Understanding CAT ET Subscription for Work on 6NZ

news/2024/11/6 15:30:51/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/auroraobd2/p/18530296
If you’re considering using CAT Caterpillar ET (Electronic Technician) for working on your 6NZ engine, here’s a breakdown of how the subscription works based on dealer information:

 Yearly Subscription Model
- Annual Subscription: CAT ET operates on a yearly subscription model. This means you pay for access to the software for one year at a time.
- Access During Subscription Period: During this period, you have full access to the software and any updates that might be necessary for your engine work.

 Subscription Expiration
- No Continuous Access Post Expiry: Once your subscription expires, you no longer have access to the software or updates. The software will continue to function only as long as it remains installed on your system.

 Reinstallation and Activation
- Activation Code Requirement: If your computer crashes or you need to reinstall the software, you will need a new activation code to reactivate the software.
- Additional Costs: Obtaining this new activation code after your subscription has expired would require you to renew the subscription or pay for the activation again.

 How Does It Work?

1. Initial Purchase: When you first purchase the CAT ET software, you get a subscription that is valid for one year. This includes the software and any updates that are released during that year.
2. Installation: You install the software on your computer and use it for diagnostics and updates on your 6NZ engine.

3. Subscription Expiration: At the end of the subscription year, the software will continue to work only if it remains installed. However, you won’t be able to reinstall it without a new activation code if needed.

4. Renewal: To continue using the software with full functionality or to reinstall it, you need to renew your subscription annually. This ensures you have ongoing access to updates and support.

Key Points to Consider

- Plan for Renewal: Budget for the annual subscription cost if you anticipate needing continuous access or possible reinstallation.
- Backup and Maintenance: Regularly back up your system to avoid potential issues that may arise from a computer crash. This can help prevent the need for a new activation code within the subscription year.
- Consult with Dealer: For detailed terms and specific scenarios, consulting directly with your CAT dealer can provide clarity and ensure you fully understand the subscription requirements and benefits.

By understanding the subscription model and planning accordingly, you can effectively use CAT ET for your 6NZ engine diagnostics and updates without unexpected interruptions.




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