vue2 组件库之vetur提示



Component Data | Vetur

If a package listed in dependencies has a vetur key in its package.json, then Vetur will try to read the tags / attributes specified by that key.

{"vetur": {"tags": "dist/vetur/tags.json","attributes": "dist/vetur/attributes.json"}

By bundling the tags / attributes definitions together with the framework library, you ensure that users will always get the matching tags / attributes with the specific version of your library they are using.



"vetur": {"tags": "./vetur/tags.json","attributes": "./vetur/attributes.json"}


{"Card": {// description放在首位,否则无法识别"description": "这是一个全新的筛选框架组件",// "slotTip", "emitTip" 扩展slot与emit,这两个不在props中。"attributes": ["type","slotTip", "emitTip"]}


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