Tesla 开发者 API 指南:BLE 密钥 – 身份验证和车辆命令

news/2025/2/23 14:10:58/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/densen2014/p/18377322

注意:本工具只能运行于 mac 或者 linux, win下不支持。

1. 克隆项目到本地


2. 项目根目录下执行命令

go get ./...
go build ./...
go install ./...
cd cmd
cd tesla-control 
go build 

3. 生成密钥


openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout > private.pem


openssl ec -in private.pem -pubout > public.pem

3. 添加汽车公钥

./tesla-control -vin {youvin} -ble add-key-request public.pem owner cloud_key

向 {youvin} 发送添加密钥请求。通过在中央控制台上轻触 NFC 卡进行确认。

当 NFC 卡在特斯拉汽车的中央控制台上触碰时,汽车显示控制台上会出现一条消息。



./tesla-control -vin {youvin} -ble -debug list-keys 

4. 解锁/上锁

./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem unlock
./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem lock

6. 后备箱:开,关,开关切换

./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem trunk-open
./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem trunk-close
./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem trunk-move

7. 前备箱开

./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem frunk-open

8. 闪灯

./tesla-control -ble -vin {youvin} -key-name private.pem -key-file private.pem flash-lights

9. 命令帮助

./tesla-control -h

Usage: ./tesla-control [OPTION...] COMMAND [ARG...]Run ./tesla-control help COMMAND for more information. Valid COMMANDs are listed below.* Commands sent to a vehicle over the internet require a VIN and a token.* Commands sent to a vehicle over BLE require a VIN.* Account-management commands require a token.Available OPTIONs:-bleForce BLE connection even if OAuth environment variables are defined-command-timeout durationSet timeout for commands sent to the vehicle. (default 5s)-connect-timeout durationSet timeout for establishing initial connection. (default 20s)-debugEnable verbose debugging messages-domain valueDomains to connect to (can be repeated; omit for all)-key-file fileA file containing private key. Defaults to $TESLA_KEY_FILE.-key-name nameSystem keyring name for private key. Defaults to $TESLA_KEY_NAME.-keyring-debugEnable keyring debug logging-keyring-file-dir directorykeyring directory for file-backed keyring types (default "~/.tesla_keys")-keyring-type typeKeyring type (file|keychain|pass). Defaults to $TESLA_KEYRING_TYPE.-session-cache fileLoad session info cache from file. Defaults to $TESLA_CACHE_FILE.-token-file FileFile containing OAuth token. Defaults to $TESLA_TOKEN_FILE.-token-name nameSystem keyring name for OAuth token. Defaults to $TESLA_TOKEN_NAME.-vin stringVehicle Identification Number. Defaults to $TESLA_VIN.Available COMMANDs:add-key                  Add PUBLIC_KEY to vehicle whitelist with ROLE and FORM_FACTORadd-key-request          Request NFC-card approval for a enrolling PUBLIC_KEY with ROLE and FORM_FACTORauto-seat-and-climate    Turn on automatic seat heating and HVACautosecure-modelx        Close falcon-wing doors and lock vehicle. Model X only.body-controller-state    Fetch limited vehicle state information. Works over BLE when infotainment is asleep.charge-port-close        Close charge portcharge-port-open         Open charge portcharging-schedule        Schedule charging to MINS minutes after midnight and enable daily schedulingcharging-schedule-cancel Cancel scheduled charge startcharging-set-amps        Set charge current to AMPScharging-set-limit       Set charge limit to PERCENTcharging-start           Start chargingcharging-stop            Stop chargingclimate-off              Turn off climate controlclimate-on               Turn on climate controlclimate-set-temp         Set temperature (Celsius)drive                    Remote start vehicleerase-guest-data         Erase Guest Mode user dataflash-lights             Flash lightsfrunk-open               Open vehicle frunk. Note that there's no frunk-close command!get                      GET an owner API http ENDPOINT. Hostname will be taken from -config.honk                     Honk hornlist-keys                List public keys enrolled on vehiclelock                     Lock vehiclemedia-set-volume         Set volumemedia-toggle-playback    Toggle between play/pauseping                     Ping vehiclepost                     POST to ENDPOINT the contents of FILE. Hostname will be taken from -config.product-info             Print JSON product inforemove-key               Remove PUBLIC_KEY from vehicle whitelistrename-key               Change the human-readable metadata of PUBLIC_KEY to NAME, MODEL, KINDseat-heater              Set seat heater at POSITION to LEVELsentry-mode              Set sentry mode to STATE ('on' or 'off')session-info             Retrieve session info for PUBLIC_KEY from DOMAINsoftware-update-cancel   Cancel a pending software updatesoftware-update-start    Start software update after DELAYsteering-wheel-heater    Set steering wheel mode to STATE ('on' or 'off')tonneau-close            Close Cybertruck tonneau.tonneau-open             Open Cybertruck tonneau.tonneau-stop             Stop moving Cybertruck tonneau.trunk-close              Closes vehicle trunk. Only available on certain vehicle types.trunk-move               Toggle trunk open/closed. Closing is only available on certain vehicle types.trunk-open               Open vehicle trunk. Note that trunk-close only works on certain vehicle types.unlock                   Unlock vehiclewake                     Wake up vehiclewindows-close            Close all windowswindows-vent             Vent all windows









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