#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include<iostream>
using namespace std;int flag = 0; // default is studentclass Course
public:friend void Input_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Delete_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Modify_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Lookup_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Show_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Add_course(vector<Course>& cour); friend int Read_course(vector<Course>& cour);friend void Write_course(vector<Course>& cour, int n);const char* c_id() { return id; }const char* c_name() { return name; }const bool c_nature() { return nature; }Course(): id("None"), name("None"), count(0){}public:char id[20];char name[20];
private:bool nature; // 0 indicates elective and 1 indicates compulsoryint hour; // class time int credir; // credit
public:int count; // count of student 0-60
};class Student
public:friend void Input_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Delete_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Modify_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Lookup_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Add_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Show_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend int Read_stu(vector<Student>& stu);friend void Write_stu(vector<Student>& stu, int n);friend void Select(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu);friend void Deselect(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu);
public:char _id[20];char _class[20];char _name[20];Course _cour_compulsory[2];Course _cour_elective[1];int _num_compulsory = 0;int _num_elective = 0;
};vector<Course> cour;
vector<Student> stu;// ========================================== Course ==================================================== //void Write_course(vector<Course>& cour, int n)
{fstream myfile;myfile.open("course.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);if (!myfile){cout << "ERROR!course.txt can't open." << endl;abort();}myfile << n << endl << endl;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){myfile << cour[i].id << "\t" << cour[i].name << "\t"<< cour[i].nature << "\t" << cour[i].hour << "\t"<< cour[i].credir << "\t" << cour[i].count << endl;}myfile.close();
}int Read_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{cour.clear(); // clearfstream myfile;myfile.open("course.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);if (!myfile){cout << "ERROR!course.txt can't open." << endl;abort();}int n; // count of coursemyfile.seekg(0);myfile >> n;Course temp;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){myfile >> temp.id >> temp.name >> temp.nature>> temp.hour >> temp.credir >> temp.count;cour.push_back(temp); // push_back}myfile.close();return n;
}void Input_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");cour.clear();int i = 0;char sign = '0';Course temp;cout << "=============== Please input the massage ===============" << endl;while (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){loop:cout << "ID: ";cin >> temp.id;int c = 0;while (c < i){c++;if (!strcmp(temp.id, cour[i - c].id)){cout << "ID repeat, please input again." << endl;goto loop;}}cout << "name of course: ";cin >> temp.name;cout << "elective or compilsory(0 or 1): ";cin >> temp.nature;cout << "class hour: ";cin >> temp.hour;cout << "credir: ";cin >> temp.credir;temp.count = 0; // the default is 0cour.push_back(temp); // push_backcout << "whether continue(y or n): ";cin >> sign;i++;}Write_course(cour, i); // save
}void Delete_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);int i = 0;char id[20];cout << "=============== Delete the message of course ===============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of course which you want to delete: ";cin >> id;while (i < n && strcmp(id, cour[i].id))i++;if (i == n){cout << "no fount." << endl;system("pause");return;}else{if (cour[i].count){cout << "所选人数不为零,请联系所有学生退课后,再修改课程信息。" << endl;system("pause");return;}}for (int j = i; j < n - 1; j++)swap(cour[j], cour[j + 1]);// savechar sign;cout << "whether delete(y or n): ";cin >> sign;if (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){cour.erase(cour.end() - 1);Write_course(cour, n - 1);cout << "=============== Delete succeed ===============" << endl;}
}void Modify_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour); // count of coursechar id[20];int i = 0;cout << "=============== Modify course ===============" << endl;cout << "input the ID of course you want to modify: ";cin >> id;while ( i < n && strcmp(id, cour[i].id)) // i < n 要提前判断i++;if (i == n){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}else{if (cour[i].count){cout << "所选人数不为零,请联系所有学生退课后,再修改课程信息。" << endl;system("pause");return;}}cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "ID" << "\t" << "name" << "\t" << "nature" << "\t"<< "hour" << "\t" << "credir" << "\t" << "count" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << cour[i].id << "\t" << cour[i].name << "\t" << cour[i].nature << "\t"<< cour[i].hour << "\t" << cour[i].credir << "\t" << cour[i].count << endl;cout << "please reenter the message of course." << endl;cout << "name of course: ";cin >> cour[i].name;cout << "elective or compilsory(0 or 1): ";cin >> cour[i].nature;cout << "class hour: ";cin >> cour[i].hour;cout << "credir: ";cin >> cour[i].credir;// savechar sign;cout << "whether save the data(y or n): ";cin >> sign;if (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){Write_course(cour, n);cout << "=============== Modify succeed ===============" << endl;system("pause");}
}void Lookup_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);int i = 0;char id[20];cout << "=============== Lookup the course ===============" << endl;cout << "please input the course ID you want to seek: ";cin >> id;while (i < n && strcmp(id, cour[i].id))i++;if (i == n){cout << "no found." << endl;}else{cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "ID: " << cour[i].id << endl;cout << "name: " << cour[i].name << endl;cout << "nature: " << (cour[i].nature ? "compulsory" : "elective") << endl;cout << "class hour: " << cour[i].hour << endl;cout << "credir: " << cour[i].credir << endl;cout << "student count: " << cour[i].count << endl;}system("pause");
}void Show_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);cout << "================ display all course ================" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "ID" << "\t" << "name" << "\t" << "nature" << "\t"<< "hour" << "\t" << "credir" << "\t" << "count" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){cout << cour[i].id << "\t" << cour[i].name << "\t" << cour[i].nature << "\t" << cour[i].hour << "\t" << cour[i].credir << "\t" << cour[i].count << endl;}system("pause");
}void Add_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);char sign = '0';Course temp;cout << "=============== add course ===============" << endl;while (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){loop:cout << "ID: ";cin >> temp.id;int c = 0;while (c < n){c++;if (!strcmp(temp.id, cour[n - c].id)){cout << "ID repeat, please input again." << endl;goto loop;}}cout << "name of course: ";cin >> temp.name;cout << "elective or compulsory(0 or 1): ";cin >> temp.nature;cout << "class hour: ";cin >> temp.hour;cout << "credir: ";cin >> temp.credir;temp.count = 0;n++;cour.push_back(temp);cout << "whether continue(y or n): ";cin >> sign;}// saveWrite_course(cour, n);
}// ============================================ student ============================================== //void Write_stu(vector<Student>& stu, int n)
{fstream myfile;myfile.open("student.txt", ios::out | ios::binary);if (!myfile){cout << "ERROR! student.txt can't open!" << endl;abort();}myfile << n << endl << endl;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){myfile << stu[i]._id << "\t" << stu[i]._class << "\t"<< stu[i]._name << "\t" << stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].c_id() << "\t"<< stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].c_name() << "\t"<< stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].c_id() << "\t"<< stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].c_name() << "\t"<< stu[i]._cour_elective[0].c_id() << "\t"<< stu[i]._cour_elective[0].c_name() << "\t"<< stu[i]._num_compulsory << "\t" << stu[i]._num_elective << endl;}myfile.close();
}int Read_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{stu.clear(); // clearfstream myfile;myfile.open("student.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);if (!myfile){cout << "ERROR! student.txt can't open!" << endl;abort();}int n;myfile.seekg(0);myfile >> n;Student temp;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){myfile >> temp._id >> temp._class>> temp._name>> temp._cour_compulsory[0].id>> temp._cour_compulsory[0].name>> temp._cour_compulsory[1].id>> temp._cour_compulsory[1].name>> temp._cour_elective[0].id>> temp._cour_elective[0].name>> temp._num_compulsory >> temp._num_elective;stu.push_back(temp); // push_back}myfile.close();return n;
}void Input_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");stu.clear();int i = 0;char sign = '\0';Student temp;cout << "============ please input the message ============" << endl;while (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){loop:cout << "student ID: ";cin >> temp._id;int c = 0;while (c < i){c++;if (!strcmp(temp._id, stu[i - c]._id)){cout << "ID repeat, please input again." << endl;goto loop;}}cout << "name: ";cin >> temp._name;cout << "class: ";cin >> temp._class;stu.push_back(temp); // push_backcout << "whether continue(y or n): ";cin >> sign;i++;}Write_stu(stu, i);
}void Delete_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n = Read_stu(stu);int m = Read_course(cour); // number of courseint i = 0;char id[20];cout << "============ delete student ============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of student who you want to delete: ";cin >> id;while (i < n && strcmp(id, stu[i]._id))i++;if (i == n){cout << "no fount." << endl;system("pause");return;}if (stu[i]._num_compulsory){while (stu[i]._num_compulsory > 0){stu[i]._num_compulsory--;int c = 0;while (c < m){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory].id, cour[c].id)){cour[c].count--;break;}c++;}}}else if (stu[i]._num_elective){while (stu[i]._num_elective > 0){stu[i]._num_elective--;int c = 0;while (c < m){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[stu[i]._num_elective].id, cour[c].id)){cour[c].count--;break;}c++;}}}for (int j = i; j < n - 1; j++)swap(stu[j], stu[j + 1]);// savechar sign;cout << "whether delete(y or n): ";cin >> sign;if (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){stu.erase(stu.end() - 1);Write_stu(stu, n - 1);Write_course(cour, m);cout << "============ delete succeed ============" << endl;system("pause");}
}void Modify_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n = Read_stu(stu);char id[20];int i = 0;cout << "============ Modify the message of student ============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of student who you want to modify: ";cin >> id;while (i < n && strcmp(id, stu[i]._id))i++;if (i == n){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "ID: " << stu[i]._id << endl;cout << "class: " << stu[i]._class << endl;cout << "name: " << stu[i]._name << endl;cout << "-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "please reenter the message." << endl;cout << "class: ";cin >> stu[i]._class;cout << "name: ";cin >> stu[i]._name;// savechar sign;cout << "whether save the data(y or n): ";cin >> sign;if (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){cout << "modify succeed." << endl; Write_stu(stu, n);system("pause");}
}void Lookup_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls"); int n = Read_stu(stu);Read_course(cour);int i = 0;char id[20]; cout << "============ Lookup the score of student ============" << endl; cout << "please input the ID of student you want to seek: ";cin >> id;while (i < n && strcmp(id, stu[i]._id))i++;if (i == n){cout << "no found." << endl;}else{ cout << "ID: " << stu[i]._id << endl;cout << "class: " << stu[i]._class << endl;cout << "name: " << stu[i]._name << endl;cout << "compulsory: " << (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].c_name())<< " " << (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].c_name()) << endl;cout << "elective: " << (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[0].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_elective[0].c_name()) << endl;}system("pause");
}void Add_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n = Read_stu(stu);char sign = '0';Student temp;cout << "============ add student ============" << endl;while (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N'){loop:cout << "student ID: ";cin >> temp._id;int c = 0;while (c < n){c++;if (!strcmp(temp._id, stu[n - c]._id)){cout << "ID repeat, please input again." << endl;goto loop;}}cout << "class: ";cin >> temp._class;cout << "name: ";cin >> temp._name;n++;stu.push_back(temp); // push_backcout << "whether continue(y or n): ";cin >> sign;}// saveWrite_stu(stu, n);
}void Show_stu(vector<Student>& stu)
{ system("cls"); int n = Read_stu(stu);cout << "============================ diplay all student ==========================" << endl;cout << "ID" << "\t" << "class" << "\t" << "name" << "\t" << "compulsory" << "\t\t" << "elective" << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){cout << stu[i]._id << "\t" << stu[i]._class << "\t" << stu[i]._name << "\t" << (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_compulsory[0].name)<< " "<< (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_compulsory[1].c_name())<< "\t"<< (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[0].id, "None") ? "None" : stu[i]._cour_elective[0].c_name()) << endl;}system("pause");
}void Select(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n_cour = Read_course(cour);int n_stu = Read_stu(stu); int i = 0; // studentint j = 0; // coursechar id_c[20]; // course char id_s[20]; // student cout << "============ select system ============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of student: ";cin >> id_s;while ( i < n_stu && strcmp(stu[i]._id, id_s))i++;if (i == n_stu) {cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}cout << ("please input the ID of course you want to select: ");cin >> id_c;while ( j < n_cour && strcmp(cour[j].c_id(), id_c))j++;// cout << cour[j].id << endl;if (j == n_cour){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}if (cour[j].count >= 60){cout << "student number full, select failed." << endl;system("pause");}else{if (cour[j].c_nature())if (stu[i]._num_compulsory < 2){int c = 0;while (c < stu[i]._num_compulsory && strcmp(cour[j].id, stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].id))c++;if (c < stu[i]._num_compulsory){cout << "course repeat." << endl;system("pause");return;}stu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory] = cour[j]; // cout << stu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory].id << endl;// cout << stu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory].c_name() << endl;stu[i]._num_compulsory++;cour[j].count++;Write_course(cour, n_cour);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);// cout << stu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory].id << endl;cout << "select succeed." << endl;system("pause");}else{cout << "class number upper limit, select failed." << endl;system("pause");}else{if (stu[i]._num_elective < 1){int c = 0;while (c < stu[i]._num_elective && strcmp(cour[j].id, stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id))c++;if (c < stu[i]._num_elective){cout << "course repeat." << endl;system("pause");return;}stu[i]._cour_elective[stu[i]._num_elective] = cour[j];stu[i]._num_elective++;cour[j].count++;Write_course(cour, n_cour);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);cout << "select succeed." << endl;system("pause");}else{cout << "class number upper limit, select failed." << endl;system("pause");}}}
}void Deselect(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n_cour = Read_course(cour);int n_stu = Read_stu(stu);int i = 0; // studentint j = 0; // coursechar id_c[20]; // course char id_s[20]; // student cout << "============ deselect system ============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of student: ";cin >> id_s;while (i < n_stu && strcmp(stu[i]._id, id_s))i++;if (i == n_stu){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}cout << ("please input the ID of course you want to deselect: ");cin >> id_c;while (j < n_cour && strcmp(cour[j].c_id(), id_c))j++;if (j == n_cour){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}if (stu[i]._num_compulsory){int c = stu[i]._num_compulsory - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_compulsory--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].name, "None");// 重新排序for (; c < stu[i]._num_compulsory; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c], stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}if (stu[i]._cour_elective){int c = stu[i]._num_elective - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_elective--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].name, "None");for (; c < stu[i]._num_elective; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_elective[c], stu[i]._cour_elective[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}cout << "你并未选择该课程。" << endl;system("pause");return;}}if (stu[i]._cour_elective){int c = stu[i]._num_elective - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_elective--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].name, "None");for (; c < stu[i]._num_elective; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_elective[c], stu[i]._cour_elective[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}cout << "你并未选择该课程。" << endl;system("pause");return;}
}// =========================================== menu ========================================== //int choose_user()
loop:system("cls");int c = 0;cout << "=================================================================" << endl;cout << "-------------- welcome to course selection system ---------------" << endl;cout << "please choose your identity, admin or student(1 or 2)(input 0 to exit): ";cin >> c;char passwd[20];if (c == 1){cout << "please input password: ";cin >> passwd;if (!strcmp(passwd, "123456")){flag = 1;cout << "log on succeed." << endl;system("pause");}else{cout << "password error." << endl;system("pause");goto loop;}}elseflag = 0;if (c < 0 || c > 2){cout << "please input 0-2." << endl;system("pause");goto loop;}return c;
}void menu_course()
{int c = 0;while (1){system("cls");cout << "============ menu of course ============" << endl;cout << " 1. input " << endl;cout << " 2. delete " << endl;cout << " 3. modify " << endl;cout << " 4. lookup " << endl;cout << " 5. add " << endl;cout << " 6. show all " << endl;cout << " 0. return " << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "please choose your operation(0-6): ";cin >> c;switch (c){case 1:if (flag)Input_course(cour);else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 2:if (flag)Delete_course(cour);else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 3:if (flag)Modify_course(cour);else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 4:Lookup_course(cour);break;case 5:if (flag)Add_course(cour);else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 6:Show_course(cour);break;case 0:cout << "------------ return succeed ------------" << endl;system("pause");return;default:cout << "please input 0-6." << endl;system("pause");break;}}
}void menu_student()
{int c = 0;while (1){system("cls");cout << "============ menu of student ============" << endl;cout << " 1. input " << endl; cout << " 2. delete " << endl; cout << " 3. modify " << endl; cout << " 4. lookup " << endl; cout << " 5. add " << endl;cout << " 6. show all " << endl;cout << " 7. select course " << endl;cout << " 8. deselect " << endl;cout << " 0. return " << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "please choose your operation(0-6): ";cin >> c;switch (c) {case 1: if (flag)Input_stu(stu);else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break; case 2:if (flag) Delete_stu(stu); else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break; case 3: if (flag) Modify_stu(stu); else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break; case 4: Lookup_stu(stu); break; case 5: if (flag) Add_stu(stu); else{cout << "request denied." << endl;system("pause");}break; case 6: Show_stu(stu); break;case 7:Select(cour, stu);break;case 8:Deselect(cour, stu);break;case 0:cout << "------------ return succeed ------------" << endl;system("pause");return;default:cout << "please input 0-6." << endl;system("pause");break;}}
}int menu_main()
{int c = 0;while (1){system("cls");cout << "====================================================" << endl;cout << " 1. course message " << endl;cout << " 2. student message " << endl;cout << " 0. go back to higher-leve menu " << endl;cout << "choose your operation: ";cin >> c;if (c < 0 || c > 2){cout << "please input 0-2." << endl;system("pause");}elsebreak;}return c;
}// ============================================================================================================= //int main()
{cour.reserve(100);stu.reserve(100);while (1){loop:if (!choose_user()){cout << "=============== thank you for using ===============" << endl;return 0;}while (1){switch (menu_main()){case 1:menu_course();break;case 2:menu_student();break;case 0:cout << "=============== return scceed ===============" << endl;system("pause");goto loop;default:cout << "please input 0-2." << endl;system("pause");break;}}}return 0;
数据存储:course.txt 和 student.txt 文件存储数据
系统详细介绍:本系统是学生选课系统,主要是实现大学生的选课需求。进入系统,需要先选择用户(学生或管理员),选择管理员,需要输入对应的密码。选择完身份后,进入主菜单,会出现两个子菜单,学生菜单和课程菜单,选择相应的选项,就会进入相应的菜单,其中0选项是返回上级目录。 进入课程菜单,会看到增删改查相应的操作,还有显示全部课程信息。其中,学生用户没有对课程进行增删改的权利。管理员是超级用户,有所有操作的权利。里面的细节我们在模块的具体实现时再说。 进入学生菜单,也会看到增删改查相关的操作,还有显示全部学生的信息。不同的是,学生菜单中可以进行选课和退选的相关操作。学生用户只有查看信息,选课退选的权利,没有增删改的权利。
void Show_course(vector<Course>& cour)
{system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);cout << "================ display all course ================" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "ID\t名称\t性质\t课时\t学分\t已选/最大\t剩余" << endl;cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cout << cour[i].id << "\t" << cour[i].name << "\t"<< (cour[i].nature ? "必修" : "选修") << "\t"<< cour[i].hour << "\t" << cour[i].credir << "\t"<< cour[i].count << "/" << cour[i].max_students << "\t\t"<< cour[i].remaining() << endl; // 显示剩余量}system("pause");
}void Add_course(vector<Course>& cour) {system("cls");int n = Read_course(cour);char sign = '0';Course temp;cout << "=============== ADD COURSE ===============" << endl;while (sign != 'n' && sign != 'N') {loop:cout << "ID: ";cin >> temp.id;int c = 0;while (c < n) {if (!strcmp(temp.id, cour[c].id)) { // 检查与文件中的课程ID重复cout << "ID重复,请重新输入!" << endl;goto loop;}c++;}cout << "课程名称: ";cin >> temp.name;cout << "课程性质 (0选修/1必修): ";cin >> temp.nature;cout << "课时: ";cin >> temp.hour;cout << "学分: ";cin >> temp.credir;cout << "最大容量: "; // 新增:输入容量cin >> temp.max_students;temp.count = 0;cour.push_back(temp);n++;cout << "继续添加?(y/n): ";cin >> sign;}Write_course(cour, n);
void Select(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu) {system("cls");int n_cour = Read_course(cour);int n_stu = Read_stu(stu);int i = 0; // student indexint j = 0; // course indexchar id_c[20], id_s[20];cout << "============ SELECT COURSE ============" << endl;cout << "Student ID: ";cin >> id_s;// Find studentwhile (i < n_stu && strcmp(stu[i]._id, id_s)) i++;if (i == n_stu) {cout << "Student not found." << endl;system("pause");return;}// Find coursecout << "Course ID: ";cin >> id_c;while (j < n_cour && strcmp(cour[j].c_id(), id_c)) j++;if (j == n_cour) {cout << "Course not found." << endl;system("pause");return;}// Check remaining capacityif (cour[j].remaining() <= 0) {cout << "Course is full!" << endl;system("pause");return;}// Check course natureif (cour[j].c_nature()) { // Compulsoryif (stu[i]._num_compulsory >= 2) {cout << "Compulsory course limit reached (max 2)." << endl;system("pause");return;}// Check duplicatefor (int k = 0; k < stu[i]._num_compulsory; k++) {if (strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[k].id, cour[j].id) == 0) {cout << "Already enrolled in this compulsory course." << endl;system("pause");return;}}// Add coursestu[i]._cour_compulsory[stu[i]._num_compulsory] = cour[j];stu[i]._num_compulsory++;cour[j].count++; // 只增加一次}else { // Electiveif (stu[i]._num_elective >= 1) {cout << "Elective course limit reached (max 1)." << endl;system("pause");return;}// Check duplicatefor (int k = 0; k < stu[i]._num_elective; k++) {if (strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[k].id, cour[j].id) == 0) {cout << "Already enrolled in this elective course." << endl;system("pause");return;}}// Add coursestu[i]._cour_elective[stu[i]._num_elective] = cour[j];stu[i]._num_elective++;cour[j].count++; // 只增加一次}// 统一保存数据Write_course(cour, n_cour);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);cout << "Enrollment successful! Remaining slots: " << cour[j].remaining() << endl;system("pause");
}void Deselect(vector<Course>& cour, vector<Student>& stu)
{system("cls");int n_cour = Read_course(cour);int n_stu = Read_stu(stu);int i = 0; // studentint j = 0; // coursechar id_c[20]; // course char id_s[20]; // student cout << "============ deselect system ============" << endl;cout << "please input the ID of student: ";cin >> id_s;while (i < n_stu && strcmp(stu[i]._id, id_s))i++;if (i == n_stu){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}cout << ("please input the ID of course you want to deselect: ");cin >> id_c;while (j < n_cour && strcmp(cour[j].c_id(), id_c))j++;if (j == n_cour){cout << "no found." << endl;system("pause");return;}if (stu[i]._num_compulsory){int c = stu[i]._num_compulsory - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_compulsory--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c].name, "None");// 重新排序for (; c < stu[i]._num_compulsory; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c], stu[i]._cour_compulsory[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}if (stu[i]._cour_elective){int c = stu[i]._num_elective - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_elective--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].name, "None");for (; c < stu[i]._num_elective; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_elective[c], stu[i]._cour_elective[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}cout << "你并未选择该课程。" << endl;system("pause");return;}}if (stu[i]._cour_elective){int c = stu[i]._num_elective - 1;while (c >= 0){if (!strcmp(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, id_c)){cour[j].count--;stu[i]._num_elective--;strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].id, "None");strcpy(stu[i]._cour_elective[c].name, "None");for (; c < stu[i]._num_elective; c++)swap(stu[i]._cour_elective[c], stu[i]._cour_elective[c + 1]);Write_stu(stu, n_stu);Write_course(cour, n_cour);cout << "退选成功。" << endl;system("pause");return;}c--;}cout << "你并未选择该课程。" << endl;system("pause");return;}
void menu_course() {int c = 0;while (1) {system("cls");cout << "============ COURSE MANAGEMENT ============" << endl;cout << " 1. Add Course " << endl; // 原Input改为Addcout << " 2. Delete Course " << endl;cout << " 3. Modify Course " << endl;cout << " 4. Lookup Course " << endl;cout << " 5. Show All Courses " << endl;cout << " 0. Return " << endl;cout << "-------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "Choose operation (0-5): ";cin >> c;switch (c) {case 1:if (flag)Add_course(cour); // Input_course → Add_courseelse {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 2:if (flag)Delete_course(cour);else {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 3:if (flag)Modify_course(cour);else {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 4:Lookup_course(cour);break;case 5:Show_course(cour);break;case 0:cout << "Returning to main menu..." << endl;system("pause");return;default:cout << "Invalid input! Please enter 0-5." << endl;system("pause");break;}}
}void menu_student() {int c = 0;while (1) {system("cls");cout << "============ STUDENT MANAGEMENT ============" << endl;cout << " 1. Add Student " << endl; // 原Input改为Addcout << " 2. Delete Student " << endl;cout << " 3. Modify Student " << endl;cout << " 4. Lookup Student " << endl;cout << " 5. Show All Students " << endl;cout << " 6. Select Course " << endl;cout << " 7. Deselect Course " << endl;cout << " 0. Return " << endl;cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;cout << "Choose operation (0-7): ";cin >> c;switch (c) {case 1:if (flag)Add_stu(stu); // Input_stu → Add_stuelse {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 2:if (flag)Delete_stu(stu);else {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 3:if (flag)Modify_stu(stu);else {cout << "Permission denied." << endl;system("pause");}break;case 4:Lookup_stu(stu);break;case 5:Show_stu(stu);break;case 6:Select(cour, stu);break;case 7:Deselect(cour, stu);break;case 0:cout << "Returning to main menu..." << endl;system("pause");return;default:cout << "Invalid input! Please enter 0-7." << endl;system("pause");break;}}