
news/2025/3/10 18:32:49/文章来源:




___pthread_once (pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine) (void))
{/* Fast path.  See __pthread_once_slow.  */int val;val = atomic_load_acquire (once_control);if (__glibc_likely ((val & __PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE) != 0)) // 这里判断如果已经执行完成就返回0return 0;elsereturn __pthread_once_slow (once_control, init_routine);
static int
__attribute__ ((noinline))
__pthread_once_slow (pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine) (void))
{while (1){int val, newval;/* CAS把状态改为__PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESS *//* We need acquire memory order for this load because if the valuesignals that initialization has finished, we need to see anydata modifications done during initialization.  */val = atomic_load_acquire (once_control);do{/* Check if the initialization has already been done.  */if (__glibc_likely ((val & __PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE) != 0))return 0;/* We try to set the state to in-progress and having the currentfork generation.  We don't need atomic accesses for the forkgeneration because it's immutable in a particular process, andforked child processes start with a single thread that modifiedthe generation.  */newval = __fork_generation | __PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESS;/* We need acquire memory order here for the same reason as for theload from once_control above.  */}while (__glibc_unlikely (!atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (once_control, &val, newval)));/* Check if another thread already runs the initializer.	*/if ((val & __PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESS) != 0){/* 修改失败,说明其他线程在修改,直接等待 *//* Check whether the initializer execution was interrupted by afork.  We know that for both values, __PTHREAD_ONCE_INPROGRESSis set and __PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE is not.  */if (val == newval){/* Same generation, some other thread was faster.  Wait andretry.  */futex_wait_simple ((unsigned int *) once_control,(unsigned int) newval, FUTEX_PRIVATE);continue;}}/* This thread is the first here.  Do the initialization.Register a cleanup handler so that in case the thread getsinterrupted the initialization can be restarted.  */pthread_cleanup_combined_push (clear_once_control, once_control);/* 调用用户传入的方法 */init_routine ();pthread_cleanup_combined_pop (0);/* Mark *once_control as having finished the initialization.  We needrelease memory order here because we need to synchronize with otherthreads that want to use the initialized data.  *//* 修改状态为__PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE */atomic_store_release (once_control, __PTHREAD_ONCE_DONE);/* Wake up all other threads.  *//* 唤醒其他线程 */futex_wake ((unsigned int *) once_control, INT_MAX, FUTEX_PRIVATE);break;}return 0;




1.3 功率电感选型----硬件设计指南(持续补充更新)

本系列文章是笔者总结多年工作经验,结合理论与实践进行整理备忘的笔记。希望能在帮助自己温习整理避免遗忘的同时,也能帮助其他需要参考的朋友。笔者会不定期进行查漏补缺。如有谬误,欢迎大家进行指正。 一、设计要点 1.电流降额建议按照1-10%-电感精度进行,主要设计参数是…



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