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File menu

Id Default Description Ctrl+N New file Ctrl+T New tab Ctrl+O Open markdown file Ctrl+Shift+O Open folder Ctrl+S Save Ctrl+Shift+S Save as...
file.move-file - Move current file to another location
file.rename-file - Rename current file
file.print - Print current tab
file.preferences Ctrl+, Open settings window
file.close-tab Ctrl+W Close tab
file.close-window Ctrl+Shift+W Close window
file.quit Ctrl+Q Quit MarkText

Edit menu

Id Default Description
edit.undo Ctrl+Z Undo last operation
edit.redo Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo last operation
edit.cut Ctrl+X Cut selected text
edit.copy Ctrl+C Copy selected text
edit.paste Ctrl+V Paste text
edit.copy-as-markdown Ctrl+Shift+C Copy selected text as markdown
edit.copy-as-html - Copy selected text as html
edit.paste-as-plaintext Ctrl+Shift+V Copy selected text as plaintext Ctrl+A Select all text of the document
edit.duplicate Ctrl+Alt+P Duplicate the current paragraph
edit.create-paragraph Ctrl+Shift+N Create a new paragraph after the current one
edit.delete-paragraph Ctrl+Shift+D Delete current paragraph
edit.find Ctrl+F Find information in the document
edit.find-next F3 Continue the search and find the next match
edit.find-previous Shift+F3 Continue the search and find the previous match
edit.replace Ctrl+R Replace the information with a replacement
edit.find-in-folder Ctrl+Shift+F Find files contain the keyword in opend folder

Paragraph menu

Id Default Description
paragraph.heading-1 Ctrl+Shift+1 Set line as heading 1
paragraph.heading-2 Ctrl+Shift+2 Set line as heading 2
paragraph.heading-3 Ctrl+Shift+3 Set line as heading 3
paragraph.heading-4 Ctrl+Shift+4 Set line as heading 4
paragraph.heading-5 Ctrl+Shift+5 Set line as heading 5
paragraph.heading-6 Ctrl+Shift+6 Set line as heading 6
paragraph.upgrade-heading Ctrl+Plus Upgrade a heading
paragraph.degrade-heading Ctrl+- Degrade a heading
paragraph.table Ctrl+Shift+T Insert a table
paragraph.code-fence Ctrl+Shift+K Insert a code block
paragraph.quote-block Ctrl+Shift+Q Insert a quote block
paragraph.math-formula Ctrl+Alt+N Insert a math block
paragraph.html-block Ctrl+Alt+H Insert a HTML block
paragraph.order-list Ctrl+G Insert a ordered list
paragraph.bullet-list Ctrl+H Insert a unordered list
paragraph.task-list Ctrl+Alt+X Insert a task list
paragraph.loose-list-item Ctrl+Alt+L Convert a list item to a loose list item
paragraph.paragraph Ctrl+Shift+0 Convert a heading to a paragraph
paragraph.horizontal-line Ctrl+Shift+U Add a horizontal line
paragraph.front-matter Ctrl+Alt+Y Insert a YAML frontmatter block

Format menu

Id Default Description
format.strong Ctrl+B Set the font of the selected text to bold
format.emphasis Ctrl+I Set the font of the selected text to italic
format.underline Ctrl+U Change the selected text to underline
format.superscript - Change the selected text to underline
format.subscript - Change the selected text to underline
format.highlight Ctrl+Shift+H Highlight the selected text by tag
format.inline-code Ctrl+` Change the selected text to inline code
format.inline-math Ctrl+Shift+M Change the selected text to inline math
format.strike Ctrl+D Strike through the selected text
format.hyperlink Ctrl+L Insert a hyperlink
format.image Ctrl+Shift+I Insert a image
format.clear-format Ctrl+Shift+R Clear the formatting of the selected text

Window menu

Id Default Description
window.minimize Ctrl+M Minimize the window
window.toggle-always-on-top - Toogle always on top mode
window.zoom-in - Zoom in
window.zoom-out - Zoom out
window.toggle-full-screen F11 Toggle fullscreen mode

View menu

Id Default Description
view.command-palette Ctrl+Shift+P Toggle command palette
view.source-code-mode Ctrl+E Switch to source code mode
view.typewriter-mode Ctrl+Shift+G Enable typewriter mode
view.focus-mode Ctrl+Shift+J Enable focus mode
view.toggle-sidebar Ctrl+J Toggle sidebar
view.toggle-tabbar Ctrl+Shift+B Toggle tabbar
view.toggle-toc . Ctrl+K Toggle table of contents
view.toggle-dev-tools Ctrl+Alt+I Toggle developer tools (debug mode only) Ctrl+F5 Reload window (debug mode only)
view.reload-images F5 Reload images

Available key bindings


Id Default Description
tabs.cycle-forward Ctrl+Tab Cycle through tabs
tabs.cycle-backward Ctrl+Shift+Tab Cycle backwards through tabs
tabs.switch-to-left Ctrl+PageUp Switch tab to the left
tabs.switch-to-right Ctrl+PageDown Switch tab to the right
tabs.switch-to-first Ctrl+1 Switch tab to the 1st
tabs.switch-to-second Ctrl+2 Switch tab to the 2nd
tabs.switch-to-third Ctrl+3 Switch tab to the 3rd
tabs.switch-to-fourth Ctrl+4 Switch tab to the 4th
tabs.switch-to-fifth Ctrl+5 Switch tab to the 5th
tabs.switch-to-sixth Ctrl+6 Switch tab to the 6th
tabs.switch-to-seventh Ctrl+7 Switch tab to the 7th
tabs.switch-to-eighth Ctrl+8 Switch tab to the 8th
tabs.switch-to-ninth Ctrl+9 Switch tab to the 9th
tabs.switch-to-tenth Ctrl+0 Switch tab to the 10th


Id Default Description
file.quick-open Ctrl+P Open quick open dialog












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