121. 买卖股票的最佳时机
给定一个数组 prices
,它的第 i
个元素 prices[i]
表示一支给定股票第 i
你只能选择 某一天 买入这只股票,并选择在 未来的某一个不同的日子 卖出该股票。设计一个算法来计算你所能获取的最大利润。
返回你可以从这笔交易中获取的最大利润。如果你不能获取任何利润,返回 0
示例 1:
输入:[7,1,5,3,6,4] 输出:5 解释:在第 2 天(股票价格 = 1)的时候买入,在第 5 天(股票价格 = 6)的时候卖出,最大利润 = 6-1 = 5 。注意利润不能是 7-1 = 6, 因为卖出价格需要大于买入价格;同时,你不能在买入前卖出股票。
示例 2:
输入:prices = [7,6,4,3,1] 输出:0 解释:在这种情况下, 没有交易完成, 所以最大利润为 0。
1 <= prices.length <= 10^5
0 <= prices[i] <= 10^4
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {int minPrice = INT_MAX;int maxProfit = 0;for(int i = 0; i < prices.size(); i++) {if(prices[i] < minPrice) {minPrice = prices[i];} else if(prices[i] - minPrice > maxProfit) {maxProfit = prices[i] - minPrice;}}return maxProfit;}
};int main() {vector<int> prices;int temp;while(cin >> temp) {prices.push_back(temp);if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.maxProfit(prices);return 0;
122. 买卖股票的最佳时机Ⅱ
给你一个整数数组 prices
,其中 prices[i]
表示某支股票第 i
在每一天,你可以决定是否购买和/或出售股票。你在任何时候 最多 只能持有 一股 股票。你也可以先购买,然后在 同一天 出售。
返回 你能获得的 最大 利润 。
示例 1:
输入:prices = [7,1,5,3,6,4] 输出:7 解释:在第 2 天(股票价格 = 1)的时候买入,在第 3 天(股票价格 = 5)的时候卖出, 这笔交易所能获得利润 = 5 - 1 = 4 。随后,在第 4 天(股票价格 = 3)的时候买入,在第 5 天(股票价格 = 6)的时候卖出, 这笔交易所能获得利润 = 6 - 3 = 3 。总利润为 4 + 3 = 7 。
示例 2:
输入:prices = [1,2,3,4,5] 输出:4 解释:在第 1 天(股票价格 = 1)的时候买入,在第 5 天 (股票价格 = 5)的时候卖出, 这笔交易所能获得利润 = 5 - 1 = 4 。总利润为 4 。
示例 3:
输入:prices = [7,6,4,3,1] 输出:0 解释:在这种情况下, 交易无法获得正利润,所以不参与交易可以获得最大利润,最大利润为 0 。
1 <= prices.length <= 3 * 10^4
0 <= prices[i] <= 10^4
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {int n = prices.size();if(n <= 1) {return 0;}int maxProfit = 0;for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {if(prices[i] > prices[i - 1]) {maxProfit += prices[i] - prices[i - 1];}}return maxProfit;}
};int main() {int tmp;vector<int> prices;while(cin >> tmp) {prices.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.maxProfit(prices) << endl;return 0;
123. 买卖股票的最佳时机Ⅲ
给定一个数组,它的第 i
个元素是一支给定的股票在第 i
设计一个算法来计算你所能获取的最大利润。你最多可以完成 两笔 交易。
示例 1:
输入:prices = [3,3,5,0,0,3,1,4] 输出:6 解释:在第 4 天(股票价格 = 0)的时候买入,在第 6 天(股票价格 = 3)的时候卖出,这笔交易所能获得利润 = 3-0 = 3 。随后,在第 7 天(股票价格 = 1)的时候买入,在第 8 天 (股票价格 = 4)的时候卖出,这笔交易所能获得利润 = 4-1 = 3 。
示例 2:
输入:prices = [1,2,3,4,5] 输出:4 解释:在第 1 天(股票价格 = 1)的时候买入,在第 5 天 (股票价格 = 5)的时候卖出, 这笔交易所能获得利润 = 5-1 = 4 。 注意你不能在第 1 天和第 2 天接连购买股票,之后再将它们卖出。 因为这样属于同时参与了多笔交易,你必须在再次购买前出售掉之前的股票。
示例 3:
输入:prices = [7,6,4,3,1] 输出:0 解释:在这个情况下, 没有交易完成, 所以最大利润为 0。
示例 4:
输入:prices = [1] 输出:0
1 <= prices.length <= 10^5
0 <= prices[i] <= 10^5
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {int n = prices.size();if(n <= 1) {return 0;}int maxProfit = 0;vector<int> leftProfit(n, 0);vector<int> rightProfit(n, 0);int minPrice = prices[0];// 每一天左侧的最大利润 for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {minPrice = min(minPrice, prices[i]);leftProfit[i] = max(leftProfit[i - 1], prices[i] - minPrice);}int maxPrice = prices[n - 1];// 每一天右侧的最大利润 for(int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {maxPrice = max(maxPrice, prices[i]);rightProfit[i] = max(rightProfit[i + 1], maxPrice - prices[i]);}// 将左右两侧的最大利润相加,找出最大的利润值 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {maxProfit = max(maxProfit, leftProfit[i] + rightProfit[i]);}return maxProfit;}
};int main() {int tmp;vector<int> prices;while(cin >> tmp) {prices.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.maxProfit(prices) << endl;return 0;
124. 二叉树中的最大路径和
二叉树中的 路径 被定义为一条节点序列,序列中每对相邻节点之间都存在一条边。同一个节点在一条路径序列中 至多出现一次 。该路径 至少包含一个 节点,且不一定经过根节点。
路径和 是路径中各节点值的总和。
给你一个二叉树的根节点 root
,返回其 最大路径和 。
示例 1:
输入:root = [1,2,3] 输出:6 解释:最优路径是 2 -> 1 -> 3 ,路径和为 2 + 1 + 3 = 6
示例 2:
输入:root = [-10,9,20,null,null,15,7] 输出:42 解释:最优路径是 15 -> 20 -> 7 ,路径和为 15 + 20 + 7 = 42
- 树中节点数目范围是
[1, 3 * 104]
-1000 <= Node.val <= 1000
#include<queue>using namespace std;// Definition for a binary tree node
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:int maxPathSum(TreeNode* root) {int maxSum = INT_MIN;maxPathSumRecursive(root, maxSum);return maxSum;}int maxPathSumRecursive(TreeNode* node, int& maxSum) {if(node == NULL) {return 0;}int leftSum = max(0, maxPathSumRecursive(node->left, maxSum));int rightSum = max(0, maxPathSumRecursive(node->right, maxSum));int currentSum = node->val + leftSum + rightSum;maxSum = max(maxSum, currentSum);return node->val + max(leftSum, rightSum);}
};TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;cout << solution.maxPathSum(root) << endl;return 0;
125. 验证回文串
如果在将所有大写字符转换为小写字符、并移除所有非字母数字字符之后,短语正着读和反着读都一样。则可以认为该短语是一个 回文串 。
给你一个字符串 s
,如果它是 回文串 ,返回 true
;否则,返回 false
示例 1:
输入: s = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" 输出:true 解释:"amanaplanacanalpanama" 是回文串。
示例 2:
输入:s = "race a car" 输出:false 解释:"raceacar" 不是回文串。
示例 3:
输入:s = " " 输出:true 解释:在移除非字母数字字符之后,s 是一个空字符串 "" 。 由于空字符串正着反着读都一样,所以是回文串。
1 <= s.length <= 2 * 10^5
仅由可打印的 ASCII 字符组成
using namespace std;class Solution {public:bool isPalindrome(string s) {string processedStr = "";for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {if(isalnum(s[i])) {processedStr += tolower(s[i]);}}int left = 0, right = processedStr.length() - 1;while(left < right) {if(processedStr[left] != processedStr[right]) {return false;}left++;right--;}return true;}
};int main() {string str;cin >> str;Solution solution;cout << boolalpha << solution.isPalindrome(str);return 0;
126. 单词接龙Ⅱ
按字典 wordList
完成从单词 beginWord
到单词 endWord
转化,一个表示此过程的 转换序列 是形式上像 beginWord -> s1 -> s2 -> ... -> sk
- 每对相邻的单词之间仅有单个字母不同。
- 转换过程中的每个单词
(1 <= i <= k
中的单词。 sk == endWord
给你两个单词 beginWord
和 endWord
,以及一个字典 wordList
。请你找出并返回所有从 beginWord
到 endWord
的 最短转换序列 ,如果不存在这样的转换序列,返回一个空列表。每个序列都应该以单词列表 [beginWord, s1, s2, ..., sk]
示例 1:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"] 输出:[["hit","hot","dot","dog","cog"],["hit","hot","lot","log","cog"]] 解释:存在 2 种最短的转换序列: "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog" "hit" -> "hot" -> "lot" -> "log" -> "cog"
示例 2:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"] 输出:[] 解释:endWord "cog" 不在字典 wordList 中,所以不存在符合要求的转换序列。
1 <= beginWord.length <= 5
endWord.length == beginWord.length
1 <= wordList.length <= 500
wordList[i].length == beginWord.length
由小写英文字母组成beginWord != endWord
中的所有单词 互不相同
using namespace std;class Solution {public:// 使用广度优先搜索(BFS)的方法,通过逐步转换单词并在转换过程中保持跟踪路径,// 直到找到最短转换序列或者无法转换为止vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string>& wordList) {unordered_set<string> dict(wordList.begin(), wordList.end());vector<vector<string>> result;queue<vector<string>> q;q.push({beginWord});if(dict.find(endWord) == dict.end()) {return result;}bool found = false;while(!q.empty() && !found) {int size = q.size();unordered_set<string> visited;for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {vector<string> path = q.front();q.pop();string word = path.back();for(int j = 0; j < word.length(); j++) {char originalChar = word[j];for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) {if(c == originalChar) continue;word[j] = c;if(word == endWord) {path.push_back(word);result.push_back(path);found = true;}if(dict.find(word) != dict.end() && !found) {visited.insert(word);vector<string> newPath = path;newPath.push_back(word);q.push(newPath);}}word[j] = originalChar;}}for(const string& word : visited) {dict.erase(word);}}return result;}
};int main() {vector<string> wordList;string s;string beginWord, endWord;while(cin >> s) {wordList.push_back(s);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}cin >> beginWord >> endWord;Solution solution;vector<vector<string>> result = solution.findLadders(beginWord, endWord, wordList);for (const std::vector<std::string>& path : result) {for (const std::string& word : path) {std::cout << word << " ";}std::cout << std::endl;}return 0;
using namespace std;class Solution {
public:vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string> &wordList) {vector<vector<string>> res;// 因为需要快速判断扩展出的单词是否在 wordList 里,因此需要将 wordList 存入哈希表,这里命名为「字典」unordered_set<string> dict = {wordList.begin(), wordList.end()};// 修改以后看一下,如果根本就不在 dict 里面,跳过if (dict.find(endWord) == dict.end()) {return res;}// 特殊用例处理dict.erase(beginWord);// 第 1 步:广度优先搜索建图// 记录扩展出的单词是在第几次扩展的时候得到的,key:单词,value:在广度优先搜索的第几层unordered_map<string, int> steps = {{beginWord, 0}};// 记录了单词是从哪些单词扩展而来,key:单词,value:单词列表,这些单词可以变换到 key ,它们是一对多关系unordered_map<string, set<string>> from = {{beginWord, {}}};int step = 0;bool found = false;queue<string> q = queue<string>{{beginWord}};int wordLen = beginWord.length();while (!q.empty()) {step++;int size = q.size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {const string currWord = move(q.front());string nextWord = currWord;q.pop();// 将每一位替换成 26 个小写英文字母for (int j = 0; j < wordLen; ++j) {const char origin = nextWord[j];for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) {nextWord[j] = c;if (steps[nextWord] == step) {from[nextWord].insert(currWord);}if (dict.find(nextWord) == dict.end()) {continue;}// 如果从一个单词扩展出来的单词以前遍历过,距离一定更远,为了避免搜索到已经遍历到,且距离更远的单词,需要将它从 dict 中删除dict.erase(nextWord);// 这一层扩展出的单词进入队列q.push(nextWord);// 记录 nextWord 从 currWord 而来from[nextWord].insert(currWord);// 记录 nextWord 的 stepsteps[nextWord] = step;if (nextWord == endWord) {found = true;}}nextWord[j] = origin;}}if (found) {break;}}// 第 2 步:回溯找到所有解,从 endWord 恢复到 beginWord ,所以每次尝试操作 path 列表的头部if (found) {vector<string> Path = {endWord};backtrack(res, endWord, from, Path);}return res;}void backtrack(vector<vector<string>> &res, const string &Node, unordered_map<string, set<string>> &from,vector<string> &path) {if (from[Node].empty()) {res.push_back({path.rbegin(), path.rend()});return;}for (const string &Parent: from[Node]) {path.push_back(Parent);backtrack(res, Parent, from, path);path.pop_back();}}
};int main() {vector<string> wordList;string s;string beginWord, endWord;while(cin >> s) {wordList.push_back(s);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}cin >> beginWord >> endWord;Solution solution;vector<vector<string>> result = solution.findLadders(beginWord, endWord, wordList);for (const std::vector<std::string>& path : result) {for (const std::string& word : path) {std::cout << word << " ";}std::cout << std::endl;}return 0;
127. 单词接龙
字典 wordList
中从单词 beginWord
和 endWord
的 转换序列 是一个按下述规格形成的序列 beginWord -> s1 -> s2 -> ... -> sk
- 每一对相邻的单词只差一个字母。
- 对于
1 <= i <= k
中。 sk == endWord
给你两个单词 beginWord
和 endWord
和一个字典 wordList
,返回 从 beginWord
到 endWord
的 最短转换序列 中的 单词数目 。如果不存在这样的转换序列,返回 0
示例 1:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"] 输出:5 解释:一个最短转换序列是 "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog", 返回它的长度 5。
示例 2:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"] 输出:0 解释:endWord "cog" 不在字典中,所以无法进行转换。
1 <= beginWord.length <= 10
endWord.length == beginWord.length
1 <= wordList.length <= 5000
wordList[i].length == beginWord.length
由小写英文字母组成beginWord != endWord
中的所有字符串 互不相同
#include<queue>using namespace std;class Solution {public:int ladderLength(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string>& wordList) {unordered_set<string> dict(wordList.begin(), wordList.end());if(dict.find(endWord) == dict.end()) {return 0;}queue<string> q;q.push(beginWord);int level = 1;while(!q.empty()) {int size = q.size();for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {string word = q.front();q.pop();if(word == endWord) {return level;}for(int j = 0; j < word.length(); j++) {char originalChar = word[j];for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {word[j] = c;if(dict.find(word) != dict.end()) {q.push(word);dict.erase(word);}}word[j] = originalChar;}}level++;} return 0;}
};int main() {vector<string> wordList;string s;string beginWord, endWord;while(cin >> s) {wordList.push_back(s);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}cin >> beginWord >> endWord;Solution solution;cout << solution.ladderLength(beginWord, endWord, wordList);return 0;
128. 最长连续序列
给定一个未排序的整数数组 nums
请你设计并实现时间复杂度为 O(n)
示例 1:
输入:nums = [100,4,200,1,3,2] 输出:4 解释:最长数字连续序列是 [1, 2, 3, 4]。它的长度为 4。
示例 2:
输入:nums = [0,3,7,2,5,8,4,6,0,1] 输出:9
0 <= nums.length <= 10^5
-10^9 <= nums[i] <= 10^9
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) {unordered_set<int> numSet(nums.begin(), nums.end());int longestStreak = 0;for(int num : numSet) {if(numSet.find(num - 1) == numSet.end()) {// 检查这个数字是否是序列的开头int currentNum = num;int currentStreak = 1;while(numSet.find(currentNum + 1) != numSet.end()) {currentNum++;currentStreak++;} longestStreak = max(longestStreak, currentStreak);}}return longestStreak;}
}; int main() {int tmp;vector<int> nums;while(cin >> tmp) {nums.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.longestConsecutive(nums) << endl;return 0;
129. 求根节点到叶节点数字之和
给你一个二叉树的根节点 root
,树中每个节点都存放有一个 0
到 9
- 例如,从根节点到叶节点的路径
1 -> 2 -> 3
计算从根节点到叶节点生成的 所有数字之和 。
叶节点 是指没有子节点的节点。
示例 1:
输入:root = [1,2,3] 输出:25 解释: 从根到叶子节点路径 1->2,代表数字 12 从根到叶子节点路径 1->3,代表数字 13 因此,数字总和 = 12 + 13 = 25
示例 2:
输入:root = [4,9,0,5,1] 输出:1026 解释: 从根到叶子节点路径 4->9->5,代表数字 495 从根到叶子节点路径 4->9->1,代表数字 491 从根到叶子节点路径 4->0,代表数字 40 因此,数字总和 = 495 + 491 + 40 = 1026
- 树中节点的数目在范围
[1, 1000]
内 0 <= Node.val <= 9
- 树的深度不超过
#include<queue>using namespace std;// Definition for a binary tree node
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:int sumNumbers(TreeNode* root) {return dfs(root, 0);}int dfs(TreeNode* node, int currentSum) {if(node == NULL) {return 0;}currentSum = currentSum * 10 + node->val;if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL) {return currentSum;}int leftSum = dfs(node->left, currentSum);int rightSum = dfs(node->right, currentSum);return leftSum + rightSum;}
};TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;cout << solution.sumNumbers(root) << endl;return 0;
130. 被围绕的区域
给你一个 m x n
的矩阵 board
,由若干字符 'X'
和 'O'
,找到所有被 'X'
围绕的区域,并将这些区域里所有的 'O'
用 'X'
示例 1:
输入:board = [["X","X","X","X"],["X","O","O","X"],["X","X","O","X"],["X","O","X","X"]] 输出:[["X","X","X","X"],["X","X","X","X"],["X","X","X","X"],["X","O","X","X"]] 解释:被围绕的区间不会存在于边界上,换句话说,任何边界上的 'O' 都不会被填充为 'X'。 任何不在边界上,或不与边界上的 'O' 相连的 'O' 最终都会被填充为 'X'。如果两个元素在水平或垂直方向相邻,则称它们是“相连”的。
示例 2:
输入:board = [["X"]] 输出:[["X"]]
m == board.length
n == board[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 200
using namespace std;class Solution {public:void solve(vector<vector<char>>& board) {if(board.empty() || board[0].empty()) {return;}int m = board.size();int n = board[0].size();// mark '0' on the boundaries and connect to boundariesfor(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {markBoundary(board, i, 0);markBoundary(board, i, n - 1);}for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {markBoundary(board, 0, j);markBoundary(board, m - 1, j);}// convert marked '0's back to '0' and unmarked '0's to 'X'for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {if(board[i][j] == '0') {board[i][j] = 'X';} else if(board[i][j] == '#') {board[i][j] = '0';}}}}void markBoundary(vector<vector<char>>& board, int i, int j) {if(i < 0 || i >= board.size() || j < 0 || j >= board[0].size() || board[i][j] != '0') {return;}board[i][j] = '#';markBoundary(board, i - 1, j);markBoundary(board, i + 1, j);markBoundary(board, i, j - 1);markBoundary(board, i, j + 1);}
};int main() {int m, n;cin >> m >> n;vector<vector<char>> board(m, vector<char>(n));for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {cin >> board[i][j];}}Solution solution;solution.solve(board);for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {cout << board[i][j] << " ";}cout << endl;}return 0;
131. 分割回文串
给你一个字符串 s
,请你将 s
分割成一些子串,使每个子串都是 回文串 。返回 s
示例 1:
输入:s = "aab" 输出:[["a","a","b"],["aa","b"]]
示例 2:
输入:s = "a" 输出:[["a"]]
1 <= s.length <= 16
using namespace std;class Solution {public:vector<vector<string>> partition(string s) {vector<vector<string>> result;vector<string> current;backtrack(result, current, s, 0);return result;}void backtrack(vector<vector<string>>& result, vector<string>& current, string& s, int start) {if(start == s.length()) {result.push_back(current);return;}for(int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) {if(isPalindrome(s, start, i)) {string substring = s.substr(start, i - start + 1);current.push_back(substring);backtrack(result, current, s, i + 1);current.pop_back();}}}bool isPalindrome(string& s, int start, int end) {while(start < end) {if(s[start] != s[end]) {return false;}start++;end--;}return true;}
};int main() {string s;cin >> s;Solution solution;vector<vector<string>> result = solution.partition(s);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {cout << "[";for(int j = 0; j < result[i].size(); j++) {if(j == result[i].size() - 1) {cout << result[i][j];} else {cout << result[i][j] << " ";}}if(i == result.size() - 1) {cout << "]";} else {cout << "], ";}} cout << "]";return 0;
132. 分割回文串Ⅱ
给你一个字符串 s
,请你将 s
返回符合要求的 最少分割次数 。
示例 1:
输入:s = "aab" 输出:1 解释:只需一次分割就可将 s 分割成 ["aa","b"] 这样两个回文子串。
示例 2:
输入:s = "a" 输出:0
示例 3:
输入:s = "ab" 输出:1
1 <= s.length <= 2000
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int minCut(string s) {int n = s.size();vector<vector<bool>> isPalindrome(n, vector<bool>(n, false));vector<int> dp(n, 0);for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {int minCut = i;for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {if(s[j] == s[i] && (i - j <= 2 || isPalindrome[j + 1][i - 1])) {isPalindrome[j][i] = true;minCut = (j == 0) ? 0 : min(minCut, dp[j - 1] + 1);}}dp[i] = minCut; // 将字符串s的前i+1个字符分割成回文子串的最少次数 }return dp[n - 1];}
aint main() {string s;cin >> s;Solution solution;cout << solution.minCut(s) << endl;return 0;
133. 克隆图
给你无向 连通 图中一个节点的引用,请你返回该图的 深拷贝(克隆)。
图中的每个节点都包含它的值 val
) 和其邻居的列表(list[Node]
class Node {public int val;public List<Node> neighbors; }
简单起见,每个节点的值都和它的索引相同。例如,第一个节点值为 1(val = 1
),第二个节点值为 2(val = 2
邻接列表 是用于表示有限图的无序列表的集合。每个列表都描述了图中节点的邻居集。
给定节点将始终是图中的第一个节点(值为 1)。你必须将 给定节点的拷贝 作为对克隆图的引用返回。
示例 1:
输入:adjList = [[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]] 输出:[[2,4],[1,3],[2,4],[1,3]] 解释: 图中有 4 个节点。 节点 1 的值是 1,它有两个邻居:节点 2 和 4 。 节点 2 的值是 2,它有两个邻居:节点 1 和 3 。 节点 3 的值是 3,它有两个邻居:节点 2 和 4 。 节点 4 的值是 4,它有两个邻居:节点 1 和 3 。
示例 2:
输入:adjList = [[]] 输出:[[]] 解释:输入包含一个空列表。该图仅仅只有一个值为 1 的节点,它没有任何邻居。
示例 3:
输入:adjList = [] 输出:[] 解释:这个图是空的,它不含任何节点。
- 这张图中的节点数在
[0, 100]
之间。 1 <= Node.val <= 100
- 每个节点值
都是唯一的, - 图中没有重复的边,也没有自环。
- 图是连通图,你可以从给定节点访问到所有节点。
using namespace std;class Node {public:int val;vector<Node*> neighbors;Node() {val = 0;neighbors = vector<Node*>();}Node(int _val) {val = _val;neighbors = vector<Node*>();}Node(int _val, vector<Node*> _neighbors) {val = _val;neighbors = _neighbors;}
};class Solution {public:Node* cloneGraph(Node* node) {if(!node) {return NULL;}// 存储已经访问过的节点及其对应的克隆节点 unordered_map<Node*, Node*> visited;return cloneNode(node, visited);}// 对于每个节点,我们递归的克隆其邻居节点,并将克隆节点添加到当前节点的邻居列表中,最后返回克隆图的起始节点 Node* cloneNode(Node* node, unordered_map<Node*, Node*>& visited) {if(visited.find(node) != visited.end()) {return visited[node];}Node* newNode = new Node(node->val);visited[node] = newNode;for(Node* neighbor : node->neighbors) {newNode->neighbors.push_back(cloneNode(neighbor, visited));}return newNode;}
};int main() {// 从控制台输入测试用例vector<vector<int>> adjList = {{2, 4}, {1, 3}, {2, 4}, {1, 3}};// 创建图vector<Node*> nodes;for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); ++i) {nodes.push_back(new Node(i + 1));}for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); ++i) {for (int j = 0; j < adjList[i].size(); ++j) {nodes[i]->neighbors.push_back(nodes[adjList[i][j] - 1]);}}// 深度拷贝图Solution solution;Node* clonedNode = solution.cloneGraph(nodes[1]);// 输出克隆图的邻居节点值for (Node* neighbor : clonedNode->neighbors) {cout << neighbor->val << " ";}return 0;
134. 加油站
在一条环路上有 n
个加油站,其中第 i
个加油站有汽油 gas[i]
你有一辆油箱容量无限的的汽车,从第 i
个加油站开往第 i+1
个加油站需要消耗汽油 cost[i]
给定两个整数数组 gas
和 cost
,如果你可以按顺序绕环路行驶一周,则返回出发时加油站的编号,否则返回 -1
。如果存在解,则 保证 它是 唯一 的。
示例 1:
输入: gas = [1,2,3,4,5], cost = [3,4,5,1,2] 输出: 3 解释: 从 3 号加油站(索引为 3 处)出发,可获得 4 升汽油。此时油箱有 = 0 + 4 = 4 升汽油 开往 4 号加油站,此时油箱有 4 - 1 + 5 = 8 升汽油 开往 0 号加油站,此时油箱有 8 - 2 + 1 = 7 升汽油 开往 1 号加油站,此时油箱有 7 - 3 + 2 = 6 升汽油 开往 2 号加油站,此时油箱有 6 - 4 + 3 = 5 升汽油 开往 3 号加油站,你需要消耗 5 升汽油,正好足够你返回到 3 号加油站。 因此,3 可为起始索引。
示例 2:
输入: gas = [2,3,4], cost = [3,4,3] 输出: -1 解释: 你不能从 0 号或 1 号加油站出发,因为没有足够的汽油可以让你行驶到下一个加油站。 我们从 2 号加油站出发,可以获得 4 升汽油。 此时油箱有 = 0 + 4 = 4 升汽油 开往 0 号加油站,此时油箱有 4 - 3 + 2 = 3 升汽油 开往 1 号加油站,此时油箱有 3 - 3 + 3 = 3 升汽油 你无法返回 2 号加油站,因为返程需要消耗 4 升汽油,但是你的油箱只有 3 升汽油。 因此,无论怎样,你都不可能绕环路行驶一周。
gas.length == n
cost.length == n
1 <= n <= 10^5
0 <= gas[i], cost[i] <= 10^4
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int canCompleteCircuit(vector<int>& gas, vector<int>& cost) {int total_tank = 0;int curr_tank = 0;int starting_station = 0;for(int i = 0; i < gas.size(); i++) {total_tank += gas[i] - cost[i];curr_tank += gas[i] - cost[i];if(curr_tank < 0) {starting_station = i + 1;curr_tank = 0;}}return total_tank >= 0 ? starting_station : -1; }
};int main() {vector<int> gas, cost;int tmp;while(cin >> tmp) {gas.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;}}while(cin >> tmp) {cost.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;}}Solution solution;cout << solution.canCompleteCircuit(gas, cost);return 0;
135. 分发糖果
个孩子站成一排。给你一个整数数组 ratings
- 每个孩子至少分配到
个糖果。 - 相邻两个孩子评分更高的孩子会获得更多的糖果。
请你给每个孩子分发糖果,计算并返回需要准备的 最少糖果数目 。
示例 1:
输入:ratings = [1,0,2] 输出:5 解释:你可以分别给第一个、第二个、第三个孩子分发 2、1、2 颗糖果。
示例 2:
输入:ratings = [1,2,2] 输出:4 解释:你可以分别给第一个、第二个、第三个孩子分发 1、2、1 颗糖果。第三个孩子只得到 1 颗糖果,这满足题面中的两个条件。
n == ratings.length
1 <= n <= 2 * 10^4
0 <= ratings[i] <= 2 * 10^4
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int candy(vector<int>& ratings) {int n = ratings.size();vector<int> candies(n, 1);for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {if(ratings[i] > ratings[i - 1]) {candies[i] = candies[i - 1] + 1;}}for(int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {if(ratings[i] > ratings[i + 1]) {candies[i] = max(candies[i], candies[i + 1] + 1);}}int total = 0;for(int candy : candies) {total += candy;}return total;}
};int main() {vector<int> ratings;int tmp;while(cin >> tmp) {ratings.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;}}Solution solution;cout << solution.candy(ratings) << endl;return 0;
136. 只出现一次的数字
给你一个 非空 整数数组 nums
示例 1 :
输入:nums = [2,2,1] 输出:1
示例 2 :
输入:nums = [4,1,2,1,2] 输出:4
示例 3 :
输入:nums = [1] 输出:1
1 <= nums.length <= 3 * 10^4
-3 * 10^4 <= nums[i] <= 3 * 10^4
- 除了某个元素只出现一次以外,其余每个元素均出现两次。
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {int result = 0;for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {result ^= nums[i]; // 相同为0,相异为1 }return result;}
};int main() {int temp;vector<int> nums;while(cin >> temp) {nums.push_back(temp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.singleNumber(nums);return 0;
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {return accumulate(nums.begin(),nums.end(),0,bit_xor<int>());}
};int main() {int temp;vector<int> nums;while(cin >> temp) {nums.push_back(temp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.singleNumber(nums);return 0;
137. 只出现一次的数Ⅱ
给你一个整数数组 nums
,除某个元素仅出现 一次 外,其余每个元素都恰出现 三次 。请你找出并返回那个只出现了一次的元素。
示例 1:
输入:nums = [2,2,3,2] 输出:3
示例 2:
输入:nums = [0,1,0,1,0,1,99] 输出:99
1 <= nums.length <= 3 * 10^4
-2^31 <= nums[i] <= 2^31 - 1
中,除某个元素仅出现 一次 外,其余每个元素都恰出现 三次
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int singleNumber(vector<int>& nums) {int seen_once = 0;int seen_twice = 0;for(int num : nums) {seen_once = ~seen_twice & (seen_once ^ num); // 当前元素num出现的次数为1次 seen_twice = ~seen_once & (seen_twice ^ num); // 当前元素num出现的次数为2次 }return seen_once;}
};int main() {vector<int> nums;int tmp;while(cin >> tmp) {nums.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n')break;}Solution solution;cout << solution.singleNumber(nums);return 0;
138. 随机链表的复制
给你一个长度为 n
的链表,每个节点包含一个额外增加的随机指针 random
构造这个链表的 深拷贝。 深拷贝应该正好由 n
个 全新 节点组成,其中每个新节点的值都设为其对应的原节点的值。新节点的 next
指针和 random
指针也都应指向复制链表中的新节点,并使原链表和复制链表中的这些指针能够表示相同的链表状态。复制链表中的指针都不应指向原链表中的节点 。
例如,如果原链表中有 X
和 Y
两个节点,其中 X.random --> Y
。那么在复制链表中对应的两个节点 x
和 y
,同样有 x.random --> y
用一个由 n
个节点组成的链表来表示输入/输出中的链表。每个节点用一个 [val, random_index]
你的代码 只 接受原链表的头节点 head
示例 1:
输入:head = [[7,null],[13,0],[11,4],[10,2],[1,0]] 输出:[[7,null],[13,0],[11,4],[10,2],[1,0]]
示例 2:
输入:head = [[1,1],[2,1]] 输出:[[1,1],[2,1]]
示例 3:
输入:head = [[3,null],[3,0],[3,null]] 输出:[[3,null],[3,0],[3,null]]
0 <= n <= 1000
-10^4 <= Node.val <= 10^4
using namespace std;// Definition for a node
class Node {public:int val;Node* next;Node* random;Node(int _val) {val = _val;next = NULL;random = NULL;}
};class Solution {public:Node* copyRandomList(Node* head) {if(!head) {return NULL;}unordered_map<Node*, Node*> nodeMap;Node* cur = head;// 第一遍循环,复制每个结点的值并创建新结点while(cur) {nodeMap[cur] = new Node(cur->val);cur = cur->next;} cur = head;// 第二遍循环,连接新结点的next和random指针while(cur) {nodeMap[cur]->next = nodeMap[cur->next];nodeMap[cur]->random = nodeMap[cur->random];cur = cur->next;} return nodeMap[head];}
Node* createList() {Node* head = NULL;Node* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {Node* newNode = new Node(val);if(head == NULL) {head = newNode;current = newNode;} else {current->next = newNode;current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;} }return head;
}*/int main() {Node* node1 = new Node(7);Node* node2 = new Node(13);Node* node3 = new Node(11);Node* node4 = new Node(10);Node* node5 = new Node(1);node1->next = node2;node2->next = node3;node3->next = node4;node4->next = node5;node1->random = NULL;node2->random = node1;node3->random = node5;node4->random = node3;node5->random = node1;Solution solution;Node* copiedHead = solution.copyRandomList(node1);return 0;
139. 单词拆分
给你一个字符串 s
和一个字符串列表 wordDict
作为字典。如果可以利用字典中出现的一个或多个单词拼接出 s
则返回 true
示例 1:
输入: s = "leetcode", wordDict = ["leet", "code"] 输出: true 解释: 返回 true 因为 "leetcode" 可以由 "leet" 和 "code" 拼接成。
示例 2:
输入: s = "applepenapple", wordDict = ["apple", "pen"] 输出: true 解释: 返回 true 因为 "applepenapple" 可以由 "apple" "pen" "apple" 拼接成。注意,你可以重复使用字典中的单词。
示例 3:
输入: s = "catsandog", wordDict = ["cats", "dog", "sand", "and", "cat"] 输出: false
1 <= s.length <= 300
1 <= wordDict.length <= 1000
1 <= wordDict[i].length <= 20
中的所有字符串 互不相同
using namespace std;class Solution {public:bool wordBreak(string s, vector<string>& wordDict) {unordered_set<string> dict(wordDict.begin(), wordDict.end());int n = s.size();// dp[i]表示s的前i个字符是否可以被拆分成字典中的单词vector<bool> dp(n + 1, false);dp[0] = true;for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {if(dp[j] && dict.count(s.substr(j, i - j))) {dp[i] = true;break;}}}return dp[n];}
};int main() {string s, tmp;vector<string> wordDict;cin >> s;while(cin >> tmp) {wordDict.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}Solution solution;cout << boolalpha << solution.wordBreak(s, wordDict) << endl;return 0;
140. 单词拆分Ⅱ
给定一个字符串 s
和一个字符串字典 wordDict
,在字符串 s
中增加空格来构建一个句子,使得句子中所有的单词都在词典中。以任意顺序 返回所有这些可能的句子。
示例 1:
输入:s = "catsanddog", wordDict = ["cat","cats","and","sand","dog"] 输出:["cats and dog","cat sand dog"]
示例 2:
输入:s = "pineapplepenapple", wordDict = ["apple","pen","applepen","pine","pineapple"] 输出:["pine apple pen apple","pineapple pen apple","pine applepen apple"] 解释: 注意你可以重复使用字典中的单词。
示例 3:
输入:s = "catsandog", wordDict = ["cats","dog","sand","and","cat"] 输出:[]
1 <= s.length <= 20
1 <= wordDict.length <= 1000
1 <= wordDict[i].length <= 10
中所有字符串都 不同
using namespace std;class Solution {public:vector<string> wordBreak(string s, vector<string>& wordDict) {unordered_set<string> dict(wordDict.begin(), wordDict.end());vector<string> result;backtrack(s, 0, wordDict, dict, "", result);return result;}void backtrack(string s, int start, vector<string>& wordDict, unordered_set<string>& dict, string path, vector<string>& result) {if(start == s.length()) {result.push_back(path);return;}for(int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) {string word = s.substr(start, i - start + 1);if(dict.count(word)) {string newPath = path.empty() ? word : path + " " + word;backtrack(s, i + 1, wordDict, dict, newPath, result);}}}
};int main() {string s, tmp;vector<string> wordDict;cin >> s;while(cin >> tmp) {wordDict.push_back(tmp);if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}Solution solution;vector<string> result = solution.wordBreak(s, wordDict);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {if(i == result.size() - 1) {cout << "\"" << result[i] << "\"";} else {cout << "\"" << result[i] << "\", ";}}cout << "]";return 0;
141. 环形链表
给你一个链表的头节点 head
如果链表中有某个节点,可以通过连续跟踪 next
指针再次到达,则链表中存在环。 为了表示给定链表中的环,评测系统内部使用整数 pos
来表示链表尾连接到链表中的位置(索引从 0 开始)。注意:pos
不作为参数进行传递 。仅仅是为了标识链表的实际情况。
如果链表中存在环 ,则返回 true
。 否则,返回 false
示例 1:
输入:head = [3,2,0,-4], pos = 1 输出:true 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第二个节点。
示例 2:
输入:head = [1,2], pos = 0 输出:true 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第一个节点。
示例 3:
输入:head = [1], pos = -1 输出:false 解释:链表中没有环。
- 链表中节点的数目范围是
[0, 10^4]
-10^5 <= Node.val <= 10^5
或者链表中的一个 有效索引 。
using namespace std;struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
};class Solution {public:bool hasCycle(ListNode *head) { // 快慢指针法ListNode *slow = head;ListNode *fast = head;while(fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) {slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;if(slow == fast) return true;}return false;}
};ListNode* buildLinkedList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {if(head == NULL) {head = new ListNode(val);current = head;} else{current->next = new ListNode(val);current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = buildLinkedList();;Solution solution;cout << boolalpha << solution.hasCycle(head);return 0;
142. 环形链表Ⅱ
给定一个链表的头节点 head
,返回链表开始入环的第一个节点。 如果链表无环,则返回 null
如果链表中有某个节点,可以通过连续跟踪 next
指针再次到达,则链表中存在环。 为了表示给定链表中的环,评测系统内部使用整数 pos
来表示链表尾连接到链表中的位置(索引从 0 开始)。如果 pos
是 -1
不允许修改 链表。
示例 1:
输入:head = [3,2,0,-4], pos = 1 输出:返回索引为 1 的链表节点 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第二个节点。
示例 2:
输入:head = [1,2], pos = 0 输出:返回索引为 0 的链表节点 解释:链表中有一个环,其尾部连接到第一个节点。
示例 3:
输入:head = [1], pos = -1 输出:返回 null 解释:链表中没有环。
- 链表中节点的数目范围在范围
[0, 104]
内 -10^5 <= Node.val <= 10^5
进阶:你是否可以使用 O(1)
using namespace std;struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
};class Solution {public:ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) {return NULL;}ListNode *slow = head;ListNode *fast = head;while(fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) {slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;if(slow == fast) {ListNode *slow2 = head;while(slow2 != slow) {slow = slow->next;slow2 = slow2->next;}return slow;}}return NULL;}
};ListNode* buildLinkedList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {if(head == NULL) {head = new ListNode(val);current = head;} else{current->next = new ListNode(val);current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = buildLinkedList();;Solution solution;ListNode *cycleStart = solution.detectCycle(head);if(cycleStart != NULL) cout << cycleStart->val;elsecout << "null";return 0;
143. 重排链表
给定一个单链表 L
的头节点 head
,单链表 L
L0 → L1 → … → Ln - 1 → Ln
L0 → Ln → L1 → Ln - 1 → L2 → Ln - 2 → …
示例 1:
输入:head = [1,2,3,4] 输出:[1,4,2,3]
示例 2:
输入:head = [1,2,3,4,5] 输出:[1,5,2,4,3]
- 链表的长度范围为
[1, 5 * 10^4]
1 <= node.val <= 1000
using namespace std;// definition for singly-linked list
struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode() : val(0), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
};class Solution {public:void reorderList(ListNode* head) {if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL) return;vector<ListNode*> nodes;ListNode* current = head;while(current != NULL) {nodes.push_back(current);current = current->next;}int left = 0; int right = nodes.size() - 1;while(left < right) {nodes[left]->next = nodes[right];left++;if(left == right) break;nodes[right]->next = nodes[left];right--;}nodes[left]->next = NULL;}
};ListNode* buildLinkedList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {if(head == NULL) {head = new ListNode(val);current = head;} else{current->next = new ListNode(val);current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') break;}return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = buildLinkedList();;Solution solution;solution.reorderList(head);ListNode *current = head;while(current != NULL) {cout << current->val << " ";current = current->next;}return 0;
144. 二叉树的前序遍历
给你二叉树的根节点 root
,返回它节点值的 前序 遍历。
示例 1:
输入:root = [1,null,2,3] 输出:[1,2,3]
示例 2:
输入:root = [] 输出:[]
示例 3:
输入:root = [1] 输出:[1]
示例 4:
输入:root = [1,2] 输出:[1,2]
示例 5:
输入:root = [1,null,2] 输出:[1,2]
- 树中节点数目在范围
[0, 100]
内 -100 <= Node.val <= 100
using namespace std;//Definition for a binary tree node.
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:vector<int> preorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {vector<int> result;if(root == NULL)return result;vector<int> left = preorderTraversal(root->left);vector<int> right = preorderTraversal(root->right);result.push_back(root->val);result.insert(result.end(), left.begin(), left.end());result.insert(result.end(), right.begin(), right.end());return result;}
};// Function to create a binary tree from user input
TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;if(rootVal == -1)return NULL;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;vector<int> result = solution.preorderTraversal(root);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size() - 1; i++) {cout << result[i] << ", ";}cout << result[result.size() - 1];cout << "]";return 0;
using namespace std;// Definition for a binary tree node
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:vector<int> preorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {vector<int> result;if(root == NULL)return result;stack<TreeNode*> st;st.push(root);while(!st.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = st.top();st.pop();result.push_back(curr->val);if(curr->right != NULL) { // 后进先出 st.push(curr->right);} if(curr->left != NULL) {st.push(curr->left);}}return result;}
};// Function to create a binary tree from user input
TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;if(rootVal == -1)return NULL;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;vector<int> result = solution.preorderTraversal(root);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size() - 1; i++) {cout << result[i] << ", ";}cout << result[result.size() - 1];cout << "]";return 0;
145. 二叉树的后序遍历
给你一棵二叉树的根节点 root
,返回其节点值的 后序遍历 。
示例 1:
输入:root = [1,null,2,3] 输出:[3,2,1]
示例 2:
输入:root = [] 输出:[]
示例 3:
输入:root = [1] 输出:[1]
- 树中节点的数目在范围
[0, 100]
内 -100 <= Node.val <= 100
using namespace std;// Definition for a binary tree node
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:vector<int> postorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {vector<int> result;if(root == NULL)return result;vector<int> left = postorderTraversal(root->left);vector<int> right = postorderTraversal(root->right);result.insert(result.end(), left.begin(), left.end());result.insert(result.end(), right.begin(), right.end());result.push_back(root->val);return result;}
};// Function to create a binary tree from user input
TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;if(rootVal == -1)return NULL;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;vector<int> result = solution.postorderTraversal(root);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {if(i == result.size() - 1) {cout << result[i];} else{cout << result[i] << ", ";}}cout << "]";return 0;
using namespace std;// Definition for a binary tree node
struct TreeNode {int val;TreeNode *left;TreeNode *right;TreeNode() : val(0), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}TreeNode(int x, TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right) : val(x), left(left), right(right) {}
};class Solution {public:vector<int> postorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {vector<int> result;if(root == NULL)return result;stack<TreeNode*> st;st.push(root);stack<int> output; // 用于存储后序遍历的结果 while(!st.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = st.top();st.pop();output.push(curr->val); // 将节点值存入output栈 if(curr->left != NULL) { st.push(curr->left);} if(curr->right != NULL) {st.push(curr->right);}}// 从output栈中将结果取出,即为后序遍历的倒序结果 while(!output.empty()) {result.push_back(output.top());output.pop();}return result;}
};// Function to create a binary tree from user input
TreeNode* createBinaryTree() {cout << "Enter the value of the root node: ";int rootVal;cin >> rootVal;if(rootVal == -1)return NULL;TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(rootVal);queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);while (!q.empty()) {TreeNode* curr = q.front();q.pop();cout << "Enter the left child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int leftVal;cin >> leftVal;if (leftVal != -1) {curr->left = new TreeNode(leftVal);q.push(curr->left);}cout << "Enter the right child of '" << curr->val << "' (or -1 if none): ";int rightVal;cin >> rightVal;if (rightVal != -1) {curr->right = new TreeNode(rightVal);q.push(curr->right);}}return root;
}int main() {TreeNode *root = createBinaryTree();Solution solution;vector<int> result = solution.postorderTraversal(root);cout << "[";for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {if(i == result.size() - 1) {cout << result[i];} else{cout << result[i] << ", ";}}cout << "]";return 0;
146. LRU缓存
请你设计并实现一个满足 LRU (最近最少使用) 缓存 约束的数据结构。
实现 LRUCache
LRUCache(int capacity)
以 正整数 作为容量capacity
初始化 LRU 缓存int get(int key)
。void put(int key, int value)
,则应该 逐出 最久未使用的关键字。
函数 get
和 put
必须以 O(1)
输入 ["LRUCache", "put", "put", "get", "put", "get", "put", "get", "get", "get"] [[2], [1, 1], [2, 2], [1], [3, 3], [2], [4, 4], [1], [3], [4]] 输出 [null, null, null, 1, null, -1, null, -1, 3, 4]解释 LRUCache lRUCache = new LRUCache(2); lRUCache.put(1, 1); // 缓存是 {1=1} lRUCache.put(2, 2); // 缓存是 {1=1, 2=2} lRUCache.get(1); // 返回 1 lRUCache.put(3, 3); // 该操作会使得关键字 2 作废,缓存是 {1=1, 3=3} lRUCache.get(2); // 返回 -1 (未找到) lRUCache.put(4, 4); // 该操作会使得关键字 1 作废,缓存是 {4=4, 3=3} lRUCache.get(1); // 返回 -1 (未找到) lRUCache.get(3); // 返回 3 lRUCache.get(4); // 返回 4
1 <= capacity <= 3000
0 <= key <= 10000
0 <= value <= 10^5
- 最多调用
2 * 10^5
using namespace std;class LRUCache {private:int capacity;unordered_map<int, pair<int, list<int>::iterator>> cache; // key -> (value, iterator)list<int> keys; // 保存所有的key,最近使用的在前面public:LRUCache(int capacity) {this->capacity = capacity;} int get(int key) {if(cache.find(key) == cache.end()) {return -1;}// 将当前访问的key移动到keys的最前面keys.erase(cache[key].second);keys.push_back(key);cache[key].second = keys.begin();return cache[key].first; }void put(int key, int value) {if(cache.find(key) != cache.end()) {// key已存在,更新value并将其移动到keys的最前面keys.erase(cache[key].second); } else {if(cache.size() >= capacity) {// 缓存已满,移除最近最少使用的keyint leastUsedKey = keys.back();keys.pop_back();cache.erase(leastUsedKey); }}keys.push_front(key);cache[key] = {value, keys.begin()};}
};int main() {LRUCache* obj = new LRUCache(2);obj->put(1, 1);obj->put(2, 2);cout << obj->get(1) << endl;obj->put(3, 3);cout << obj->get(2) << endl;obj->put(4, 4);cout << obj->get(1) << endl;cout << obj->get(3) << endl;cout << obj->get(4) << endl;return 0;
147. 对链表进行插入排序
给定单个链表的头 head
,使用 插入排序 对链表进行排序,并返回 排序后链表的头 。
插入排序 算法的步骤:
- 插入排序是迭代的,每次只移动一个元素,直到所有元素可以形成一个有序的输出列表。
- 每次迭代中,插入排序只从输入数据中移除一个待排序的元素,找到它在序列中适当的位置,并将其插入。
- 重复直到所有输入数据插入完为止。
示例 1:
输入: head = [4,2,1,3] 输出: [1,2,3,4]
示例 2:
输入: head = [-1,5,3,4,0] 输出: [-1,0,3,4,5]
- 列表中的节点数在
[1, 5000]
范围内 -5000 <= Node.val <= 5000
using namespace std;// definition for singly-linked list
struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode() : val(0), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x, ListNode* next) : val(x), next(next) {}
};class Solution {public:ListNode* insertionSortList(ListNode* head) {if(!head || !head->next) {return head;}ListNode* dummy = new ListNode(0);dummy->next = head;ListNode* cur = head; // 当前节点ListNode* prev = dummy; // 当前节点的前一个节点while(cur) {if(cur->next && cur->next->val < cur->val) {// 如果下一个节点的值小于当前节点的值,则需要将下一个节点插入到合适的位置while(prev->next && prev->next->val < cur->next->val) {prev = prev->next;} // 将下一个节点插入到合适的位置ListNode* temp = prev->next;prev->next = cur->next;cur->next = cur->next->next;prev->next->next = temp;prev = dummy; // 重置prev为虚拟头节点 } else {// 下一个节点的值不小于当前节点的值,则继续向后遍历 cur = cur->next;} } return dummy->next; }
};ListNode* createList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {ListNode* newNode = new ListNode(val);if(head == NULL) {head = newNode;current = newNode;} else {current->next = newNode;current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;} }return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = createList();Solution solution;ListNode* res = solution.insertionSortList(head);while(res) {cout << res->val << " ";res = res->next;}return 0;
148. 排序链表
给你链表的头结点 head
,请将其按 升序 排列并返回 排序后的链表 。
示例 1:
输入:head = [4,2,1,3] 输出:[1,2,3,4]
示例 2:
输入:head = [-1,5,3,4,0] 输出:[-1,0,3,4,5]
示例 3:
输入:head = [] 输出:[]
- 链表中节点的数目在范围
[0, 5 * 10^4]
内 -10^5 <= Node.val <= 10^5
进阶:你可以在 O(nlogn)
using namespace std;// definition for singly-linked list
struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode() : val(0), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x, ListNode* next) : val(x), next(next) {}
};class Solution {public:ListNode* sortList(ListNode* head) {// 将链表的值提取到一个vector中,对其进行排序,然后再构建一个新的排好序的链表 if(!head || !head->next) {return head;}vector<int> values;ListNode* current = head;while(current) {values.push_back(current->val);current = current->next;}sort(values.begin(), values.end());ListNode* newHead = new ListNode(values[0]);ListNode* temp = newHead;for(int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {temp->next = new ListNode(values[i]);temp = temp->next;}return newHead;}
};ListNode* createList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {ListNode* newNode = new ListNode(val);if(head == NULL) {head = newNode;current = newNode;} else {current->next = newNode;current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;} }return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = createList();Solution solution;ListNode* res = solution.sortList(head);while(res) {cout << res->val << " ";res = res->next;}return 0;
using namespace std;// definition for singly-linked list
struct ListNode {int val;ListNode *next;ListNode() : val(0), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}ListNode(int x, ListNode* next) : val(x), next(next) {}
};class Solution {public:ListNode* sortList(ListNode* head) {if(!head || !head->next) {return head;}ListNode *middle = findMiddle(head);ListNode* secondHalf = middle->next;middle->next = NULL;ListNode* sortedFirstHalf = sortList(head);ListNode* sortedSecondHalf = sortList(secondHalf);return merge(sortedFirstHalf, sortedSecondHalf);}ListNode* findMiddle(ListNode* head) {// 快慢指针法 ListNode* slow = head;ListNode* fast = head->next;while(fast && fast->next) {slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;}return slow;}ListNode* merge(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {ListNode dummy(0);ListNode* current = &dummy;while(l1 && l2) {if(l1->val < l2->val) {current->next = l1;l1 = l1->next;} else {current->next = l2;l2 = l2->next;}current = current->next;}// 处理剩下的节点 current->next = l1 ? l1 : l2;return dummy.next;}
};ListNode* createList() {ListNode* head = NULL;ListNode* current = NULL;int val;while(cin >> val) {ListNode* newNode = new ListNode(val);if(head == NULL) {head = newNode;current = newNode;} else {current->next = newNode;current = current->next;}if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;} }return head;
}int main() {ListNode* head = createList();Solution solution;ListNode* res = solution.sortList(head);while(res) {cout << res->val << " ";res = res->next;}return 0;
149. 直线上最多的点
给你一个数组 points
,其中 points[i] = [xi, yi]
表示 X-Y 平面上的一个点。求最多有多少个点在同一条直线上。
示例 1:
输入:points = [[1,1],[2,2],[3,3]] 输出:3
示例 2:
输入:points = [[1,1],[3,2],[5,3],[4,1],[2,3],[1,4]] 输出:4
1 <= points.length <= 300
points[i].length == 2
-10^4 <= xi, yi <= 10^4
中的所有点 互不相同
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int maxPoints(vector<vector<int>>& points) {int n = points.size();if(n <= 2) {return n;}int maxPointsOnLine = 2;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {unordered_map<string, int> slopeCount;int duplicatePoints = 0;int localMaxPoints = 1;for(int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {int dx = points[j][0] - points[i][0];int dy = points[j][1] - points[i][1];if(dx == 0 && dy == 0) {// 重复的点duplicatePoints++;continue;}int gcdValue = gcd(dx, dy);// 斜率// (计算斜率时,要考虑斜率的精度问题,因为浮点数计算可能会导致精度误差,为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用最大公约数来表示斜率,以避免精度误差)string slope = to_string(dx / gcdValue) + "_" + to_string(dy / gcdValue);// 斜率相同,即在同一条直线上slopeCount[slope]++;localMaxPoints = max(localMaxPoints, slopeCount[slope] + 1);}maxPointsOnLine = max(maxPointsOnLine, localMaxPoints + duplicatePoints);}return maxPointsOnLine;}int gcd(int a, int b) {return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);}
};int main() {vector<vector<int>> points;int x, y;while(cin >> x) {cin >> y;points.push_back({x, y});if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;}}Solution solution;cout << solution.maxPoints(points) << endl;return 0;
150. 逆波兰表达式求值
给你一个字符串数组 tokens
,表示一个根据 逆波兰表示法 表示的算术表达式。
- 有效的算符为
。 - 每个操作数(运算对象)都可以是一个整数或者另一个表达式。
- 两个整数之间的除法总是 向零截断 。
- 表达式中不含除零运算。
- 输入是一个根据逆波兰表示法表示的算术表达式。
- 答案及所有中间计算结果可以用 32 位 整数表示。
示例 1:
输入:tokens = ["2","1","+","3","*"] 输出:9 解释:该算式转化为常见的中缀算术表达式为:((2 + 1) * 3) = 9
示例 2:
输入:tokens = ["4","13","5","/","+"] 输出:6 解释:该算式转化为常见的中缀算术表达式为:(4 + (13 / 5)) = 6
示例 3:
输入:tokens = ["10","6","9","3","+","-11","*","/","*","17","+","5","+"] 输出:22 解释:该算式转化为常见的中缀算术表达式为:((10 * (6 / ((9 + 3) * -11))) + 17) + 5 = ((10 * (6 / (12 * -11))) + 17) + 5 = ((10 * (6 / -132)) + 17) + 5 = ((10 * 0) + 17) + 5 = (0 + 17) + 5 = 17 + 5 = 22
1 <= tokens.length <= 104
),或是在范围[-200, 200]
- 平常使用的算式则是一种中缀表达式,如
( 1 + 2 ) * ( 3 + 4 )
。 - 该算式的逆波兰表达式写法为
( ( 1 2 + ) ( 3 4 + ) * )
- 去掉括号后表达式无歧义,上式即便写成
1 2 + 3 4 + *
也可以依据次序计算出正确结果。 - 适合用栈操作运算:遇到数字则入栈;遇到算符则取出栈顶两个数字进行计算,并将结果压入栈中
using namespace std;class Solution {public:int evalRPN(vector<string>& tokens) {stack<int> st;for(string token : tokens) {if(token == "+" || token == "-" || token == "*" || token == "/") {int num2 = st.top();st.pop();int num1 = st.top();st.pop();if(token == "+") {st.push(num1 + num2);} else if(token == "-") {st.push(num1 - num2);} else if(token == "*") {st.push(num1 * num2);} else if(token == "/") {st.push(num1 / num2);}} else {st.push(stoi(token));}}return st.top();}
}; int main() {vector<string> tokens;string s;while(cin >> s) {tokens.push_back(s);if(cin.get() == '\n') {break;}}Solution solution;cout << solution.evalRPN(tokens) << endl;return 0;