ICDE是CCF A类会议 (数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索)
Database technology for Blockchains I |
Efficient Partial Order Based Transaction Processing for Permissioned Blockchains (针对许可区块链的高效的基于偏序的交易处理) Shuai Zhao (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Junkai Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Jiang Xiao ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology) -
TELL: Efficient Transaction Execution Protocol Towards Leaderless Consensus (TELL:实现无领导共识的高效交易执行协议) Xing Tong (East China Normal University); Zheming Ye (East China Normal University); Zhao Zhang (East China Normal University); Cheqing Jin (East China Normal University); Aoying Zhou (East China Normal University ) -
SpotLess: Concurrent Rotational Consensus Made Practical through Rapid View Synchronization (SpotLess:通过快速视图同步实现并发轮换共识) Dakai Kang (University of California, Davis); Sajjad Rahnama (UC Davis); Jelle Hellings (McMaster University); Mohammad Sadoghi (University of California, Davis) -
PrestigeBFT: Revolutionizing View Changes in BFT Consensus Algorithms with Reputation Mechanisms (PrestigeBFT:利用信誉机制彻底改变 BFT 共识算法的视图变化) Gengrui Zhang (University of Toronto); Fei Pan (University of Toronto); Sofia Tijanic (University of Toronto); Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto)
Database technology for Blockchains II |
Porygon: Scaling Blockchain via 3D Parallelism (Porygon:通过 3D 并行性扩展区块链) Wuhui Chen (Sun Yat-sen University); Ding Xia (Sun Yat-sen University ); Zhongteng Cai (The Ohio State University); Hong-Ning Dai (Hong Kong Baptist University); Jianting Zhang (Purdue University); Zicong Hong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ); Junyuan Liang (Sun Yat-sen University); Zibin Zheng (Sun Yat-sen University) -
Authenticated Keyword Search on Large-scale Graphs in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains (混合存储区块链中大规模图的经过认证的关键字搜索) Siyu Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Jiang Xiao ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology) -
MuFuzz: Sequence-Aware Mutation and Seed Mask Guidance for Blockchain Smart Contract Fuzzing (MuFuzz:区块链智能合约模糊测试的序列感知突变和种子掩码指南) Peng Qian (Zhejiang University); Hanjie Wu (Zhejiang Gongshang University); Du ZeRen (Zhejiang Gongshang University); Turan Vural (UCLA); Dazhong Rong (Zhejiang University); Zheng Cao (Zhejiang University); Zhang Lun (Goplus Security); Yanbin Wang (Zhejiang University); Jianhai Chen (Zhejiang University); Qinming He (Zhejiang University) -
Authenticated Subgraph Matching in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains (混合存储区块链中的经过验证的子图匹配) Siyu Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology) -
Authenticating Multi-Chain Queries: Verifiable Virtual Filesystem Is All You Need (验证多链查询:可验证的虚拟文件系统就是您所需要的) Haixin Wang (Hong Kong Baptist University); Cheng Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University); Xiaojie Chen (Ant Group); Ce Zhang (Hong Kong Baptist University); Haibo Hu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Shikun Tian (Ant Group); Ying Yan (Ant Group); Jianliang Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University)
