【影片欣赏】【指环王】【魔戒:国王归来 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King】


【影片欣赏】【指环王】【魔戒:护戒使者 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring】

【影片欣赏】【指环王】【魔戒:双塔奇谋 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers】

2004年发行,Special Extended DVD Edition


Part One

1. The Finding of the Ring
2. Journey to the Cross-roads
3. The Road to Isengard
4. The Voice of Saruman
5. Return to Edoras
6. Gollum’s Villainy
7. Eowyn’s Dream
8. The Palantir
9. Arwen’s Vision
10. The Reforging of Narsil
11. Minas Tirith
12. The Decline of Gondor
13. Cross-roads of the Fallen King
14. “The Deep Breath Before the Plunge”
15. Minas Morgul
16. Sam’s Warning
17. Pippin’s Task
18. Osgiliath Invaded
19. The Lighting of the Beacons
20. Theoden’s Decision
21. The Fall of Osgiliath
22. The Wizard’s Pupil
23. The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
24. “Courage Is the Best Defense”
25. Peregrin of the Tower Guard
26. Allegiance to Denethor
27. The Parting of Sam and Frodo
28. The Sacrifice of Faramir
29. Marshalling at Dunharrow
30. Anduril - Flame of the West
31. Aragorn Takes the Paths of the Dead
32. “No More Despair”
33. Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain
34. The Muster of Rohan
35. The Paths of the Dead
36. The Siege of Gondor

Part Two

37. The Corsairs of Umbar
38. Shelob’s Lair
39. Merry’s Simple Courage
40. Grond - The Hammer of the Underworld
41. The Tomb of the Stewards
42. Breaking the Gate of Gondor
43. The Choices of Master Samwise
44. Denethor’s Madness
45. The Witch King’s Hour
46. The Ride of the Rohirrim
47. The Pyre of Denethor
48. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
49. “A Far Green Country”
50. The Nazgul and His Prey
51. The Black Ships
52. Shieldmaiden of Rohan
53. Victory at Minas Tirith
54. The Passing of Theoden
55. Oaths Fulfilled
56. The Houses of Healing
57. Pippin Looks After Merry
58. The Tower of Cirith Ungol
59. The Last Debate
60. Aragorn Masters the Palantir
61. The Captain and the White Lady
62. In the Company of Orcs
63. The Land of Shadow
64. The Mouth of Sauron
65. The Black Gate Opens
66. “I Can’t Carry It for You…but I Can Carry You.”
67. The Last Move
68. Mount Doom
69. “The Eagles Are Coming!”
70. The Crack of Doom
71. Sauron Defeated
72. The End of All Things
73. The Fellowship Reunited
74. The Return of the King
75. Homeward Bound
76. The Grey Havens






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