最心有余而力不足的一集,做完 vm 颈椎病犯了,第二天根本打。最后,加上学弟学妹打的,最后剩一个 Android 逆向没 AK,要是没有颈椎病这一说肯定 AK 了。感觉快退役了...
编译一个 qemu-6.2.0 mips-linux-user
bindiff 一下恢复符号,怀疑修改了 ELF loader 或者 syscall,最后发现是后者改了 do_syscall1 函数 read 和 write 系统调用实现。交叉引用找到加密算法
// Created by gaoyucan on 2024/11/2.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>uint8_t *decrypt_func(const uint8_t *buf) {uint8_t sbox[256] = {0};unsigned char key_arr[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF};for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {sbox[i] = i;}const char *key = "6105t3";int v5 = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {uint8_t a = sbox[i];uint8_t b = key[i % 6];v5 += a + b;sbox[i] = sbox[v5 & 0xff];sbox[v5 & 0xff] = a;}uint8_t *ret = malloc(256);memset(ret, 0, 256);int v7 = 0;int v8 = 0;for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {v7 += 1;uint8_t a = sbox[v7 & 0xff];v8 += a;sbox[v7 & 0xff] = sbox[v8 & 0xff];sbox[v8 & 0xff] = a;uint8_t t = sbox[0xff & (sbox[v7 & 0xff] + a)] ^ key_arr[i & 0x3] ^ buf[i];t = ((t << 5 | t >> 3) & 0xff) ^ 0xde;t = ((t << 4 | t >> 4) & 0xff) ^ 0xad;t = ((t << 3 | t >> 5) & 0xff) ^ 0xbe;t ^= (0x3b | 0xc0);t = ((t << 2 | t >> 6) & 0xff);t = ((t << 1 | t >> 7) & 0xff);ret[i] = t;}return ret;
}int swap(uint8_t *buf, int a, int b) {uint8_t tmp = buf[a];buf[a] = buf[b];buf[b] = tmp;return 0;
}int main() {uint8_t dest_value[24] = {0x000000C4, 0x000000EE, 0x0000003C, 0x000000BB, 0x000000E7, 0x000000FD, 0x00000067, 0x0000001D,0x000000F8, 0x00000097, 0x00000068, 0x0000009D, 0x0000000B, 0x0000007F, 0x000000C7, 0x00000080,0x000000DF, 0x000000F9, 0x0000004B, 0x000000A0, 0x00000046, 0x00000091, 0x00000000, 0x00000000};swap(dest_value, 7, 11);swap(dest_value, 12, 16);for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {dest_value[i] ^= 0xa;}uint8_t *ret = decrypt_func(dest_value);printf("%s\n", ret);for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {printf("%02X ", ret[i]);}return 0;
虚拟机 + 白盒 AES
虚拟机是个栈虚拟机,指令看起来就是从 x64 汇编翻译过来的,下面是反编译脚本,前面手开头的要手动处理一下,也没几个 replace 替换一下即可
import math
from capstone import *
from capstone.x86_const import *
from vm_const import *
import ctypesclass Operand(object):def __init__(self, size):self.size = sizeclass Imm(Operand):def __init__(self, val, size):super().__init__(size)self.val = valdef __str__(self):return hex(self.val)properties_map = {0x00000010: ["rax", "eax", "ax", "al"],0x00000018: ["rcx", "ecx", "cx", "cl"],0x00000020: ["rdx", "edx", "dx", "dl"],0x00000028: ["rbx", "ebx", "bx", "bl"],0x00000030: ["rsp", "esp", "sp", "spl"],0x00000038: ["rbp", "ebp", "bp", "bpl"],0x00000040: ["rsi", "esi", "si", "sil"],0x00000048: ["rdi", "edi", "di", "dil"],0x00000050: ["r8", "r8d", "r8w", "r8b"],0x00000058: ["r9", "r9d", "r9w", "r9b"],0x00000060: ["r10", "r10d", "r10w", "r10b"],0x00000068: ["r11", "r11d", "r11w", "r11b"],0x00000070: ["r12", "r12d", "r12w", "r12b"],0x00000078: ["r13", "r13d", "r13w", "r13b"],0x00000080: ["r14", "r14d", "r14w", "r14b"],0x00000088: ["r15", "r15d", "r15w", "r15b"]
}size_map = {1: "byte",2: "word",4: "dword",8: "qword"
}class RegPtr(Operand):def __init__(self, name_arr, size=8):super().__init__(size)self.name_arr = name_arrclass Reg(Operand):def __init__(self, reg_ptr: RegPtr, size):super().__init__(size)self.name = reg_ptr.name_arr[3 - int(math.log2(size))]def __str__(self):return self.nameclass VMPtr(Operand):def __init__(self):super().__init__(8)def get_property(self, offset):return RegPtr(properties_map[offset])class SExp(Operand):def __init__(self, op, operand1, size):super().__init__(size)self.op = opself.operand1 = operand1def __str__(self):return f'{self.op}({self.operand1})'class BExp(Operand):def __init__(self, op, operand1, operand2, size):super().__init__(size)self.op = opself.operand1 = operand1self.operand2 = operand2def __str__(self):return f'({self.operand2}) {self.op} ({self.operand1})'class LoadExp(Operand):def __init__(self, exp: BExp | Reg, size):super().__init__(size)if isinstance(exp, Reg):self.complex = 0self.base = expreturnassert exp.op == 'add' and isinstance(exp.operand1, Imm);self.disp = exp.operand1.valif isinstance(exp.operand2, BExp):self.complex = 2exp_inner = exp.operand2assert exp_inner.op == 'add' and isinstance(exp_inner.operand2, Reg);self.base = exp_inner.operand2exp_offset = exp_inner.operand1assert isinstance(exp_offset, BExp) and exp_offset.op == 'imul';self.offset = exp_offset.operand2self.scale = exp_offset.operand1else:self.complex = 1self.base = exp.operand2def __str__(self):if self.complex == 2:return f'{size_map[self.size]} ptr [{self.base} + {self.offset} * {self.scale} + 0x{self.disp:x}]'elif self.complex == 1:return f'{size_map[self.size]} ptr [{self.base} + 0x{self.disp:x}]'else:return f'{size_map[self.size]} ptr [{self.base}]'class VM(object):def __init__(self, buffer: bytes):self.buffer = bufferself.cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)self.stack = []self.name_idx = 0def next_temp_name(self):name = f't_{self.name_idx}'self.name_idx += 1return namedef disassemble(self, offset):"""注意:push 和 pop 至少是 2bytes, 所有 u8 都必须复用 u16 的代码:param offset::return:"""opcode = self.buffer[offset]opcode_b = self.buffer[offset + 1]# 校验 opcode 和 opcode_bassert opcode <= 29 and opcode_b <= 8opcode_size = 2is_end = Falsematch opcode:case 0:# pushoperand = int.from_bytes(self.buffer[offset + 2:offset + 2 + opcode_b], "little")# print(f'{offset:08x}: push_u{opcode_b * 8} {operand:08x}')self.stack.append(Imm(operand, opcode_b))opcode_size += opcode_bcase 1:# load => push(*pop())A = self.stack.pop()if isinstance(A, RegPtr):self.stack.append(Reg(A, opcode_b))else:assert isinstance(A, BExp) or isinstance(A, Reg)self.stack.append(LoadExp(A, opcode_b))case 2:# load_u128raise "not impl"case 3 | 5 | 6: # 看起来 3 和 5 完全一样# store => A = pop(); *A = pop()A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()if isinstance(A, RegPtr):A = Reg(A, opcode_b)if isinstance(B, BExp):if not isinstance(B.operand2, Reg):print(f'{offset:08x}: 手 {A} = {B}')elif A.name == B.operand2.name:print(f'{offset:08x}: {B.op} {A}, {B.operand1}')else:print(f'{offset:08x}: 手 {A} = {B}')else:print(f'{offset:08x}: mov {A}, {B}')else:assert isinstance(A, BExp) or isinstance(A, Reg)A = LoadExp(A, opcode_b)print(f'{offset:08x}: mov {A}, {B}')case 4:# store_u128raise "not impl"case 7:# addA = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('add', A, B, opcode_b))case 8:# subA = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('sub', A, B, opcode_b))case 9:raise "not impl"case 10:raise "not impl"case 11:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()if isinstance(A, Imm) and A.val == 2:self.stack.append(BExp('shr', Imm(1, 8), B, opcode_b))else:raise "not impl"case 12:raise "not impl"case 13:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('imul', A, B, opcode_b))case 14:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('and', A, B, opcode_b))case 15:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('or', A, B, opcode_b))case 16:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('xor', A, B, opcode_b))case 17:A = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(SExp('not', A, opcode_b))case 18:A = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()assert len(self.stack) == 0print(f'{offset:08x}: cmp {B}, {A}')case 19 | 20:assert opcode_b == 2raise "not impl"case 21:cond = self.buffer[offset + 2]if cond == 0:cond = 'mp'if cond == 5:cond = 'ge'operand = int.from_bytes(self.buffer[offset + 3:offset + 3 + 8], "little")operand = ctypes.c_int64(operand).valueprint(f'{offset:08x}: j{cond} label_{offset - operand:08x}')opcode_size += 8 + 1case 22:# push_vm VM_ptrself.stack.append(VMPtr())case 23:# addA = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()if isinstance(B, VMPtr) and isinstance(A, Imm):self.stack.append(B.get_property(A.val))else:self.stack.append(BExp('add', A, B, opcode_b))case 24:# mulA = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('imul', A, B, opcode_b))case 25:# subA = self.stack.pop()B = self.stack.pop()self.stack.append(BExp('sub', A, B, opcode_b))case 26:# do nothingoperand = int.from_bytes(self.buffer[offset + 2:offset + 2 + opcode_b], "little")opcode_size += opcode_bcase 27:operand1 = self.buffer[offset + 2]shellcode = self.buffer[offset + 3: offset + 3 + operand1]shellcode = '\r\n' + '\r\n'.join(str(ins) for ins in self.cs.disasm(shellcode, 0))print(f'{offset:08x}: run_shellcode {shellcode}')opcode_size = operand1 + 3case 28:print(f'{offset:08x}: return')is_end = Truecase _:print(f'{offset:08x}: unk_opcode {opcode}')is_end = Truereturn opcode_size, is_endvm = VM(bytes.fromhex(code))off = 0while True:size_of_op, is_end = vm.disassemble(off)if is_end:breakoff += size_of_op
反编译完 jmp 指令的目标地址对不上了,要修一下:
import rea = re.compile('jmp label_([a-f0-9]+)')
b = re.compile('jge label_([a-f0-9]+)')with open('./x86.txt', 'rb') as f:content = f.read().decode('utf8')label_arr = a.findall(content)
label_arr += b.findall(content)label_arr = [int(_, 16) for _ in label_arr]
label_arr.sort()idx = 0
lines = content.split('\r\n')
c = re.compile('([a-f0-9]+): (.+)')
with open('./x86_fix.txt', 'wb') as f:for line in lines:m = c.match(line)if m is None:f.write(b'\t' + line.encode() + b'\r\n')continueif idx < len(label_arr):addr = int(m.group(1), 16)if addr >= label_arr[idx]:f.write(f'label_{label_arr[idx]:08x}:'.encode() + b'\r\n')idx += 1f.write(b'\t' + m.group(2).encode() + b'\r\n')
修复完之后,手动调整一下格式,nasm 编译一下(要去掉 ptr,写反编译的时候按 masm 写的,但是发现 masm 一堆逼事,转而使用 nasm),编译成功之后得到源码般的享受,发现是白盒AES
dump 出来常量表
from idaapi import *
def get_TyiBoxes(base_addr):with open(f'TyiBoxes_{base_addr:x}', 'wb') as f:size = 256 * 4 * 16 * 9content = get_bytes(base_addr, size)f.write(content)def get_TBoxs(base_addr):with open(f'TBoxs_{base_addr:x}', 'wb') as f:size = 256 * 16 * 10content = get_bytes(base_addr, size)f.write(content)def get_mixBijOut(base_addr):with open(f'mixBijOut_{base_addr:x}', 'wb') as f:size = 256 * 4 * 16 * 10content = get_bytes(base_addr, size)f.write(content)get_TyiBoxes(0x140013000)
get_TBoxs(0x140011000 - 9 * 16 * 256)
DFA 攻击
// Created by gaoyucan on 2024/11/2.
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>#define ROTL8(x, shift) ((u8) ((x) << (shift)) | ((x) >> (8 - (shift))))typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned int u32;
u8 DFA = 0;u8 xorTable[9][96][16][16];
u32 TyiBoxes[9][16][256];
unsigned char TBoxes[10][16][256];
unsigned int mixBijOut[10][16][256];void GetxorTable() {for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < 96; j++) {for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { //2的4次方=16for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {xorTable[i][j][x][y] = x ^ y;}}}}
}void shiftRows(u8 state[16]) {u8 out[16];int shiftTab[16] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 4, 9, 14, 3, 8, 13, 2, 7, 12, 1, 6, 11};for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {out[i] = state[shiftTab[i]];}memcpy(state, out, sizeof(out));
}void AES_128_encrypt(unsigned char ciphertext[16], unsigned char plaintext[16]) {u8 input[16] = {0};u8 output[16] = {0};memcpy(input, plaintext, 16);u32 a, b, c, d, aa, bb, cc, dd;for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {// DFA Attackif (DFA && i == 8) {input[rand() % 16] = rand() % 256;}shiftRows(input);for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {a = TyiBoxes[i][4 * j + 0][input[4 * j + 0]];b = TyiBoxes[i][4 * j + 1][input[4 * j + 1]];c = TyiBoxes[i][4 * j + 2][input[4 * j + 2]];d = TyiBoxes[i][4 * j + 3][input[4 * j + 3]];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 0][(a >> 28) & 0xf][(b >> 28) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 1][(c >> 28) & 0xf][(d >> 28) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 2][(a >> 24) & 0xf][(b >> 24) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 3][(c >> 24) & 0xf][(d >> 24) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 0] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 4][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 5][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 6][(a >> 20) & 0xf][(b >> 20) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 7][(c >> 20) & 0xf][(d >> 20) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 8][(a >> 16) & 0xf][(b >> 16) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 9][(c >> 16) & 0xf][(d >> 16) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 1] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 10][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 11][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 12][(a >> 12) & 0xf][(b >> 12) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 13][(c >> 12) & 0xf][(d >> 12) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 14][(a >> 8) & 0xf][(b >> 8) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 15][(c >> 8) & 0xf][(d >> 8) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 2] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 16][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 17][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 18][(a >> 4) & 0xf][(b >> 4) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 19][(c >> 4) & 0xf][(d >> 4) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 20][(a >> 0) & 0xf][(b >> 0) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 21][(c >> 0) & 0xf][(d >> 0) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 3] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 22][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 23][cc][dd];a = mixBijOut[i][4 * j + 0][input[4 * j + 0]];b = mixBijOut[i][4 * j + 1][input[4 * j + 1]];c = mixBijOut[i][4 * j + 2][input[4 * j + 2]];d = mixBijOut[i][4 * j + 3][input[4 * j + 3]];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 0][(a >> 28) & 0xf][(b >> 28) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 1][(c >> 28) & 0xf][(d >> 28) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 2][(a >> 24) & 0xf][(b >> 24) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 3][(c >> 24) & 0xf][(d >> 24) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 0] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 4][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 5][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 6][(a >> 20) & 0xf][(b >> 20) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 7][(c >> 20) & 0xf][(d >> 20) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 8][(a >> 16) & 0xf][(b >> 16) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 9][(c >> 16) & 0xf][(d >> 16) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 1] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 10][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 11][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 12][(a >> 12) & 0xf][(b >> 12) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 13][(c >> 12) & 0xf][(d >> 12) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 14][(a >> 8) & 0xf][(b >> 8) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 15][(c >> 8) & 0xf][(d >> 8) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 2] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 16][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 17][cc][dd];aa = xorTable[i][24 * j + 18][(a >> 4) & 0xf][(b >> 4) & 0xf];bb = xorTable[i][24 * j + 19][(c >> 4) & 0xf][(d >> 4) & 0xf];cc = xorTable[i][24 * j + 20][(a >> 0) & 0xf][(b >> 0) & 0xf];dd = xorTable[i][24 * j + 21][(c >> 0) & 0xf][(d >> 0) & 0xf];input[4 * j + 3] = (xorTable[i][24 * j + 22][aa][bb] << 4) | xorTable[i][24 * j + 23][cc][dd];}}shiftRows(input);for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {input[j] = TBoxes[9][j][input[j]];}for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)output[i] = input[i];memcpy(ciphertext, output, 16);}void readBoxes() {const char *PATH1 = "C:\\Users\\gaoyucan\\Desktop\\temp\\qwb\\ez_vm_a1774a181b73b74e6428c2c80ecf6b63\\TyiBoxes_140013000";FILE *fp = fopen(PATH1, "rb");fread(TyiBoxes, sizeof(TyiBoxes), 1, fp);fclose(fp);const char *PATH2 = "C:\\Users\\gaoyucan\\Desktop\\temp\\qwb\\ez_vm_a1774a181b73b74e6428c2c80ecf6b63\\TBoxs_140008000";fp = fopen(PATH2, "rb");fread(TBoxes, sizeof(TBoxes), 1, fp);fclose(fp);const char *PATH3 = "C:\\Users\\gaoyucan\\Desktop\\temp\\qwb\\ez_vm_a1774a181b73b74e6428c2c80ecf6b63\\mixBijOut_140037000";fp = fopen(PATH3, "rb");fread(mixBijOut, sizeof(mixBijOut), 1, fp);fclose(fp);
}int main() {srand(time(0));GetxorTable();readBoxes();for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {DFA = i != 0;char flag[16] = {0};memset(flag, 0x11, 16);unsigned char ciphertext[16] = {0};AES_128_encrypt(ciphertext, flag);for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {printf("%02X", ciphertext[i]);}puts("");}return 0;
phoenixAES 恢复出来最后一轮密钥
import phoenixAESdata = """0A4A2B9BF7BF167B758998590B7B415F
"""with open('crackfile', 'w') as fp:fp.write(data)
phoenixAES.crack_file('crackfile', [], True, False, verbose=2)
Stark 恢复密钥
Cyberchef 解一下
VM 很简单解出来 5 个方程,使用 SageMath 求解一下
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytesx1 = 862152290
x2 = 53932501 + 0x5E2F4391
x3 = 962670904
x4 = 859320929
x5 = 50524140 + 0x5E2F4391
print(long_to_bytes(x1) + long_to_bytes(x2) + long_to_bytes(x3) + long_to_bytes(x4) + long_to_bytes(x5))# 2*x1*x1 + 13*x2 + 17*x1
# 5*x3*x3 + 88*x3 + 4294967291*x1*x3
# 5*x3*x3 + 232*x4 -4*x3*x4
# 8*x5 + 16*x5*x5 -0x23*x4*x4