Grafana Loki 配置解析

Grafana Loki 配置文件是一个YML文件,在Grafana Loki 快速尝鲜的示例中是loki-config.yaml,该文件包含关于Loki 服务和各个组件的配置信息。由于配置数量实在太多,没法全部翻译,只能后期有需要了再补充。

如下是Grafana Loki 快速尝鲜一文中,安装完Loki后的默认配置:

auth_enabled: falseserver:http_listen_port: 3100grpc_listen_port: 9096common:instance_addr: /tmp/lokistorage:filesystem:chunks_directory: /tmp/loki/chunksrules_directory: /tmp/loki/rulesreplication_factor: 1ring:kvstore:store: inmemoryquery_range:results_cache:cache:embedded_cache:enabled: truemax_size_mb: 100schema_config:configs:- from: 2020-10-24store: boltdb-shipperobject_store: filesystemschema: v11index:prefix: index_period: 24hruler:alertmanager_url: http://localhost:9093# By default, Loki will send anonymous, but uniquely-identifiable usage and configuration
# analytics to Grafana Labs. These statistics are sent to
# Statistics help us better understand how Loki is used, and they show us performance
# levels for most users. This helps us prioritize features and documentation.
# For more information on what's sent, look at
# Refer to the buildReport method to see what goes into a report.
# If you would like to disable reporting, uncomment the following lines:
#  reporting_enabled: false


  • <boolean>布尔值,true或false
  • <int>与[1-9]+[0-9]*匹配的整数
  • <duration>与[0-9]+(ns|us|µs|ms|[smh])匹配的时间
  • <labelname>与[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*匹配的字符串
  • <labelvalue>unicode字符串
  • <filename>相对路径或绝对路径
  • <host>主机名或IP地址
  • <string> string 字符串
  • <secret>表示秘钥字符串


# 要运行的组件列表,默认为all
# 允许的值有all, compactor, distributor, ingester, querier, query-scheduler, 
# ingester-querier, query-frontend, index-gateway, ruler, table-manager, read, write
# CLI 参数: -target
[target: <string> | default = "all"]# 开启通过X-Scope-OrgID头认证, 如果是true必须存在该头,false则OrgID被设置为fake
# CLI 参数: -auth.enabled
[auth_enabled: <boolean> | default = true]# 为优化垃圾回收而预留的虚拟内存。以较大的内存为代价来减少垃圾回收次数
# CLI flag: -config.ballast-bytes
[ballast_bytes: <int> | default = 0]# 配置已启动模块的服务
[server: <server>]# 配置distributor(分发器)
[distributor: <distributor>]# 配置查询器。仅用于以all启动或者只运行了querier的时候
[querier: <querier>]# 配置后,将从query-frontend 分离查询队列
[query_scheduler: <query_scheduler>]# query-frontend端配置
[frontend: <frontend>]# 配置查询缓存和查询拆分
[query_range: <query_range>]# 配置ruler
[ruler: <ruler>]# 配置ingester(拉取器) 客户端,仅在all、distributor、querier下有效
[ingester_client: <ingester_client>]# ingester 自身的配置
[ingester: <ingester>]# 配置索引,使得查询不需要经常跟对象存储交互
[index_gateway: <index_gateway>]# 配置各种存储,需要在schema_config中配置使用哪种存储
[storage_config: <storage_config>]# 配置如何缓存块,以及在保存到存储之前等待多久时间
[chunk_store_config: <chunk_store_config>]# 配置块索引结构和存储位置
[schema_config: <schema_config>]# compactor压缩组件配置,有利于提高性能。
# -boltdb.shipper.compactor. 已经过期,请使用-compactor.
[compactor: <compactor>]# 配置全局或者每个租户的限制,比如ingestion_rate_mb,用来限制拉取速率
[limits_config: <limits_config>]# frontend_worker 主要配置frontend工作进程的最大并发数,frontend地址等
[frontend_worker: <frontend_worker>]# 数据库相关的配置
[table_manager: <table_manager>]# 仅当kvstore时,配置memberlist有效。
# 当至少定义了一个包含至少一个join_members的memberlist配置时,除非在组件配置部分中指定,
# 否则所有需要ring的所有组件都会自动选择类型为memberlist的kvstore
[memberlist: <memberlist>]# 运行时配置,负责重新加载配置文件
[runtime_config: <runtime_config>]# 跟踪配置
[tracing: <tracing>]# 分析配置,包括使用报告等
[analytics: <analytics>]# 多个模块之间共享的通用配置
# 如果在其他部分中给出了更具体的配置,则将忽略本部分中的相关配置
[common: <common>]# SIGTERM 和 shutdown 之间等待多长时间。
# 收到SIGTERM后,Loki将通过/ready端点报告503服务不可用
# CLI flag: -shutdown-delay
[shutdown_delay: <duration> | default = 0s]


-config.file 指定配置文件,逗号分割指定多个文件,但只会加载第一个文件。没有配置该参数,Loki会在当前工作目录config/子目录中查找config.yaml。


-print-config-stderr 打印配置文件






-config.expand-env=true 开启环境变量引用,允许在Loki配置中引用环境变量的值







Loki 配置



# HTTP 服务器网络监听类型,默认tcp
# CLI flag: -server.http-listen-network
[http_listen_network: <string> | default = "tcp"]# HTTP服务器监听地址
# CLI flag: -server.http-listen-address
[http_listen_address: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP服务器监听端口
# CLI flag: -server.http-listen-port
[http_listen_port: <int> | default = 3100]# http最大连接数,<=0为禁用
# CLI flag: -server.http-conn-limit
[http_listen_conn_limit: <int> | default = 0]# gRPC 监听类型
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-listen-network
[grpc_listen_network: <string> | default = "tcp"]# gRPC监听地址
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-listen-address
[grpc_listen_address: <string> | default = ""]# gRPC 监听端口
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-listen-port
[grpc_listen_port: <int> | default = 9095]# gRPC同时最大连接数,<=0 为禁用
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-conn-limit
[grpc_listen_conn_limit: <int> | default = 0]# 以逗号分隔的要使用的密码套件列表。如果为空,则使用默认的Go密码套件
# CLI flag: -server.tls-cipher-suites
[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# 使用的最低TLS版本。允许值:VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11,VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
# 如果为空,使用GO TLS 的最小版本
# CLI flag: -server.tls-min-version
[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]http_tls_config:# HTTP服务cert路径# CLI flag: -server.http-tls-cert-path[cert_file: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP服务key路径# CLI flag: -server.http-tls-key-path[key_file: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP TLS Client Auth type.# CLI flag: -server.http-tls-client-auth[client_auth_type: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP TLS Client CA path.# CLI flag: -server.http-tls-ca-path[client_ca_file: <string> | default = ""]grpc_tls_config:# GRPC TLS server cert path.# CLI flag: -server.grpc-tls-cert-path[cert_file: <string> | default = ""]# GRPC TLS server key path.# CLI flag: -server.grpc-tls-key-path[key_file: <string> | default = ""]# GRPC TLS Client Auth type.# CLI flag: -server.grpc-tls-client-auth[client_auth_type: <string> | default = ""]# GRPC TLS Client CA path.# CLI flag: -server.grpc-tls-ca-path[client_ca_file: <string> | default = ""]# Register the intrumentation handlers (/metrics etc).
# CLI flag: -server.register-instrumentation
[register_instrumentation: <boolean> | default = true]# 正常停机超时时间
# CLI flag: -server.graceful-shutdown-timeout
[graceful_shutdown_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]# Read timeout for HTTP server
# CLI flag: -server.http-read-timeout
[http_server_read_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]# Write timeout for HTTP server
# CLI flag: -server.http-write-timeout
[http_server_write_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s]# Idle timeout for HTTP server
# CLI flag: -server.http-idle-timeout
[http_server_idle_timeout: <duration> | default = 2m]# 能够接收的gRPC消息大小限制
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-max-recv-msg-size-bytes
[grpc_server_max_recv_msg_size: <int> | default = 4194304]# 发送gRPC消息大小限制
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-max-send-msg-size-bytes
[grpc_server_max_send_msg_size: <int> | default = 4194304]# gRPC调用并发数限制(0不限制)
# CLI flag: -server.grpc-max-concurrent-streams
[grpc_server_max_concurrent_streams: <int> | default = 100]# 空闲gRPC连接关闭时间,默认无穷
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.max-connection-idle
[grpc_server_max_connection_idle: <duration> | default = 2562047h47m16.854775807s]# 连接在关闭之前可能存在的最长时间的持续时间,默认无穷
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.max-connection-age
[grpc_server_max_connection_age: <duration> | default = 2562047h47m16.854775807s]# 连接最长使用时间后的附加时间,在该时间后,连接将被强制关闭,默认无穷
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.max-connection-age-grace
[grpc_server_max_connection_age_grace: <duration> | default = 2562047h47m16.854775807s]# 连接保活时间,默认2h
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.time
[grpc_server_keepalive_time: <duration> | default = 2h]# 保活检查后,空闲连接关闭时间, 默认: 20s
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.timeout
[grpc_server_keepalive_timeout: <duration> | default = 20s]# 客户端发送保活请求之间等待的最小时间,如果请求频繁,服务端将发送GOAWAY并关闭连接
# CLI flag: -server.grpc.keepalive.min-time-between-pings
[grpc_server_min_time_between_pings: <duration> | default = 10s]# 如果为true,服务端允许保活即使没有活动流(RPCs),如果fasle,服务端将发送GOAWAY并关闭连接
# CLI flag:
[grpc_server_ping_without_stream_allowed: <boolean> | default = true]# 以给定的格式,输出日志,有效格式:logfmt, json
# CLI flag: -log.format
[log_format: <string> | default = "logfmt"]# 仅记录给定级别或以上的日志,可用级别:debug, info, warn, error
# CLI flag: -log.level
[log_level: <string> | default = "info"]# 可选,记录源ip
# CLI flag: -server.log-source-ips-enabled
[log_source_ips_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 存储源ip的header 字段,仅在 server.log-source-ips-enabled=true时有效
# 未配Forwarded, X-Real-IP 和 X-Forwarded-For,就使用header
# CLI flag: -server.log-source-ips-header
[log_source_ips_header: <string> | default = ""]#用于匹配源ip,仅当server.log-source-ips-enabled=true时有效
# CLI flag: -server.log-source-ips-regex
[log_source_ips_regex: <string> | default = ""]# 可选,记录请求头
# CLI flag: -server.log-request-headers
[log_request_headers: <boolean> | default = false]# 在info 级别记录请求,如果开启了server.log-request-headers,也记录
# CLI flag: -server.log-request-at-info-level-enabled
[log_request_at_info_level_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 逗号分割,要排除的header列表,仅当server.log-request-headers=true时有效
# CLI flag: -server.log-request-headers-exclude-list
[log_request_exclude_headers_list: <string> | default = ""]# 所有路由的基本路径,比如/v1/
# CLI flag: -server.path-prefix
[http_path_prefix: <string> | default = ""]



ring:kvstore:# ring 后端存储,支持consul, etcd,inmemory, memberlist, multi# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# 存储中的key前缀,应该以/结尾# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Consul配置,仅kvstore为consul时有效# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: distributor.ring[consul: <consul>]# ETCD v3 配置,仅在kvstore选择etcd时有效# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: distributor.ring[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# multi-client 时,使用的主要后端存储# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# multi-client 时,辅助后端存储# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# 镜像写入辅助存储# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 辅助存储写入超时时间# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# ring的心跳周期,0为禁用# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 5s]# 心跳检测超时后,分发器被认为在ring内是不健康的,0为永不(超时禁用)# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# 要从中读取的网络接口名称# CLI flag: -distributor.ring.instance-interface-names[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]rate_store:# 向ingester请求的最大并发数# CLI flag: -distributor.rate-store.max-request-parallelism[max_request_parallelism: <int> | default = 200]# 来自ingester的更新流速间隔# CLI flag:[stream_rate_update_interval: <duration> | default = 1s]# 更新速率时,distributor 与 特定ingester之间的通信超时时间# CLI flag: -distributor.rate-store.ingester-request-timeout[ingester_request_timeout: <duration> | default = 500ms]# 是否开启debug# CLI flag: -distributor.rate-store.debug[debug: <boolean> | default = false]# 实验性,自定义写入失败的日志
write_failures_logging:# 实验性会改变的配置,允许的每秒日志记录大小# Default: 1KB.# CLI flag: -distributor.write-failures-logging.rate[rate: <int> | default = 1KB]# 实验性会改变的配置,insight=true key是否记录,默认false# CLI flag: -distributor.write-failures-logging.add-insights-label[add_insights_label: <boolean> | default = false]



# 提供实时跟踪请求的最长持续时间
# CLI flag: -querier.tail-max-duration
[tail_max_duration: <duration> | default = 1h]# 发送超过最小成功查询请求数之前等待的时间
# CLI flag: -querier.extra-query-delay
[extra_query_delay: <duration> | default = 0s]# 查询的最大回顾时间,超过该时间的查询不会发送到ingester,0表示所有请求发送到ingester
# CLI flag: -querier.query-ingesters-within
[query_ingesters_within: <duration> | default = 3h]engine:# 过时,使用querier.query-timeout代替。查询超时时间# CLI flag: -querier.engine.timeout[timeout: <duration> | default = 5m]# 查看日志的最大时间,仅用于实时日志查询# CLI flag: -querier.engine.max-lookback-period[max_look_back_period: <duration> | default = 30s]# 查询的最大并发数
# CLI flag: -querier.max-concurrent
[max_concurrent: <int> | default = 10]# 为true,仅查询存储,不对接ingester。这在只针对存储数据运行独立的查询池时非常有用
# CLI flag: -querier.query-store-only
[query_store_only: <boolean> | default = false]# 为true,仅查询ingester,而不查询存储。这在对象存储不可用时,非常有用
# CLI flag: -querier.query-ingester-only
[query_ingester_only: <boolean> | default = false]# 如果为true,则允许查询跨越多个租户
# CLI flag: -querier.multi-tenant-queries-enabled
[multi_tenant_queries_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 当为true时,将强制执行通过header发送的查询限制
# CLI flag: -querier.per-request-limits-enabled
[per_request_limits_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]


配置后,将从query-frontend 分离查询队列

# 每个租户中每个query_scheduler的最大未处理请求数
# 如果超过了该限制,正在进行的请求将失败,报429错误
# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.max-outstanding-requests-per-tenant
[max_outstanding_requests_per_tenant: <int> | default = 100]# 队列最大嵌套数,0意味着禁止
# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.max-queue-hierarchy-levels
[max_queue_hierarchy_levels: <int> | default = 3]# 如果查询者在没有发送有关优雅关闭通知的情况下断开连接,查询调度程序将查询者保留在租户的shard中,直到过了延时时间。
# 当 shuffle-sharding开启的时候,这个功能有助于减小影响范围
# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.querier-forget-delay
[querier_forget_delay: <duration> | default = 0s]# 该配置用于将错误返回到query-frontend的gRPC客户端
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:
# query-scheduler.grpc-client-config
[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]# 为true 表示创建query schedulers,并将本身也置于ring中。
# 如果没有frontend_address 或者 scheduler_address,该值被设置为true
# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.use-scheduler-ring
[use_scheduler_ring: <boolean> | default = false]# hash ring 配置,只有在use_scheduler_ring为true时有效
scheduler_ring:kvstore:# 使用ring时的存储,支持consul, etcd,inmemory, memberlist, multi# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# 存储中key的前缀,应该以/结尾# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Consul 客户端的配置。kvstore选择consul的时候有效# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: query-scheduler.ring[consul: <consul>]# ETCD v3 客户端配置,kvstore选择etcd时有效# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: query-scheduler.ring[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# multi-client 时主存储# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# multi-client时的辅助存储# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# 镜像写入辅助存储# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 镜像写入辅助存储的超时时间# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# ring的心跳周期,0为禁用# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 15s]# 心跳检测超时后,压缩器被认为在ring内是不健康的,0为永不(超时禁用)# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# token 存储路径,如果为空,则在关闭时不存储令牌,在启动时恢复令牌# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.tokens-file-path[tokens_file_path: <string> | default = ""]# 为true表示可实现区域感知并跨不同可用性区域复制数据块# CLI flag:[zone_awareness_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 要在ring 中注册的实例id# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-id[instance_id: <string> | default = "<hostname>"]# 要从中读取地址的网络接口的名称# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-interface-names[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# 在ring 中的端口,默认使用server.grpc-listen-port# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-port[instance_port: <int> | default = 0]# 在ring 中的 IP 地址# IP address to advertise in the ring.# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-addr[instance_addr: <string> | default = ""]# 运行该实例的可用性区域,如果zone-awareness 是开启的,则必选# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-availability-zone[instance_availability_zone: <string> | default = ""]# 开启实例 IPv6 地址# CLI flag: -query-scheduler.ring.instance-enable-ipv6[instance_enable_ipv6: <boolean> | default = false]



# 记录比指定时间慢的查询,0表示禁用, <0 开启所有查询
# Log queries that are slower than the specified duration. Set to 0 to disable.
# Set to < 0 to enable on all queries.
# CLI flag: -frontend.log-queries-longer-than
[log_queries_longer_than: <duration> | default = 0s]# 下游prometheus的最大请求体
# Max body size for downstream prometheus.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-body-size
[max_body_size: <int> | default = 10485760]# true表示开启查询统计信息跟踪,每个查询都会记录一条带有一些统计信息的消息
# True to enable query statistics tracking. When enabled, a message with some
# statistics is logged for every query.
# CLI flag: -frontend.query-stats-enabled
[query_stats_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 每个租户每个frontend的最大请求数。超出这个数返回HTTP 429
# Maximum number of outstanding requests per tenant per frontend; requests
# beyond this error with HTTP 429.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-outstanding-requests-per-tenant
[max_outstanding_per_tenant: <int> | default = 2048]#如果租户重复发送查询,导致查询器崩溃或因内存不足错误而终止,
# In the event a tenant is repeatedly sending queries that lead the querier to
# crash or be killed due to an out-of-memory error, the crashed querier will be
# disconnected from the query frontend and a new querier will be immediately
# assigned to the tenant’s shard. This invalidates the assumption that shuffle
# sharding can be used to reduce the impact on tenants. This option mitigates
# the impact by configuring a delay between when a querier disconnects because
# of a crash and when the crashed querier is actually removed from the tenant's
# shard.
# CLI flag: -query-frontend.querier-forget-delay
[querier_forget_delay: <duration> | default = 0s]# DNS 主机名用于查找query-schedulers
# CLI flag: -frontend.scheduler-address
[scheduler_address: <string> | default = ""]# query-schedulers解析评率,用于查找新的query-scheduler实例
# 如果配置了scheduler-ring,也用于确定获取scheduler-ring地址的频率
# How often to resolve the scheduler-address, in order to look for new
# query-scheduler instances. Also used to determine how often to poll the
# scheduler-ring for addresses if the scheduler-ring is configured.
# CLI flag: -frontend.scheduler-dns-lookup-period
[scheduler_dns_lookup_period: <duration> | default = 10s]#将查询转发到单个query-scheduler时的并发数
# Number of concurrent workers forwarding queries to single query-scheduler.
# CLI flag: -frontend.scheduler-worker-concurrency
[scheduler_worker_concurrency: <int> | default = 5]# grpc_client配置用于在两个Loki组件之间通信的grpc客户端,见后面的grpc_client配置
# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate between
# two Loki components.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:
# frontend.grpc-client-config
[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]# 在关机之前等待请求完成的时间,需要跟查询器超时时间和优雅关机保持一致
# Time to wait for inflight requests to finish before forcefully shutting down.
# This needs to be aligned with the query timeout and the graceful termination
# period of the process orchestrator.
# CLI flag: -frontend.graceful-shutdown-timeout
[graceful_shutdown_timeout: <duration> | default = 5m]# 要从中读取地址的网络接口名称。这个地址被发送到query-scheduler和querier,
# querier使用它将查询响应发送回query-frontend
# Name of network interface to read address from. This address is sent to
# query-scheduler and querier, which uses it to send the query response back to
# query-frontend.
# CLI flag: -frontend.instance-interface-names
[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# 是否压缩http响应
# Compress HTTP responses.
# CLI flag: -querier.compress-http-responses
[compress_responses: <boolean> | default = false]# 下游Loki的URL
# URL of downstream Loki.
# CLI flag: -frontend.downstream-url
[downstream_url: <string> | default = ""]# 尾部代理的查询器 URL
# URL of querier for tail proxy.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-proxy-url
[tail_proxy_url: <string> | default = ""]# TLS配置
# The TLS configuration.
[tail_tls_config: <tls_config>]



# 过期配置,使用-querier.split-queries-by-interval 替代
# Deprecated: Use -querier.split-queries-by-interval instead. CLI flag:
# -querier.split-queries-by-day. Split queries by day and execute in parallel.
[split_queries_by_interval: <duration>]# 将输入的查询进行变换,使其起始位置和结束位置与其步长对齐
# Mutate incoming queries to align their start and end with their step.
# CLI flag: -querier.align-querier-with-step
[align_queries_with_step: <boolean> | default = false]results_cache:# 缓存配置# The cache block configures the cache backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: frontend[cache: <cache_config>]# 是否压缩,默认为空,禁用压缩。支持值有 'snappy' 和''# Use compression in cache. The default is an empty value '', which disables# compression. Supported values are: 'snappy' and ''.# CLI flag: -frontend.compression[compression: <string> | default = ""]# 是否缓存查询结果
# Cache query results.
# CLI flag: -querier.cache-results
[cache_results: <boolean> | default = false]# 单个请求的最大重试次数。除外,还会返回下游错误
# Maximum number of retries for a single request; beyond this, the downstream
# error is returned.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-retries-per-request
[max_retries: <int> | default = 5]# 基于存储分片配置和查询AST执行查询并行化,此功能仅由分块存储引擎支持
# Perform query parallelisations based on storage sharding configuration and
# query ASTs. This feature is supported only by the chunks storage engine.
# CLI flag: -querier.parallelise-shardable-queries
[parallelise_shardable_queries: <boolean> | default = true]# 过期,查询前端转发到下游查询器的标头列表
# Deprecated. List of headers forwarded by the query Frontend to downstream
# querier.
# CLI flag: -frontend.forward-headers-list
[forward_headers_list: <list of strings> | default = []]# 下游查询器指定的响应格式,可以是json或protobuf,两者还是通过GRPC路由
# The downstream querier is required to answer in the accepted format. Can be
# 'json' or 'protobuf'. Note: Both will still be routed over GRPC.
# CLI flag: -frontend.required-query-response-format
[required_query_response_format: <string> | default = "json"]# 是否缓存索引统计信息查询结果
# Cache index stats query results.
# CLI flag: -querier.cache-index-stats-results
[cache_index_stats_results: <boolean> | default = false]# 如果未指定缓存配置,并且cache_index_stats_results是true,那么使用这个配置
# If a cache config is not specified and cache_index_stats_results is true, the
# config for the results cache is used.
index_stats_results_cache:# 缓存块配置# The cache block configures the cache backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:# frontend.index-stats-results-cache[cache: <cache_config>]# 缓存压缩# Use compression in cache. The default is an empty value '', which disables# compression. Supported values are: 'snappy' and ''.# CLI flag: -frontend.index-stats-results-cache.compression[compression: <string> | default = ""]



# Grafana 实例的基础URL
# Base URL of the Grafana instance.
# CLI flag: -ruler.external.url
[external_url: <url>]# 仪表板数据源UID
# Datasource UID for the dashboard.
# CLI flag: -ruler.datasource-uid
[datasource_uid: <string> | default = ""]# 添加到所有警报的额外标签
# Labels to add to all alerts.
[external_labels: <list of Labels>]#grpc_client配置用于在两个Loki组件之间通信的grpc客户端
# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate between
# two Loki components.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ruler.client
[ruler_client: <grpc_client>]# 评估规则的频率
# How frequently to evaluate rules.
# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation-interval
[evaluation_interval: <duration> | default = 1m]# 轮询规则更改的频率
# How frequently to poll for rule changes.
# CLI flag: -ruler.poll-interval
[poll_interval: <duration> | default = 1m]# 过期,使用-ruler-storage
# Deprecated: Use -ruler-storage. CLI flags and their respective YAML config
# options instead.
storage:# 后端存储类型# Method to use for backend rule storage (configdb, azure, gcs, s3, swift,# local, bos, cos)# CLI flag:[type: <string> | default = ""]# Configures backend rule storage for Azure.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[azure: <azure_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for AlibabaCloud Object Storage (OSS).# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ruler[alibabacloud: <alibabacloud_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for GCS.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[gcs: <gcs_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for S3.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ruler[s3: <s3_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for Baidu Object Storage (BOS).# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[bos: <bos_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for Swift.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[swift: <swift_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS).# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[cos: <cos_storage_config>]# Configures backend rule storage for a local file system directory.local:# Directory to scan for rules# CLI flag:[directory: <string> | default = ""]#用于存储临时规则文件的文件路径
# File path to store temporary rule files.
# CLI flag: -ruler.rule-path
[rule_path: <string> | default = "/rules"]# 要向其发送通知的Alertmanager URL的逗号分隔列表
# 每个Alertmanager URL在配置中被视为一个单独的组
# 通过“-duler.alertmanager discovery”使用DNS解析,可以支持每个组HA中的多个alertmanager
# Comma-separated list of Alertmanager URLs to send notifications to. Each
# Alertmanager URL is treated as a separate group in the configuration. Multiple
# Alertmanagers in HA per group can be supported by using DNS resolution via
# '-ruler.alertmanager-discovery'.
# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-url
[alertmanager_url: <string> | default = ""]# 使用DNS SRV记录来发现Alertmanager主机
# Use DNS SRV records to discover Alertmanager hosts.
# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-discovery
[enable_alertmanager_discovery: <boolean> | default = false]# 刷新Alertmanager主机的DNS解析之间需要等待多长时间
# How long to wait between refreshing DNS resolutions of Alertmanager hosts.
# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-refresh-interval
[alertmanager_refresh_interval: <duration> | default = 1m]# 如果启用了对警报管理器的请求,则将使用V2 API
# If enabled requests to Alertmanager will utilize the V2 API.
# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-use-v2
[enable_alertmanager_v2: <boolean> | default = false]# 警报重新配置列表
# List of alert relabel configs.
[alert_relabel_configs: <relabel_config...>]# 要发送到Alertmanager的通知的队列容量
# Capacity of the queue for notifications to be sent to the Alertmanager.
# CLI flag: -ruler.notification-queue-capacity
[notification_queue_capacity: <int> | default = 10000]# 向Alertmanager发送通知时的HTTP超时持续时间
# HTTP timeout duration when sending notifications to the Alertmanager.
# CLI flag: -ruler.notification-timeout
[notification_timeout: <duration> | default = 10s]alertmanager_client:# 客户端证书路径,用于服务器身份验证,还要配置key路径# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with# the server. Also requires the key path to be configured.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-cert-path[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# 客户端证书key路径,要求客户端证书配置# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client# certificate to be configured.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-key-path[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-ca-path[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-server-name[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-insecure-skip-verify[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed# values:# # Secure Ciphers:# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# # Insecure Ciphers:# - TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-cipher-suites[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.tls-min-version[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP Basic 认证的username,会覆盖URL中设置的username# HTTP Basic authentication username. It overrides the username set in the URL# (if any).# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.basic-auth-username[basic_auth_username: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP Basic 认证的password,会覆盖URL中设置的password# HTTP Basic authentication password. It overrides the password set in the URL# (if any).# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.basic-auth-password[basic_auth_password: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP头认证类型# HTTP Header authorization type (default: Bearer).# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.type[type: <string> | default = "Bearer"]# HTTP 头授权凭证# HTTP Header authorization credentials.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.credentials[credentials: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP头授权凭证文件# HTTP Header authorization credentials file.# CLI flag: -ruler.alertmanager-client.credentials-file[credentials_file: <string> | default = ""]# for状态评估的最大时间
# Max time to tolerate outage for restoring "for" state of alert.
# CLI flag: -ruler.for-outage-tolerance
[for_outage_tolerance: <duration> | default = 1h]# 警报和恢复 for 状态之间的最短持续时间。仅当配置的 for 时间大于这个宽限期时,才维护
# Minimum duration between alert and restored "for" state. This is maintained
# only for alerts with configured "for" time greater than the grace period.
# CLI flag: -ruler.for-grace-period
[for_grace_period: <duration> | default = 10m]# 向 Alertmanager重新发送警报之前等待的最短时间
# Minimum amount of time to wait before resending an alert to Alertmanager.
# CLI flag: -ruler.resend-delay
[resend_delay: <duration> | default = 1m]# 使用环形后端分发规则评估
# Distribute rule evaluation using ring backend.
# CLI flag: -ruler.enable-sharding
[enable_sharding: <boolean> | default = false]# 使用的分片策略。支持:default, shuffle-sharding
# The sharding strategy to use. Supported values are: default, shuffle-sharding.
# CLI flag: -ruler.sharding-strategy
[sharding_strategy: <string> | default = "default"]# 决定如何对规则和组进行分片的分片算法
# The sharding algorithm to use for deciding how rules & groups are sharded.
# Supported values are: by-group, by-rule.
# CLI flag: -ruler.sharding-algo
[sharding_algo: <string> | default = "by-group"]# 关闭时花在搜索待处理规则上的时间
# Time to spend searching for a pending ruler when shutting down.
# CLI flag:
[search_pending_for: <duration> | default = 5m]# Loki 规则使用的Ring
# Ring used by Loki ruler. The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is
# 'ruler.ring'.
ring:kvstore:# ring 使用的后端存储# Backend storage to use for the ring. Supported values are: consul, etcd,# inmemory, memberlist, multi.# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# The prefix for the keys in the store. Should end with a /.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "rulers/"]# Configuration for a Consul client. Only applies if the selected kvstore is# consul.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ruler.ring[consul: <consul>]# Configuration for an ETCD v3 client. Only applies if the selected kvstore# is etcd.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ruler.ring[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# multi-client 时主存储# Primary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# multi-client 时辅助存储# Secondary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# 镜像写入辅助存储# Mirror writes to secondary store.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 镜像写入辅助存储的超时时间# Timeout for storing value to secondary store.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# ring的心跳周期,0为禁用# Interval between heartbeats sent to the ring. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 5s]# 心跳检测超时后,这个ruler再环内被认为是不健康的# The heartbeat timeout after which ruler ring members are considered# unhealthy within the ring. 0 = never (timeout disabled).# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# 要从中读取地址的网络接口名称# Name of network interface to read addresses from.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.instance-interface-names[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# 如果在没有从另一个lifecycler转移令牌的情况下加入,则lifecycler将生成并放入环中的令牌数# The number of tokens the lifecycler will generate and put into the ring if# it joined without transferring tokens from another lifecycler.# CLI flag: -ruler.ring.num-tokens[num_tokens: <int> | default = 128]# 刷新规则组的时间段
# Period with which to attempt to flush rule groups.
# CLI flag: -ruler.flush-period
[flush_period: <duration> | default = 1m]# 开启规则api
# Enable the ruler API.
# CLI flag: -ruler.enable-api
[enable_api: <boolean> | default = true]# 该规则可以评估的租户列表,逗号分割。如果指定,只有这些租户会被规则处理,否则该规则处理所有的租户
# Comma separated list of tenants whose rules this ruler can evaluate. If
# specified, only these tenants will be handled by ruler, otherwise this ruler
# can process rules from all tenants. Subject to sharding.
# CLI flag: -ruler.enabled-tenants
[enabled_tenants: <string> | default = ""]# 该规则不评估的租户列表
# Comma separated list of tenants whose rules this ruler cannot evaluate. If
# specified, a ruler that would normally pick the specified tenant(s) for
# processing will ignore them instead. Subject to sharding.
# CLI flag: -ruler.disabled-tenants
[disabled_tenants: <string> | default = ""]# 将 ruler 查询完成的总耗时作为每个用户的指标报告,并做为info 级别的日志信息
# Report the wall time for ruler queries to complete as a per user metric and as
# an info level log message.
# CLI flag: -ruler.query-stats-enabled
[query_stats_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 再导出的指标中禁用rule_group
# Disable the rule_group label on exported metrics.
# CLI flag: -ruler.disable-rule-group-label
[disable_rule_group_label: <boolean> | default = false]wal:# 预写日志(WAL)文件目录,每个租户都有一个自己的目录# The directory in which to write tenant WAL files. Each tenant will have its# own directory one level below this directory.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal.dir[dir: <string> | default = "ruler-wal"]# WAL 压缩进程的频率# Frequency with which to run the WAL truncation process.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal.truncate-frequency[truncate_frequency: <duration> | default = 1h]# Minimum age that samples must exist in the WAL before being truncated.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal.min-age[min_age: <duration> | default = 5m]# 开始压缩之前在WAL中存在的最大年龄# Maximum age that samples must exist in the WAL before being truncated.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal.max-age[max_age: <duration> | default = 4h]wal_cleaner:# 用于清理的WAL的最小文件年龄# The minimum age of a WAL to consider for cleaning.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal-cleaner.min-age[min_age: <duration> | default = 12h]# Deprecated: CLI flag -ruler.wal-cleaer.period.# Use -ruler.wal-cleaner.period instead.# # How often to run the WAL cleaner. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag: -ruler.wal-cleaner.period[period: <duration> | default = 0s]# 远程写入配置,用来发送规则样本到Prometheus远程端点
# Remote-write configuration to send rule samples to a Prometheus remote-write
# endpoint.
remote_write:# Deprecated: Use 'clients' instead. Configure remote write client.[client: <RemoteWriteConfig>]# 配置远程写入客户端。以远程客户端id做为map的key# Configure remote write clients. A map with remote client id as key.[clients: <map of string to RemoteWriteConfig>]# 是否启用远程写入功能# Enable remote-write functionality.# CLI flag: -ruler.remote-write.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 刷新远程配置之间等待的最短时间# Minimum period to wait between refreshing remote-write reconfigurations.# This should be greater than or equivalent to# -limits.per-user-override-period.# CLI flag: -ruler.remote-write.config-refresh-period[config_refresh_period: <duration> | default = 10s]# 规则评估配置
# Configuration for rule evaluation.
evaluation:# 评估模式。可以是'local'或者'remote'。# The evaluation mode for the ruler. Can be either 'local' or 'remote'. If set# to 'local', the ruler will evaluate rules locally. If set to 'remote', the# ruler will evaluate rules remotely. If unset, the ruler will evaluate rules# locally.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.mode[mode: <string> | default = "local"]# 在规则评估之前等待的随机持续时间的上限,以避免在规则的并发执行过程中发生争用。# 对于给定的规则,抖动会一致的计算。设为0表示禁用# Upper bound of random duration to wait before rule evaluation to avoid# contention during concurrent execution of rules. Jitter is calculated# consistently for a given rule. Set 0 to disable (default).# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.max-jitter[max_jitter: <duration> | default = 0s]query_frontend:# GRPC listen address of the query-frontend(s). Must be a DNS address# (prefixed with dns:///) to enable client side load balancing.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.address[address: <string> | default = ""]# Set to true if query-frontend connection requires TLS.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-enabled[tls_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with# the server. Also requires the key path to be configured.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-cert-path[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client# certificate to be configured.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-key-path[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-ca-path[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-server-name[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-insecure-skip-verify[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed# values:# # Secure Ciphers:# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256# # Insecure Ciphers:# - TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA# - TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA# - TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# - TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-cipher-suites[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation.query-frontend.tls-min-version[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]


配置ingester(拉取器) 客户端,仅在all、distributor、querier下有效

# 连接池的配置
# Configures how connections are pooled.
pool_config:# 多久清理一次,已删除的拉取器客户端# How frequently to clean up clients for ingesters that have gone away.# CLI flag: -distributor.client-cleanup-period[client_cleanup_period: <duration> | default = 15s]# 在定期清理期间,对每个拉取器客户端进行健康检查# Run a health check on each ingester client during periodic cleanup.# CLI flag:[health_check_ingesters: <boolean> | default = true]# 检测到一个无效的客户端后,删除该客户端的时间。设置该值表示允许二次健康检查来恢复丢失的客户端。# How quickly a dead client will be removed after it has been detected to# disappear. Set this to a value to allow time for a secondary health check to# recover the missing client.# CLI flag: -ingester.client.healthcheck-timeout[remote_timeout: <duration> | default = 1s]# 客户端的远程请求超时时间
# The remote request timeout on the client side.
# CLI flag: -ingester.client.timeout
[remote_timeout: <duration> | default = 5s]# 跟拉取器连接的gRPC客户端配置
# Configures how the gRPC connection to ingesters work as a client.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: ingester.client
[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]


ingester 自身的配置

# 配置拉取器的生命周期如何运行以及在哪里注册发现
# Configures how the lifecycle of the ingester will operate and where it will
# register for discovery.
lifecycler:ring:kvstore:# Backend storage to use for the ring. Supported values are: consul, etcd,# inmemory, memberlist, multi.# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# The prefix for the keys in the store. Should end with a /.# CLI flag: -ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Configuration for a Consul client. Only applies if the selected kvstore# is consul.[consul: <consul>]# Configuration for an ETCD v3 client. Only applies if the selected# kvstore is etcd.[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# Primary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# Secondary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# Mirror writes to secondary store.# CLI flag: -multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Timeout for storing value to secondary store.# CLI flag: -multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# The heartbeat timeout after which ingesters are skipped for reads/writes.# 0 = never (timeout disabled).# CLI flag: -ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# 要写入和读取的拉取器数量# The number of ingesters to write to and read from.# CLI flag: -distributor.replication-factor[replication_factor: <int> | default = 3]# true 开启区域感知,并在不同的可用区域中复制拉取器样本# True to enable the zone-awareness and replicate ingested samples across# different availability zones.# CLI flag:[zone_awareness_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# 要排除的区别列表,逗号分隔# Comma-separated list of zones to exclude from the ring. Instances in# excluded zones will be filtered out from the ring.# CLI flag: -distributor.excluded-zones[excluded_zones: <string> | default = ""]每个拉取器的token数量# Number of tokens for each ingester.# CLI flag: -ingester.num-tokens[num_tokens: <int> | default = 128]# Period at which to heartbeat to consul. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag: -ingester.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 5s]# Heartbeat timeout after which instance is assumed to be unhealthy. 0 =# disabled.# CLI flag: -ingester.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# 在生成后观察令牌以解决冲突。在使用 gossiping ring 时很有用# Observe tokens after generating to resolve collisions. Useful when using# gossiping ring.# CLI flag: -ingester.observe-period[observe_period: <duration> | default = 0s]# Period to wait for a claim from another member; will join automatically# after this.# CLI flag: -ingester.join-after[join_after: <duration> | default = 0s]# 内部就绪检查通过但尚未成功通过就绪端点后的最小等待时间# 在实例就绪后和进行滚动更新之前,用于减慢部署控制器(例如 Kubernetes)# 以便给其余集群实例足够的时间来接收环更新# Minimum duration to wait after the internal readiness checks have passed but# before succeeding the readiness endpoint. This is used to slowdown# deployment controllers (eg. Kubernetes) after an instance is ready and# before they proceed with a rolling update, to give the rest of the cluster# instances enough time to receive ring updates.# CLI flag: -ingester.min-ready-duration[min_ready_duration: <duration> | default = 15s]# Name of network interface to read address from.# CLI flag: -ingester.lifecycler.interface[interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# Enable IPv6 support. Required to make use of IP addresses from IPv6# interfaces.# CLI flag: -ingester.enable-inet6[enable_inet6: <boolean> | default = false]# 退出前的休眠持续时间,确保指标删除# Duration to sleep for before exiting, to ensure metrics are scraped.# CLI flag:[final_sleep: <duration> | default = 0s]# File path where tokens are stored. If empty, tokens are not stored at# shutdown and restored at startup.# CLI flag: -ingester.tokens-file-path[tokens_file_path: <string> | default = ""]# The availability zone where this instance is running.# CLI flag: -ingester.availability-zone[availability_zone: <string> | default = ""]# 完全关闭后从环中注销。# 在与 -distributor.extend-writes=false 一起使用时,禁用它可以实现一致性命名的滚动重启# Unregister from the ring upon clean shutdown. It can be useful to disable# for rolling restarts with consistent naming in conjunction with# -distributor.extend-writes=false.# CLI flag: -ingester.unregister-on-shutdown[unregister_on_shutdown: <boolean> | default = true]# When enabled the readiness probe succeeds only after all instances are# ACTIVE and healthy in the ring, otherwise only the instance itself is# checked. This option should be disabled if in your cluster multiple# instances can be rolled out simultaneously, otherwise rolling updates may be# slowed down.# CLI flag: -ingester.readiness-check-ring-health[readiness_check_ring_health: <boolean> | default = true]# 在环中广播的IP地址# IP address to advertise in the ring.# CLI flag: -ingester.lifecycler.addr[address: <string> | default = ""]# port to advertise in consul (defaults to server.grpc-listen-port).# CLI flag: -ingester.lifecycler.port[port: <int> | default = 0]# ID to register in the ring.# CLI flag: -ingester.lifecycler.ID[id: <string> | default = "<hostname>"]# 在回退到刷新之前尝试传输块的次数,设置0或者小于0,表示禁用
# Number of times to try and transfer chunks before falling back to flushing. If
# set to 0 or negative value, transfers are disabled.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-transfer-retries
[max_transfer_retries: <int> | default = 0]# 每个流可以同时进行多少次刷新
# How many flushes can happen concurrently from each stream.
# CLI flag: -ingester.concurrent-flushes
[concurrent_flushes: <int> | default = 32]# 拉取器多久检查一次是否有块要刷新。
# 第一次刷新检查被延迟检查周期的0.8倍,上下浮动1%
# How often should the ingester see if there are any blocks to flush. The first
# flush check is delayed by a random time up to 0.8x the flush check period.
# Additionally, there is +/- 1% jitter added to the interval.
# CLI flag: -ingester.flush-check-period
[flush_check_period: <duration> | default = 30s]# 取消刷新的超时时间
# The timeout before a flush is cancelled.
# CLI flag: -ingester.flush-op-timeout
[flush_op_timeout: <duration> | default = 10m]# 块刷新后再内存中保留的时间
# How long chunks should be retained in-memory after they've been flushed.
# CLI flag: -ingester.chunks-retain-period
[chunk_retain_period: <duration> | default = 0s]#如果块没有达到最大块大小,在刷新之前,块应该在内存中保留多长时间而没有更新
# How long chunks should sit in-memory with no updates before being flushed if
# they don't hit the max block size. This means that half-empty chunks will
# still be flushed after a certain period as long as they receive no further
# activity.
# CLI flag: -ingester.chunks-idle-period
[chunk_idle_period: <duration> | default = 30m]# 当超过该阈值时,头部的块将被切割和压缩
# The targeted _uncompressed_ size in bytes of a chunk block When this threshold
# is exceeded the head block will be cut and compressed inside the chunk.
# CLI flag: -ingester.chunks-block-size
[chunk_block_size: <int> | default = 262144]#这是一个期望的大小,而不是确切的大小,如果由于其他原因(例如 chunk_idle_period)而刷新块,
# 则块可能稍微大一些或小一些。
# 值为 0 会创建具有固定 10 个块的块,非零值会创建具有可变数量块以满足目标大小的块
# A target _compressed_ size in bytes for chunks. This is a desired size not an
# exact size, chunks may be slightly bigger or significantly smaller if they get
# flushed for other reasons (e.g. chunk_idle_period). A value of 0 creates
# chunks with a fixed 10 blocks, a non zero value will create chunks with a
# variable number of blocks to meet the target size.
# CLI flag: -ingester.chunk-target-size
[chunk_target_size: <int> | default = 1572864]# 压缩块算法(none, gzip, lz4-64k, snappy,lz4-256k, lz4-1M, lz4, flate, zstd)
# The algorithm to use for compressing chunk. (none, gzip, lz4-64k, snappy,
# lz4-256k, lz4-1M, lz4, flate, zstd)
# CLI flag: -ingester.chunk-encoding
[chunk_encoding: <string> | default = "gzip"]# The maximum duration of a timeseries chunk in memory. If a timeseries runs for
# longer than this, the current chunk will be flushed to the store and a new
# chunk created.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-chunk-age
[max_chunk_age: <duration> | default = 2h]# Forget about ingesters having heartbeat timestamps older than
# `ring.kvstore.heartbeat_timeout`. This is equivalent to clicking on the
# `/ring` `forget` button in the UI: the ingester is removed from the ring. This
# is a useful setting when you are sure that an unhealthy node won't return. An
# example is when not using stateful sets or the equivalent. Use
# `memberlist.rejoin_interval` > 0 to handle network partition cases when using
# a memberlist.
# CLI flag: -ingester.autoforget-unhealthy
[autoforget_unhealthy: <boolean> | default = false]# Parameters used to synchronize ingesters to cut chunks at the same moment.
# Sync period is used to roll over incoming entry to a new chunk. If chunk's
# utilization isn't high enough (eg. less than 50% when sync_min_utilization is
# set to 0.5), then this chunk rollover doesn't happen.
# CLI flag: -ingester.sync-period
[sync_period: <duration> | default = 0s]# Minimum utilization of chunk when doing synchronization.
# CLI flag: -ingester.sync-min-utilization
[sync_min_utilization: <float> | default = 0]# The maximum number of errors a stream will report to the user when a push
# fails. 0 to make unlimited.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-ignored-stream-errors
[max_returned_stream_errors: <int> | default = 10]# How far back should an ingester be allowed to query the store for data, for
# use only with boltdb-shipper/tsdb index and filesystem object store. -1 for
# infinite.
# CLI flag: -ingester.query-store-max-look-back-period
[query_store_max_look_back_period: <duration> | default = 0s]# The ingester WAL (Write Ahead Log) records incoming logs and stores them on
# the local file systems in order to guarantee persistence of acknowledged data
# in the event of a process crash.
wal:# Enable writing of ingested data into WAL.# CLI flag: -ingester.wal-enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = true]# Directory where the WAL data is stored and/or recovered from.# CLI flag: -ingester.wal-dir[dir: <string> | default = "wal"]# Interval at which checkpoints should be created.# CLI flag: -ingester.checkpoint-duration[checkpoint_duration: <duration> | default = 5m]# When WAL is enabled, should chunks be flushed to long-term storage on# shutdown.# CLI flag: -ingester.flush-on-shutdown[flush_on_shutdown: <boolean> | default = false]# Maximum memory size the WAL may use during replay. After hitting this, it# will flush data to storage before continuing. A unit suffix (KB, MB, GB) may# be applied.# CLI flag: -ingester.wal-replay-memory-ceiling[replay_memory_ceiling: <int> | default = 4GB]# Shard factor used in the ingesters for the in process reverse index. This MUST
# be evenly divisible by ALL schema shard factors or Loki will not start.
# CLI flag: -ingester.index-shards
[index_shards: <int> | default = 32]# Maximum number of dropped streams to keep in memory during tailing.
# CLI flag: -ingester.tailer.max-dropped-streams
[max_dropped_streams: <int> | default = 10]# Path where the shutdown marker file is stored. If not set and
# common.path_prefix is set then common.path_prefix will be used.
# CLI flag: -ingester.shutdown-marker-path
[shutdown_marker_path: <string> | default = ""]


# Defines in which mode the index gateway server will operate (default to
# 'simple'). It supports two modes:
# - 'simple': an index gateway server instance is responsible for handling,
# storing and returning requests for all indices for all tenants.
# - 'ring': an index gateway server instance is responsible for a subset of
# tenants instead of all tenants.
# CLI flag: -index-gateway.mode
[mode: <string> | default = "simple"]# Defines the ring to be used by the index gateway servers and clients in case
# the servers are configured to run in 'ring' mode. In case this isn't
# configured, this block supports inheriting configuration from the common ring
# section.
ring:kvstore:# Backend storage to use for the ring. Supported values are: consul, etcd,# inmemory, memberlist, multi.# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# The prefix for the keys in the store. Should end with a /.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Configuration for a Consul client. Only applies if the selected kvstore is# consul.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: index-gateway.ring[consul: <consul>]# Configuration for an ETCD v3 client. Only applies if the selected kvstore# is etcd.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: index-gateway.ring[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# Primary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# Secondary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# Mirror writes to secondary store.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Timeout for storing value to secondary store.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# Period at which to heartbeat to the ring. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 15s]# The heartbeat timeout after which compactors are considered unhealthy within# the ring. 0 = never (timeout disabled).# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# File path where tokens are stored. If empty, tokens are not stored at# shutdown and restored at startup.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.tokens-file-path[tokens_file_path: <string> | default = ""]# True to enable zone-awareness and replicate blocks across different# availability zones.# CLI flag:[zone_awareness_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Instance ID to register in the ring.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-id[instance_id: <string> | default = "<hostname>"]# Name of network interface to read address from.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-interface-names[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# Port to advertise in the ring (defaults to server.grpc-listen-port).# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-port[instance_port: <int> | default = 0]# IP address to advertise in the ring.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-addr[instance_addr: <string> | default = ""]# The availability zone where this instance is running. Required if# zone-awareness is enabled.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-availability-zone[instance_availability_zone: <string> | default = ""]# Enable using a IPv6 instance address.# CLI flag: -index-gateway.ring.instance-enable-ipv6[instance_enable_ipv6: <boolean> | default = false]# Deprecated: How many index gateway instances are assigned to each tenant.# Use -index-gateway.shard-size instead. The shard size is also a per-tenant# setting.# CLI flag: -replication-factor[replication_factor: <int> | default = 3]


# The alibabacloud_storage_config block configures the connection to Alibaba
# Cloud Storage object storage backend.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: common
[alibabacloud: <alibabacloud_storage_config>]# The aws_storage_config block configures the connection to dynamoDB and S3
# object storage. Either one of them or both can be configured.
[aws: <aws_storage_config>]# The azure_storage_config block configures the connection to Azure object
# storage backend.
[azure: <azure_storage_config>]# The bos_storage_config block configures the connection to Baidu Object Storage
# (BOS) object storage backend.
[bos: <bos_storage_config>]# Deprecated: Configures storing indexes in Bigtable. Required fields only
# required when bigtable is defined in config.
bigtable:# Bigtable project ID.# CLI flag: -bigtable.project[project: <string> | default = ""]# Bigtable instance ID. Please refer to# for more information# about how to configure authentication.# CLI flag: -bigtable.instance[instance: <string> | default = ""]# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate between# two Loki components.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: bigtable[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]# If enabled, once a tables info is fetched, it is cached.# CLI flag: -bigtable.table-cache.enabled[table_cache_enabled: <boolean> | default = true]# Duration to cache tables before checking again.# CLI flag: -bigtable.table-cache.expiration[table_cache_expiration: <duration> | default = 30m]# Configures storing chunks in GCS. Required fields only required when gcs is
# defined in config.
[gcs: <gcs_storage_config>]# Deprecated: Configures storing chunks and/or the index in Cassandra.
cassandra:# Comma-separated hostnames or IPs of Cassandra instances.# CLI flag: -cassandra.addresses[addresses: <string> | default = ""]# Port that Cassandra is running on# CLI flag: -cassandra.port[port: <int> | default = 9042]# Keyspace to use in Cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.keyspace[keyspace: <string> | default = ""]# Consistency level for Cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.consistency[consistency: <string> | default = "QUORUM"]# Replication factor to use in Cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.replication-factor[replication_factor: <int> | default = 3]# Instruct the cassandra driver to not attempt to get host info from the# system.peers table.# CLI flag: -cassandra.disable-initial-host-lookup[disable_initial_host_lookup: <boolean> | default = false]# Use SSL when connecting to cassandra instances.# CLI flag: -cassandra.ssl[SSL: <boolean> | default = false]# Require SSL certificate validation.# CLI flag:[host_verification: <boolean> | default = true]# Policy for selecting Cassandra host. Supported values are: round-robin,# token-aware.# CLI flag:[host_selection_policy: <string> | default = "round-robin"]# Path to certificate file to verify the peer.# CLI flag:[CA_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to certificate file used by TLS.# CLI flag: -cassandra.tls-cert-path[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to private key file used by TLS.# CLI flag: -cassandra.tls-key-path[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Enable password authentication when connecting to cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.auth[auth: <boolean> | default = false]# Username to use when connecting to cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.username[username: <string> | default = ""]# Password to use when connecting to cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.password[password: <string> | default = ""]# File containing password to use when connecting to cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.password-file[password_file: <string> | default = ""]# If set, when authenticating with cassandra a custom authenticator will be# expected during the handshake. This flag can be set multiple times.# CLI flag: -cassandra.custom-authenticator[custom_authenticators: <list of strings> | default = []]# Timeout when connecting to cassandra.# CLI flag: -cassandra.timeout[timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# Initial connection timeout, used during initial dial to server.# CLI flag: -cassandra.connect-timeout[connect_timeout: <duration> | default = 5s]# Interval to retry connecting to cassandra nodes marked as DOWN.# CLI flag: -cassandra.reconnent-interval[reconnect_interval: <duration> | default = 1s]# Number of retries to perform on a request. Set to 0 to disable retries.# CLI flag: -cassandra.max-retries[max_retries: <int> | default = 0]# Maximum time to wait before retrying a failed request.# CLI flag: -cassandra.retry-max-backoff[retry_max_backoff: <duration> | default = 10s]# Minimum time to wait before retrying a failed request.# CLI flag: -cassandra.retry-min-backoff[retry_min_backoff: <duration> | default = 100ms]# Limit number of concurrent queries to Cassandra. Set to 0 to disable the# limit.# CLI flag: -cassandra.query-concurrency[query_concurrency: <int> | default = 0]# Number of TCP connections per host.# CLI flag: -cassandra.num-connections[num_connections: <int> | default = 2]# Convict hosts of being down on failure.# CLI flag: -cassandra.convict-hosts-on-failure[convict_hosts_on_failure: <boolean> | default = true]# Table options used to create index or chunk tables. This value is used as# plain text in the table `WITH` like this, "CREATE TABLE# <generated_by_cortex> (...) WITH <cassandra.table-options>". For details,# see By default it will# use the default table options of your Cassandra cluster.# CLI flag: -cassandra.table-options[table_options: <string> | default = ""]# Deprecated: Configures storing index in BoltDB. Required fields only required
# when boltdb is present in the configuration.
boltdb:# Location of BoltDB index files.# CLI flag: -boltdb.dir[directory: <string> | default = ""]# Configures storing the chunks on the local file system. Required fields only
# required when filesystem is present in the configuration.
[filesystem: <local_storage_config>]# The swift_storage_config block configures the connection to OpenStack Object
# Storage (Swift) object storage backend.
[swift: <swift_storage_config>]# Deprecated:
grpc_store:# Hostname or IP of the gRPC store instance.# CLI flag: -grpc-store.server-address[server_address: <string> | default = ""]hedging:# If set to a non-zero value a second request will be issued at the provided# duration. Default is 0 (disabled)# CLI flag: -store.hedge-requests-at[at: <duration> | default = 0s]# The maximum of hedge requests allowed.# CLI flag: -store.hedge-requests-up-to[up_to: <int> | default = 2]# The maximum of hedge requests allowed per seconds.# CLI flag: -store.hedge-max-per-second[max_per_second: <int> | default = 5]# Configures additional object stores for a given storage provider.
# Supported stores: aws, azure, bos, filesystem, gcs, swift.
# Example:
# storage_config:
#   named_stores:
#     aws:
#       store-1:
#         endpoint: s3://foo-bucket
#         region: us-west1
# Named store from this example can be used by setting object_store to store-1
# in period_config.
[named_stores: <named_stores_config>]# The cos_storage_config block configures the connection to IBM Cloud Object
# Storage (COS) backend.
[cos: <cos_storage_config>]# Cache validity for active index entries. Should be no higher than
# -ingester.max-chunk-idle.
# CLI flag: -store.index-cache-validity
[index_cache_validity: <duration> | default = 5m]# The cache block configures the cache backend.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: store.index-cache-read
[index_queries_cache_config: <cache_config>]# Disable broad index queries which results in reduced cache usage and faster
# query performance at the expense of somewhat higher QPS on the index store.
# CLI flag: -store.disable-broad-index-queries
[disable_broad_index_queries: <boolean> | default = false]# Maximum number of parallel chunk reads.
# CLI flag: -store.max-parallel-get-chunk
[max_parallel_get_chunk: <int> | default = 150]# The maximum number of chunks to fetch per batch.
# CLI flag: -store.max-chunk-batch-size
[max_chunk_batch_size: <int> | default = 50]# Configures storing index in an Object Store
# (GCS/S3/Azure/Swift/COS/Filesystem) in the form of boltdb files. Required
# fields only required when boltdb-shipper is defined in config.
boltdb_shipper:# Directory where ingesters would write index files which would then be# uploaded by shipper to configured storage# CLI flag:[active_index_directory: <string> | default = ""]# Shared store for keeping index files. Supported types: gcs, s3, azure, cos,# filesystem# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.shared-store[shared_store: <string> | default = ""]# Prefix to add to Object Keys in Shared store. Path separator(if any) should# always be a '/'. Prefix should never start with a separator but should# always end with it# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.shared-store.key-prefix[shared_store_key_prefix: <string> | default = "index/"]# Cache location for restoring index files from storage for queries# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.cache-location[cache_location: <string> | default = ""]# TTL for index files restored in cache for queries# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.cache-ttl[cache_ttl: <duration> | default = 24h]# Resync downloaded files with the storage# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.resync-interval[resync_interval: <duration> | default = 5m]# Number of days of common index to be kept downloaded for queries. For per# tenant index query readiness, use limits overrides config.# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.query-ready-num-days[query_ready_num_days: <int> | default = 0]index_gateway_client:# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate# between two Loki components.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:# boltdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.grpc[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]# Hostname or IP of the Index Gateway gRPC server running in simple mode.# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.server-address[server_address: <string> | default = ""]# Whether requests sent to the gateway should be logged or not.# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.log-gateway-requests[log_gateway_requests: <boolean> | default = false]# Use boltdb-shipper index store as backup for indexing chunks. When enabled,# boltdb-shipper needs to be configured under storage_config# CLI flag: -boltdb.shipper.use-boltdb-shipper-as-backup[use_boltdb_shipper_as_backup: <boolean> | default = false][ingestername: <string> | default = ""][mode: <string> | default = ""][ingesterdbretainperiod: <duration>]# Build per tenant index files# CLI flag:[build_per_tenant_index: <boolean> | default = false]# Configures storing index in an Object Store
# (GCS/S3/Azure/Swift/COS/Filesystem) in a prometheus TSDB-like format. Required
# fields only required when TSDB is defined in config.
tsdb_shipper:# Directory where ingesters would write index files which would then be# uploaded by shipper to configured storage# CLI flag:[active_index_directory: <string> | default = ""]# Shared store for keeping index files. Supported types: gcs, s3, azure, cos,# filesystem# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.shared-store[shared_store: <string> | default = ""]# Prefix to add to Object Keys in Shared store. Path separator(if any) should# always be a '/'. Prefix should never start with a separator but should# always end with it# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.shared-store.key-prefix[shared_store_key_prefix: <string> | default = "index/"]# Cache location for restoring index files from storage for queries# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.cache-location[cache_location: <string> | default = ""]# TTL for index files restored in cache for queries# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.cache-ttl[cache_ttl: <duration> | default = 24h]# Resync downloaded files with the storage# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.resync-interval[resync_interval: <duration> | default = 5m]# Number of days of common index to be kept downloaded for queries. For per# tenant index query readiness, use limits overrides config.# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.query-ready-num-days[query_ready_num_days: <int> | default = 0]index_gateway_client:# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate# between two Loki components.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:# tsdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.grpc[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]# Hostname or IP of the Index Gateway gRPC server running in simple mode.# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.server-address[server_address: <string> | default = ""]# Whether requests sent to the gateway should be logged or not.# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.index-gateway-client.log-gateway-requests[log_gateway_requests: <boolean> | default = false]# Use boltdb-shipper index store as backup for indexing chunks. When enabled,# boltdb-shipper needs to be configured under storage_config# CLI flag: -tsdb.shipper.use-boltdb-shipper-as-backup[use_boltdb_shipper_as_backup: <boolean> | default = false][ingestername: <string> | default = ""][mode: <string> | default = ""][ingesterdbretainperiod: <duration>]# Experimental. Whether TSDB should cache postings or not. The# index-read-cache will be used as the backend.# CLI flag: -tsdb.enable-postings-cache[enable_postings_cache: <boolean> | default = false]


# The cache block configures the cache backend.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: store.chunks-cache
[chunk_cache_config: <cache_config>]# The cache block configures the cache backend.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: store.index-cache-write
[write_dedupe_cache_config: <cache_config>]# Cache index entries older than this period. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -store.cache-lookups-older-than
[cache_lookups_older_than: <duration> | default = 0s]# This flag is deprecated. Use -querier.max-query-lookback instead.
# CLI flag: -store.max-look-back-period
[max_look_back_period: <duration> | default = 0s]


[configs: <list of period_configs>]


# Directory where files can be downloaded for compaction.
# CLI flag: -compactor.working-directory
[working_directory: <string> | default = ""]# The shared store used for storing boltdb files. Supported types: gcs, s3,
# azure, swift, filesystem, bos, cos. If not set, compactor will be initialized
# to operate on all the object stores that contain either boltdb-shipper or tsdb
# index.
# CLI flag: -compactor.shared-store
[shared_store: <string> | default = ""]# Prefix to add to object keys in shared store. Path separator(if any) should
# always be a '/'. Prefix should never start with a separator but should always
# end with it.
# CLI flag: -compactor.shared-store.key-prefix
[shared_store_key_prefix: <string> | default = "index/"]# Interval at which to re-run the compaction operation.
# CLI flag: -compactor.compaction-interval
[compaction_interval: <duration> | default = 10m]# Interval at which to apply/enforce retention. 0 means run at same interval as
# compaction. If non-zero, it should always be a multiple of compaction
# interval.
# CLI flag: -compactor.apply-retention-interval
[apply_retention_interval: <duration> | default = 0s]# (Experimental) Activate custom (per-stream,per-tenant) retention.
# CLI flag: -compactor.retention-enabled
[retention_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Delay after which chunks will be fully deleted during retention.
# CLI flag: -compactor.retention-delete-delay
[retention_delete_delay: <duration> | default = 2h]# The total amount of worker to use to delete chunks.
# CLI flag: -compactor.retention-delete-worker-count
[retention_delete_worker_count: <int> | default = 150]# The maximum amount of time to spend running retention and deletion on any
# given table in the index.
# CLI flag: -compactor.retention-table-timeout
[retention_table_timeout: <duration> | default = 0s]# Store used for managing delete requests. Defaults to -compactor.shared-store.
# CLI flag: -compactor.delete-request-store
[delete_request_store: <string> | default = ""]# The max number of delete requests to run per compaction cycle.
# CLI flag: -compactor.delete-batch-size
[delete_batch_size: <int> | default = 70]# Allow cancellation of delete request until duration after they are created.
# Data would be deleted only after delete requests have been older than this
# duration. Ideally this should be set to at least 24h.
# CLI flag: -compactor.delete-request-cancel-period
[delete_request_cancel_period: <duration> | default = 24h]# Constrain the size of any single delete request. When a delete request >
# delete_max_interval is input, the request is sharded into smaller requests of
# no more than delete_max_interval
# CLI flag: -compactor.delete-max-interval
[delete_max_interval: <duration> | default = 0s]# Maximum number of tables to compact in parallel. While increasing this value,
# please make sure compactor has enough disk space allocated to be able to store
# and compact as many tables.
# CLI flag: -compactor.max-compaction-parallelism
[max_compaction_parallelism: <int> | default = 1]# Number of upload/remove operations to execute in parallel when finalizing a
# compaction. NOTE: This setting is per compaction operation, which can be
# executed in parallel. The upper bound on the number of concurrent uploads is
# upload_parallelism * max_compaction_parallelism.
# CLI flag: -compactor.upload-parallelism
[upload_parallelism: <int> | default = 10]# The hash ring configuration used by compactors to elect a single instance for
# running compactions. The CLI flags prefix for this block config is:
# compactor.ring
compactor_ring:kvstore:# Backend storage to use for the ring. Supported values are: consul, etcd,# inmemory, memberlist, multi.# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# The prefix for the keys in the store. Should end with a /.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.prefix[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Configuration for a Consul client. Only applies if the selected kvstore is# consul.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: compactor.ring[consul: <consul>]# Configuration for an ETCD v3 client. Only applies if the selected kvstore# is etcd.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: compactor.ring[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# Primary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.multi.primary[primary: <string> | default = ""]# Secondary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.multi.secondary[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# Mirror writes to secondary store.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.multi.mirror-enabled[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Timeout for storing value to secondary store.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.multi.mirror-timeout[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# Period at which to heartbeat to the ring. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.heartbeat-period[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 15s]# The heartbeat timeout after which compactors are considered unhealthy within# the ring. 0 = never (timeout disabled).# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.heartbeat-timeout[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# File path where tokens are stored. If empty, tokens are not stored at# shutdown and restored at startup.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.tokens-file-path[tokens_file_path: <string> | default = ""]# True to enable zone-awareness and replicate blocks across different# availability zones.# CLI flag:[zone_awareness_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Instance ID to register in the ring.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-id[instance_id: <string> | default = "<hostname>"]# Name of network interface to read address from.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-interface-names[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# Port to advertise in the ring (defaults to server.grpc-listen-port).# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-port[instance_port: <int> | default = 0]# IP address to advertise in the ring.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-addr[instance_addr: <string> | default = ""]# The availability zone where this instance is running. Required if# zone-awareness is enabled.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-availability-zone[instance_availability_zone: <string> | default = ""]# Enable using a IPv6 instance address.# CLI flag: -compactor.ring.instance-enable-ipv6[instance_enable_ipv6: <boolean> | default = false]# Number of tables that compactor will try to compact. Newer tables are chosen
# when this is less than the number of tables available.
# CLI flag: -compactor.tables-to-compact
[tables_to_compact: <int> | default = 0]# Do not compact N latest tables. Together with and
# -compactor.tables-to-compact, this is useful when clearing compactor backlogs.
# CLI flag: -compactor.skip-latest-n-tables
[skip_latest_n_tables: <int> | default = 0]# Deprecated: Use deletion_mode per tenant configuration instead.
[deletion_mode: <string> | default = ""]


# Whether the ingestion rate limit should be applied individually to each
# distributor instance (local), or evenly shared across the cluster (global).
# The ingestion rate strategy cannot be overridden on a per-tenant basis.
# - local: enforces the limit on a per distributor basis. The actual effective
# rate limit will be N times higher, where N is the number of distributor
# replicas.
# - global: enforces the limit globally, configuring a per-distributor local
# rate limiter as 'ingestion_rate / N', where N is the number of distributor
# replicas (it's automatically adjusted if the number of replicas change). The
# global strategy requires the distributors to form their own ring, which is
# used to keep track of the current number of healthy distributor replicas.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-rate-limit-strategy
[ingestion_rate_strategy: <string> | default = "global"]# Per-user ingestion rate limit in sample size per second. Units in MB.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-rate-limit-mb
[ingestion_rate_mb: <float> | default = 4]# Per-user allowed ingestion burst size (in sample size). Units in MB. The burst
# size refers to the per-distributor local rate limiter even in the case of the
# 'global' strategy, and should be set at least to the maximum logs size
# expected in a single push request.
# CLI flag: -distributor.ingestion-burst-size-mb
[ingestion_burst_size_mb: <float> | default = 6]# Maximum length accepted for label names.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-length-label-name
[max_label_name_length: <int> | default = 1024]# Maximum length accepted for label value. This setting also applies to the
# metric name.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-length-label-value
[max_label_value_length: <int> | default = 2048]# Maximum number of label names per series.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-label-names-per-series
[max_label_names_per_series: <int> | default = 30]# Whether or not old samples will be rejected.
# CLI flag: -validation.reject-old-samples
[reject_old_samples: <boolean> | default = true]# Maximum accepted sample age before rejecting.
# CLI flag: -validation.reject-old-samples.max-age
[reject_old_samples_max_age: <duration> | default = 1w]# Duration which table will be created/deleted before/after it's needed; we
# won't accept sample from before this time.
# CLI flag: -validation.create-grace-period
[creation_grace_period: <duration> | default = 10m]# Enforce every sample has a metric name.
# CLI flag: -validation.enforce-metric-name
[enforce_metric_name: <boolean> | default = true]# Maximum line size on ingestion path. Example: 256kb. Any log line exceeding
# this limit will be discarded unless `distributor.max-line-size-truncate` is
# set which in case it is truncated instead of discarding it completely. There
# is no limit when unset or set to 0.
# CLI flag: -distributor.max-line-size
[max_line_size: <int> | default = 0B]# Whether to truncate lines that exceed max_line_size.
# CLI flag: -distributor.max-line-size-truncate
[max_line_size_truncate: <boolean> | default = false]# Alter the log line timestamp during ingestion when the timestamp is the same
# as the previous entry for the same stream. When enabled, if a log line in a
# push request has the same timestamp as the previous line for the same stream,
# one nanosecond is added to the log line. This will preserve the received order
# of log lines with the exact same timestamp when they are queried, by slightly
# altering their stored timestamp. NOTE: This is imperfect, because Loki accepts
# out of order writes, and another push request for the same stream could
# contain duplicate timestamps to existing entries and they will not be
# incremented.
# CLI flag: -validation.increment-duplicate-timestamps
[increment_duplicate_timestamp: <boolean> | default = false]# Maximum number of active streams per user, per ingester. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-streams-per-user
[max_streams_per_user: <int> | default = 0]# Maximum number of active streams per user, across the cluster. 0 to disable.
# When the global limit is enabled, each ingester is configured with a dynamic
# local limit based on the replication factor and the current number of healthy
# ingesters, and is kept updated whenever the number of ingesters change.
# CLI flag: -ingester.max-global-streams-per-user
[max_global_streams_per_user: <int> | default = 5000]# Deprecated. When true, out-of-order writes are accepted.
# CLI flag: -ingester.unordered-writes
[unordered_writes: <boolean> | default = true]# Maximum byte rate per second per stream, also expressible in human readable
# forms (1MB, 256KB, etc).
# CLI flag: -ingester.per-stream-rate-limit
[per_stream_rate_limit: <int> | default = 3MB]# Maximum burst bytes per stream, also expressible in human readable forms (1MB,
# 256KB, etc). This is how far above the rate limit a stream can 'burst' before
# the stream is limited.
# CLI flag: -ingester.per-stream-rate-limit-burst
[per_stream_rate_limit_burst: <int> | default = 15MB]# Maximum number of chunks that can be fetched in a single query.
# CLI flag: -store.query-chunk-limit
[max_chunks_per_query: <int> | default = 2000000]# Limit the maximum of unique series that is returned by a metric query. When
# the limit is reached an error is returned.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-series
[max_query_series: <int> | default = 500]# Limit how far back in time series data and metadata can be queried, up until
# lookback duration ago. This limit is enforced in the query frontend, the
# querier and the ruler. If the requested time range is outside the allowed
# range, the request will not fail, but will be modified to only query data
# within the allowed time range. The default value of 0 does not set a limit.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-lookback
[max_query_lookback: <duration> | default = 0s]# The limit to length of chunk store queries. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -store.max-query-length
[max_query_length: <duration> | default = 30d1h]# Limit the length of the [range] inside a range query. Default is 0 or
# unlimited
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-range
[max_query_range: <duration> | default = 0s]# Maximum number of queries that will be scheduled in parallel by the frontend.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-query-parallelism
[max_query_parallelism: <int> | default = 32]# Maximum number of queries will be scheduled in parallel by the frontend for
# TSDB schemas.
# CLI flag: -querier.tsdb-max-query-parallelism
[tsdb_max_query_parallelism: <int> | default = 512]# Maximum number of bytes assigned to a single sharded query. Also expressible
# in human readable forms (1GB, etc).
# CLI flag: -querier.tsdb-max-bytes-per-shard
[tsdb_max_bytes_per_shard: <int> | default = 600MB]# Cardinality limit for index queries.
# CLI flag: -store.cardinality-limit
[cardinality_limit: <int> | default = 100000]# Maximum number of stream matchers per query.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-streams-matcher-per-query
[max_streams_matchers_per_query: <int> | default = 1000]# Maximum number of concurrent tail requests.
# CLI flag: -querier.max-concurrent-tail-requests
[max_concurrent_tail_requests: <int> | default = 10]# Maximum number of log entries that will be returned for a query.
# CLI flag: -validation.max-entries-limit
[max_entries_limit_per_query: <int> | default = 5000]# Most recent allowed cacheable result per-tenant, to prevent caching very
# recent results that might still be in flux.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-cache-freshness
[max_cache_freshness_per_query: <duration> | default = 1m]# Do not cache requests with an end time that falls within Now minus this
# duration. 0 disables this feature (default).
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-stats-cache-freshness
[max_stats_cache_freshness: <duration> | default = 0s]# Maximum number of queriers that can handle requests for a single tenant. If
# set to 0 or value higher than number of available queriers, *all* queriers
# will handle requests for the tenant. Each frontend (or query-scheduler, if
# used) will select the same set of queriers for the same tenant (given that all
# queriers are connected to all frontends / query-schedulers). This option only
# works with queriers connecting to the query-frontend / query-scheduler, not
# when using downstream URL.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-queriers-per-tenant
[max_queriers_per_tenant: <int> | default = 0]# Number of days of index to be kept always downloaded for queries. Applies only
# to per user index in boltdb-shipper index store. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -store.query-ready-index-num-days
[query_ready_index_num_days: <int> | default = 0]# Timeout when querying backends (ingesters or storage) during the execution of
# a query request. When a specific per-tenant timeout is used, the global
# timeout is ignored.
# CLI flag: -querier.query-timeout
[query_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# Split queries by a time interval and execute in parallel. The value 0 disables
# splitting by time. This also determines how cache keys are chosen when result
# caching is enabled.
# CLI flag: -querier.split-queries-by-interval
[split_queries_by_interval: <duration> | default = 30m]# Limit queries that can be sharded. Queries within the time range of now and
# now minus this sharding lookback are not sharded. The default value of 0s
# disables the lookback, causing sharding of all queries at all times.
# CLI flag: -frontend.min-sharding-lookback
[min_sharding_lookback: <duration> | default = 0s]# Max number of bytes a query can fetch. Enforced in log and metric queries only
# when TSDB is used. The default value of 0 disables this limit.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-query-bytes-read
[max_query_bytes_read: <int> | default = 0B]# Max number of bytes a query can fetch after splitting and sharding. Enforced
# in log and metric queries only when TSDB is used. The default value of 0
# disables this limit.
# CLI flag: -frontend.max-querier-bytes-read
[max_querier_bytes_read: <int> | default = 0B]# Enable log-volume endpoints.
[volume_enabled: <boolean>]# The maximum number of aggregated series in a log-volume response
# CLI flag: -limits.volume-max-series
[volume_max_series: <int> | default = 1000]# Deprecated. Duration to delay the evaluation of rules to ensure the underlying
# metrics have been pushed to Cortex.
# CLI flag: -ruler.evaluation-delay-duration
[ruler_evaluation_delay_duration: <duration> | default = 0s]# Maximum number of rules per rule group per-tenant. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ruler.max-rules-per-rule-group
[ruler_max_rules_per_rule_group: <int> | default = 0]# Maximum number of rule groups per-tenant. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -ruler.max-rule-groups-per-tenant
[ruler_max_rule_groups_per_tenant: <int> | default = 0]# The default tenant's shard size when shuffle-sharding is enabled in the ruler.
# When this setting is specified in the per-tenant overrides, a value of 0
# disables shuffle sharding for the tenant.
# CLI flag: -ruler.tenant-shard-size
[ruler_tenant_shard_size: <int> | default = 0]# Disable recording rules remote-write.
[ruler_remote_write_disabled: <boolean>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. The URL of the endpoint
# to send samples to.
[ruler_remote_write_url: <string> | default = ""]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Timeout for requests to
# the remote write endpoint.
[ruler_remote_write_timeout: <duration>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Custom HTTP headers to be
# sent along with each remote write request. Be aware that headers that are set
# by Loki itself can't be overwritten.
[ruler_remote_write_headers: <headers>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. List of remote write
# relabel configurations.
[ruler_remote_write_relabel_configs: <relabel_config...>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Number of samples to
# buffer per shard before we block reading of more samples from the WAL. It is
# recommended to have enough capacity in each shard to buffer several requests
# to keep throughput up while processing occasional slow remote requests.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_capacity: <int>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Minimum number of shards,
# i.e. amount of concurrency.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_min_shards: <int>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum number of shards,
# i.e. amount of concurrency.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_shards: <int>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum number of samples
# per send.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_samples_per_send: <int>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum time a sample
# will wait in buffer.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_batch_send_deadline: <duration>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Initial retry delay. Gets
# doubled for every retry.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_min_backoff: <duration>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Maximum retry delay.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_max_backoff: <duration>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Retry upon receiving a
# 429 status code from the remote-write storage. This is experimental and might
# change in the future.
[ruler_remote_write_queue_retry_on_ratelimit: <boolean>]# Deprecated: Use 'ruler_remote_write_config' instead. Configures AWS's
# Signature Verification 4 signing process to sign every remote write request.
ruler_remote_write_sigv4_config:[region: <string> | default = ""][access_key: <string> | default = ""][secret_key: <string> | default = ""][profile: <string> | default = ""][role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# Configures global and per-tenant limits for remote write clients. A map with
# remote client id as key.
[ruler_remote_write_config: <map of string to RemoteWriteConfig>]# Timeout for a remote rule evaluation. Defaults to the value of
# 'querier.query-timeout'.
[ruler_remote_evaluation_timeout: <duration>]# Maximum size (in bytes) of the allowable response size from a remote rule
# evaluation. Set to 0 to allow any response size (default).
[ruler_remote_evaluation_max_response_size: <int>]# Deletion mode. Can be one of 'disabled', 'filter-only', or
# 'filter-and-delete'. When set to 'filter-only' or 'filter-and-delete', and if
# retention_enabled is true, then the log entry deletion API endpoints are
# available.
# CLI flag: -compactor.deletion-mode
[deletion_mode: <string> | default = "filter-and-delete"]# Retention period to apply to stored data, only applies if retention_enabled is
# true in the compactor config. As of version 2.8.0, a zero value of 0 or 0s
# disables retention. In previous releases, Loki did not properly honor a zero
# value to disable retention and a really large value should be used instead.
# CLI flag: -store.retention
[retention_period: <duration> | default = 0s]# Per-stream retention to apply, if the retention is enable on the compactor
# side.
# Example:
#  retention_stream:
#  - selector: '{namespace="dev"}'
#  priority: 1
#  period: 24h
# - selector: '{container="nginx"}'
#  priority: 1
#  period: 744h
# Selector is a Prometheus labels matchers that will apply the 'period'
# retention only if the stream is matching. In case multiple stream are
# matching, the highest priority will be picked. If no rule is matched the
# 'retention_period' is used.
[retention_stream: <list of StreamRetentions>]# Feature renamed to 'runtime configuration', flag deprecated in favor of
# -runtime-config.file (runtime_config.file in YAML).
# CLI flag: -limits.per-user-override-config
[per_tenant_override_config: <string> | default = ""]# Feature renamed to 'runtime configuration'; flag deprecated in favor of
# -runtime-config.reload-period (runtime_config.period in YAML).
# CLI flag: -limits.per-user-override-period
[per_tenant_override_period: <duration> | default = 10s]# Deprecated: Use deletion_mode per tenant configuration instead.
[allow_deletes: <boolean>]shard_streams:[enabled: <boolean>][logging_enabled: <boolean>][desired_rate: <int>][blocked_queries: <blocked_query...>]# Define a list of required selector labels.
[required_labels: <list of strings>]# Minimum number of label matchers a query should contain.
[minimum_labels_number: <int>]# The shard size defines how many index gateways should be used by a tenant for
# querying. If the global shard factor is 0, the global shard factor is set to
# the deprecated -replication-factor for backwards compatibility reasons.
# CLI flag: -index-gateway.shard-size
[index_gateway_shard_size: <int> | default = 0]# Allow user to send structured metadata (non-indexed labels) in push payload.
# CLI flag: -validation.allow-structured-metadata
[allow_structured_metadata: <boolean> | default = false]


# Address of query frontend service, in host:port format. If
# -querier.scheduler-address is set as well, querier will use scheduler instead.
# Only one of -querier.frontend-address or -querier.scheduler-address can be
# set. If neither is set, queries are only received via HTTP endpoint.
# CLI flag: -querier.frontend-address
[frontend_address: <string> | default = ""]# Hostname (and port) of scheduler that querier will periodically resolve,
# connect to and receive queries from. Only one of -querier.frontend-address or
# -querier.scheduler-address can be set. If neither is set, queries are only
# received via HTTP endpoint.
# CLI flag: -querier.scheduler-address
[scheduler_address: <string> | default = ""]# How often to query DNS for query-frontend or query-scheduler address. Also
# used to determine how often to poll the scheduler-ring for addresses if the
# scheduler-ring is configured.
# CLI flag: -querier.dns-lookup-period
[dns_lookup_duration: <duration> | default = 3s]# Number of simultaneous queries to process per query-frontend or
# query-scheduler.
# CLI flag: -querier.worker-parallelism
[parallelism: <int> | default = 10]# Force worker concurrency to match the -querier.max-concurrent option.
# Overrides querier.worker-parallelism.
# CLI flag: -querier.worker-match-max-concurrent
[match_max_concurrent: <boolean> | default = true]# Querier ID, sent to frontend service to identify requests from the same
# querier. Defaults to hostname.
# CLI flag:
[id: <string> | default = ""]# The grpc_client block configures the gRPC client used to communicate between
# two Loki components.
# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: querier.frontend-client
[grpc_client_config: <grpc_client>]


# If true, disable all changes to DB capacity
# CLI flag: -table-manager.throughput-updates-disabled
[throughput_updates_disabled: <boolean> | default = false]# If true, enables retention deletes of DB tables
# CLI flag: -table-manager.retention-deletes-enabled
[retention_deletes_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Tables older than this retention period are deleted. Must be either 0
# (disabled) or a multiple of 24h. When enabled, be aware this setting is
# destructive to data!
# CLI flag: -table-manager.retention-period
[retention_period: <duration> | default = 0s]# How frequently to poll backend to learn our capacity.
# CLI flag: -table-manager.poll-interval
[poll_interval: <duration> | default = 2m]# Periodic tables grace period (duration which table will be created/deleted
# before/after it's needed).
# CLI flag: -table-manager.periodic-table.grace-period
[creation_grace_period: <duration> | default = 10m]index_tables_provisioning:# Enables on demand throughput provisioning for the storage provider (if# supported). Applies only to tables which are not autoscaled. Supported by# DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.enable-ondemand-throughput-mode[enable_ondemand_throughput_mode: <boolean> | default = false]# Table default write throughput. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput[provisioned_write_throughput: <int> | default = 1000]# Table default read throughput. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag:[provisioned_read_throughput: <int> | default = 300]write_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.write-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]read_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag:[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag:[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag:[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag:[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag:[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]# Enables on demand throughput provisioning for the storage provider (if# supported). Applies only to tables which are not autoscaled. Supported by# DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-enable-ondemand-throughput-mode[enable_inactive_throughput_on_demand_mode: <boolean> | default = false]# Table write throughput for inactive tables. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput[inactive_write_throughput: <int> | default = 1]# Table read throughput for inactive tables. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput[inactive_read_throughput: <int> | default = 300]inactive_write_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]inactive_read_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]# Number of last inactive tables to enable write autoscale.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale-last-n[inactive_write_scale_lastn: <int> | default = 4]# Number of last inactive tables to enable read autoscale.# CLI flag: -table-manager.index-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale-last-n[inactive_read_scale_lastn: <int> | default = 4]chunk_tables_provisioning:# Enables on demand throughput provisioning for the storage provider (if# supported). Applies only to tables which are not autoscaled. Supported by# DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.enable-ondemand-throughput-mode[enable_ondemand_throughput_mode: <boolean> | default = false]# Table default write throughput. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput[provisioned_write_throughput: <int> | default = 1000]# Table default read throughput. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag:[provisioned_read_throughput: <int> | default = 300]write_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.write-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]read_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag:[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag:[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag:[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag:[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag:[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]# Enables on demand throughput provisioning for the storage provider (if# supported). Applies only to tables which are not autoscaled. Supported by# DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-enable-ondemand-throughput-mode[enable_inactive_throughput_on_demand_mode: <boolean> | default = false]# Table write throughput for inactive tables. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput[inactive_write_throughput: <int> | default = 1]# Table read throughput for inactive tables. Supported by DynamoDB# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput[inactive_read_throughput: <int> | default = 300]inactive_write_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]inactive_read_scale:# Should we enable autoscale for the table.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# AWS AutoScaling role ARN# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.role-arn[role_arn: <string> | default = ""]# DynamoDB minimum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.min-capacity[min_capacity: <int> | default = 3000]# DynamoDB maximum provision capacity.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.max-capacity[max_capacity: <int> | default = 6000]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale up.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale.out-cooldown[out_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB minimum seconds between each autoscale down.# CLI flag:[in_cooldown: <int> | default = 1800]# DynamoDB target ratio of consumed capacity to provisioned capacity.# CLI flag:[target: <float> | default = 80]# Number of last inactive tables to enable write autoscale.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-write-throughput.scale-last-n[inactive_write_scale_lastn: <int> | default = 4]# Number of last inactive tables to enable read autoscale.# CLI flag: -table-manager.chunk-table.inactive-read-throughput.scale-last-n[inactive_read_scale_lastn: <int> | default = 4]


# How often to check runtime config files.
# CLI flag: -runtime-config.reload-period
[period: <duration> | default = 10s]# Comma separated list of yaml files with the configuration that can be updated
# at runtime. Runtime config files will be merged from left to right.
# CLI flag: -runtime-config.file
[file: <string> | default = ""]


# Set to false to disable tracing.
# CLI flag: -tracing.enabled
[enabled: <boolean> | default = true]


# Enable anonymous usage reporting.
# CLI flag: -reporting.enabled
[reporting_enabled: <boolean> | default = true]# URL to which reports are sent
# CLI flag: -reporting.usage-stats-url
[usage_stats_url: <string> | default = ""]


[path_prefix: <string> | default = ""]storage:# The s3_storage_config block configures the connection to Amazon S3 object# storage backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is: common[s3: <s3_storage_config>]# The gcs_storage_config block configures the connection to Google Cloud# Storage object storage backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[gcs: <gcs_storage_config>]# The azure_storage_config block configures the connection to Azure object# storage backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[azure: <azure_storage_config>]# The alibabacloud_storage_config block configures the connection to Alibaba# Cloud Storage object storage backend.[alibabacloud: <alibabacloud_storage_config>]# The bos_storage_config block configures the connection to Baidu Object# Storage (BOS) object storage backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[bos: <bos_storage_config>]# The swift_storage_config block configures the connection to OpenStack Object# Storage (Swift) object storage backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[swift: <swift_storage_config>]filesystem:# Directory to store chunks in.# CLI flag:[chunks_directory: <string> | default = ""]# Directory to store rules in.# CLI flag:[rules_directory: <string> | default = ""]hedging:# If set to a non-zero value a second request will be issued at the provided# duration. Default is 0 (disabled)# CLI flag:[at: <duration> | default = 0s]# The maximum of hedge requests allowed.# CLI flag:[up_to: <int> | default = 2]# The maximum of hedge requests allowed per seconds.# CLI flag:[max_per_second: <int> | default = 5]# The cos_storage_config block configures the connection to IBM Cloud Object# Storage (COS) backend.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[cos: <cos_storage_config>][persist_tokens: <boolean>][replication_factor: <int>]ring:kvstore:# Backend storage to use for the ring. Supported values are: consul, etcd,# inmemory, memberlist, multi.# CLI flag:[store: <string> | default = "consul"]# The prefix for the keys in the store. Should end with a /.# CLI flag:[prefix: <string> | default = "collectors/"]# Configuration for a Consul client. Only applies if the selected kvstore is# consul.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[consul: <consul>]# Configuration for an ETCD v3 client. Only applies if the selected kvstore# is etcd.# The CLI flags prefix for this block configuration is:[etcd: <etcd>]multi:# Primary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag:[primary: <string> | default = ""]# Secondary backend storage used by multi-client.# CLI flag:[secondary: <string> | default = ""]# Mirror writes to secondary store.# CLI flag:[mirror_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Timeout for storing value to secondary store.# CLI flag:[mirror_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# Period at which to heartbeat to the ring. 0 = disabled.# CLI flag:[heartbeat_period: <duration> | default = 15s]# The heartbeat timeout after which compactors are considered unhealthy within# the ring. 0 = never (timeout disabled).# CLI flag:[heartbeat_timeout: <duration> | default = 1m]# File path where tokens are stored. If empty, tokens are not stored at# shutdown and restored at startup.# CLI flag:[tokens_file_path: <string> | default = ""]# True to enable zone-awareness and replicate blocks across different# availability zones.# CLI flag:[zone_awareness_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Instance ID to register in the ring.# CLI flag:[instance_id: <string> | default = "<hostname>"]# Name of network interface to read address from.# CLI flag:[instance_interface_names: <list of strings> | default = [<private network interfaces>]]# Port to advertise in the ring (defaults to server.grpc-listen-port).# CLI flag:[instance_port: <int> | default = 0]# IP address to advertise in the ring.# CLI flag:[instance_addr: <string> | default = ""]# The availability zone where this instance is running. Required if# zone-awareness is enabled.# CLI flag:[instance_availability_zone: <string> | default = ""]# Enable using a IPv6 instance address.# CLI flag:[instance_enable_ipv6: <boolean> | default = false][instance_interface_names: <list of strings>][instance_addr: <string> | default = ""]# the http address of the compactor in the form http://host:port
# CLI flag: -common.compactor-address
[compactor_address: <string> | default = ""]# the grpc address of the compactor in the form host:port
# CLI flag: -common.compactor-grpc-address
[compactor_grpc_address: <string> | default = ""]


# Hostname and port of Consul.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.consul.hostname
[host: <string> | default = "localhost:8500"]# ACL Token used to interact with Consul.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.consul.acl-token
[acl_token: <string> | default = ""]# HTTP timeout when talking to Consul
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.consul.client-timeout
[http_client_timeout: <duration> | default = 20s]# Enable consistent reads to Consul.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.consul.consistent-reads
[consistent_reads: <boolean> | default = false]# Rate limit when watching key or prefix in Consul, in requests per second. 0
# disables the rate limit.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>
[watch_rate_limit: <float> | default = 1]# Burst size used in rate limit. Values less than 1 are treated as 1.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>
[watch_burst_size: <int> | default = 1]# Maximum duration to wait before retrying a Compare And Swap (CAS) operation.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.consul.cas-retry-delay
[cas_retry_delay: <duration> | default = 1s]


# The etcd endpoints to connect to.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.endpoints
[endpoints: <list of strings> | default = []]# The dial timeout for the etcd connection.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.dial-timeout
[dial_timeout: <duration> | default = 10s]# The maximum number of retries to do for failed ops.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.max-retries
[max_retries: <int> | default = 10]# Enable TLS.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-enabled
[tls_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with the
# server. Also requires the key path to be configured.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-cert-path
[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client
# certificate to be configured.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-key-path
[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not
# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-ca-path
[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-server-name
[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-insecure-skip-verify
[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed values:
# Secure Ciphers:
# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# Insecure Ciphers:
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-cipher-suites
[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,
# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.tls-min-version
[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]# Etcd username.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.username
[username: <string> | default = ""]# Etcd password.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.etcd.password
[password: <string> | default = ""]


# Name of the node in memberlist cluster. Defaults to hostname.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.nodename
[node_name: <string> | default = ""]# Add random suffix to the node name.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.randomize-node-name
[randomize_node_name: <boolean> | default = true]# The timeout for establishing a connection with a remote node, and for
# read/write operations.
# CLI flag:
[stream_timeout: <duration> | default = 10s]# Multiplication factor used when sending out messages (factor * log(N+1)).
# CLI flag: -memberlist.retransmit-factor
[retransmit_factor: <int> | default = 4]# How often to use pull/push sync.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.pullpush-interval
[pull_push_interval: <duration> | default = 30s]# How often to gossip.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.gossip-interval
[gossip_interval: <duration> | default = 200ms]# How many nodes to gossip to.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.gossip-nodes
[gossip_nodes: <int> | default = 3]# How long to keep gossiping to dead nodes, to give them chance to refute their
# death.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.gossip-to-dead-nodes-time
[gossip_to_dead_nodes_time: <duration> | default = 30s]# How soon can dead node's name be reclaimed with new address. 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.dead-node-reclaim-time
[dead_node_reclaim_time: <duration> | default = 0s]# Enable message compression. This can be used to reduce bandwidth usage at the
# cost of slightly more CPU utilization.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.compression-enabled
[compression_enabled: <boolean> | default = true]# Gossip address to advertise to other members in the cluster. Used for NAT
# traversal.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.advertise-addr
[advertise_addr: <string> | default = ""]# Gossip port to advertise to other members in the cluster. Used for NAT
# traversal.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.advertise-port
[advertise_port: <int> | default = 7946]# The cluster label is an optional string to include in outbound packets and
# gossip streams. Other members in the memberlist cluster will discard any
# message whose label doesn't match the configured one, unless the
# 'cluster-label-verification-disabled' configuration option is set to true.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.cluster-label
[cluster_label: <string> | default = ""]# When true, memberlist doesn't verify that inbound packets and gossip streams
# have the cluster label matching the configured one. This verification should
# be disabled while rolling out the change to the configured cluster label in a
# live memberlist cluster.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.cluster-label-verification-disabled
[cluster_label_verification_disabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Other cluster members to join. Can be specified multiple times. It can be an
# IP, hostname or an entry specified in the DNS Service Discovery format.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.join
[join_members: <list of strings> | default = []]# Min backoff duration to join other cluster members.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.min-join-backoff
[min_join_backoff: <duration> | default = 1s]# Max backoff duration to join other cluster members.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.max-join-backoff
[max_join_backoff: <duration> | default = 1m]# Max number of retries to join other cluster members.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.max-join-retries
[max_join_retries: <int> | default = 10]# If this node fails to join memberlist cluster, abort.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.abort-if-join-fails
[abort_if_cluster_join_fails: <boolean> | default = false]# If not 0, how often to rejoin the cluster. Occasional rejoin can help to fix
# the cluster split issue, and is harmless otherwise. For example when using
# only few components as a seed nodes (via -memberlist.join), then it's
# recommended to use rejoin. If -memberlist.join points to dynamic service that
# resolves to all gossiping nodes (eg. Kubernetes headless service), then rejoin
# is not needed.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.rejoin-interval
[rejoin_interval: <duration> | default = 0s]# How long to keep LEFT ingesters in the ring.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.left-ingesters-timeout
[left_ingesters_timeout: <duration> | default = 5m]# Timeout for leaving memberlist cluster.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.leave-timeout
[leave_timeout: <duration> | default = 20s]# How much space to use for keeping received and sent messages in memory for
# troubleshooting (two buffers). 0 to disable.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.message-history-buffer-bytes
[message_history_buffer_bytes: <int> | default = 0]# IP address to listen on for gossip messages. Multiple addresses may be
# specified. Defaults to
# CLI flag: -memberlist.bind-addr
[bind_addr: <list of strings> | default = []]# Port to listen on for gossip messages.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.bind-port
[bind_port: <int> | default = 7946]# Timeout used when connecting to other nodes to send packet.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.packet-dial-timeout
[packet_dial_timeout: <duration> | default = 2s]# Timeout for writing 'packet' data.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.packet-write-timeout
[packet_write_timeout: <duration> | default = 5s]# Enable TLS on the memberlist transport layer.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-enabled
[tls_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with the
# server. Also requires the key path to be configured.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-cert-path
[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client
# certificate to be configured.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-key-path
[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not
# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-ca-path
[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-server-name
[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-insecure-skip-verify
[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed values:
# Secure Ciphers:
# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# Insecure Ciphers:
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-cipher-suites
[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,
# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
# CLI flag: -memberlist.tls-min-version
[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]


# gRPC client max receive message size (bytes).
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.grpc-max-recv-msg-size
[max_recv_msg_size: <int> | default = 104857600]# gRPC client max send message size (bytes).
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.grpc-max-send-msg-size
[max_send_msg_size: <int> | default = 104857600]# Use compression when sending messages. Supported values are: 'gzip', 'snappy'
# and '' (disable compression)
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.grpc-compression
[grpc_compression: <string> | default = ""]# Rate limit for gRPC client; 0 means disabled.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.grpc-client-rate-limit
[rate_limit: <float> | default = 0]# Rate limit burst for gRPC client.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.grpc-client-rate-limit-burst
[rate_limit_burst: <int> | default = 0]# Enable backoff and retry when we hit rate limits.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.backoff-on-ratelimits
[backoff_on_ratelimits: <boolean> | default = false]backoff_config:# Minimum delay when backing off.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.backoff-min-period[min_period: <duration> | default = 100ms]# Maximum delay when backing off.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.backoff-max-period[max_period: <duration> | default = 10s]# Number of times to backoff and retry before failing.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.backoff-retries[max_retries: <int> | default = 10]# Initial stream window size. Values less than the default are not supported and
# are ignored. Setting this to a value other than the default disables the BDP
# estimator.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.initial-stream-window-size
[initial_stream_window_size: <int> | default = 63KiB1023B]# Initial connection window size. Values less than the default are not supported
# and are ignored. Setting this to a value other than the default disables the
# BDP estimator.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.initial-connection-window-size
[initial_connection_window_size: <int> | default = 63KiB1023B]# Enable TLS in the gRPC client. This flag needs to be enabled when any other
# TLS flag is set. If set to false, insecure connection to gRPC server will be
# used.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-enabled
[tls_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with the
# server. Also requires the key path to be configured.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-cert-path
[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client
# certificate to be configured.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-key-path
[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not
# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-ca-path
[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-server-name
[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-insecure-skip-verify
[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed values:
# Secure Ciphers:
# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# Insecure Ciphers:
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-cipher-suites
[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,
# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.tls-min-version
[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]# The maximum amount of time to establish a connection. A value of 0 means
# default gRPC client connect timeout and backoff.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.connect-timeout
[connect_timeout: <duration> | default = 5s]# Initial backoff delay after first connection failure. Only relevant if
# ConnectTimeout > 0.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.connect-backoff-base-delay
[connect_backoff_base_delay: <duration> | default = 1s]# Maximum backoff delay when establishing a connection. Only relevant if
# ConnectTimeout > 0.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.connect-backoff-max-delay
[connect_backoff_max_delay: <duration> | default = 5s]


# Path to the client certificate, which will be used for authenticating with the
# server. Also requires the key path to be configured.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-cert-path
[tls_cert_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the key for the client certificate. Also requires the client
# certificate to be configured.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-key-path
[tls_key_path: <string> | default = ""]# Path to the CA certificates to validate server certificate against. If not
# set, the host's root CA certificates are used.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-ca-path
[tls_ca_path: <string> | default = ""]# Override the expected name on the server certificate.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-server-name
[tls_server_name: <string> | default = ""]# Skip validating server certificate.
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-insecure-skip-verify
[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Override the default cipher suite list (separated by commas). Allowed values:
# Secure Ciphers:
# - TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# - TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
# - TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
# Insecure Ciphers:
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-cipher-suites
[tls_cipher_suites: <string> | default = ""]# Override the default minimum TLS version. Allowed values: VersionTLS10,
# VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12, VersionTLS13
# CLI flag: -frontend.tail-tls-config.tls-min-version
[tls_min_version: <string> | default = ""]


# (deprecated: use embedded-cache instead) Enable in-memory cache (auto-enabled
# for the chunks & query results cache if no other cache is configured).
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.cache.enable-fifocache
[enable_fifocache: <boolean> | default = false]# The default validity of entries for caches unless overridden.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.default-validity
[default_validity: <duration> | default = 1h]background:# At what concurrency to write back to cache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.background.write-back-concurrency[writeback_goroutines: <int> | default = 10]# How many key batches to buffer for background write-back.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.background.write-back-buffer[writeback_buffer: <int> | default = 10000]# Size limit in bytes for background write-back.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.background.write-back-size-limit[writeback_size_limit: <int> | default = 1GB]memcached:# How long keys stay in the memcache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.expiration[expiration: <duration> | default = 0s]# How many keys to fetch in each batch.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.batchsize[batch_size: <int> | default = 1024]# Maximum active requests to memcache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.parallelism[parallelism: <int> | default = 100]memcached_client:# Hostname for memcached service to use. If empty and if addresses is unset,# no memcached will be used.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.hostname[host: <string> | default = ""]# SRV service used to discover memcache servers.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.service[service: <string> | default = "memcached"]# EXPERIMENTAL: Comma separated addresses list in DNS Service Discovery# format:# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.addresses[addresses: <string> | default = ""]# Maximum time to wait before giving up on memcached requests.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.timeout[timeout: <duration> | default = 100ms]# Maximum number of idle connections in pool.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.max-idle-conns[max_idle_conns: <int> | default = 16]# The maximum size of an item stored in memcached. Bigger items are not# stored. If set to 0, no maximum size is enforced.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.max-item-size[max_item_size: <int> | default = 0]# Period with which to poll DNS for memcache servers.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.update-interval[update_interval: <duration> | default = 1m]# Use consistent hashing to distribute to memcache servers.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.consistent-hash[consistent_hash: <boolean> | default = true]# Trip circuit-breaker after this number of consecutive dial failures (if zero# then circuit-breaker is disabled).# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.circuit-breaker-consecutive-failures[circuit_breaker_consecutive_failures: <int> | default = 10]# Duration circuit-breaker remains open after tripping (if zero then 60# seconds is used).# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.circuit-breaker-timeout[circuit_breaker_timeout: <duration> | default = 10s]# Reset circuit-breaker counts after this long (if zero then never reset).# CLI flag: -<prefix>.memcached.circuit-breaker-interval[circuit_breaker_interval: <duration> | default = 10s]redis:# Redis Server or Cluster configuration endpoint to use for caching. A# comma-separated list of endpoints for Redis Cluster or Redis Sentinel. If# empty, no redis will be used.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.endpoint[endpoint: <string> | default = ""]# Redis Sentinel master name. An empty string for Redis Server or Redis# Cluster.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.master-name[master_name: <string> | default = ""]# Maximum time to wait before giving up on redis requests.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.timeout[timeout: <duration> | default = 500ms]# How long keys stay in the redis.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.expiration[expiration: <duration> | default = 0s]# Database index.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.db[db: <int> | default = 0]# Maximum number of connections in the pool.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.pool-size[pool_size: <int> | default = 0]# Username to use when connecting to redis.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.username[username: <string> | default = ""]# Password to use when connecting to redis.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.password[password: <string> | default = ""]# Enable connecting to redis with TLS.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.tls-enabled[tls_enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Skip validating server certificate.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.tls-insecure-skip-verify[tls_insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> | default = false]# Close connections after remaining idle for this duration. If the value is# zero, then idle connections are not closed.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.idle-timeout[idle_timeout: <duration> | default = 0s]# Close connections older than this duration. If the value is zero, then the# pool does not close connections based on age.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.max-connection-age[max_connection_age: <duration> | default = 0s]# By default, the Redis client only reads from the master node. Enabling this# option can lower pressure on the master node by randomly routing read-only# commands to the master and any available replicas.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.redis.route-randomly[route_randomly: <boolean> | default = false]embedded_cache:# Whether embedded cache is enabled.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.embedded-cache.enabled[enabled: <boolean> | default = false]# Maximum memory size of the cache in MB.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.embedded-cache.max-size-mb[max_size_mb: <int> | default = 100]# The time to live for items in the cache before they get purged.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.embedded-cache.ttl[ttl: <duration> | default = 1h]fifocache:# Maximum memory size of the cache in bytes. A unit suffix (KB, MB, GB) may be# applied.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.fifocache.max-size-bytes[max_size_bytes: <string> | default = "1GB"]# deprecated: Maximum number of entries in the cache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.fifocache.max-size-items[max_size_items: <int> | default = 0]# The time to live for items in the cache before they get purged.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.fifocache.ttl[ttl: <duration> | default = 1h]# Deprecated (use ttl instead): The expiry duration for the cache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.fifocache.duration[validity: <duration> | default = 0s]# Deprecated (use max-size-items or max-size-bytes instead): The number of# entries to cache.# CLI flag: -<prefix>.fifocache.size[size: <int> | default = 0][purgeinterval: <duration>]# The maximum number of concurrent asynchronous writeback cache can occur.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.max-async-cache-write-back-concurrency
[async_cache_write_back_concurrency: <int> | default = 16]# The maximum number of enqueued asynchronous writeback cache allowed.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.max-async-cache-write-back-buffer-size
[async_cache_write_back_buffer_size: <int> | default = 500]


# The date of the first day that index buckets should be created. Use a date in
# the past if this is your only period_config, otherwise use a date when you
# want the schema to switch over. In YYYY-MM-DD format, for example: 2018-04-15.
[from: <daytime>]# store and object_store below affect which <storage_config> key is used. Which
# index to use. Either tsdb or boltdb-shipper. Following stores are deprecated:
# aws, aws-dynamo, gcp, gcp-columnkey, bigtable, bigtable-hashed, cassandra,
# grpc.
[store: <string> | default = ""]# Which store to use for the chunks. Either aws (alias s3), azure, gcs,
# alibabacloud, bos, cos, swift, filesystem, or a named_store (refer to
# named_stores_config). Following stores are deprecated: aws-dynamo, gcp,
# gcp-columnkey, bigtable, bigtable-hashed, cassandra, grpc.
[object_store: <string> | default = ""]# The schema version to use, current recommended schema is v12.
[schema: <string> | default = ""]# Configures how the index is updated and stored.
index:# Table prefix for all period tables.[prefix: <string> | default = ""]# Table period.[period: <duration>]# A map to be added to all managed tables.[tags: <map of string to string>]# Configured how the chunks are updated and stored.
chunks:# Table prefix for all period tables.[prefix: <string> | default = ""]# Table period.[period: <duration>]# A map to be added to all managed tables.[tags: <map of string to string>]# How many shards will be created. Only used if schema is v10 or greater.
[row_shards: <int>]


# Name of OSS bucket.
# CLI flag:
[bucket: <string> | default = ""]# oss Endpoint to connect to.
# CLI flag:
[endpoint: <string> | default = ""]# alibabacloud Access Key ID
# CLI flag:
[access_key_id: <string> | default = ""]# alibabacloud Secret Access Key
# CLI flag:
[secret_access_key: <string> | default = ""]


# Name of BOS bucket.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.bos.bucket-name
[bucket_name: <string> | default = ""]# BOS endpoint to connect to.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.bos.endpoint
[endpoint: <string> | default = ""]# Baidu Cloud Engine (BCE) Access Key ID.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.bos.access-key-id
[access_key_id: <string> | default = ""]# Baidu Cloud Engine (BCE) Secret Access Key.
# CLI flag: -<prefix>.bos.secret-access-key
[secret_access_key: <string> | default = ""]


# Directory to store chunks in.
# CLI flag: -local.chunk-directory
[directory: <string> | default = ""]




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