数据来源 $urldata 中的倒数第2列(子文件夹名称列)包含 /、\ 等特殊字符
foreach ($i in 0..100) {# 提取路径部分$basePath = ($urldata[$i].split("`t")[-1]).trim()$subPath = ($urldata[$i].split("`t")[-2].replace('"', '')).trim()# 组合完整路径$fullPath = "$basePath/$subPath"# 替换字符以生成重命名路径$renamePath = $subPath -replace '/', '__' -replace '\\', '_、' -replace ':', '_:'$renamePath = "$basePath/$renamePath"if ($fullPath -eq $renamePath) {continue}if (Test-Path $fullPath) {# 创建文件夹New-Item -Path $renamePath -ItemType Directory -Force # 确保目录存在# 移动文件Move-Item "$fullPath/*" -Destination $renamePath -Force # 确保强制移动# 删除原文件夹Remove-Item -Path $fullPath -Recurse -Force # 确保递归删除# 输出重命名路径以供检查Write-Host "Rename Path: $renamePath, del Path: $fullPath"} else {$oldPath="Y:/$($renamePath.replace('__','_'))"$newPath="Y:/$renamePath"if(Test-Path $oldPath){ rename-item $oldPath $newPath }Write-Host "Path does not exist: $fullPath, 修改文件夹 $oldPath 为 $newPath" # 如果路径不存在,输出提示}
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.psiscontainer -and ($_.GetFileSystemInfos().Count -eq 0) } | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_;Write-Host "文件夹 $_ 已删除" }
PS, 对 PowerShell 中的 Get-ChildItem 帮助的理解感到有些疑惑。
`Get-ChildItem` doesn't display empty directories. When a `Get-ChildItem` command includes the Depth orRecurse parameters, empty directories aren't included in the output.
How To Find Empty Folders Using Powershell
How to find empty directories in Windows using a Powershell Script
Check If a Folder is Empty in PowerShell