HuggingFace Transformers

news/2025/3/17 10:03:17/文章来源:

HuggingFace Transformers

Hugging Face Transformers has been built by, with, and for the community. Reaching 100k on GitHub is a testament to ML’s reach and the community’s will to innovate and contribute. To celebrate, we highlight 100 incredible projects in transformers’ vicinity.

HuggingFace Transformers

This page features an impressive array of projects built upon the foundation of Transformers. Transformers is more than just a platform for utilizing pre-trained models; it represents a vibrant community of projects centered around it and the Hugging Face Hub. Our aim with Transformers is to empower a diverse group of individuals including developers, researchers, educators, students, and engineers to bring their dream projects to fruition.

In this compilation, we highlight a range of groundbreaking and influential projects that have significantly advanced the field. As we celebrate this community’s achievement of reaching 100k stars, we feature 100 such projects. However, we remain keenly open to contributions and encourage submissions of other noteworthy projects through pull requests. If there’s a project you believe merits inclusion but isn’t listed, we invite you to submit a PR to add it.


gpt4all is a comprehensive ecosystem of open-source chatbots developed from extensive datasets of clean assistant data, including code, stories, and dialogue. This project features open-source, large-scale language models such as LLaMA and GPT-J, specifically trained for assistant-like interactions.

Keywords: Open-source, LLaMa, GPT-J, instruction, assistant


HuggingFace Models

HuggingFace Models is a prominent platform in the machine learning community, providing an extensive library of pre-trained models for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. These models are part of the HuggingFace Transformers library, which supports state-of-the-art models like BERT, GPT, T5, and many others.

The platform allows developers to leverage these powerful models for tasks such as text classification, translation, summarization, and question answering, without the need for extensive training and computational resources. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, HuggingFace makes it easy for both beginners and experts to integrate advanced NLP capabilities into their applications.

In addition to NLP, HuggingFace has expanded its offerings to include models for computer vision and audio processing, making it a versatile resource for various machine learning needs. The community-driven approach of HuggingFace ensures a continuous stream of improvements and new model releases, supported by contributions from researchers and developers worldwide.

This collaborative environment fosters innovation and accelerates the adoption of cutting-edge technologies. HuggingFace Models not only democratizes access to advanced AI tools but also promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration within the global AI community.


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