
news/2025/2/24 13:03:45/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/testing-/p/18299756


Sysbench是一款多用途基准测试工具,可对CPU、内存、I/O甚至数据库性能进行测试。它是一个基本的命令行工具,提供了直接、简便的系统测试方法。github地址:https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench 。


  • CPU: 衡量CPU执行计算密集型任务的能力。
  • 内存: 衡量内存子系统的性能。
  • 磁盘I/O: 衡量磁盘读写速度。
  • 数据库: 衡量数据库的性能,包括 OLTP(联机事务处理)和TPC-C基准测试。
  • 其他: Sysbench还支持其他类型的测试,例如线程性能和网络延迟。


  • 开源: Sysbench 是一个开源软件,可以免费使用和修改。
  • 跨平台: Sysbench 支持多种操作系统,包括 Linux、Windows、macOS 和 Solaris。
  • 多线程: Sysbench 支持多线程测试,可以充分利用多核 CPU 的性能。
  • 模块化: Sysbench 的架构是模块化的,可以扩展支持新的测试类型和功能。
  • 易用性: Sysbench 提供命令行界面和 Lua 脚本支持,易于使用和配置。

Sysbench 常用于以下场景:

  • 性能测试: 评估系统的性能瓶颈并进行优化。
  • 数据库性能测试: 衡量数据库的性能并与其他数据库进行比较。
  • 硬件评估: 评估新硬件的性能。
  • 容量规划: 规划系统的容量以满足未来的需求。




# Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt install sysbench# Fedora
# dnf install sysbench# CentOS
# yum install sysbench# OpenSUSE
# zypper in sysbench


$ sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Initializing random number generator from current timePrime numbers limit: 2000Initializing worker threads...Threads started!CPU speed:events per second: 22757.61General statistics:total time:                          10.0001stotal number of events:              227609Latency (ms):min:                                    0.04avg:                                    0.04max:                                    0.1295th percentile:                        0.04sum:                                 9968.18Threads fairness:events (avg/stddev):           227609.0000/0.00execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9682/0.00

虽然会生成包含大量统计数据的报告,但 CPU 基准测试的主要内容是"General statistics"下的"total time"。

  • 其他命令:
$ sysbench cpu run
$ sysbench cpu --threads=40 run # 默认为单线程
#在检查 CPU 在重负载下的性能时,可使用命令将 CPU 的最大质数限制从 "10000 "扩展到 "15000":
$ sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=15000 run 
# 帮助
$ sysbench cpu help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)cpu options:--cpu-max-prime=N upper limit for primes generator [10000]


$ sysbench memory --threads=2 run
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 2
Initializing random number generator from current timeRunning memory speed test with the following options:block size: 1KiBtotal size: 102400MiBoperation: writescope: globalInitializing worker threads...Threads started!Total operations: 28555430 (2855143.49 per second)27886.16 MiB transferred (2788.23 MiB/sec)General statistics:total time:                          10.0001stotal number of events:              28555430Latency (ms):min:                                    0.00avg:                                    0.00max:                                    0.0395th percentile:                        0.00sum:                                12842.67Threads fairness:events (avg/stddev):           14277715.0000/1030637.00execution time (avg/stddev):   6.4213/0.10

这里有两点需要考虑:"Total operations"和"transferred"。

  • 其他命令:
$ sysbench memory run
$ sysbench memory --memory-oper=write run # 默认为读
# 要测试特定条件下的内存,例如将内存块大小从默认的 "1KiB "提高到 "1M",同时保持总内存容量为 "8GB"
$ sysbench --test=memory --memory-block-size=1M --memory-total-size=8G run


  • 软件测试精品书籍文档下载持续更新 https://github.com/china-testing/python-testing-examples 请点赞,谢谢!
  • 本文涉及的python测试开发库 谢谢点赞! https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce
  • python精品书籍下载 https://github.com/china-testing/python_cn_resouce/blob/main/python_good_books.md
  • Linux精品书籍下载 https://www.cnblogs.com/testing-/p/17438558.html
  • https://linuxtechlab.com/benchmark-linux-systems-install-sysbench-tool/
  • https://webhostinggeeks.com/howto/how-to-setup-sysbench-for-cpu-and-memory-benchmarking-on-a-linux-machine/
  • https://vegastack.com/tutorials/how-to-use-sysbench-for-linux-performance-testing/



$ sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=100G prepare
WARNING: the --test option is deprecated. You can pass a script name or path on the command line without any options.
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)128 files, 819200Kb each, 102400Mb total
Creating files for the test...
Extra file open flags: (none)
Extending existing file test_file.0
Extending existing file test_file.127
53687091200 bytes written in 94.39 seconds (542.44 MiB/sec).


$ sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=100G --file-test-mode=rndrw --max-time=300 --max-requests=0 run
WARNING: the --test option is deprecated. You can pass a script name or path on the command line without any options.
WARNING: --max-time is deprecated, use --time instead
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Initializing random number generator from current timeExtra file open flags: (none)
128 files, 800MiB each
100GiB total file size
Block size 16KiB
Number of IO requests: 0
Read/Write ratio for combined random IO test: 1.50
Periodic FSYNC enabled, calling fsync() each 100 requests.
Calling fsync() at the end of test, Enabled.
Using synchronous I/O mode
Doing random r/w test
Initializing worker threads...Threads started!File operations:reads/s:                      1101.01writes/s:                     734.01fsyncs/s:                     2348.98Throughput:read, MiB/s:                  17.20written, MiB/s:               11.47General statistics:total time:                          300.0508stotal number of events:              1255287Latency (ms):min:                                    0.00avg:                                    0.24max:                                 2154.6095th percentile:                        0.46sum:                               299665.82Threads fairness:events (avg/stddev):           1255287.0000/0.00execution time (avg/stddev):   299.6658/0.00


$ sysbench --test=fileio --file-total-size=100G cleanup
WARNING: the --test option is deprecated. You can pass a script name or path on the command line without any options.
sysbench 1.0.20 (using system LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3)Removing test files...


要对mysql进行基准测试,我们首先要在名为"test"的数据库中创建一个有50000 的表,使用以下命令

$ sysbench --test=oltp –oltp-table-size=50000 --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=passwd prepare

操作完成后,执行以下命令启动 Mysql Bechmarking:

$ sysbench --test=oltp --oltp-table-size=500000 --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=yourrootsqlpassword --max-time=60 --oltp-read-only=on --max-requests=0 --num-threads=8 run
No DB drivers specified, using mysqlRunning the test with following options:Number of threads: 8Doing OLTP test.Running mixed OLTP testDoing read-only testUsing Special distribution (12 iterations, 1 pct of values are returned in 75 pct cases)Using "BEGIN" for starting transactionsUsing auto_inc on the id columnThreads started!Time limit exceeded, exiting...(last message repeated 7 times)Done.OLTP test statistics:queries performed:read: 2253860write: 0other: 321980total: 2575840transactions: 160990 (2683.06 per sec.)deadlocks: 0 (0.00 per sec.)read/write requests: 2253860 (37562.81 per sec.)other operations: 321980 (5366.12 per sec.)Test execution summary:total time: 60.0024stotal number of events: 160990total time taken by event execution: 479.3419per-request statistics:min: 0.81msavg: 2.98msmax: 3283.40msapprox. 95 percentile: 4.62msThreads fairness:events (avg/stddev): 20123.7500/63.52execution time (avg/stddev): 59.9177/0.00Main parameter to check here is 'transactions per second'transactions: 160990 (2683.06 per sec.)


$ sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-db=test --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=yourrootsqlpassword cleanup








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