
news/2025/2/8 14:14:06/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/wxdyyds/p/18582119



#pragma once#include <iostream>
#include <string>using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;// 发行/出版物类:Publisher (抽象类)
class Publisher {
public:Publisher(const string &s = "");            // 构造函数public:virtual void publish() const = 0;                 // 纯虚函数,作为接口继承virtual void use() const = 0;                     // 纯虚函数,作为接口继承protected:string name;    // 发行/出版物名称
};Publisher::Publisher(const string &s): name {s} {
}// 图书类: Book
class Book: public Publisher {
public:Book(const string &s = "", const string &a = "");  // 构造函数public:void publish() const override;        // 接口void use() const override;            // 接口private:string author;          // 作者
};Book::Book(const string &s, const string &a): Publisher{s}, author{a} {
}void Book::publish() const {cout << "Publishing book: 《" << name << "》 by " << author << endl;
}void Book::use() const {cout << "Reading book: " << name << " by " << author << endl;
}// 电影类: Film
class Film: public Publisher {
public:Film(const string &s = "", const string &d = "");   // 构造函数public:void publish() const override;    // 接口void use() const override;        // 接口            private:string director;        // 导演
};Film::Film(const string &s, const string &d): Publisher{s}, director{d} {
}void Film::publish() const {cout << "Publishing film: <" << name << "> directed by " << director << endl;
}void Film::use() const {cout << "Watching film: " << name << " directed by " << director << endl;
}// 音乐类:Music
class Music: public Publisher {
public:Music(const string &s = "", const string &a = "");public:void publish() const override;        // 接口void use() const override;            // 接口private:string artist;      // 音乐艺术家名称
};Music::Music(const string &s, const string &a): Publisher{s}, artist{a} {
}void Music::publish() const {cout << "Publishing music <" << name << "> by " << artist << endl;
}void Music::use() const {cout << "Listening to music: " << name << " by " << artist << endl;
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#include "publisher.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>using std::vector;void test() {vector<Publisher *> v;v.push_back(new Book("Harry Potter", "J.K. Rowling"));v.push_back(new Film("The Godfather", "Francis Ford Coppola"));v.push_back(new Music("Blowing in the wind", "Bob Dylan"));for(auto &ptr: v) {cout << "pointer type: " << typeid(ptr).name() << endl;  // 输出指针类型cout << "RTTI type: " << typeid(*ptr).name() << endl;    // 输出指针指向的对象类型ptr->publish();ptr->use();cout << endl;}
}int main() {test();
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#pragma once#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>using std::string;
using std::ostream;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::left;class Book {
public:Book(const string &name, const string &author, const string &translator, const string &isbn, float price);friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Book &book);private:string name;        // 书名string author;      // 作者string translator;  // 译者string isbn;        // isbn号float price;        // 定价
};// 成员函数实现
Book::Book(const string &name, const string &author, const string &translator, const string &isbn, float price) {this->name = name;this->author = author;this->translator = translator;this->isbn = isbn;this->price = price;
}// 友元实现
ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const Book &book) {out << left;out << setw(15) << "书名:" << book.name << endl<< setw(15) << "作者:" << book.author << endl<< setw(15) << "译者:" << book.translator << endl<< setw(15) << "ISBN:" << book.isbn << endl<< setw(15) << "定价:" << book.price;return out;
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#pragma once#include "book.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;class BookSale {
public:BookSale(const Book &b, float price, int amount);int get_amount() const;friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const BookSale &item);private:Book rb;         float sales_price;      // 售价int sales_amount;       // 销售数量float revenue;          // 营收
};// 成员函数实现
BookSale::BookSale(const Book &b, float price, int amount): rb{b}, sales_price(price), sales_amount{amount} {  revenue = sales_amount * sales_price;
}int BookSale::get_amount() const {return sales_amount;
}// 友元函数实现
ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const BookSale &item) {out << left;out << item.rb << endl<< setw(15) << "售价:" << item.sales_price << endl<< setw(15) << "销售数量:" << item.sales_amount << endl<< setw(15) << "营收:" << item.revenue;return out;
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#include "booksale.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>// 按图书销售数额比较
bool compare_by_amount(const BookSale &x1, const BookSale &x2) {return x1.get_amount() > x2.get_amount();
}void test() {using namespace std;vector<BookSale> sales_lst;         // 存放图书销售记录int books_number;cout << "录入图书数量: ";cin >> books_number;cout << "录入图书销售记录" << endl;for(int i = 0; i < books_number; ++i) {string name, author, translator, isbn;float price;cout << string(20, '-') << "" << i+1 << "本图书信息录入" << string(20, '-') << endl;cout << "录入书名: "; cin >> name;cout << "录入作者: "; cin >> author;cout << "录入译者: "; cin >> translator;cout << "录入isbn: "; cin >> isbn;cout << "录入定价: "; cin >> price;Book book(name, author, translator, isbn, price);float sales_price;int sales_amount;cout << "录入售价: "; cin >> sales_price;cout << "录入销售数量: "; cin >> sales_amount;BookSale record(book, sales_price, sales_amount);sales_lst.push_back(record);}// 按销售册数排序
    sort(sales_lst.begin(), sales_lst.end(), compare_by_amount);// 按销售册数降序输出图书销售信息cout << string(20, '=') <<  "图书销售统计" << string(20, '=') << endl;for(auto &t: sales_lst) {cout << t << endl;cout << string(40, '-') << endl;}
}int main() {test();
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MachinePets {
public:MachinePets(const string&s=""):nickname{s}{ }
public:virtual string get_nickname() const = 0;virtual string talk()const = 0;
protected:string nickname;
class PetCats:public MachinePets {
public:PetCats(const string &s=""):MachinePets{s}{ }
public:string get_nickname()const override {return nickname;}string talk()const override {return talking;}
private:string talking = "miao wu~";
class PetDogs :public MachinePets {
public:PetDogs(const string& s = "") :MachinePets{ s } { }
public:string get_nickname()const override {return nickname;}string talk()const override {return talking;}
private:string talking = "wang wang~";
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "pets.hpp"void test() {using namespace std;vector<MachinePets*> pets;pets.push_back(new PetCats("miku"));pets.push_back(new PetDogs("da huang"));for (auto& ptr : pets)cout << ptr->get_nickname() << " says " << ptr->talk() << endl;
}int main() {test();
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Film {
public:friend istream& operator>>(istream& in,  Film& f);friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Film& f);Film(){ }int get_age() const { return age; }
private:string name;string director;string nation;int age;
istream& operator>>(istream& in,  Film& f) {cout << "录入片名:";in >> f.name;cout << "录入导演:";in >> f.director;cout << "录入制片国家/地区:";in >> f.nation;cout << "录入上映年份:";in >> f.age;return in;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Film& f) {out << f.name << string(5, ' ') << f.director << string(5, ' ') << f.nation << string(5, ' ') << f.age;return out;
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#include "film.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
bool compare_by_year(const Film& x, const Film& y) { return x.get_age() < y.get_age(); }
void test() {using namespace std;int n;cout << "输入电影数目: ";cin >> n;cout << "录入" << n << "部影片信息" << endl;vector<Film> film_lst;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {Film f;cout << string(20, '-') << "" << i + 1 << "部影片录入" << string(20, '-') << endl;cin >> f;film_lst.push_back(f);}// 按发行年份升序排序
    sort(film_lst.begin(), film_lst.end(), compare_by_year);cout << string(20, '=') + "电影信息(按发行年份)" + string(20, '=') << endl;for (auto& f : film_lst)cout << f << endl;
}int main() {test();
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#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class Complex {
public:Complex(T real = 0, T imag = 0) :real{ real }, imag{ imag } { }Complex(const Complex<T>& c) {this->real = c.real;this->imag = c.imag;}T get_real() const { return real; }T get_imag()const { return imag; }Complex operator+=(const Complex<T>& c) {this->real +=c.real;this->imag += c.imag;return *this;}
public:friend Complex<T> operator+(const Complex<T>& c1, const Complex<T>& c2) {return Complex<T>(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag);}bool operator==(const Complex<T>& c)const {return real == c.real && imag == c.imag;}friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Complex<T>& c) {if (c.get_imag() < 0)out << c.get_real() << " - " << -c.get_imag() << "i";  elseout << c.get_real() << " + " << c.get_imag() << "i";return out;}friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, Complex<T>& c) {in >> c.real >> c.imag;return in;}
private:T real;T imag;
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#include "Complex.hpp"
#include <iostream>using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::boolalpha;void test1() {Complex<int> c1(2, -5), c2(c1);cout << "c1=" << c1 << endl;cout << "c2=" << c2 << endl;cout << "c1 + c2 = " << c1 + c2 << endl;c1 += c2;cout << "c1=" << c1 << endl;cout << boolalpha << (c1 == c2) << endl;
}void test2() {Complex<double> c1, c2;cout << "Enter c1 and c2:";cin >> c1 >> c2;cout << "c1=" << c1 << endl;cout << "c2=" << c2 << endl;cout << "c1.real=" << c1.get_real() << endl;cout << "c1.imag=" << c1.get_imag() << endl;
}int main() {cout << "自定义类模板Complex测试1:" << endl;test1();cout << endl;cout << "自定义类模板Complex测试2:" << endl;test2();
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#ifndef __DATE_H__
#define __DATE_H__
class Date {
private:int year;int month;int day;int totalDays;public:Date(int year, int month, int day);int getYear() const { return year; }int getMonth() const { return month; }int getDay() const { return day; }int getMaxDay() const;bool isLeapYear() const {return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;}void show() const;int operator-(const Date& date) const {return totalDays - date.totalDays;}
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#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;//命名空间使下面的定义只在当前文件中有效
namespace {//存储平年中的某个月1日之前有多少天,为便于getMaxDay函数的实现,该数组多出一项const int DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
}Date::Date(int year, int month, int day) : year(year), month(month), day(day) {if (day <= 0 || day > getMaxDay()) {cout << "Invalid date.";show();cout << endl;exit(1);}int years = year - 1;totalDays = years * 365 + years / 4 - years / 100 + years / 400+ DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1] + day;if (isLeapYear() && month > 2) totalDays++;
}int Date::getMaxDay()const {if (isLeapYear() && month == 2) {return 29;}else {return DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month] - DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1];}
}void Date::show() const {cout << getYear() << '-' << getMonth() << '-' << getDay();
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#ifndef __ACCUMULATOR_H__
#define __ACCUMULATOR_H__
#include "date.h"
class Accumulator {
private:Date lastDate;double value;double sum;
public:Accumulator(const Date& date, double value) : lastDate(date), value(value), sum{ 0 } { }double getSum(const Date& date) const {return sum + value * (date - lastDate);}void change(const Date& date, double value) {sum = getSum(date);lastDate = date;this->value = value;}void reset(const Date& date, double value) {lastDate = date;this->value = value;sum = 0;}
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#ifndef __ACCOUNT_H__
#define __ACCOUNT_H__
#include "date.h"
#include "accumulator.h"
#include <string>class Account {
private:std::string id;double balance;static double total;
protected:Account(const Date& date, const std::string& id);void record(const Date& date, double amount, const std::string& desc);void error(const std::string& msg) const;
public:const std::string& getId() { return id; }double getBalance() const { return balance; }static double getTotal() { return total; }virtual void deposit(const Date& date, double amount, const std::string& desc) = 0;virtual void withdraw(const Date& date, double amount, const std::string& desc) = 0;virtual void settle(const Date& date) = 0;virtual void show() const;
using namespace std;
class SavingsAccount : public Account {
private:Accumulator acc;double rate;
public:SavingsAccount(const Date& date, const string& id, double rate);double getRate() const { return rate; }void deposit(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc);void withdraw(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc);void settle(const Date& date);
};class CreditAccount : public Account {
private:Accumulator acc;double credit;double rate;double fee;double getDebt() const {double balance = getBalance();return (balance < 0 ? balance : 0);}
public:CreditAccount(const Date& date, const string& id, double credit, double rate, double fee);double getCredit() const { return credit; }double getRate() const { return rate; }double getFee() const { return fee; }double getAvailableCredit() const {if (getBalance() < 0) return credit + getBalance();else return credit;}void deposit(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc);void withdraw(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc);void settle(const Date& date);void show() const;
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#include "account.h"
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;double Account::total = 0;Account::Account(const Date& date, const string& id) : id(id), balance(0) {date.show();cout << "\t#" << id << " created" << endl;
}void Account::record(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc) {amount = floor(amount * 100 + 0.5) / 100;balance += amount;total += amount;date.show();cout << "\t#" << id << "\t" << amount << "\t" << balance << "\t" << desc << endl;
}void Account::show() const {cout << id << "\tBalance: " << balance;
}void Account::error(const string& msg) const {cout << "Error (#" << id << "): " << msg << endl;
}SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(const Date& date, const string& id, double rate): Account(date, id), rate(rate), acc(date, 0) {}void SavingsAccount::deposit(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc) {record(date, amount, desc);acc.change(date, getBalance());
}void SavingsAccount::withdraw(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc) {if (amount > getBalance()) {error("not enough money");}else {record(date, -amount, desc);acc.change(date, getBalance());}
}void SavingsAccount::settle(const Date& date) {if (date.getMonth() == 1) {double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate / (date - Date(date.getYear() - 1, 1, 1));if (interest != 0) record(date, interest, "interest");acc.reset(date, getBalance());}
}CreditAccount::CreditAccount(const Date& date, const string& id, double credit, double rate, double fee): Account(date, id), credit(credit), rate(rate), fee(fee), acc(date, 0) {}void CreditAccount::deposit(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc) {record(date, amount, desc);acc.change(date, getDebt());
}void CreditAccount::withdraw(const Date& date, double amount, const string& desc) {if (amount - getBalance() > credit) {error("not enough credit");}else {record(date, -amount, desc);acc.change(date, getDebt());}
}void CreditAccount::settle(const Date& date) {double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate;if (interest != 0) record(date, interest, "interest");if (date.getMonth() == 1) record(date, -fee, "annual fee");acc.reset(date, getDebt());
}void CreditAccount::show() const {Account::show();cout << "\tAvailable credit: " << getAvailableCredit();
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#include "account.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {Date date(2008, 11, 1);SavingsAccount sa1(date, "S3755217", 0.015);SavingsAccount sa2(date, "02342342", 0.015);CreditAccount ca(date, "C5392394", 10000, 0.0005, 50);Account* accounts[] = { &sa1, &sa2, &ca };const int n = sizeof(accounts) / sizeof(Account*);cout << "(d)deposit (w)withdraw (s)show (c)change day (n)next month (e)exit" << endl;char cmd;do {date.show();cout << "\tTotal:" << Account::getTotal() << "\tcommand>";int index, day;double amount;string desc;cin >> cmd;switch (cmd) {case 'd':cin >> index >> amount;getline(cin, desc);accounts[index]->deposit(date, amount, desc);break;case 'w':cin >> index >> amount;getline(cin, desc);accounts[index]->withdraw(date, amount, desc);break;case 's':for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cout << "[" << i << "]";accounts[i]->show();cout << endl;}break;case 'c':cin >> day;if (day < date.getDay()) {cout << "You cannot specify a previous day";}else if (day > date.getMaxDay())cout << "Invalid day";else date = Date(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), day);break;case 'n':if (date.getMonth() == 12)date = Date(date.getYear() + 1, 1, 1);else date = Date(date.getYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 1);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {accounts[i]->settle(date);}break;}} while (cmd != 'e');return 0;
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PTQ 精度 Debug 工具

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