虚幻插件Landscaping & Landscaping Mapbox
Landscaping offers an easy way to import GIS data as single Landscape or World Composition (UE4) or World Partition (UE5) or Procedural/Static Mesh.
- 支持程序化生成道路;
- 支持根据土地利用(landuse)shp数据生成地表植被;
- 支持Mapbox在线地图纹理贴图;
- 支持地形Landscape变形使得植被和道路贴合。
FVector SnapToFloor(FVector Location, float OffsetFromGround)
{UWorld* World = GEditor ? GEditor->GetEditorWorldContext(false).World() : nullptr;FVector HitPoint;FVector Start = FVector(Location.X, Location.Y, 900000);FVector End = Start + FVector::DownVector * 10000000;for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){if (GetSurfacePoint(Start, End, HitPoint, World)){return FVector(HitPoint.X, HitPoint.Y, HitPoint.Z + OffsetFromGround);}int sign = i % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1;// if we are on the edge of a landscape, try a slight angleEnd = End + FVector(i * 15 * sign, i * 15 * sign, 0);}return Location;
}bool GetSurfacePoint(FVector Start, FVector End, FVector& HitPoint, UWorld* InWorld)
{if (InWorld == nullptr){return false;}FHitResult HitResult = FHitResult(ForceInitToZero);bool DidHit = InWorld->LineTraceSingleByChannel(HitResult,Start,End,ECC_Visibility);HitPoint = HitResult.ImpactPoint;return DidHit;
Github 相关内容
- https://github.com/TensorWorks/LandscapeGen
- https://blog.csdn.net/mrbaolong/article/details/131731716