31927 – Application Development with .NET

news/2024/9/23 12:29:05/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/WX-codinghelp/p/18426839

Assignment -1Spring 20241Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

School of Computer Science

31927 – Application Development with .NET

32998 - .NET Application Development


Due date Monday 23 September 2024, 11:00am

Demonstration Required in the lab/tutorial sessionWeight 35%Groupwork Individual

Submission Complete project folder zip

Submit to Canvas


In this assignment, you are required to model the dotnet Hospital Management System by developing aconsole application using C#.

The application should have appropriate data structures to distinguish between a Doctor, Administrator and

Patient as well as store the necessary links between them (such as an appointment, between a Doctor anda Patient). You are given complete control in how you create these data structures, but guidance has been

given overpage.

Objects should be stored in the system and also written to .txt files such that the system can read them in

and regenerate existing objects on load. This is mandatory.Students will need to submit the complete project folder in zip format, which will have the complete C#code, solution file, data file, etc. required to run/test the program. Any special instructions required to runthe code has to be provided in a text file. Submitting a lone “.exe” is not acceptable.

Assignment Objectives:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in the following skills:

  • Ensure firm understanding of the .NET framework, C# basics and C# syntax
  • Understand how the .NET framework implements OO concepts and the implications this has fornew language design
  • Array and string manipulation
  • Creating custom classes and methods in C#
  • File reading, writing and manipulation in C#
  • Creating interactive console applications
  • Creating good OO design.

Program and data structures:

  • How you structure the classes in your program is your choice. One thing you are not allowed to dois make your program fully contained inside Program.cs, or any single class.
  • In the dotnet Hospital Management System, a user can log in as either a Patient, a Doctor, or an

administrator. These are different roles, which would store different information, and would have a

different menu. Your code structure should reflect this. Assignment -1

Spring 2024


  • Additionally, your code will need to generate Appointments. An appointment would need a referenceto a single Doctor and a single Patient; your code structure should reflect this. You do not need tomanage 代 写31927 – Application Development with .NET Dates/times for appointments (or anywhere, for that matter) in your code. This may result inappointments being difficult to distinguish and sort; you will not be marked down for this.
  • Every patient, doctor and admin, has a unique ID. This ID should be an integer of reasonable length(5-8 digits). This can be randomly generated, or incremental, but it should be generated by thesystem on object creation, not chosen/inputted by the user.

Further recommendations:

  • Objects will need to be printed out one by one, it’s recommended that each data structure has atoString() function which compresses the notable data of the class into a succinct line.
  • Each role should be its own class and it should have its own MainMenu method, don’t try and createseparate versions of the menu in Program.cs.
  • Don’t get confused by Administrators. Doctors and Patients can’t at any stage have “adminprivileges”; the administrator is a completely separate entity.
  • You may find it useful to abstract common functionality into its own class, such as a FileManagerclass with static read and write methods or a Utils class which contains the methods to generateID’s and filter lists.Assignment -1Spring 20243

Marking Guide

Below is the marking guide for this assessment. It is designed to allow you to get a Pass grade withminimal effort while still demonstrating that you understand the core principles of .NET development, to geta Distinction with reasonable effort, and to get a High Distinction with solid effort, and 100% withconsiderable effort. It is recommended that you pay attention to thegrade distribution and work towardsyour own skill level.

In the demos in the lab, your code needs to be compiled in Visual Studio Community edition 2022 and thenthe tutor will test for normal functionality as described in the descriptions above. If your code does notcompile you will receive zero marks (no exceptions).T

Logout/Exit Logout functionality and Exit functionality for all 3 menus11Maximum Full Marks 35

Bonus Marks -Use of one example of anonymous methoUse of one example of genericUse of one example delegates

Email functionality (e.g. confirmation of patient registration, orconfirmation of booking)1Additional user role (e.g. receptionist)1Assignment -1Spring 20244Assignment -1Spring 20245

Specific expected tasks and examples In this assignment, you are required to develop a console-based, menu driven hospital management

system using C#. Necessary data should be stored in “.txt” files. There are 3 core roles in the system.

  1. Patient
  2. Doctor
  3. AdministratorEach of these roles have their own version of the menu with it’s own subset of menu options.Login MenuThe user should be presented with this menu on program startup and cannot proceed further withoutentering valid login details.

Input fields:

-ID: Display the typed characters as is-Password: Display “*” instead of the actualto the system.Input: Key press to return to menu.Assignment -1Spring 2024

12Additional Information: Assignment Submission You must upload a zip file of the C# solution to Canvas. This must be done by the Due Date. You may

submit as many times as you like until the due date. The final submission you make is the one that will bemarked. If you have not uploaded your zip file within 7 days ofthe Due Date, or it cannot be compiled andrun in the lab, then your assignment will receive a zero mark

  • NOTE 1: It is your responsibility to make sure you have thoroughly tested your program to makesure it is working correctly.
  • NOTE 2: Your final submission to Canvas is the one that is marked. It does not matter if earlierubmissions were working; they will be ignored. Download your submission from Canvas and test itthoroughly.Queries

If you have a problem such as illness which will affect your assignment submission contact the subjectcoordinator or lab tutor as soon as possible.

If you have a question about the assignment, please post it to the Canvas discussion board for this subjectso that everyone can see the response.

If serious problems are discovered in assignment specification the class will be informed via anannouncement on Canvas. It is your responsibility to make sure youfrequently check Canvas.

PLEASE NOTE : If the answer to your questions can be found directly in any of the following

  • Subject outline
  • Assignment specification
  • Canvas FAQ and addendum
  • Canvas discussion board

You will be directed to these locations rather than given a direct answer.

Extensions and Special Consideration

Please refer to subject outline.

Academic Standards and Late Penalties

Please refer to subject outline.





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2024年9月23日 人工智能作业


