desBmpData = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * desBmpInfoHeader->biSizeImage);
double dX = -0.5 * desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * dCos - 0.5 * desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * dSin + 0.5 * srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth;
double dY = 0.5 * desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * dSin - 0.5 * desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * dCos + 0.5 * srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int h = 0; h < desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight; h++){
for (int w = 0; w < desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth; w++){
x = (int)(w * dCos + h * dSin + dX + 0.5);//源图像像素点-横坐标
y = (int)(-w *dSin + h *dCos + dY + 0.5);//源图像像素点-纵坐标
if (x == srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth){
if (y == srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight){
if (x >= 0 && x < srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth && y >= 0 && y < srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight){
memcpy((*desBmpData) + h*desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 4 + w * 4, srcBmpData + y*srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 4 + x * 4, 4);
void ZoomBmp(BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader,
unsigned char* srcBmpData, unsigned char** desBmpData /*, int zmHeight, int zmWidth, , double dxRate, double dyRate*/){
double dxRate, dyRate;
scanf("%lf %lf", &dxRate, &dyRate); getchar();
//double dxRate = 0.0, dyRate = 0.0;
*desBmpFileHeader = *srcBmpFileHeader;
*desBmpInfoHeader = *srcBmpInfoHeader;
//注意要修改 发生了变化的 文件头、文件信息头的相关信息
desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth = srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * dxRate;
desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight = srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * dyRate;
//desBmpInfoHeader->biCompression = 0;
unsigned long dwSize = desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight * desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth * 4;//缩放后的图像大小
*desBmpData = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * dwSize);
memset(*desBmpData, 255, dwSize);
unsigned char* tempBmpData = *desBmpData;
unsigned char* pSrcData = srcBmpData;
int nx = 0, ny = 0;//源位图像素点的纵横坐标
for (int i = 0; i < desBmpInfoHeader->biHeight; i++){
ny = (int)(i / dyRate + 0.5);
if (ny >= srcBmpInfoHeader->biHeight){
for (int j = 0; j < desBmpInfoHeader->biWidth; j++){
nx = (int)(j / dxRate + 0.5);
if (nx >= srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth){
pSrcData = srcBmpData + (srcBmpInfoHeader->biWidth) * ny * 4 + nx * 4;
memcpy(tempBmpData, pSrcData, 4);
tempBmpData += 4;
void(*bbb[])(BMPFILEHEADER* srcBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* srcBmpInfoHeader, BMPFILEHEADER* desBmpFileHeader, BMPINFOHEADER* desBmpInfoHeader,
unsigned char * srcBmpData, unsigned char** desBmpData) = { RotateBmp, ZoomBmp };//函数指针
void start(){
char path[15];
scanf("%s", path); getchar();
OnLoad(path, &srcBmpFileHeader, &srcBmpInfoHeader, &srcBmpData);
int choice;
scanf("%d", &choice); getchar();
bbb[choice](&srcBmpFileHeader, &srcBmpInfoHeader, &desBmpFileHeader, &desBmpInfoHeader, srcBmpData, &desBmpData);
char savePath[15];
scanf("%s", savePath); getchar();
WriteData(savePath, &desBmpFileHeader, &desBmpInfoHeader, desBmpData);
// writeBmpDlg.cpp : implementation file
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "writeBmp.h"
#include "writeBmpDlg.h"#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CAboutDlg dialog used for App Aboutclass CAboutDlg : public CDialog
public:CAboutDlg();// Dialog Data//{{AFX_DATA(CAboutDlg)enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };//}}AFX_DATA// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides//{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CAboutDlg)protected:virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support//}}AFX_VIRTUAL// Implementation
};CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD)
}void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
}BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialog)//{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAboutDlg)// No message handlers//}}AFX_MSG_MAP
// CWriteBmpDlg dialogCWriteBmpDlg::CWriteBmpDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/): CDialog(CWriteBmpDlg::IDD, pParent)
{//{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CWriteBmpDlg)m_d = 0;//}}AFX_DATA_INIT// Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
}void CWriteBmpDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
{CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);//{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CWriteBmpDlg)DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_d);DDV_MinMaxInt(pDX, m_d, -360, 360);//}}AFX_DATA_MAP
// CWriteBmpDlg message handlers
BOOL CWriteBmpDlg::OnInitDialog()
{CDialog::OnInitDialog();// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.ASSERT((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX);ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000);CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);if (pSysMenu != NULL){CString strAboutMenu;strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()){pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR);pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);}}// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically// when the application's main window is not a dialogSetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big iconSetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon// TODO: Add extra initialization here/*FILE *fp;fp = fopen("000.bmp","rb+");fread(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);//借用已有的bmp头文件格式fread(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);//可以详细了解这个两个结构fclose(fp);
//*/m_d = 30;UpdateData(FALSE);return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
{if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX){CAboutDlg dlgAbout;dlgAbout.DoModal();}else{CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);}
}// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below
// to draw the icon. For MFC applications using the document/view model,
// this is automatically done for you by the framework.void CWriteBmpDlg::OnPaint()
{if (IsIconic()){CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for paintingSendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.GetSafeHdc(), 0);// Center icon in client rectangleint cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);CRect rect;GetClientRect(&rect);int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2;int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;// Draw the icondc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon);}else{CDialog::OnPaint();}
}// The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags
// the minimized window.
HCURSOR CWriteBmpDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
{return (HCURSOR) m_hIcon;
}unsigned char buf[640*480*3];//bmp数据buf
unsigned char gray;
int hight,width;unsigned char bmpHeader[54]=
};void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton1()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造1x1竖线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width%2 == 0){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("1x1_竖线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::showbmp()
{CWindowDC dc(this);for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){BYTE b = buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0];BYTE g = buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1];BYTE r = buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2];dc.SetPixel(width+50,hight+150,RGB(r,g,b));}}}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton2()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造4x4竖线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width%4 == 0 || width%4 == 1){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("2x2_竖线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton3()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造4x4竖线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width%8 == 0 || width%8 == 1||width%8 == 2 || width%8 == 3){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("4x4_竖线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton4()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造1x1横线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(hight%2 == 0){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("1x1_横线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton5()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造2x2横线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(hight%4 == 0 || hight%4 == 1){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("2x2_横线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton6()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造4x4横线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(hight%8 == 0 || hight%8 == 1||hight%8 == 2 || hight%8 == 3){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//黑} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("4x4_横线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton7()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造黑白四分屏for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width<320 ){if(hight<240){gray = 0x00;//白}else{gray = 0xff;//白}}else{if(hight<240){gray = 0xff;//白}else{gray = 0x00;//白}} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("黑白四分屏.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton8()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造灰度四分屏for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width<320 ){if(hight<240){gray = 0xD0;//}else{gray = 0xA0;//}}else{if(hight<240){gray = 0x80;//}else{gray = 0x40;//}} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("灰度四分屏.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton9()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造彩色四分屏for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width<320 ){if(hight<240){buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= 0xff;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= 0;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= 0;//r}else{buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= 0x00;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= 0xff;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= 0;//r}}else{if(hight<240){buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= 0;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= 0;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= 0xff;//r}else{buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= 0;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= 0xff;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= 0xff;//r}} }}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("彩色四分屏.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}#include <math.h>
int round(float f)
if ((int)f+0.5>f)
return (int)f;
return (int)f + 1;
#define CV_PI 3.1415926
void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton10()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereUpdateData(TRUE);
CString pathName,tmp;TCHAR szFilters[]= _T("MyType Files (*.bmp)|*.my|All Files (*.*)|*.*||");CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, _T("bmp"), _T("*.bmp"),OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilters);if(fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK){pathName = fileDlg.GetPathName();}else{MessageBox("重新选择图片");return;}
//*/FILE *fp = fopen(pathName, "rb");if (fp == 0){printf("文件打开失败\n");return ;}BITMAPFILEHEADER fileHead;BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHead;fread(&fileHead, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fp);fread(&infoHead, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fp);int width = infoHead.biWidth;int height = infoHead.biHeight;int biCount = infoHead.biBitCount;int lineByte = (width*biCount / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;// RGBQUAD *pColorTable;// pColorTable = new RGBQUAD[256];
// fread(pColorTable, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 256, fp);unsigned char *pBmpBufSrc,*pBmpBufDst;pBmpBufSrc = new unsigned char[lineByte*height];fread(pBmpBufSrc, lineByte*height, 1, fp);//640*480*3fclose(fp);//显示原始图像到窗口//CWindowDC dc(this);for(int i=0;i<height;i++){for(int k=0;k<width;k++){BYTE b = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+k)*3 + 0];BYTE g = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+k)*3 + 1];BYTE r = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+k)*3 + 2];dc.SetPixel(k+50,height-i+150,RGB(r,g,b));}}//*////Sleep(1000);double angle=m_d;//旋转度数double sita = angle*CV_PI / 180;double a = (width - 1) / 2;//中心值double b = (height - 1) / 2;double x1 = -a*cos(sita) - b*sin(sita);//第2象限顶点double y1 = -a*sin(sita) + b*cos(sita);double x2 = a*cos(sita) - b*sin(sita);//第1象限double y2 = a*sin(sita) + b*cos(sita);double x3 = a*cos(sita) + b*sin(sita);//第4象限double y3 = a*sin(sita) - b*cos(sita);double x4 = -a*cos(sita) + b*sin(sita);//第3象限double y4 = -a*sin(sita) - b*cos(sita);int w1 = round(max(abs(x1 - x3), abs(x2 - x4)));//旋转后的宽度,高度int h1 = round(max(abs(y1 - y3), abs(y2 - y4)));//取最大值double c = (w1 - 1) / 2;//旋转后的中心double d = (h1 - 1) / 2;double f1 = -c*cos(sita) + d*sin(sita) + a;double f2 = -c*sin(sita) - d*cos(sita) + b;int lineByte1 = (w1*biCount / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;
// int rgbData;pBmpBufDst = new unsigned char[lineByte1*h1];初始化目标图像buffor ( i = 0; i < h1; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < w1; ++j){// unsigned char *p;// p = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j);// (*p++) = 255;(*p++) = 255;(*p++) = 255;//rgb模式*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+0) = 0xAA;*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+1) = 0xAA;*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+2) = 0xAA;}}unsigned char *p1, *p2;for ( i = 0; i < h1; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < w1; ++j){int x = round(j*cos(sita) - i*sin(sita) + f1); //(i,j)为旋转后的坐标(0,0),计算出在原图的坐标(x,y)int y = round(j*sin(sita) + i*cos(sita) + f2);if (x>0 && x<width && y>0 && y < height) //如果(x,y)落入原图640*480区间,赋颜色值{p1 = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3); // 新图像p2 = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufSrc + y*lineByte + x*3); // 原图像// (*p1) = (*p2);memcpy(p1,p2,3);}}continue;}tmp.Format("-旋转%d度.bmp",m_d);pathName += tmp;char *DstName = "rotate.bmp";FILE *fpo = fopen(pathName, "wb");if (fpo == 0)return ;int colorTableSize = 0;if (biCount == 8)colorTableSize = 1024;BITMAPFILEHEADER dstFileHead;dstFileHead.bfOffBits = 14 + 40 + colorTableSize;dstFileHead.bfReserved1 = 0;dstFileHead.bfReserved2 = 0;dstFileHead.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+colorTableSize + lineByte1*h1;dstFileHead.bfType = 0x4D42;fwrite(&dstFileHead, sizeof(dstFileHead), 1, fpo);BITMAPINFOHEADER dstInfoHead;dstInfoHead.biBitCount = biCount;dstInfoHead.biClrImportant = 0;dstInfoHead.biClrUsed = 0;dstInfoHead.biCompression = 0;dstInfoHead.biHeight = h1;dstInfoHead.biPlanes = 1;dstInfoHead.biSize = 40;dstInfoHead.biSizeImage = lineByte1*h1;dstInfoHead.biWidth = w1;dstInfoHead.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;dstInfoHead.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;fwrite(&dstInfoHead, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpo);// fwrite(pColorTable, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 256, fpo);fwrite(pBmpBufDst, lineByte1*h1, 1, fpo);fclose(fpo);//显示原始图像到窗口//
// CWindowDC dc(this);for(hight=0;hight<h1;hight++){for(width=0;width<w1;width++){BYTE b = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 0];BYTE g = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 1];BYTE r = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 2];dc.SetPixel(width+50,h1-hight+150,RGB(r,g,b));}}///
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton11()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造1x1横线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(hight == 240 || width==320){gray = 0x00;//黑}else{gray = 0xff;//白} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("十字线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton12()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereFILE *fp;//构造1x1横线数据for(hight=0;hight<480;hight++){for(width=0;width<640;width++){if(width==320){gray = 0x00;//黑}else{gray = 0xff;//白} buf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 0]= gray;//bbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 1]= gray;//gbuf[(hight*640+width)*3 + 2]= gray;//r}}//保存bmp文件fp = fopen("单竖线.bmp","wb+");// fwrite(&bf,sizeof(bf),1,fp);// fwrite(&bi,sizeof(bi),1,fp);fwrite(bmpHeader,54,1,fp);//直接写bmp头fwrite(buf,640*480*3,1,fp);fclose(fp);//显示到窗口showbmp();
}void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton13()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereUpdateData(TRUE);int width = 640;//infoHead.biWidth;int height = 480;//infoHead.biHeight;int biCount = 24;//infoHead.biBitCount;
// int lineByte = (width*biCount / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;// RGBQUAD *pColorTable;// pColorTable = new RGBQUAD[256];
// fread(pColorTable, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 256, fp);unsigned char *pBmpBufSrc,*pBmpBufDst;
// pBmpBufSrc = new unsigned char[lineByte*height];
// fread(pBmpBufSrc, lineByte*height, 1, fp);//640*480*3
// fclose(fp);double angle=m_d;//旋转度数double sita = angle*CV_PI / 180;double a = (width - 1) / 2;//中心值double b = (height - 1) / 2;double x1 = -a*cos(sita) - b*sin(sita);//第2象限顶点double y1 = -a*sin(sita) + b*cos(sita);double x2 = a*cos(sita) - b*sin(sita);//第1象限double y2 = a*sin(sita) + b*cos(sita);double x3 = a*cos(sita) + b*sin(sita);//第4象限double y3 = a*sin(sita) - b*cos(sita);double x4 = -a*cos(sita) + b*sin(sita);//第3象限double y4 = -a*sin(sita) - b*cos(sita);int w1 = round(max(abs(x1 - x3), abs(x2 - x4)));//旋转后的宽度,高度int h1 = round(max(abs(y1 - y3), abs(y2 - y4)));//取最大值//(791,732)double c = (w1 - 1) / 2;//旋转后的中心double d = (h1 - 1) / 2;//(395,365)double f1 = -c*cos(sita) + d*sin(sita) + a;//159.4double f2 = -c*sin(sita) - d*cos(sita) + b;//-274.6int lineByte1 = (w1*biCount / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;pBmpBufDst = new unsigned char[lineByte1*h1];初始化目标图像buffor (int i = 0; i < h1; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < w1; ++j){// unsigned char *p;// p = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j);// (*p++) = 255;(*p++) = 255;(*p++) = 255;//rgb模式*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+0) = 0xAA;*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+1) = 0xAA;*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3+2) = 0xAA;}}for ( i = 0; i < h1; ++i){for (int j = 0; j < w1; ++j){int x = round(j*cos(sita) - i*sin(sita) + f1); //(i,j)为旋转后的坐标(0,0),计算出在原图的坐标(x,y)int y = round(j*sin(sita) + i*cos(sita) + f2);//(0,0)-->(159,-274)int y2=0;if (x>0 && x<width && y>0 && y < height) //如果(x,y)落入原图640*480区间,赋颜色值{//(551,0)-->(637,1)unsigned char *p1, *p2,R;p1 = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3); // 新图像
// p2 = (unsigned char *)(pBmpBufSrc + y*lineByte + x*3); // 原图像// (*p1) = (*p2);// memcpy(p1,p2,3);R= *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 2) ;if(x==320){if(R==0xAA){*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 0) = 0x00; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 1) = 0x00; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 2) = 0x00; }#if 1y2 = round(j*tan((90-m_d)*1.0/180*3.1415926));y2 = abs(y2)-312;if(y2<h1){*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + y2*lineByte1 + j*3 + 0) = 0x00; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + y2*lineByte1 + j*3 + 1) = 0x00; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + y2*lineByte1 + j*3 + 2) = 0xFF; }
#endif }else{if(R==0xAA){*(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 0) = 0xf0; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 1) = 0xf0; *(unsigned char *)(pBmpBufDst + i*lineByte1 + j*3 + 2) = 0xf0; }}}}continue;}CString str;str.Format("自划线旋转%d度.bmp",m_d);
// pathName += tmp;
// char *DstName = "rotate.bmp";FILE *fpo = fopen(str, "wb");if (fpo == 0)return ;int colorTableSize = 0;if (biCount == 8)colorTableSize = 1024;BITMAPFILEHEADER dstFileHead;dstFileHead.bfOffBits = 14 + 40 + colorTableSize;dstFileHead.bfReserved1 = 0;dstFileHead.bfReserved2 = 0;dstFileHead.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+colorTableSize + lineByte1*h1;dstFileHead.bfType = 0x4D42;fwrite(&dstFileHead, sizeof(dstFileHead), 1, fpo);BITMAPINFOHEADER dstInfoHead;dstInfoHead.biBitCount = biCount;dstInfoHead.biClrImportant = 0;dstInfoHead.biClrUsed = 0;dstInfoHead.biCompression = 0;dstInfoHead.biHeight = h1;dstInfoHead.biPlanes = 1;dstInfoHead.biSize = 40;dstInfoHead.biSizeImage = lineByte1*h1;dstInfoHead.biWidth = w1;dstInfoHead.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;dstInfoHead.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;fwrite(&dstInfoHead, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpo);// fwrite(pColorTable, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 256, fpo);fwrite(pBmpBufDst, lineByte1*h1, 1, fpo);fclose(fpo);//显示原始图像到窗口//CWindowDC dc(this);for(hight=0;hight<h1;hight++){for(width=0;width<w1;width++){BYTE b = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 0];BYTE g = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 1];BYTE r = pBmpBufDst[lineByte1*hight + 3*width + 2];dc.SetPixel(width+50,h1-hight+150,RGB(r,g,b));}}///
}float a0,a1,a2;
int x[50],y[50];
void deal()//采用克莱默法则求解方程
{int i,n=50,select=1;float temp,temp0,temp1,temp2;float sy=0,sx=0,sxx=0,syy=0,sxy=0,sxxy=0,sxxx=0,sxxxx=0;//定义相关变量for(i=0;i<n;i++){sx+=x[i];//计算xi的和sy+=y[i];//计算yi的和sxx+=x[i]*x[i];//计算xi的平方的和sxxx+=pow(x[i],3);//计算xi的立方的和sxxxx+=pow(x[i],4);//计算xi的4次方的和sxy+=x[i]*y[i];//计算xi乘yi的的和sxxy+=x[i]*x[i]*y[i];//计算xi平方乘yi的和}temp=n*sxx-sx*sx;//方程的系数行列式temp0=sy*sxx-sx*sxy;temp1=n*sxy-sy*sx;a0=temp0/temp;a1=temp1/temp;if(select==1){printf("经最小二乘法拟合得到的一元线性方程为:\n"); printf("f(x)=%3.3fx+%3.3f\n",a1,a0); // system("pause");return;}temp=n*(sxx*sxxxx-sxxx*sxxx)-sx*(sx*sxxxx-sxx*sxxx)//方程的系数行列式+sxx*(sx*sxxx-sxx*sxx);temp0=sy*(sxx*sxxxx-sxxx*sxxx)-sxy*(sx*sxxxx-sxx*sxxx)+sxxy*(sx*sxxx-sxx*sxx);temp1=n*(sxy*sxxxx-sxxy*sxxx)-sx*(sy*sxxxx-sxx*sxxy)+sxx*(sy*sxxx-sxy*sxx);temp2=n*(sxx*sxxy-sxy*sxxx)-sx*(sx*sxxy-sy*sxxx)+sxx*(sx*sxy-sy*sxx);a0=temp0/temp;a1=temp1/temp;a2=temp2/temp;if(select==2){printf("经最小二乘法拟合得到的二次近似方程为:\n"); printf("f(x)=%3.3fx2+%3.3fx+%3.3f\n",a2,a1,a0); // system("pause");}}
void CWriteBmpDlg::OnButton14()
{// TODO: Add your control notification handler code hereCString pathName,tmp;TCHAR szFilters[]= _T("MyType Files (*.bmp)|*.my|All Files (*.*)|*.*||");CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE, _T("bmp"), _T("*.bmp"),OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilters);if(fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK){pathName = fileDlg.GetPathName();}else{MessageBox("重新选择图片");return;}CPoint blackPoint[1000*100];FILE *fp = fopen(pathName, "rb");if (fp == 0){printf("文件打开失败\n");return ;}BITMAPFILEHEADER fileHead;BITMAPINFOHEADER infoHead;fread(&fileHead, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fp);fread(&infoHead, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fp);int width = infoHead.biWidth;int height = infoHead.biHeight;int biCount = infoHead.biBitCount;int lineByte = (width*biCount / 8 + 3) / 4 * 4;// RGBQUAD *pColorTable;// pColorTable = new RGBQUAD[256];
// fread(pColorTable, sizeof(RGBQUAD), 256, fp);unsigned char *pBmpBufSrc,*pBmpBufDst;pBmpBufSrc = new unsigned char[lineByte*height];fread(pBmpBufSrc, lineByte*height, 1, fp);//640*480*3fclose(fp);int pointCnt=0,flag=0;;for(int i=0;i<height;i++){flag=0;for(int j=0;j<width;j++){BYTE b = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+j)*3 + 0];BYTE g = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+j)*3 + 1];BYTE r = pBmpBufSrc[(i*width+j)*3 + 2];b=b+g+r;if(b==0 && flag==0){// if(i==(height/2+50) || i==(height/2-50)){flag=1;blackPoint[pointCnt].x=j;blackPoint[pointCnt++].y=i;}}}}float pp[4]={0};int num1,num2;num1=num2=0;
/* for(int k=0;k<(pointCnt/2*2);k++){if(k<pointCnt/2){pp[0] += blackPoint[k].x*1.0;pp[1] += blackPoint[k].y*1.0;num1++;}else{pp[2] += blackPoint[k].x*1.0;pp[3] += blackPoint[k].y*1.0;num2++;}}pp[0] = pp[0]/num1;pp[1] = pp[1]/num1;pp[2] = pp[2]/num2;pp[3] = pp[3]/num2;
*/for(i=0;i<50;i++){x[i] = blackPoint[100+i].x;y[i] = blackPoint[100+i].y;}deal();//采用克莱默法则求解方程// printf("经最小二乘法拟合得到的一元线性方程为:\n"); // printf("f(x)=%3.3fx+%3.3f\n",a1,a0); tmp.Format("经最小二乘法拟合得到的一元线性方程为:f(x)=%3.3fx+%3.3f",a1,a0);MessageBox(tmp);