- 一.gitlab的基本配置
- 1 登录gitlab并配置汉化
- 2 修改管理员密码
- 3 修改头像
- 4 关闭账号注册功能
- 5 修改邮箱地址
- 二.gitlab用户,组,项目管理
- 1.用户,组,项目查看
- 2.用户管理
- 2.1 新建用户
- 2.2 用户创建成功
- 2.3 课堂练习-创建多个用户
- 3.组管理
- 3.1 新建组
- 3.2 组创建成功
- 3.3 课堂练习-创建多个组
- 4.将用户加入组
- 4.1 查看某个组的详细信息
- 4.2 邀请组成员
- 4.3 课堂练习-将不同的用户加入不同的组
- 5.为用户重置密码
- 5.1 修改用户名的密码
- 5.2 修改密码成功并登录
- 5.3 课堂练习-给多个用户重置密码
- 6.项目管理
- 6.1 创建空白项目
- 6.2 项目创建成功
- 6.3 使用root用户将已有的本地仓库推送到远程仓库中
- 6.4 使用jasonyin2020用户开发代码
- 6.4.1 生成公钥
- 6.4.2 使用jasonyin2020用户拉取代码
- 6.4.3 使用jasonyin2020用户进行开发
- 6.5 使用root用户拉取最新dev代码
- 6.6 使用yinzhengjie用户拉取meta-data代码测试
- 6.6.1 查看meta-data项目用户
- 6.6.2 使用yinzhengjie用户是无权限拉取dev群组的项目
- 三.gitlab保护分支
- 1.开发者无法推送代码到master分支案例
- 1.1 查看jasonyin2020角色
- 1.2 查看jasonyin2020有权限的相关项目
- 1.3 使用jasonyin2020用户拉取meta-data项目所有分支到本地
- 1.4 使用jasonyin2020用户推送数据到dev分支
- 1.5 使用jasonyin2020用户推送数据到master分支会失败(gitlab默认的保护分支)
- 2.使用管理员查看gitlab项目的默认分支保护
- 2.1 查看群组信息
- 2.2 查看dev组的meta-data项目
- 2.3 查看默认的分支保护
- 3.解决分支保护的思路
- 4.jasonyin2020用户发起合并代码请求
- 4.1 jasonyin2020用户创建合并请求
- 4.2 jasonyin2020用户创建合并请求成功
- 4.3 项目管理员root查看合并请求
- 4.4 项目管理员root批准合并请求
- 5.jasonyin2020开发的代码成功合并
- 1.开发者无法推送代码到master分支案例
1 登录gitlab并配置汉化
2 修改管理员密码
3 修改头像
4 关闭账号注册功能
5 修改邮箱地址
2.1 新建用户
2.2 用户创建成功
2.3 课堂练习-创建多个用户
按照刚刚的操作,创建以下2个用户:- yinzhengjie- jasonyin2020创建成功后,如上图所示。
3.1 新建组
3.2 组创建成功
3.3 课堂练习-创建多个组
按照刚刚的操作,创建以下2个组:- dev- ops创建成功后,如上图所示。
4.1 查看某个组的详细信息
4.2 邀请组成员
4.3 课堂练习-将不同的用户加入不同的组
按照刚刚的操作,将不同的用户加入不同的组:- 将jasonyin2020用户添加到dev组,角色为"Developer"- 将yinzhengjie用户添加到ops组,角色为"Maintainer"创建成功后,如上,下图所示。温馨提示:对于不用用户归属于哪个组的哪个项目对应什么权限,我们可以实际需求来进行配置哟。关于官方的权限大概分为: Guest,Reporter,Developer,Maintainer,Owner这几类。参考链接:http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/help/user/permissions
5.1 修改用户名的密码
5.2 修改密码成功并登录
5.3 课堂练习-给多个用户重置密码
按照刚刚的操作,将不同的用户加入不同的组:- 将jasonyin2020用户初始密码为:"12345678",修改后的新密码为:"yinzhengjie"。- 将yinzhengjie用户初始密码为:"12345678",修改后的新密码为:"yinzhengjie"。创建成功后,并完成登录,如上,下图所示。
6.1 创建空白项目
6.2 项目创建成功
您还可以按照以下说明从计算机中上传现有文件。(1)Git 全局设置
git config --global user.name "Administrator"
git config --global user.email "admin@example.com"(2)创建一个新仓库
git clone http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git
cd meta-data
git switch -c main
touch README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin main(3)推送现有文件夹
cd existing_folder
git init --initial-branch=main
git remote add origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main(4)推送现有的 Git 仓库
cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags
6.3 使用root用户将已有的本地仓库推送到远程仓库中
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com ~]# cd /yinzhengjie/code/meta-data/
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git tag
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git remote -v
origin git@gitee.com:yinzhengjie/meta-data.git (fetch)
origin git@gitee.com:yinzhengjie/meta-data.git (push)
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git remote rename origin old-origin
Renaming remote references: 100% (4/4), done.
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git remote add origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git remote -v
old-origin git@gitee.com:yinzhengjie/meta-data.git (fetch)
old-origin git@gitee.com:yinzhengjie/meta-data.git (push)
origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git (fetch)
origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git (push)
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git push -u origin --all # 所有分支推送成功,如上图所示。
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': root
Password for 'http://root@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
Enumerating objects: 18, done.
Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (18/18), 1.59 KiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
Total 18 (delta 3), reused 11 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for dev, visit:
remote: http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=dev
To http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git* [new branch] dev -> dev* [new branch] master -> master
branch 'dev' set up to track 'origin/dev'.
branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'.
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git push -u origin --tags # 所有标签推送成功,如下图所示。
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': root
Password for 'http://root@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 475 bytes | 475.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git* [new tag] v1.0 -> v1.0* [new tag] v2.0 -> v2.0* [new tag] v3.0 -> v3.0
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
6.4 使用jasonyin2020用户开发代码
6.4.1 生成公钥
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q(2)使用jasonyin2020账号进行登录
6.4.2 使用jasonyin2020用户拉取代码
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]# git clone git@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com:dev/meta-data.git
Cloning into 'meta-data'...
The authenticity of host 'gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7iCtc1o1urdQ+s6pih5kK+MienvfVGzZnPL5khkcu8o.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
remote: Enumerating objects: 21, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 21 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (21/21), done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]# cd meta-data/
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* master
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# ll
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 12 00:12 ./
drwxrwxrwt 14 root root 4096 Feb 12 00:12 ../
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Feb 12 00:12 .git/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 84 Feb 12 00:12 index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2)拉取dev分支
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* master
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git checkout -b dev
Switched to a new branch 'dev'
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* devmaster
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git pull origin dev
From gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com:dev/meta-data* branch dev -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 37f7b35..c215653
Fast-forward.gitignore | 9 +++++++++index.html | 2 ++2 files changed, 11 insertions(+)create mode 100644 .gitignore
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
6.4.3 使用jasonyin2020用户进行开发
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# vim index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2)提交到本地代码仓库
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git add .; git commit -m '美颜,滤镜,直播功能'
[dev 19587c5] 美颜,滤镜,直播功能1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (3)推送代码到远程仓库,推送成功后,效果如上图所示。
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git push origin dev
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 397 bytes | 397.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for dev, visit:
remote: http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=dev
To gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com:dev/meta-data.gitc215653..19587c5 dev -> dev
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
6.5 使用root用户拉取最新dev代码
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com ~]# cd /yinzhengjie/code/meta-data/
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev'.
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* devmaster
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html # 很明显,代码并不是最新的哟~
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2) 使用root用户拉取代码
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git pull origin dev # 如下所示,我使用root用户拉取了最新的代码哟~
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': root
Password for 'http://root@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), 377 bytes | 377.00 KiB/s, done.
From http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data* branch dev -> FETCH_HEADc215653..19587c5 dev -> origin/dev
Updating c215653..19587c5
Fast-forwardindex.html | 2 ++1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html # 注意观察内容,发现拉取最新的代码成功啦!
[root@centos10.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
6.6 使用yinzhengjie用户拉取meta-data代码测试
6.6.1 查看meta-data项目用户
6.6.2 使用yinzhengjie用户是无权限拉取dev群组的项目
1.1 查看jasonyin2020角色
1.2 查看jasonyin2020有权限的相关项目
1.3 使用jasonyin2020用户拉取meta-data项目所有分支到本地
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com ~]# cd /tmp/
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]# git clone http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git
Cloning into 'meta-data'...
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': jasonyin2020
Password for 'http://jasonyin2020@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
remote: Enumerating objects: 24, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 24 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (24/24), done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), done.
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com tmp]# cd meta-data/
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* master
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2)使用jasonyin2020用户拉取meta-data项目的dev分支
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html # 拉取数据前,先查看首页文件内容。
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git checkout -b dev
Switched to a new branch 'dev'
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* devmaster
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git remote -v
origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git (fetch)
origin http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git (push)
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# [root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git pull origin dev
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': jasonyin2020
Password for 'http://jasonyin2020@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
From http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data* branch dev -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 37f7b35..19587c5
Fast-forward.gitignore | 9 +++++++++index.html | 4 ++++2 files changed, 13 insertions(+)create mode 100644 .gitignore
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
1.4 使用jasonyin2020用户推送数据到dev分支
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# echo "<h1>电商平台</h1>" >> index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2)提交数据到本地仓库
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git add .; git commit -m '电商'
[dev 99222c1] 电商1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (3)推送代码到远程仓库
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git push origin dev
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': jasonyin2020
Password for 'http://jasonyin2020@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 332 bytes | 332.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for dev, visit:
remote: http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=dev
To http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git19587c5..99222c1 dev -> dev
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
1.5 使用jasonyin2020用户推送数据到master分支会失败(gitlab默认的保护分支)
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branch
* devmaster
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git branchdev
* master
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# echo "<h1>抖+投流...</h1>" >> index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# cat index.html
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git add .; git commit -m '抖加'
[master 3c59b67] 抖加1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# (2)使用jasonyin2020用户推送代码到master失败,因为该分支被保护啦~
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]# git push origin master
Username for 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com': jasonyin2020
Password for 'http://jasonyin2020@gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com':
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 295 bytes | 295.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.
To http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'http://gitlab11.yinzhengjie.com/dev/meta-data.git'
[root@ubuntu11.yinzhengjie.com meta-data]#
2.1 查看群组信息
2.2 查看dev组的meta-data项目
2.3 查看默认的分支保护
4.1 jasonyin2020用户创建合并请求
4.2 jasonyin2020用户创建合并请求成功
4.3 项目管理员root查看合并请求
4.4 项目管理员root批准合并请求